1 | var mn_items = [[2, "Weapons", , [[0, "One-Handed Axes"], [1, "Two-Handed Axes"], [2, "Bows"], [3, "Guns"], [4, "One-Handed Maces"], [5, "Two-Handed Maces"], [6, "Polearms"], [7, "One-Handed Swords"], [8, "Two-Handed Swords"], [10, "Staves"], [13, "Fist Weapons"], [14, "Miscellaneous"], [15, "Daggers"], [16, "Thrown"], [18, "Crossbows"], [19, "Wands"], [20, "Fishing Poles"]],, "INV_Sword_27"], [4, "Armor", , [[1, "Cloth"/*, , [[5, "Chest", "?items=4.1&filter=sl=5"], [8, "Feet", "?items=4.1&filter=sl=8"], [10, "Hands", "?items=4.1&filter=sl=10"], [1, "Head", "?items=4.1&filter=sl=1"], [7, "Legs", "?items=4.1&filter=sl=7"], [3, "Shoulder", "?items=4.1&filter=sl=3"], [6, "Waist", "?items=4.1&filter=sl=6"], [9, "Wrist", "?items=4.1&filter=sl=9"]]*/], [2, "Leather"/*, , [[5, "Chest", "?items=4.2&filter=sl=5"], [8, "Feet", "?items=4.2&filter=sl=8"], [10, "Hands", "?items=4.2&filter=sl=10"], [1, "Head", "?items=4.2&filter=sl=1"], [7, "Legs", "?items=4.2&filter=sl=7"], [3, "Shoulder", "?items=4.2&filter=sl=3"], [6, "Waist", "?items=4.2&filter=sl=6"], [9, "Wrist", "?items=4.2&filter=sl=9"]]*/], [3, "Mail"/*, , [[5, "Chest", "?items=4.3&filter=sl=5"], [8, "Feet", "?items=4.3&filter=sl=8"], [10, "Hands", "?items=4.3&filter=sl=10"], [1, "Head", "?items=4.3&filter=sl=1"], [7, "Legs", "?items=4.3&filter=sl=7"], [3, "Shoulder", "?items=4.3&filter=sl=3"], [6, "Waist", "?items=4.3&filter=sl=6"], [9, "Wrist", "?items=4.3&filter=sl=9"]]*/], [4, "Plate"/*, , [[5, "Chest", "?items=4.4&filter=sl=5"], [8, "Feet", "?items=4.4&filter=sl=8"], [10, "Hands", "?items=4.4&filter=sl=10"], [1, "Head", "?items=4.4&filter=sl=1"], [7, "Legs", "?items=4.4&filter=sl=7"], [3, "Shoulder", "?items=4.4&filter=sl=3"], [6, "Waist", "?items=4.4&filter=sl=6"], [9, "Wrist", "?items=4.4&filter=sl=9"]]*/], /*[ - 3, "Amulets"], [ - 6, "Cloaks"], [ - 2, "Rings"], [ - 4, "Trinkets"], [ - 5, "Off-hand Frills"],*/ [6, "Shields"], [7, "Librams"], [8, "Idols"], [9, "Totems"], [0, "Miscellaneous"]],, "INV_Chest_Plate16"], [1, "Containers", , [[0, "Bags"], [1, "Soul Bags"], [2, "Herb Bags"], [3, "Enchanting Bags"], [4, "Engineering Bags"], [5, "Gem Bags"], [6, "Mining Bags"], [7, "Leatherworking Bags"]],, "INV_Misc_Bag_13"], [0, "Consumables", , [[0, "Consumables"], [1, "Potions"], [2, "Elixirs", , /*[[1, "Battle"], [2, "Guardian"]]*/], [3, "Flasks"], [4, "Scrolls"], [5, "Food & Drinks"], [6, "Permanent Item Enhancements"], /*[ - 3, "Temporary Item Enhancements"],*/ [7, "Bandages"], [8, "Other"]],,"INV_Potion_07"], [7, "Trade Goods", , [[1, "Parts"], [2, "Explosives"], [3, "Devices"], [4, "Jewelcrafting"], [5, "Cloth"], [6, "Leather"], [7, "Metal & Stone"], [8, "Meat"], [9, "Herbs"], [10, "Elemental"], [12, "Enchanting"], [13, "Material"], [11, "Other"]],, "INV_Gizmo_BronzeFramework_01"], [6, "Projectiles", , [[2, "Arrows"], [3, "Bullets"]],, "INV_Ammo_Bullet_02"], [11, "Quivers", , [[2, "Quivers"], [3, "Ammo Pouches"]],, "INV_Misc_Quiver_08"], [9, "Recipes", , [[0, "Books"], [6, "Alchemy"], [4, "Blacksmithing"], [5, "Cooking"], [8, "Enchanting"], [3, "Engineering"], [7, "First Aid"], [9, "Fishing"], [10, "Jewelcrafting"], [1, "Leatherworking"], [2, "Tailoring"]],, "INV_Scroll_04"], [3, "Gems", , [[0, "Red "], [1, "Blue"], [2, "Yellow"], [3, "Purple"], [4, "Green"], [5, "Orange"], [6, "Meta"], [7, "Simple"], [8, "Prismatic"]],, "INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowsongAmethyst_01"], [15, "Miscellaneous", , [[0, "Junk"], [1, "Reagents"], [3, "Holiday"], /*[ - 4, "Mounts"], [ - 7, "Flying Mounts"], [ - 6, "Combat Pets"],*/ [2, "Small Pets"], /*[ - 2, "Armor Tokens"],*/ [4, "Other"]],, "INV_Qiraj_JewelBlessed"], [12, "Quest",,,, "INV_Misc_Bone_OrcSkull_01"], [13, "Keys",,,, "INV_Misc_Key_04"]];
2 | var mn_itemSets = [[11, "Druid"], [3, "Hunter"], [8, "Mage"], [2, "Paladin"], [5, "Priest"], [4, "Rogue"], [7, "Shaman"], [9, "Warlock"], [1, "Warrior"]];
3 | var mn_npcs = [[1, "Beasts"], [8, "Critters"], [3, "Demons"], [2, "Dragonkin"], [4, "Elementals"], [5, "Giants"], [7, "Humanoids"], [9, "Mechanicals"], [12, "Small Pets"], [6, "Undead"], [10, "Uncategorized"]];
4 | var mn_objects = [[9, "Books"], [3, "Containers"], [ - 5, "Footlockers"], [ - 3, "Herbs"], [ - 4, "Mineral Veins"], [ - 2, "Quest"]];
5 | var mn_quests = [[0, "Eastern Kingdoms", , [[36, "Alterac Mountains"], [45, "Arathi Highlands"], [3, "Badlands"], [25, "Blackrock Mountain"], [4, "Blasted Lands"], [46, "Burning Steppes"], [279, "Dalaran"], [41, "Deadwind Pass"], [2257, "Deeprun Tram"], [1, "Dun Morogh"], [10, "Duskwood"], [139, "Eastern Plaguelands"], [12, "Elwynn Forest"], [3430, "Eversong Woods"], [3433, "Ghostlands"], [267, "Hillsbrad Foothills"], [1537, "Ironforge"], [4080, "Isle of Quel'Danas"], [38, "Loch Modan"], [44, "Redridge Mountains"], [51, "Searing Gorge"], [3487, "Silvermoon City"], [130, "Silverpine Forest"], [1519, "Stormwind City"], [33, "Stranglethorn Vale"], [8, "Swamp of Sorrows"], [47, "The Hinterlands"], [85, "Tirisfal Glades"], [1497, "Undercity"], [28, "Western Plaguelands"], [40, "Westfall"], [11, "Wetlands"]]], [1, "Kalimdor", , [[331, "Ashenvale"], [16, "Azshara"], [3524, "Azuremyst Isle"], [3525, "Bloodmyst Isle"], [148, "Darkshore"], [1657, "Darnassus"], [405, "Desolace"], [14, "Durotar"], [15, "Dustwallow Marsh"], [361, "Felwood"], [357, "Feralas"], [493, "Moonglade"], [215, "Mulgore"], [1637, "Orgrimmar"], [1377, "Silithus"], [406, "Stonetalon Mountains"], [440, "Tanaris"], [141, "Teldrassil"], [17, "The Barrens"], [3557, "The Exodar"], [400, "Thousand Needles"], [1638, "Thunder Bluff"], [1216, "Timbermaw