source: trunk/Modules/Translation/Form.php

Last change on this file was 900, checked in by chronos, 5 weeks ago
  • Fixed: More form input fields validation.
  • Modified: Code cleanup.
File size: 14.2 KB
3class PageTranslationForm extends Page
5 var $GroupId;
6 var $ID;
8 function Show(): string
9 {
10 $this->Title = T('Translation');
11 $Action = '';
12 if (array_key_exists('action', $_GET)) $Action = $_GET['action'];
14 if ($Action == 'delete') $Output = $this->Delete();
15 else $Output = $this->ShowForm();
16 return $Output;
17 }
19 function ShowForm(): string
20 {
21 $User = ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User;
22 $TranslationTree = $this->System->ModuleManager->Modules['Translation']->GetTranslationTree();
24 $Output = '';
26 $GroupId = LoadGroupIdParameter();
27 $this->GroupId = $GroupId;
28 $Table = $TranslationTree[$GroupId]['TablePrefix'];
29 if (array_key_exists('action', $_GET)) $Action = $_GET['action'];
30 else $Action = '';
32 if (array_key_exists('ID', $_GET))
33 {
34 $TextID = $_GET['ID'] * 1;
35 $this->ID = $TextID;
37 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `'.$Table.'` WHERE `ID` = '.$TextID);
38 $Line = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
39 if (!$Line)
40 {
41 $Output .= ShowMessage('Překlad nenalezen.', MESSAGE_CRITICAL);
42 } else
43 {
44 if (Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['OriginalLanguage'] == $Line['Language']){
45 $LineAJ = $Line;
47 if ($User->Language <> '') $Language = '`Language` = '.$User->Language;
48 else $Language = '`Language` != '.Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['OriginalLanguage'];
49 $Columns = '';
50 foreach ($TranslationTree[$GroupId]['Items'] as $Index => $TextItem)
51 $Columns .= ' `Orig`.`'.$TextItem['Column'].'` as `Orig_'.$TextItem['Column'].'`, `Tran`.`'.$TextItem['Column'].'` as `'.$TextItem['Column'].'`,';
53 $sql = 'SELECT '.$Columns.' Tran.`Entry` FROM `'.$Table.'` as Tran';
54 $join = ' JOIN `'.$Table.'` as `Orig` ON `Orig`.`Language` = 0 AND `Tran`.`Entry` = `Orig`.`Entry` AND `Tran`.`VersionEnd` = `Orig`.`VersionEnd` ';
55 $where = ' WHERE '.'( `Tran`.'.$Language.' ) AND '.'(`Tran`.`Entry` = '.$Line['Entry'].') ORDER BY `Tran`.`ModifyTime` DESC';
56 $DbResult = $this->Database->query($sql.$join.$where);
57 while ($LineSearch = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
58 {
59 foreach ($TranslationTree[$GroupId]['Items'] as $Index => $TextItem)
60 {
61 if ($TextItem['Visible'] == 1)
62 {
63 if (($LineAJ[$TextItem['Column']] <> '') and
64 ($LineSearch[$TextItem['Column']] <> '') and
65 ($LineSearch['Orig_'.$TextItem['Column']] <> $LineSearch[$TextItem['Column']]) and
66 ($LineAJ[$TextItem['Column']] == $Line[$TextItem['Column']])
67 )
68 {
69 $Line[$TextItem['Column']] = $LineSearch[$TextItem['Column']];
70 }
71 }
72 }
73 }
74 } else
75 {
76 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `'.$Table.'` WHERE '.
77 '(`Language` = '.Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['OriginalLanguage'].') AND '.
