1 | <?php
2 |
3 | class ModuleServer extends Module
4 | {
5 | function __construct(System $System)
6 | {
7 | parent::__construct($System);
8 | $this->Name = 'Server';
9 | $this->Version = '1.0';
10 | $this->Creator = 'Chronos';
11 | $this->License = 'GNU/GPL';
12 | $this->Description = 'Show list of WoW servers which supports translated texts.';
13 | $this->Dependencies = array();
14 | }
15 |
16 | function DoStart(): void
17 | {
18 | $this->System->RegisterPage(['server'], 'PageServerList');
19 | Core::Cast($this->System)->RegisterMenuItem(array(
20 | 'Title' => T('Servers'),
21 | 'Hint' => 'Seznam serverů, kde je nasazena čeština v praxi',
22 | 'Link' => $this->System->Link('/server/'),
23 | 'Permission' => LICENCE_ANONYMOUS,
24 | 'Icon' => '',
25 | ), 5);
26 | }
27 | }
28 |
29 | class PageServerList extends PageEdit
30 | {
31 | function __construct(System $System)
32 | {
33 | parent::__construct($System);
34 | $this->Table = 'Server';
35 | $this->TableSQL = 'SELECT `Server`.`Id`, `Name`, `URL`, `Parts`, `XPRate`, `GameplayStyle`, `Description`, `CheckIP`, `CheckPort`, '.
36 | '`ClientVersion`.`Version` AS `ClientVersion` FROM `Server` '.
37 | 'LEFT JOIN `ClientVersion` ON `ClientVersion`.`Id` = `Server`.`ClientVersion`';
38 | $this->Definition = array(
39 | 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Title' => T('Name'), 'InList' => true),
40 | 'URL' => array('Type' => 'URL', 'Title' => T('URL'), 'InList' => true),
41 | 'Parts' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Title' => T('Translated'), 'InList' => true),
42 | 'XPRate' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Title' => T('XP rate'), 'InList' => true),
43 | 'GameplayStyle' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Title' => T('Style'), 'InList' => true),
44 | 'ClientVersion' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Title' => T('Client version'), 'InList' => true),
45 | 'Description' => array('Type' => 'Text', 'Title' => T('Description'), 'InList' => false),
46 | 'CheckIP' => array('Type' => 'Text', 'Title' => T('Online check IP'), 'InList' => false),
47 | 'CheckPort' => array('Type' => 'Text', 'Title' => T('Online check port'), 'InList' => false),
48 | );
49 | }
50 |
51 | function ViewList()
52 | {
53 | $this->Title = T('Servers');
54 | $Output = '<p>'.T('There are servers listed which are in fact offering translated game. '.
55 | 'There is resoluted if translation is offered either on client side, on server side or both. '.
56 | 'Term "Czech server" doesn\'t mean that server is operated by Czech people but that it is possible to play in Czech.').'.</p>';
57 | $Output .= '<h3>'.T('Translated server list').'</h3>';
58 | $Output .= parent::ViewList();
59 | return $Output;
60 | }
61 | }