Hold"], [490, "Un'Goro Crater"], [618, "Winterspring"]]], [8, "Outland", , [[3522, "Blade's Edge Mountains"], [3483, "Hellfire Peninsula"], [3518, "Nagrand"], [3523, "Netherstorm"], [3520, "Shadowmoon Valley"], [3703, "Shattrath City"], [3679, "Skettis"], [3519, "Terokkar Forest"], [3521, "Zangarmarsh"]]], [2, "Dungeons", , [[3790, "Auchenai Crypts"], [719, "Blackfathom Deeps"], [1584, "Blackrock Depths"], [1583, "Blackrock Spire"], [1941, "Caverns of Time"], [3905, "Coilfang Reservoir"], [2557, "Dire Maul"], [133, "Gnomeregan"], [3562, "Hellfire Ramparts"], [4095, "Magisters' Terrace"], [3792, "Mana-Tombs"], [2100, "Maraudon"], [2367, "Old Hillsbrad Foothills"], [2437, "Ragefire Chasm"], [722, "Razorfen Downs"], [491, "Razorfen Kraul"], [796, "Scarlet Monastery"], [2057, "Scholomance"], [3791, "Sethekk Halls"], [3789, "Shadow Labyrinth"], [209, "Shadowfang Keep"], [2017, "Stratholme"], [1417, "Sunken Temple"], [3845, "Tempest Keep"], [3846, "The Arcatraz"], [2366, "The Black Morass"], [3713, "The Blood Furnace"], [3847, "The Botanica"], [1581, "The Deadmines"], [3849, "The Mechanar"], [3714, "The Shattered Halls"], [3717, "The Slave Pens"], [3715, "The Steamvault"], [717, "The Stockade"], [3716, "The Underbog"], [1337, "Uldaman"], [718, "Wailing Caverns"], [978, "Zul'Farrak"]]], [3, "Raids", , [[2677, "Blackwing Lair"], [3606, "Hyjal Summit"], [2562, "Karazhan"], [3836, "Magtheridon's Lair"], [2717, "Molten Core"], [3456, "Naxxramas"], [2159, "Onyxia's Lair"], [3429, "Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"], [3428, "Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"], [3840, "The Black Temple"], [3842, "The Eye"], [3805, "Zul'Aman"], [19, "Zul'Gurub"]]], [4, "Classes", , [[ - 263, "Druid"], [ - 261, "Hunter"], [ - 161, "Mage"], [ - 141, "Paladin"], [ - 262, "Priest"], [ - 162, "Rogue"], [ - 82, "Shaman"], [ - 61, "Warlock"], [ - 81, "Warrior"]]], [5, "Professions", , [[ - 181, "Alchemy"], [ - 121, "Blacksmithing"], [ - 304, "Cooking"], [ - 201, "Engineering"], [ - 324, "First Aid"], [ - 101, "Fishing"], [ - 24, "Herbalism"], [ - 182, "Leatherworking"], [ - 264, "Tailoring"]]], [6, "Battlegrounds", , [[3358, "Arathi Basin"], [2597, "Alterac Valley"], [3820, "Eye of the Storm"], [3277, "Warsong Gulch"]]], [7, "Miscellaneous", , [[ - 365, "Ahn'Qiraj War"], [ - 370, "Brewfest"], [ - 364, "Darkmoon Faire"], [ - 1, "Epic"], [ - 368, "Invasion"], [ - 344, "Legendary"], [ - 366, "Lunar Festival"], [ - 369, "Midsummer"], [ - 367, "Reputation"], [ - 22, "Seasonal"], [ - 284, "Special"], [ - 221, "Treasure Map"]]], [ - 2, "Uncategorized"]];
6 | var mn_spells = [[7, "Class Skills", , [[11, "Druid", , [[574, "Balance"], [134, "Feral Combat"], [573, "Restoration"]]], [3, "Hunter", , [[50, "Beast Mastery"], [163, "Marksmanship"], [51, "Survival"]]], [8, "Mage", , [[237, "Arcane"], [8, "Fire"], [6, "Frost"]]], [2, "Paladin", , [[594, "Holy"], [267, "Protection"], [184, "Retribution"]]], [5, "Priest", , [[613, "Discipline"], [56, "Holy"], [78, "Shadow Magic"]]], [4, "Rogue", , [[253, "Assassination"], [38, "Combat"], [633, "Lockpicking"], [40, "Poisons"], [39, "Subtlety"]]], [7, "Shaman", , [[375, "Elemental Combat"], [373, "Enhancement"], [374, "Restoration"]]], [9, "Warlock", , [[355, "Affliction"], [354, "Demonology"], [593, "Destruction"]]], [1, "Warrior", , [[26, "Arms"], [256, "Fury"], [257, "Protection"]]]]], /*[ - 2, "Talents", , [[11, "Druid", , [[574, "Balance"], [134, "Feral Combat"], [573, "Restoration"]]], [3, "Hunter", , [[50, "Beast Mastery"], [163, "Marksmanship"], [51, "Survival"]]], [8, "Mage", , [[237, "Arcane"], [8, "Fire"], [6, "Frost"]]], [2, "Paladin", , [[594, "Holy"], [267, "Protection"], [184, "Retribution"]]], [5, "Priest", , [[613, "Discipline"], [56, "Holy"], [78, "Shadow"]]], [4, "Rogue", , [[253, "Assassination"], [38, "Combat"], [39, "Subtlety"]]], [7, "Shaman", , [[375, "Elemental Combat"], [373, "Enhancement"], [374, "Restoration"]]], [9, "Warlock", , [[355, "Affliction"], [354, "Demonology"], [593, "Destruction"]]], [1, "Warrior", , [[26, "Arms"], [256, "Fury"], [257, "Protection"]]]]],*/ [ - 3, "Pet Skills", , [[, "Hunter"], [270, "Generic"], [653, "Bat"], [210, "Bear"], [211, "Boar"], [213, "Carrion Bird"], [209, "Cat"], [214, "Crab"], [212, "Crocolisk"], [763, "Dragonhawk"], [215, "Gorilla"], [654, "Hyena"], [764, "Nether Ray"], [655, "Owl"], [217, "Raptor"], [767, "Ravager"], [236, "Scorpid"], [768, "Serpent"], [203, "Spider"], [218, "Tallstrider"], [251, "Turtle"], [766, "Warp Stalker"], [656, "Wind Serpent"], [208, "Wolf"], [, "Warlock"], [761, "Felguard"], [189, "Felhunter"], [188, "Imp"], [205, "Succubus"], [204, "Voidwalker"]]], [11, "Professions", , [[171, "Alchemy"], [164, "Blacksmithing", , [[9788, "Armorsmithing"], [9787, "Weaponsmithing"], [17041, "Master Axesmithing"], [17040, "Master Hammersmithing"], [17039, "Master Swordsmithing"]]], [333, "Enchanting"], [202, "Engineering", , [[20219, "Gnomish Engineering"], [20222, "Goblin Engineering"]]], [182, "Herbalism"], [755, "Jewelcrafting"], [165, "Leatherworking", , [[10656, "Dragonscale Leatherworking"], [10658, "Elemental Leatherworking"], [10660, "Tribal Leatherworking"]]], [186, "Mining"], [393, "Skinning"], [197, "Tailoring", , [[26798, "Mooncloth Tailoring"], [26801, "Shadoweave Tailoring"], [26797, "Spellfire Tailoring"]]]]], [9, "Secondary Skills", , [[185, "Cooking"], [129, "First Aid"], [356, "Fishing"], [762, "Riding"]]], [6, "Weapon Skills"], [8, "Armor Proficiencies"], [10, "Languages"], [ - 4, "Racial Traits"], [0, "Uncategorized"]];