78 '(`Entry` = '.$Line['Entry'].') AND (`VersionEnd` = '.$Line['VersionEnd'].') LIMIT 1');
79 $LineAJ = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
80 }
81 if (!$LineAJ)
82 {
83 $Output .= ShowMessage('Anglický originál k překladu nenalezen.', MESSAGE_CRITICAL);
84 } else
85 {
86 if ($Line['User'] != '')
87 {
88 $IDUser = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `User` WHERE `ID` = '.$Line['User']);
89 $LineUser = $IDUser->fetch_array();
90 } else
91 $LineUser = array('Name' => '');
93 $Output .= T('Group').': <strong>'.$TranslationTree[$GroupId]['Name'].'</strong><br />';
95 if (($Line['Language'] <> 0) and ($LineUser['Name'] <> ''))
96 $Output .= T('Translated by').': <a href="'.$this->System->Link('/user/?user='.$Line['User']).'"><strong>'.$LineUser['Name'].'</strong></a> dne '.HumanDate($Line['ModifyTime']).'<br />';
97 if (($Line['Take'] <> 0) and ($Line['Take'] <> $Line['ID']))
98 {
99 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT `Language`,`VersionStart`,`VersionEnd` FROM `'.$Table.'` WHERE `ID` = '.$Line['Take']);
100 $Language = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
102 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT `Name` FROM `Language` WHERE `Id` ='.$Language['Language']);
103 $Lang = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
105 $Output .= T('Original text').': <strong>'.
106 ' ID <a href="'.$this->System->Link('/form.php?group='.$GroupId.'&amp;ID='.$Line['Take']).'">'.$Line['Take'].'</a></strong>'.
107 ' ('.T($Lang['Name']).')'.
108 ' <br />';
109 }
110 $Output .= 'Text: ';
111 if ($Line['Language'] <> 0)
112 {
113 if ($Line['Complete'] == 1) $Output .= ' <b>'.T('Completed').'</b>';
114 else $Output .= ' <b>'.T('Stored in unfinished').'</b> ';
115 } else $Output .= ' <b>'.T('Original version').'</b> ';
117 $Output .= '<br />'.
118 T('Version').': <b><a href="'.$this->System->Link('/client-version/?action=item&amp;id='.GetVersionWOWId($Line['VersionStart'])).'">'.GetVersionWOW($Line['VersionStart']).
119 '</a> - <a href="'.$this->System->Link('/client-version/?action=item&amp;id='.GetVersionWOWId($Line['VersionEnd'])).'">'.GetVersionWOW($Line['VersionEnd']).'</a></b>'.
120 '<br />';
122 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `'.$Table.'` WHERE '.
123 '(`Entry` = '.$Line['Entry'].')');
124 $Version = $DbResult->fetch_row();
125 $Version = $Version[0];
126 if ($Version > 0)
127 {
128 $Output .= '<form action="comparison.php" method="get"><a href="'.$this->System->Link('/TranslationList.php?group='.
129 $GroupId.'&amp;user=0&amp;state=2&amp;entry='.$Line['Entry'].'&amp;text=').'">'.T('Number of versions').': <strong>'.$Version.'</strong></a>
130 <input type="hidden" name="group" value="'.$GroupId.'" />
131 <input type="hidden" name="entry" value="'.$Line['Entry'].'" />
132 <input type="hidden" name="ID2" value="'.$TextID.'" />';
134 if ($User->Licence(LICENCE_USER)) { // allow to compare only to user
135 $Output .= '<select onchange="this.form.submit();" name="ID1">
136 <option value="-1">'.T('Select text for comparison').'</option>
137 <option value="-1">'.T('Show/compare all').'</option>';
138 $DataID = $this->Database->query('SELECT *, (SELECT `User`.`Name` AS `UserName` FROM `User` WHERE `User`.`ID` = `'.$Table.'`.`User`) AS `UserName` FROM `'.$Table.'` WHERE (`Entry` = '.$Line['Entry'].') AND (`ID` <> '.$Line['ID'].')');
139 while ($Version = $DataID->fetch_array())
140 {
141 if ($Version['ID'] == $Line['Take']) $Output .= '<option value="'.
142 $Version['ID'].'">'.$Version['ID'].' - '.$Version['User'].' ('.T('taken over').')</option>';
143 else
144 {
145 if ($Version['Language'] == 0) $Version['UserName'] = T('Original');
146 $Output .= '<option value="'.$Version['ID'].'">'.$Version['ID'].' - '.
