source: client_files/_czwow/SK/QuestProgress_1.lua

Last change on this file was 22, checked in by maron, 16 years ago


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2["orc pressure from blackrock is still tense. but have you at least rid us of tharil'zun?"]="Orkský nátlak z Blackrocku je stále napätý. Ale zbavil si sa už konečne Tharil\'zuna?",
3["you back already? what's the situation out there - all cleared up now, thanks to you?"]="Uz si spet? Ake je tam situacia - vsetky vycistene, dakujem?",
4["your return to thunder bluff is not without heralding, though i will need proof of your lessons learned in moonglade before i will teach you your aquatic form. do you have the pendant of the sea lion?"]="Mas Pendant of the Sea Lion?",
5["have you completed the task with which i have charged you? do you have those putrid claws?"]="Uz si splnil ulohu ktorou som ta poveril? Mas tie Putrid Claws?",
6["sure, i'll sing it again for you, friend! mellifluous liquid clear as a baby's tears turns a lovely deep amber over the years but before we proceed to get lit to the hilt a barrel of charred oak must be built."]="Pravdaze zaspievam ti to este raz priatelu!\r\n\r\nZazracna tekutina, cista ko slzy babetka\r\nUdrzi sladky jantar na veky\r\nAle preto musime nieco podniknut\r\nSud z dreva musi byt vyrobeny.",
7["old blanchy is on her last leg. did you happen to find any oats for her?"]="Old Blanchy uz taha z posledneho. Uz si nasiel nejake jedlo pre nu?",
8["greetin's, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". you've found yerself at the shrine of the dormant flame. only those knowledgeable enough in the shamanistic arts will ever learn the secrets of this place and the power it holds. i'm sorry you made the trip all this way, only to be turned back now--the journey up here is far from safe after all--but i am the keeper of the shrine, and i cannot allow just anyone to wander around here."]="Zdravim, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Nasiel si seba v Shrine of the Dormant Flame. Jedine ten, kto je vyuceny v samanskom umeni, sa moze ucit sile a tajomstvam tohto miesta, ktore tu sidlia. Ospravedlnujem sa ti, ze si sem meral taku cestu jedine, co ti zostava je pobrat sa naspet--cesta sem, ma po tom vsetkom daleko od bezpecia--ale ja som strazca svatine, a nemozem dovolit aby sa tu niekto potuloval.",
9["hey, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". been to the grizzled den yet? those wendigos can be fierce."]="Hey, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". Byl jsi u Grizzled Den už? Wendigos umí být zuřivý.",
10["do you have those heads, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?"]="Máš tie hlavy, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?",
11["you're back from stormwind? did osric send the armor?"]="Si späť zo Stormwindu? Poslal Osric brnenie?",
12["your masters are fools to send you here, for i will never again be a scourge slave!"]="Tvoji páni sú hlupáci, že ťa sem posielajú, keďže už nikdy znova nebudem sluhom Pohrom!",
13["if you have the sixty pieces of wool cloth on you and are ready to donate them, i'm able to take them from you now."]="Ak máš 60 kusov wool cloth, a si pripravený odovzdať ich, som ochotná prevzať ich od teba.",
14["there is dust on your shoulders that must be from the barrens. you have spoken with my friend jahan?"]="Na tvojich pleciach je prach ktorí musí byť z Barrens. Už si sa rozprával s mojim priaťeľom Jahan?",
15["yes, mighty "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..", i sensed your arrival. i trust you have more news to report to me about your hunt?"]="Ano, mocný "..strlower(UnitClass("player"))..", Očakával som tvoj príchod. Verím že máš viac noviniek o tvojom lovu???",
16["gimme food or me eat you."]="Daj jedlo, lebo ja zjesť teba.",
17["do you have the snapdragons? that breed of flower is highly receptive to magic energies, and studying the snapdragons so close to the plaguelands can tell us if the plague has entered tirisfal glades."]="Máš tie hledíky? Táto odroda kvetov je vysoko citlivá na magické energie, a výskum tohto hledíka, ktorý rastie tak blízko Plaguelands, nám môže povedať či už pohroma vnikla do Tirisfal Glades.",
19["have you spoken to the ancients yet, tokerr?"]="Hovoril si už s prastarými, Tokerr?",
20["the moonwells hold the waters of the well of eternity, the ancient source of magic that has wrought so many horrors upon our world. the druids take advantage of its properties, and the sentinels revere the wells as shrines to elune, but sorcery is forbidden to all."]="Mesačné studne sú naplnené vodami Studne Večnosti, prastarého zdroja mágie, ktorý do tohto sveta vniesol toľké hrôzy.\r\n\r\nDruidovia zneužili tento zdroj, a Strážcovia uctievali tieto studne ako svätyne Eluny, ale čarodejníctvo je pre všetkých zakázané.",
21["have you returned from orgrimmar? did gryshka like the meat i sent her?"]="Už si sa vrátil z Orgrimmar? Chutilo Gryshke mäso, čo som jej poslal?",
22["are you having any trouble? you can find gahz'ridian just about anywhere in tanaris, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", so keep looking!"]="Máš nejaké problémy s hľadaním?\r\n\r\nGahz\'ridianove ornamenty môžeš nájsť skoro všade v Tanarise, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", tak pokračuj v hľadaní!",
23["the buck hides are rugged and strong, making for very tough flesh - almost inedible, but we can use them for other purposes."]="Koža jeleňov je pevná a hrubá, to robí ich mäso tvrdým - čiže takmer nepoužiteľným, ale my ich môžme využiť aj na iné účely.",
24["where's that useless abomination? either you have what i need or you'd best get out there and find it."]="Kde je ten neužitočný hnus? Buď máš, čo potrebujem alebo keď nie, tak sa vráť naspäť ku nemu.",
25["did you find the plans?"]="Našiel si tie plány?",
26["did you find my shipment of rum, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?"]="Našiel si ten náklad rumu, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."?",
27["the battle in warsong gulch against the silverwing sentinels is of great importance. under the guise of protecting a forest that doesn't belong to them, the alliance seeks to deny the horde one of our largest sources for lumber. do not let this happen, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! come back to me with proof of serving the horde in a worthy manner!"]="Bitka vo Warsong Gulch proti Silverwing Sentinelomg je veľmi dôležitá. Pod zámienkou, že ochraňujú les, ktorý im ani nepatrí, sa Aliancia pokúša vyhnať Hordu z nášho najväčšieho zdroja dreva.\r\n\r\nNedopusť, aby sa tak stalo, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."! Vráť sa späť ku mne s dôkazom tvojej služby v prospech Hordy práve takýmto spôsobom!",
28["watch out for murlocs: strange and extremely annoying little creatures."]="Pozeraj sa po murlokoch: po malých ale bojaschopných stvoreniach.",
29["a letter from the dwarven lands? i wonder who would call from so far to the north... please, let me see the order."]="Odkaz z trpaslíčich krajov? Som zvedavý, kto posiela správu z takých ďalekých končín, zo severu...\r\n\r\nProsím, nechaj ma pozrieť si tú správu.",
30["how can i help you, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."?"]="Ako ti môžem pomôcť, "..strlower(UnitClass("player")).."?",
31["did you take care of the intruder?"]="gPostaral:Postarala; si sa o votrelca?",
32};if not CZWOW_QuestDescription then CZWOW_QuestDescription=0;end;CZWOW_QuestDescription=CZWOW_QuestDescription+30;
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