7 | var mn_zones = [[0, "Eastern Kingdoms"], [1, "Kalimdor"], [8, "Outland"], [2, "Dungeons"], [3, "Raids"], [6, "Battlegrounds"], [9, "Arenas"]];
8 | var mn_talentCalc = [["0", "Druid"], ["c", "Hunter"], ["o", "Mage"], ["s", "Paladin"], ["b", "Priest"], ["f", "Rogue"], ["h", "Shaman"], ["I", "Warlock"], ["L", "Warrior"]];
9 | var mn_database = [[, "Browse"], [0, "Items", "?items", mn_items], [2, "Item Sets", "?itemsets"/*, mn_itemSets*/], [4, "NPCs", "?npcs", mn_npcs], [5, "Objects", "?objects", mn_objects], [3, "Quests", "?quests", mn_quests], [1, "Spells", "?spells", mn_spells], /*[6, "Zones", "?zones", mn_zones],*/ [7, "Factions", "?factions"], [, "Utilities"], /*[28, "Latest Additions", "?latest=additions"], [29, "Latest Articles", "?latest=articles"],*/ [30, "Latest Comments", "?latest=comments"]/*, [31, "Latest Screenshots", "?latest=screenshots"], [99, "Random Page", "?random"]*/];
10 | var mn_tools = [/*[0, "Talent Calculator", "?talent", mn_talentCalc],*/ [1, "Maps", "?maps"]];
11 | var mn_forums = [[, "Boards"], [0, "WoW General"], [16, "Beginners"], [14, "PvE"], [15, "PvP"], [ - 2, "Classes", "", [[18, "Death Knight"], [3, "Druid"], [4, "Hunter"], [6, "Mage"], [7, "Paladin"], [8, "Priest"], [5, "Rogue"], [9, "Shaman"], [10, "Warlock"], [11, "Warrior"]]], [13, "Professions"], [12, "UI & Macros"], [17, "Guild Recruitment"], [2, "Randomness"], [1, "Site Feedback"], [, "Utilities"], [81, "Latest Replies", "?forums&latest-replies"], [80, "Latest Topics", "?forums&latest-topics"], [82, "Unanswered Topics", "?forums&unanswered-topics"]];
12 | var mn_more = [[, "All About Wowhead"], [0, "About Us & Contact", "?aboutus"], [3, "FAQ", "?faq"], [4, "IRC Channel", "?irc"], [6, "News & Announcements", "?news"], [7, "Under Development", "?underdev"], [2, "Wowhead Client", "?client"], [, "Goodies"], [1, "Contests", "?contests"], [10, "Powered by Wowhead", "?powered"], [9, "Spread Wowhead", "?spread"], [8, "Search Plugins (FF, IE7, ...)", "?searchplugins", , "Search Plugins"], [, "Even More"], [5, "Network Sites", , [[99, "Allakhazam", "http://www.allakhazam.com/", [[99, "Dark Age of Camelot", "http://camelot.allakhazam.com"], [99, "EVE Online", "http://eve.allakhazam.com"], [99, "EverQuest", "http://everquest.allakhazam.com"], [99, "EverQuest II", "http://eq2.allakhazam.com"], [99, "EverQuest Online Adventures", "http://eqoa.allakhazam.com"], [99, "Final Fantasy XI", "http://ffxi.allakhazam.com"], [99, "Lineage II", "http://l2.allakhazam.com"], [99, "Lord of the Rings Online", "http://lotr.allakhazam.com"], [99, "Star Wars Galaxies", "http://swg.allakhazam.com"], [99, "World of Warcraft", "http://wow.allakhazam.com"]]], [99, "MMO Interface", "http://www.mmointerface.com/", [[99, "EverQuest", "http://www.eqinterface.com"], [99, "EverQuest II", "http://www.eq2interface.com"], [99, "Lord of the Rings Online", "http://www.lotrointerface.com"], [99, "Vanguard: Saga of Heroes", "http://www.vginterface.com"], [99, "World of Warcraft", "http://www.wowinterface.com"]]], [99, "Online Gaming Radio", "http://www.onlinegamingradio.com/"], [99, "Thottbot", "http://www.thottbot.com/"]]]];
13 | var mn_path = [[0, "Database", , mn_database], [1, "Tools", , mn_tools]/*, [3, "Forums", , mn_forums], [2, "More", , mn_more]*/];
14 | var g_chr_classes = {
15 | 11: "Druid",
16 | 3: "Hunter",
17 | 8: "Mage",
18 | 2: "Paladin",
19 | 5: "Priest",
20 | 4: "Rogue",
21 | 7: "Shaman",
22 | 9: "Warlock",
23 | 1: "Warrior"
24 | };
25 | var g_chr_races = {
26 | 10: "Blood Elf",
27 | 11: "Draenei",
28 | 3: "Dwarf",
29 | 7: "Gnome",
30 | 1: "Human",
31 | 4: "Night Elf",
32 | 2: "Orc",
33 | 6: "Tauren",
34 | 8: "Troll",
35 | 5: "Undead"
36 | };
37 | var g_item_slots = {
38 | 1: "Head",
39 | 2: "Neck",
40 | 3: "Shoulder",
41 | 4: "Shirt",
42 | 5: "Chest",
43 | 6: "Waist",
44 | 7: "Legs",
45 | 8: "Feet",
46 | 9: "Wrist",
47 | 10: "Hands",
48 | 11: "Finger",
49 | 12: "Trinket",
50 | 13: "One-Hand",
51 | 14: "Shield",
52 | 15: "Ranged",
53 | 16: "Back",
54 | 17: "Two-Hand",
55 | 18: "Bag",
56 | 19: "Tabard",
57 | 21: "Main Hand",
58 | 22: "Off Hand",
59 | 23: "Held In Off-hand",
60 | 24: "Projectile",
61 | 25: "Thrown",
62 | 28: "Relic"
63 | };
64 | var g_item_classes = {
65 | 5: "Reagent",
66 | 12: "Quest",
67 | 13: "Key"
68 | };
69 | var g_item_subclasses = {
70 | 0: {
71 | 0: "Consumable",
72 | 1: "Potion",
73 | 2: "Elixir",
74 | 3: "Flask",
75 | 4: "Scroll",
76 | 5: "Food & Drink",
77 | 6: "Perm. Enhancement",
78 | "-3": "Temp. Enhancement",
79 | 7: "Bandage",
80 | 8: "Other (Consumables)"
81 | },
82 | 1: {
83 | 0: "Bag",
84 | 1: "Soul Bag",
85 | 2: "Herb Bag",
86 | 3: "Enchanting Bag",
87 | 4: "Engineering Bag",
88 | 5: "Gem Bag",
89 | 6: "Mining Bag",
90 | 7: "Leatherworking Bag"
91 | },
92 | 2: {
93 | 0: "One-Handed Axe",
94 | 1: "Two-Handed Axe",
95 | 2: "Bow",
96 | 3: "Gun",
97 | 4: "One-Handed Mace",
98 | 5: "Two-Handed Mace",
99 | 6: "Polearm",
100 | 7: "One-Handed Sword",
101 | 8: "Two-Handed Sword",
102 | 10: "Staff",
103 | 13: "Fist Weapon",
104 | 14: "Miscellaneous",
105 | 15: "Dagger",
106 | 16: "Thrown",
107 | 18: "Crossbow",
108 | 19: "Wand",
109 | 20: "Fishing Pole"
110 | },
111 | 3: {
112 | 0: "Red Gem",
113 | 1: "Blue Gem",
114 | 2: "Yellow Gem",
115 | 3: "Purple Gem",
116 | 4: "Green Gem",
117 | 5: "Orange Gem",
118 | 6: "Meta Gem",
119 | 7: "Simple Gem",
120 | 8: "Prismatic Gem"
121 | },
122 | 4: {
123 | "-6": "Cloak",
124 | "-5": "Off-hand Frill",
125 | "-4": "Trinket",
126 | "-3": "Amulet",
127 | "-2": "Ring",
128 | 0: "Miscellaneous",
129 | 1: "Cloth",
130 | 2: "Leather",