147 $Version['UserName'].' ('.GetVersionWOW($Version['VersionStart']).' - '.
148 GetVersionWOW($Version['VersionEnd']).')</option>';
149 }
150 }
151 $Output .= '</select>';
152 }
153 $Output .= '</form>';
154 } else
155 {
156 $Output .= '<a href="'.$this->System->Link('/TranslationList.php?group='.$GroupId.'&amp;user=0&amp;state=2&amp;entry='.
157 $Line['Entry'].'&amp;text=').'">'.T('Number of versions').': <strong>'.$Version.'</strong></a>';
158 }
160 // Special characters: $B - New line, $N - Name, $C - profession
161 if ($User->Licence(LICENCE_USER))
162 {
163 $Output .= '<form action="'.$this->System->Link('/save.php?group='.$GroupId).'" method="post"><div>';
164 // TODO: Remove fixed group id condition
165 // if (($GroupId < 4) or ($GroupId == 10) or ($GroupId == 11))
166 $Output .= '<a href="'.$this->System->Link('/dictionary/?action=group&amp;group='.
167 $GroupId.'&amp;ID='.$LineAJ['ID']).'" target="_blank" title="Zobrazit přeložené názvy věci, postav, a herních objektů k tomuto překladu">'.T('Search in names').'</a>';
168 $Output .= ' <input type="submit" value="'.T('Store to unfinished').
169 '" name="save" title="Klikněte na uložit pro pozdější dokončení překladu" />'.
170 '<input type="submit" value="'.T('Finished').'" name="End" title="Klikněte na Dokončeno jesli jsou všechny texty hotové a chcete již publikovat" /> ';
171 FollowingTran($TextID, $Table, $GroupId, true);
172 FollowingTran($TextID, $Table, $GroupId);
173 }
175 if ($TranslationTree[$GroupId]['WowheadName'] != '')
176 $WowheadLink = '<a href="'.$TranslationTree[$GroupId]['WowheadName'].
177 '='.$LineAJ['Entry'].'">'.$LineAJ['Entry'].'</a>';
178 else $WowheadLink = $LineAJ['Entry'];
180 $Output .= '<input type="hidden" name="entry" value="'.$LineAJ['Entry'].'" />'.
181 '<input type="hidden" name="user" value="'.$User->Id.'" />'.
182 '<input type="hidden" name="ID" value="'.$TextID.'" />'.
183 '<table class="BaseTable">'.
184 '<tr>'.
185 '<th>'.T('Text number').': '.$WowheadLink.'</th>'.
186 '<th>'.T('Not translated').'</th>'.
187 '<th>'.T('Translated').'</th>'.
188 '</tr>'.
189 '<tr>'.
190 '<th>'.T('Language').'</th>'.
191 '<td>'.T('Original').'</td>'.
192 '<td>';
193 if ($Line['Language'] <> 0) $Language = $Line['Language'];
194 else if ($User->Id != 0)
195 {
196 $Language = $User->Language;
197 } else $Language = 0;
198 if ($User->Licence(LICENCE_USER))
199 {
200 $Output .= WriteLanguages($Language);
201 }
202 else
203 {
204 $DbResult3 = $this->Database->select('Language', '`Id`, `Name`', '(`Enabled` = 1) AND (`Id`='.$Language.')');
205 if ($DbResult3->num_rows > 0)
206 {
207 $Language = $DbResult3->fetch_assoc();
208 $Output .= T($Language['Name']);
209 }
210 }
212 $Output .= '</td></tr>';
214 // TODO: javascript
216 $Output .= '<script src="'.$this->System->Link('/style/jquery.js').'"></script>'.
217 '<script>';
218 $Output .= '$(document).ready(function() {';
219 foreach ($TranslationTree[$GroupId]['Items'] as $Index => $TextItem)
220 {
221 $Output .= '$("#'.$TextItem['Column'].'").load("'.$this->System->Link('/LoadNames.php?ID='.$LineAJ['ID'].'&Column='.$TextItem['Column'].'&GroupId='.$GroupId).'");';
222 }
224 $Output .= '});'.