131 | 3: "Mail",
132 | 4: "Plate",
133 | 6: "Shield",
134 | 7: "Libram",
135 | 8: "Idol",
136 | 9: "Totem"
137 | },
138 | 6: {
139 | 2: "Arrow",
140 | 3: "Bullet"
141 | },
142 | 7: {
143 | 1: "Part",
144 | 2: "Explosive",
145 | 3: "Device",
146 | 4: "Jewelcrafting",
147 | 5: "Cloth",
148 | 6: "Leather",
149 | 7: "Metal & Stone",
150 | 8: "Meat",
151 | 9: "Herb",
152 | 10: "Elemental",
153 | 12: "Enchanting",
154 | 11: "Other (Trade Goods)"
155 | },
156 | 9: {
157 | 0: "Book",
158 | 1: "Leatherworking",
159 | 2: "Tailoring",
160 | 3: "Engineering",
161 | 4: "Blacksmithing",
162 | 5: "Cooking",
163 | 6: "Alchemy",
164 | 7: "First Aid",
165 | 8: "Enchanting",
166 | 9: "Fishing",
167 | 10: "Jewelcrafting"
168 | },
169 | 11: {
170 | 2: "Quiver",
171 | 3: "Ammo Pouch"
172 | },
173 | 15: {
174 | "-7": "Flying Mount",
175 | "-6": "Combat Pet",
176 | "-4": "Mount",
177 | "-2": "Armor Token",
178 | 0: "Junk",
179 | 1: "Reagent",
180 | 2: "Small Pet",
181 | 3: "Holiday",
182 | 4: "Other (Miscellaneous)"
183 | }
184 | };
185 | var g_item_subsubclasses = {
186 | 0: {
187 | 2: {
188 | 1: "Battle Elixir",
189 | 2: "Guardian Elixir"
190 | }
191 | }
192 | };
193 | var g_itemset_types = {
194 | 1: "Cloth",
195 | 2: "Leather",
196 | 3: "Mail",
197 | 4: "Plate",
198 | 5: "Dagger",
199 | 6: "Ring",
200 | 7: "Fist Weapon",
201 | 8: "One-Handed Axe",
202 | 9: "One-Handed Mace",
203 | 10: "One-Handed Sword",
204 | 11: "Trinket",
205 | 12: "Amulet"
206 | };
207 | var g_itemset_notes = {
208 | 1: "Dungeon Set 1",
209 | 2: "Dungeon Set 2",
210 | 14: "Dungeon Set 3",
211 | 3: "Tier 1 Raid Set",
212 | 4: "Tier 2 Raid Set",
213 | 5: "Tier 3 Raid Set",
214 | 12: "Tier 4 Raid Set",
215 | 13: "Tier 5 Raid Set",
216 | 18: "Tier 6 Raid Set",
217 | 6: "Level 60 PvP Rare Set",
218 | 7: "Level 60 PvP Rare Set (Old)",
219 | 8: "Level 60 PvP Epic Set",
220 | 16: "Level 70 PvP Rare Set",
221 | 21: "Level 70 PvP Rare Set 2",
222 | 17: "Arena Season 1 Set",
223 | 19: "Arena Season 2 Set",
224 | 20: "Arena Season 3 Set",
225 | 22: "Arena Season 4 Set",
226 | 15: "Arathi Basin Set",
227 | 9: "Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Set",
228 | 10: "Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Set",
229 | 11: "Zul'Gurub Set"
230 | };
231 | var g_npc_classifications = {
232 | 0: "Normal",
233 | 1: "Elite",
234 | 2: "Rare Elite",
235 | 3: "Boss",
236 | 4: "Rare"
237 | };
238 | var g_npc_types = {
239 | 1: "Beast",
240 | 8: "Critter",
241 | 3: "Demon",
242 | 4: "Elemental",
243 | 2: "Dragonkin",
244 | 5: "Giant",
245 | 7: "Humanoid",
246 | 9: "Mechanical",
247 | 6: "Undead",
248 | 10: "Uncategorized",
249 | 12: "Small Pet"
250 | };
251 | var g_object_types = {
252 | 9: "Book",
253 | 3: "Container",
254 | "-5": "Footlocker",
255 | "-3": "Herb",
256 | "-4": "Mineral Vein",
257 | "-2": "Quest"
258 | };
259 | var g_reputation_standings = {
260 | 0: "Hated",
261 | 1: "Hostile",
262 | 2: "Unfriendly",
263 | 3: "Neutral",
264 | 4: "Friendly",
265 | 5: "Honored",
266 | 6: "Revered",
267 | 7: "Exalted"
268 | };
269 | var g_quest_sorts = {
270 | 1: "Epic",
271 | 22: "Seasonal",
272 | 24: "Herbalism",
273 | 61: "Warlock",
274 | 81: "Warrior",
275 | 82: "Shaman",
276 | 101: "Fishing",
277 | 121: "Blacksmithing",
278 | 141: "Paladin",
279 | 161: "Mage",
280 | 162: "Rogue",
281 | 181: "Alchemy",
282 | 182: "Leatherworking",
283 | 201: "Engineering",
284 | 221: "Treasure Map",
285 | 261: "Hunter",
286 | 262: "Priest",
287 | 263: "Druid",
288 | 264: "Tailoring",
289 | 284: "Special",
290 | 304: "Cooking",
291 | 324: "First Aid",
292 | 344: "Legendary",
293 | 364: "Darkmoon Faire",
294 | 365: "Ahn'Qiraj War",
295 | 366: "Lunar Festival",
296 | 367: "Reputation",
297 | 368: "Invasion",
298 | 369: "Midsummer",
299 | 370: "Brewfest"
300 | };
301 | var g_quest_types = {
302 | 0: "Normal",
303 | 1: "Group",
304 | 81: "Dungeon",
305 | 62: "Raid",
306 | 41: "PvP",
307 | 82: "World Event",
308 | 84: "Escort",
309 | 85: "Heroic"
310 | };
311 | var g_sides = {
312 | 1: "Alliance",
313 | 2: "Horde",
314 | 3: "Both"
315 | };
316 | var g_sources = {
317 | 1: "Crafted",
318 | 2: "Drop",
319 | 3: "PvP",
320 | 4: "Quest",
321 | 5: "Vendor",
322 | 6: "Trainer",
323 | 7: "Discovery",
324 | 8: "Redemption"
325 | };
326 | var g_spell_resistances = {
327 | 0: "Physical",
328 | 1: "Holy",
329 | 2: "Fire",
330 | 3: "Nature",
331 | 4: "Frost",
332 | 5: "Shadow",
333 | 6: "Arcane"
334 | };
335 | var g_spell_skills = {
336 | 6: "Frost",
337 | 8: "Fire",
338 | 26: "Arms",
339 | 38: "Combat",
340 | 39: "Subtlety",
341 | 40: "Poisons",
342 | 43: "Swords",
343 | 44: "Axes",
344 | 45: "Bows",
345 | 46: "Guns",
346 | 50: "Beast Mastery",
347 | 51: "Survival",
348 | 54: "Maces",
349 | 55: "Two-Handed Swords",
350 | 56: "Holy",
351 | 78: "Shadow Magic",
352 | 95: "Defense",
353 | 98: "Common",
354 | 101: "Dwarven",
355 | 109: "Orcish",
356 | 111: "Dwarven",
357 | 113: "Darnassian",
358 | 115: "Taurahe",
359 | 118: "Dual Wield",
360 | 124: "Tauren",
361 | 125: "Orc",
362 | 126: "Night Elf",
363 | 129: "First Aid",
364 | 134: "Feral Combat",
365 | 136: "Staves",
366 | 137: "Thalassian",
367 | 138: "Draconic",
368 | 139: "Demon Tongue",
369 | 140: "Titan",
370 | 141: "Old Tongue",
371 | 142: "Survival",
372 | 148: "Horse Riding",
373 | 149: "Wolf Riding",
374 | 150: "Tiger Riding",
375 | 152: "Ram Riding",
376 | 155: "Swimming",
377 | 160: "Two-Handed Maces",
378 | 162: "Unarmed",
379 | 163: "Marksmanship",
380 | 164: "Blacksmithing",
381 | 165: "Leatherworking",
382 | 171: "Alchemy",
383 | 172: "Two-Handed Axes",
384 | 173: "Daggers",
385 | 176: "Thrown",
386 | 182: "Herbalism",
387 | 183: "GENERIC (DND)",
388 | 184: "Retribution",
389 | 185: "Cooking",
390 | 186: "Mining",
391 | 188: "Imp",
392 | 189: "Felhunter",
393 | 197: "Tailoring",
394 | 202: "Engineering",
395 | 203: "Spider",
396 | 204: "Voidwalker",
397 | 205: "Succubus",
398 | 206: "Infernal",
399 | 207: "Doomguard",
400 | 208: "Wolf",
401 | 209: "Cat",
402 | 210: "Bear",
403 | 211: "Boar",
404 | 212: "Crocilisk",
405 | 213: "Carrion Bird",
406 | 214: "Crab",
407 | 215: "Gorilla",
408 | 217: "Raptor",
409 | 218: "Tallstrider",
410 | 220: "Undead",
411 | 226: "Crossbows",
412 | 228: "Wands",
413 | 229: "Polearms",
414 | 236: "Scorpid",
415 | 237: "Arcane",
416 | 251: "Turtle",
417 | 253: "Assassination",
418 | 256: "Fury",
419 | 257: "Protection",
420 | 261: "Beast Training",
421 | 267: "Protection",
422 | 270: "Generic",
423 | 293: "Plate Mail",
424 | 313: "Gnomish",
425 | 315: "Troll",
426 | 333: "Enchanting",
427 | 354: "Demonology",
428 | 355: "Affliction",
429 | 356: "Fishing",
430 | 373: "Enhancement",
431 | 374: "Restoration",
432 | 375: "Elemental Combat",
433 | 393: "Skinning",
434 | 413: "Mail",
435 | 414: "Leather",
436 | 415: "Cloth",
437 | 433: "Shield",
438 | 473: "Fist Weapons",
439 | 533: "Raptor Riding",
440 | 553: "Mechanostrider Piloting",
441 | 554: "Undead Horsemanship",
442 | 573: "Restoration",
443 | 574: "Balance",
444 | 593: "Destruction",
445 | 594: "Holy",
446 | 613: "Discipline",
447 | 633: "Lockpicking",
448 | 653: "Bat",
449 | 654: "Hyena",
450 | 655: "Owl",
451 | 656: "Wind Serpent",
452 | 673: "Gutterspeak",
453 | 713: "Kodo Riding",
454 | 733: "Troll",
455 | 753: "Gnome",
456 | 754: "Human",
457 | 755: "Jewelcrafting",
458 | 756: "Blood Elf",
459 | 758: "Remote Control",
460 | 759: "Draenei",
461 | 760: "Draenei",
462 | 761: "Felguard",
463 | 762: "Riding",
464 | 763: "Dragonhawk",
465 | 764: "Nether Ray",
466 | 765: "Sporebat",
467 | 766: "Warp Stalker",
468 | 767: "Ravager",
469 | 768: "Serpent",
470 | 769: "Internal"
471 | };
472 | var g_zones = {
473 | 1: "Dun Morogh",
474 | 3: "Badlands",
475 | 4: "Blasted Lands",
476 | 8: "Swamp of Sorrows",
477 | 9: "Northshire Valley",
478 | 10: "Duskwood",
479 | 11: "Wetlands",
480 | 12: "Elwynn Forest",
481 | 14: "Durotar",
482 | 15: "Dustwallow Marsh",
483 | 16: "Azshara",
484 | 17: "The Barrens",
485 | 19: "Zul'Gurub",
486 | 24: "Northshire Abbey",
487 | 25: "Blackrock Mountain",
488 | 28: "Western Plaguelands",
489 | 33: "Stranglethorn Vale",
490 | 35: "Booty Bay",
491 | 36: "Alterac Mountains",
492 | 38: "Loch Modan",
493 | 40: "Westfall",
494 | 41: "Deadwind Pass",
495 | 44: "Redridge Mountains",
496 | 45: "Arathi Highlands",
497 | 46: "Burning Steppes",
498 | 47: "The Hinterlands",
499 | 51: "Searing Gorge",
500 | 85: "Tirisfal Glades",
501 | 130: "Silverpine Forest",
502 | 131: "Kharanos",
503 | 132: "Coldridge Valley",
504 | 133: "Gnomeregan",
505 | 139: "Eastern Plaguelands",
506 | 141: "Teldrassil",
507 | 148: "Darkshore",
508 | 154: "Deathknell",
509 | 188: "Shadowglen",
510 | 209: "Shadowfang Keep",
511 | 215: "Mulgore",
512 | 220: "Red Cloud Mesa",
513 | 221: "Camp Narache",
514 | 267: "Hillsbrad Foothills",
515 | 279: "Dalaran",
516 | 331: "Ashenvale",
517 | 357: "Feralas",
518 | 361: "Felwood",
519 | 363: "Valley of Trials",
520 | 400: "Thousand Needles",
521 | 405: "Desolace",
522 | 406: "Stonetalon Mountains",
523 | 440: "Tanaris",
524 | 457: "The Veiled Sea",
525 | 490: "Un'Goro Crater",
526 | 491: "Razorfen Kraul",
527 | 493: "Moonglade",
528 | 618: "Winterspring",
529 | 702: "Rut'theran Village",
530 | 717: "The Stockade",
531 | 718: "Wailing Caverns",
532 | 719: "Blackfathom Deeps",
533 | 722: "Razorfen Downs",
534 | 796: "Scarlet Monastery",
535 | 978: "Zul'Farrak",
536 | 1116: "Feathermoon Stronghold",
537 | 1216: "Timbermaw Hold",
538 | 1337: "Uldaman",
539 | 1377: "Silithus",
540 | 1417: "Sunken Temple",
541 | 1497: "Undercity",
542 | 1519: "Stormwind City",
543 | 1537: "Ironforge",
544 | 1581: "The Deadmines",
545 | 1583: "Blackrock Spire",
546 | 1584: "Blackrock Depths",
547 | 1637: "Orgrimmar",
548 | 1638: "Thunder Bluff",
549 | 1657: "Darnassus",
550 | 1941: "Caverns of Time",
551 | 2017: "Stratholme",
552 | 2057: "Scholomance",
553 | 2079: "Alcaz Island",
554 | 2100: "Maraudon",
555 | 2159: "Onyxia's Lair",
556 | 2257: "Deeprun Tram",
557 | 2366: "The Black Morass",
558 | 2367: "Old Hillsbrad Foothills",
559 | 2437: "Ragefire Chasm",
560 | 2557: "Dire Maul",
561 | 2562: "Karazhan",
562 | 2597: "Alterac Valley",
563 | 2677: "Blackwing Lair",
564 | 2717: "Molten Core",
565 | 2917: "Hall of Legends",
566 | 2918: "Champions' Hall",
567 | 3277: "Warsong Gulch",
568 | 3358: "Arathi Basin",
569 | 3428: "Temple of Ahn'Qiraj",
570 | 3429: "Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj",
571 | 3430: "Eversong Woods",
572 | 3431: "Sunstrider Isle",
573 | 3433: "Ghostlands",
574 | 3456: "Naxxramas",
575 | 3483: "Hellfire Peninsula",
576 | 3487: "Silvermoon City",
577 | 3518: "Nagrand",
578 | 3519: "Terokkar Forest",
579 | 3520: "Shadowmoon Valley",
580 | 3521: "Zangarmarsh",
581 | 3522: "Blade's Edge Mountains",
582 | 3523: "Netherstorm",
583 | 3524: "Azuremyst Isle",
584 | 3525: "Bloodmyst Isle",
585 | 3526: "Ammen Vale",
586 | 3535: "Hellfire Citadel",
587 | 3557: "The Exodar",
588 | 3562: "Hellfire Ramparts",
589 | 3606: "Hyjal Summit",
590 | 3607: "Serpentshrine Cavern",
591 | 3618: "Gruul's Lair",
592 | 3679: "Skettis",
593 | 3688: "Auchindoun",
594 | 3696: "The Barrier Hills",
595 | 3703: "Shattrath City",