225 '</script>';
227 foreach ($TranslationTree[$GroupId]['Items'] as $Index => $TextItem)
228 {
229 if ($TextItem['Visible'] == 1)
230 {
231 if (($LineAJ[$TextItem['Column']] <> '') or ($Line[$TextItem['Column']] <> ''))
232 {
233 if (($TextItem['Name'] == 'Text') and (($Table == 'global_strings') or ($Table == 'glue_strings')))
234 $Output .= '<tr><th>'.$LineAJ['ShortCut'].'</th>';
235 else $Output .= '<tr><th>'.T($TextItem['Name']).'</th>';
236 $Output .= '<td id="'.$TextItem['Column'].'">'.str_replace("\n", '<br/>', htmlspecialchars($LineAJ[$TextItem['Column']])).'</td>
237 <td>';
238 if ($User->Licence(LICENCE_USER))
239 $Output .= '<textarea rows="8" cols="40" onkeydown="ResizeTextArea(this)" class="textedit" id="'.$TextItem['Column'].'" name="'.$TextItem['Column'].'">';
240 $Output .= htmlspecialchars($Line[$TextItem['Column']]);
241 if ($User->Licence(LICENCE_USER)) $Output .= '</textarea></td></tr>';
242 }
243 } else
244 {
245 $Output .= '<input id="'.$TextItem['Column'].'" name="'.$TextItem['Column'].'" type="hidden" value="'.htmlspecialchars($Line[$TextItem['Column']]).'" />';
246 }
247 }
249 $Output .= '</table></div>';
250 if ($User->Licence(LICENCE_USER))
251 {
252 $Output .= '</form>';
254 if (isset(Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['Web']['EnableGoogleTranslate']) and
255 Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['Web']['EnableGoogleTranslate'])
256 {
257 $Output .= '<br/><table class="BaseTable">'.
258 '<tr><th>'.T('Google translator').':</th><th>'.T('Not translated').'</th><th>'.T('Translated').'</th>';
259 foreach ($TranslationTree[$GroupId]['Items'] as $Index => $TextItem)
260 {
261 if ($TextItem['Visible'] == 1)
262 {
263 if ($LineAJ[$TextItem['Column']] <> '')
264 {
265 $Output .= '<tr><td>'.$TextItem['Column'].'</td>'.
266 '<td>'.$LineAJ[$TextItem['Column']].'</td>'.
267 '<td>'.GetTranslateGoogle($this->System, $LineAJ[$TextItem['Column']]).'</td></tr>';
268 }
269 }
270 }
271 $Output .= '</table>';
272 }
273 }
274 }
275 }
276 } else $Output = ShowMessage('Nebylo zadáno ID.', MESSAGE_CRITICAL);
277 return $Output;
278 }
280 function Delete()
281 {
282 $User = ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User;
283 $TranslationTree = $this->System->ModuleManager->Modules['Translation']->GetTranslationTree();
285 if ($User->Licence(LICENCE_MODERATOR))
286 {
287 $GroupId = LoadGroupIdParameter();
288 $this->GroupId = $GroupId;
289 $Table = $TranslationTree[$GroupId]['TablePrefix'];
290 $TextID = $_GET['ID'];
291 $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM `'.$Table.'` WHERE `ID` = '.$TextID.' AND `Language` <> '.Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['OriginalLanguage']);
292 $Output = ShowMessage('Překlad byl smazán.');
293 $this->System->ModuleManager->Modules['Log']->WriteLog('Překlad byl smazán! <a href="'.$this->System->Link('/form.php?group='.$this->GroupId.'&amp;ID='.$TextID).'">'.$TextID.'</a>', LOG_TYPE_MODERATOR);
294 } else $Output = ShowMessage(T('Access denied'), MESSAGE_CRITICAL);
295 return $Output;
296 }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.