596 | 3713: "The Blood Furnace",
597 | 3714: "The Shattered Halls",
598 | 3715: "The Steamvault",
599 | 3716: "The Underbog",
600 | 3717: "The Slave Pens",
601 | 3789: "Shadow Labyrinth",
602 | 3790: "Auchenai Crypts",
603 | 3791: "Sethekk Halls",
604 | 3792: "Mana-Tombs",
605 | 3805: "Zul'Aman",
606 | 3820: "Eye of the Storm",
607 | 3836: "Magtheridon's Lair",
608 | 3840: "The Black Temple",
609 | 3842: "The Eye",
610 | 3845: "Tempest Keep",
611 | 3846: "The Arcatraz",
612 | 3847: "The Botanica",
613 | 3849: "The Mechanar",
614 | 3905: "Coilfang Reservoir",
615 | 3959: "Black Temple",
616 | 4075: "Sunwell Plateau",
617 | 4080: "Isle of Quel'Danas",
618 | 4095: "Magisters' Terrace"
619 | };
620 | var g_zone_categories = {
621 | 0: "Eastern Kingdoms",
622 | 1: "Kalimdor",
623 | 8: "Outland",
624 | 2: "Dungeons",
625 | 3: "Raids",
626 | 6: "Battlegrounds",
627 | 9: "Arenas"
628 | };
629 | var g_zone_instancetypes = {
630 | 1: "Transit",
631 | 2: "Dungeon",
632 | 3: "Raid",
633 | 4: "Battleground",
634 | 5: "Dungeon",
635 | 6: "Arena"
636 | };
637 | var g_zone_territories = {
638 | 0: "Alliance",
639 | 1: "Horde",
640 | 2: "Contested",
641 | 3: "Sanctuary",
642 | 4: "PvP"
643 | };
644 | var g_user_roles = {
645 | 1: "Tester",
646 | 2: "Administrator",
647 | 3: "Editor",
648 | 4: "Moderator",
649 | 5: "Bureaucrat"
650 | };
651 | var LANG = {
652 | comma: ", ",
653 | ellipsis: "...",
654 | dash: " " + String.fromCharCode(8211) + " ",
655 | hyphen: " - ",
656 | colon: ": ",
657 | qty: " ($1)",
658 | date_on: "on ",
659 | date_ago: "$1 ago",
660 | date_at: " at ",
661 | date_simple: "$2/$1/$3",
662 | armor: "Armor",
663 | author: "Author",
664 | category: "Category",
665 | classes: "Classes",
666 | cost: "Cost",
667 | count: "Count",
668 | daily: "Daily",
669 | dps: "DPS",
670 | group: "Group",
671 | instancetype: "Instance type",
672 | lastpost: "Last post",
673 | level: "Level",
674 | location: "Location",
675 | name: "Name",
676 | react: "React",
677 | reagents: "Reagents",
678 | rep: "Rep.",
679 | req: "Req.",
680 | reputation: "Reputation",
681 | rewards: "Rewards",
682 | petfamily: "Pet family",
683 | pieces: "Pieces",
684 | posted: "Posted",
685 | preview: "Preview",
686 | replies: "Replies",
687 | school: "School",
688 | side: "Side",
689 | source: "Source",
690 | skill: "Skill",
691 | skin: "Skin",
692 | slot: "Slot",
693 | slots: "Slots",
694 | speed: "Speed",
695 | stack: "Stack",
696 | standing: "Standing",
697 | stock: "Stock",
698 | subject: "Subject",
699 | territory: "Territory",
700 | tp: "TP",
701 | type: "Type",
702 | views: "Views",
703 | male: "Male",
704 | female: "Female",
705 | infobox_noneyet: "None yet – $1!",
706 | infobox_submitone: "Submit one",
707 | infobox_showall: "Show all ($1)",
708 | lvcomment_add: "Add your comment",
709 | lvcomment_sort: "Sort comments by: ",
710 | lvcomment_sortdate: "Date",
711 | lvcomment_sortrating: "Highest rated first",
712 | lvcomment_by: "By ",
713 | lvcomment_patch1: " (Patch ",
714 | lvcomment_patch2: ")",
715 | lvcomment_show: "Show comment",
716 | lvcomment_hide: "Hide comment",
717 | lvcomment_rating: "Rating: ",
718 | lvcomment_lastedit: "Last edited by ",
719 | lvcomment_nedits: "edited $1 times",
720 | lvcomment_edit: "Edit",
721 | lvcomment_delete: "Delete",
722 | lvcomment_detach: "Detach",
723 | lvcomment_reply: "Reply",
724 | lvdrop_outof: "out of $1",
725 | lvitem_reqlevel: "Req. ",
726 | lvnpc_alliance: "A",
727 | lvnpc_horde: "H",
728 | lvquest_daily: "Daily $1",
729 | lvquest_pickone: "Pick one:",
730 | lvquest_alsoget: "Also get:",
731 | lvquest_xp: "$1 XP",
732 | lvzone_xman: "$1-man",
733 | lvzone_xvx: "$1v$2",
734 | lvpage_of: " of ",
735 | lvpage_first: " First",
736 | lvpage_previous: " Previous",
737 | lvpage_next: "Next ",
738 | lvpage_last: "Last ",
739 | lvscreenshot_submit: "Submit a screenshot",
740 | lvscreenshot_from: "From ",
741 | lvscreenshot_hires: "View",
742 | lvscreenshot_hires2: " higher resolution version ($1x$2)",
743 | lvnodata: "There is no data to display.",
744 | lvnodata_co1: "No comments have been posted yet.",
745 | lvnodata_co2: "Be the first to <a>add a comment</a> to this page!",
746 | lvnodata_co3: "Please <a>sign in</a> to add your comment, or <a>sign up</a> if you don't already have an account.",
747 | lvnodata_ss1: "No screenshots have been submitted yet.",
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749 | lvnodata_ss3: "Please <a>sign in</a> to submit a screenshot, or <a>sign up</a> if you don't already have an account.",
750 | lvnote_tryfiltering: 'Try <a href="javascript:;" onclick="fi_Toggle()">filtering</a> your results',
751 | lvnote_trynarrowing: "Try narrowing your search",
752 | lvnote_itemsfound: "$1 items found",
753 | lvnote_itemsetsfound: "$1 item sets found",
754 | lvnote_npcsfound: "$1 NPCs found",
755 | lvnote_objectsfound: "$1 objects found",
756 | lvnote_questsfound: "$1 quests found",
757 | lvnote_spellsfound: "$1 spells found",
758 | lvnote_zonesfound: "$1 zones found",
759 | lvnote_factionsfound: "$1 factions found",
760 | lvnote_createafilter: '<small><a href="$1">Create a filter</a></small>',
761 | lvnote_questgivers: '<small><a href="?zone=$1">View</a> quest givers in <b>$2</b> <b>|</b> <a href="?items&filter=cr=126;crs=$3;crv=0">Filter</a> quest rewards</small>',
762 | lvnote_allpets: '<small><a href="?npcs&filter=fa=$1">Browse</a> all available <b>$2</b> pets</small>',
763 | lvnote_zonequests: '<small><a href="?quests=$1.$2">Browse quests</a> in the <b>$3</b> category <b>|</b> <a href="?items&filter=cr=126;crs=$4;crv=0">Filter</a> quest rewards</small>',
764 | lvnote_itemdisenchanting: "This item has been disenchanted $1 times.",
765 | lvnote_itemdropsinnormalonly: "This item only drops in Normal mode.",
766 | lvnote_itemdropsinheroiconly: "This item only drops in Heroic mode.",
767 | lvnote_itemdropsinnormalheroic: "This item drops in both Normal and Heroic modes.",
768 | lvnote_itemopening: "This item has been opened $1 times.",
769 | lvnote_itemprospecting: "This mineral ore has been prospected $1 times.",
770 | lvnote_npcdrops: "This NPC has been looted $1 times.",
771 | lvnote_npcdropsnormal: "This NPC has been looted $1 times in Normal mode.",
772 | lvnote_npcdropsheroic: "This NPC has been looted $1 times in Heroic mode.",
773 | lvnote_npcherbgathering: "This NPC has been skinned with Herbalism $1 times.",
774 | lvnote_npcmining: "This NPC has been skinned with Mining $1 times.",
775 | lvnote_npcpickpocketing: "This NPC has been pickpocketed $1 times.",
776 | lvnote_npcskinning: "This NPC has been skinned $1 times.",
777 | lvnote_objectherbgathering: "This herb has been gathered $1 times.",
778 | lvnote_objectmining: "This mineral vein has been mined $1 times.",
779 | lvnote_objectopening: "This object has been opened $1 times.",
780 | lvnote_objectopeningnormal: "This object has been opened $1 times in Normal mode.",
781 | lvnote_objectopeningheroic: "This object has been opened $1 times in Heroic mode.",
782 | lvnote_zonefishing: "Waters in this zone have been fished $1 times.",
783 | lvnote_usercomments: "This user has posted a total of $1 comments.",
784 | lvnote_userscreenshots: "This user has submitted a total of $1 screenshots.",
785 | lvnote_usertopics: "This user has posted a total of $1 topics.",
786 | lvnote_userreplies: "This user has posted a total of $1 replies.",
787 | message_ajaxnotsupported: "Please upgrade to a modern browser (such as Firefox) that supports 'Ajax' requests.",
788 | message_codenotentered: "You did not enter the code.",
789 | message_cantdeletecomment: "This comment has been automatically purged due to a negative rating. It cannot be deleted.",
790 | message_cantdetachcomment: "This comment has already been detached.",
791 | message_commentdetached: "This comment is now detached.",
792 | message_noscreenshot: "Please select the screenshot to upload.",
793 | message_forumposttooshort: "Your post is empty!",
794 | message_commenttooshort: "Your comment must be at least 10 characters long.\n\nPlease elaborate a little.",
795 | message_descriptiontooshort: "Your description must be at least 10 characters long.\n\nPlease elaborate a little.",
796 | message_ingamelink: "Shift-click this to place a link into a chat message: $1",
797 | message_entercurrpass: "Please enter your current password.",
798 | message_enternewpass: "Please enter your new password.",
799 | message_newpassdifferent: "Your new password must be different than your previous one.",
800 | message_passwordsdonotmatch: "Passwords do not match.",
801 | message_enternewemail: "Please enter your new email address.",
802 | message_newemaildifferent: "Your new email address must be different than your previous one.",
803 | message_emailnotvalid: "That email address is not valid.",
804 | message_enterusername: "Please enter your username.",
805 | message_enterpassword: "Please enter your password.",
806 | message_enteremail: "Please enter your email address.",
807 | message_usernamenotvalid: "Your username can only contain letters and numbers.",
808 | message_usernamemin: "Your username must be at least 4 characters long.",
809 | message_passwordmin: "Your password must be at least 6 characters long.",
810 | message_saved: "Saved.",
811 | confirm_deletecomment: "Are you sure that you want to delete this comment?",
812 | confirm_detachcomment: "Are you sure that you want to make this comment a standalone one?",
813 | confirm_commenttoolong: "Your comment is longer than 7500 characters and will be truncated after:\n\n$1\n\nDo you want to proceed anyway?",
814 | confirm_descriptiontoolong: "Your description is longer than 7500 characters and will be truncated after:\n\n$1\n\nDo you want to proceed anyway?",
815 | confirm_forumposttoolong: "Your post is longer than 7500 characters and will be truncated after:\n\n$1\n\nDo you want to proceed anyway?",
816 | confirm_signaturetoolong: "Your signature is longer than 250 characters and will be truncated after:\n\n$1\n\nDo you want to proceed anyway?",
817 | confirm_signaturetoomanylines: "Your signature contains more than 3 lines and will be truncated.\n\nDo you want to proceed anyway?",
818 | prompt_customrating: "Please enter a rating value between -$1 and $2:",
819 | prompt_linkurl: "Please enter the URL of your link:",
820 | prompt_ratinglevel: "Please enter the level used in the calculation (1 - 70):",
821 | prompt_ingamelink: "Copy/paste the following to your in-game chat window:",
822 | tooltip_dailyquest: "You may complete up to<br />25 daily quests per day.",
823 | tooltip_extendedquestsearch: "Check this option to search in the<br />objectives and description as well.",
824 | tooltip_extendedspellsearch: "Check this option to search in the<br />description and buff as well.",
825 | tooltip_sellsfor: "Sells for $1",
826 | tooltip_zonelink: "Clicking on this link will<br />take you to the zone page.",
827 | tooltip_combatrating: "$1 @ L$2",
828 | tooltip_armorbonus: "Has $1 more armor than the default<br />range for this armor type.",
829 | tooltip_reqlevel: "Required level",
830 | tooltip_repgain: "Reputation gain",
831 | tooltip_trainingpoints: "Training points",
832 | tooltip_honorpoints: "Honor Points",
833 | tooltip_arenapoints: "Arena Points",
834 | tooltip_customrating: "Custom rating",
835 | tooltip_uprate: "Insightful/funny",
836 | tooltip_downrate: "Poor/redundant",
837 | tooltip_normal: "Normal",
838 | tooltip_sticky: "Sticky",
839 | tooltip_pending: "Pending",
840 | tooltip_totaldatauploads: "Total size of all data uploads",
841 | tooltip_totalratings: "Sum of the ratings of all of their comments",
842 | tooltip_avgmoneycontained: "Average money contained",
843 | tooltip_avgmoneydropped: "Average money dropped",
844 | tooltip_buyoutprice: "Average buyout price (AH)",
845 | tooltip_reqenchanting: "Required enchanting skill",
846 | tooltip_reqjewelcrafting: "Required jewelcrafting skill",
847 | tooltip_reqlockpicking: "Required lockpicking skill",
848 | tooltip_partyloot: "When this item drops, each<br />member of the group can loot one.",
849 | tooltip_loading: "Loading...",
850 | tooltip_noresponse: "No response from server :(",
851 | tooltip_itemnotfound: "Item not found :(",
852 | tooltip_questnotfound: "Quest not found :(",
853 | tooltip_spellnotfound: "Spell not found :(",
854 | tooltip_captcha: "Click to generate a new one",
855 | tab_items: "Items",
856 | tab_itemsets: "Item sets",
857 | tab_npcs: "NPCs",
858 | tab_objects: "Objects",
859 | tab_quests: "Quests",
860 | tab_zones: "Zones",
861 | tab_abilities: "Abilities",
862 | tab_recipes: "Recipes",
863 | tab_skills: "Skills",
864 | tab_uncategorizedspells: "Uncategorized spells",
865 | tab_factions: "Factions",
866 | tab_articles: "Articles",
867 | tab_bosses: "Bosses",
868 | tab_canbeplacedin: "Can be placed in",
869 | tab_cancontain: "Can contain",
870 | tab_comments: "Comments",
871 | tab_containedin: "Contained in",
872 | tab_contains: "Contains",
873 | tab_createdby: "Created by",
874 | tab_currencyfor: "Currency for",
875 | tab_disenchantedfrom: "Disenchanted from",
876 | tab_disenchanting: "Disenchanting",
877 | tab_droppedby: "Dropped by",
878 | tab_drops: "Drops",
879 | tab_ends: "Ends",
880 | tab_fishedin: "Fished in",
881 | tab_fishing: "Fishing",
882 | tab_gatheredfrom: "Gathered from",
883 | tab_herbalism: "Herbalism",
884 | tab_heroicdrops: "Heroic drops",
885 | tab_latestcomments: "Latest comments",
886 | tab_latestreplies: "Latest replies",
887 | tab_latestscreenshots: "Latest screenshots",
888 | tab_latesttopics: "Latest topics",
889 | tab_members: "Members",
890 | tab_minedfrom: "Mined from",
891 | tab_mining: "Mining",
892 | tab_normaldrops: "Normal drops",
893 | tab_objectiveof: "Objective of",
894 | tab_pickpocketedfrom: "Pickpocketed from",
895 | tab_pickpocketing: "Pickpocketing",
896 | tab_prospectedfrom: "Prospected from",
897 | tab_prospecting: "Prospecting",
898 | tab_providedfor: "Provided for",
899 | tab_questrewards: "Quest rewards",
900 | tab_reagentfor: "Reagent for",
901 | tab_replies: "Replies",
902 | tab_rewardfrom: "Reward from",
903 | tab_samemodelas: "Same model as",
904 | tab_screenshots: "Screenshots",
905 | tab_seealso: "See also",
906 | tab_sharedcooldown: "Shared cooldown",
907 | tab_skinnedfrom: "Skinned from",
908 | tab_skinning: "Skinning",
909 | tab_sells: "Sells",
910 | tab_soldby: "Sold by",
911 | tab_starts: "Starts",
912 | tab_taughtby: "Taught by",
913 | tab_teaches: "Teaches",
914 | tab_toolfor: "Tool for",
915 | tab_topics: "Topics",
916 | tab_triggeredby: "Triggered by",
917 | tab_unlocks: "Unlocks",
918 | tab_usedby: "Used by",
919 | tab_addyourcomment: "Add your comment",
920 | tab_submitascreenshot: "Submit a screenshot",
921 | book_of: " of ",
922 | book_previous: " Previous",
923 | book_next: "Next ",
924 | mapper_tipzoom: "Tip: Click map to zoom",
925 | mapper_tippin: "Tip: Click map to add/remove pins",
926 | mapper_hidepins: "[hide pins]",
927 | mapper_showpins: "[show pins]",
928 | showonmap: "Show on map...",
929 | som_questgivers: "Quest givers",
930 | markup_b: "Bold",
931 | markup_i: "Italic",
932 | markup_u: "Underline",
933 | markup_s: "Strikethrough",
934 | markup_small: "Small text",
935 | markup_url: "Link",
936 | markup_quote: "Quote box",
937 | markup_code: "Code box",
938 | markup_ul: "Unordered list (bullets)",
939 | markup_ol: "Ordered list (numbers)",
940 | markup_li: "List item",
941 | markup_said: "said:",
942 | compose_mode: "Mode:",
943 | compose_edit: "Edit",
944 | compose_preview: "Preview",
945 | compose_livepreview: "Live Preview",
946 | compose_save: "Save",
947 | compose_cancel: "Cancel",
948 | compose_limit: "Up to $1 characters.",
949 | compose_limit2: "Up to $1 characters and/or 3 lines.",
950 | user_nodescription: "This user hasn't composed one yet.",
951 | user_nodescription2: "You haven't composed one yet.",
952 | user_composeone: "Compose one now!",
953 | user_editdescription: "Edit",
954 | myaccount_passmatch: "Passwords match",
955 | myaccount_passdontmatch: "Passwords do not match",
956 | types: {
957 | 1: ["NPC", "NPC", "NPCs", "NPCs"],
958 | 2: ["Object", "object", "Objects", "objects"],
959 | 3: ["Item", "item", "Items", "items"],
960 | 4: ["Item Set", "item set", "Item Sets", "item sets"],
961 | 5: ["Quest", "quest", "Quests", "quests"],
962 | 6: ["Spell", "spell", "Spells", "spells"],
963 | 7: ["Zone", "zone", "Zones", "zones"],
964 | 8: ["Faction", "faction", "Factions", "factions"]
965 | },
966 | timeunitssg: ["year", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"],
967 | timeunitspl: ["years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"],
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