1 | {config_load file="$conf_file"}
2 |
3 | {include file='header.tpl'}
4 |
5 | <div id="main">
6 |
7 | <div id="main-precontents"></div>
8 |
9 | <div id="main-contents" class="main-contents">
10 | <script type="text/javascript">
11 | {include file='bricks/allcomments.tpl'}
12 | var g_pageInfo = {ldelim}type: {$page.type}, typeId: {$page.typeid}, name: '{$itemset.name|escape:"quotes"}'{rdelim};
13 | g_initPath({$page.path});
14 | </script>
15 |
16 | <script type="text/javascript">
17 | {if $allitems}
18 | {include file='bricks/allitems_table.tpl' data=$allitems}
19 | {/if}
20 | {if $allspells}
21 | {include file='bricks/allspells_table.tpl' data=$allspells}
22 | {/if}
23 | </script>
24 |
25 | <table class="infobox">
26 | <tr><th>{#Quick_Facts#}</th></tr>
27 | <tr><td><div class="infobox-spacer"></div>
28 | <ul>
29 | <li><div>{#Level#}: {$itemset.minlevel}{if $itemset.minlevel!=$itemset.maxlevel - {$itemset.maxlevel}{/if}</div></li>{if $user.roles == 2}<li><div><a href="?admin.editarticle=5.{$itemset.entry}">{#Write_article#}</a></div></li>{/if}{if $itemset.Aflags & 2}<li><div>{#Not_Available_to_Players#}</div></li>{/if}{if $itemset.Aflags & 8}<li><div>{#No_Longer_Available_to_Players#}</div></li>{/if} {if $itemset.Aflags & 16}<li><div>{#Added_in_patch_24#}</div></li>{/if}
30 | </ul>
31 | </td></tr>
32 | </table>
33 | <script type="text/javascript">ss_appendSticky()</script>
34 |
35 | <div class="text">
36 | <a href="http://www.wowhead.com/?{$query}" class="button-red"><div><blockquote><i>Wowhead</i></blockquote><span>Wowhead</span></div></a>
37 | <h1>{$itemset.name}</h1>
38 | {$itemset.article}
39 | This {$itemset.count}-piece set includes the following items:
40 | <table class="iconlist">
41 | {section name=i loop=$itemset.pieces}<tr><th align="right" id="iconlist-icon{$smarty.section.i.index+1}"></th><td><span class="q{$itemset.pieces[i].quality}"><a href="?item={$itemset.pieces[i].entry}">{$itemset.pieces[i].name}</a></span></td></tr>{/section}
42 | </table>
43 | <script type="text/javascript">
44 | {section name=i loop=$itemset.pieces}ge('iconlist-icon{$smarty.section.i.index+1}').appendChild(g_items.createIcon({$itemset.pieces[i].entry}, 0, 0));{/section}
45 | </script>
46 | <h3>Set Bonuses</h3>
47 |
48 | Wearing more pieces of this set will convey bonuses to your character.
49 | <ul>
50 | {section name=i loop=$itemset.spells}<li><div>{$itemset.spells[i].bonus} pieces: <a href="?spell={$itemset.spells[i].entry}">{$itemset.spells[i].tooltip}</a></div></li>{/section}
51 | </ul>
52 |
53 | <h2>{#Related#}</h2>
54 |
55 | </div>
56 |
57 | <div id="tabs-generic"></div>
58 | <div id="listview-generic" class="listview"></div>
59 | <script type="text/javascript">
60 | var tabsRelated = new Tabs({ldelim}parent: ge('tabs-generic'){rdelim});
61 | new Listview({ldelim}template: 'comment', id: 'comments', name: LANG.tab_comments, tabs: tabsRelated, parent: 'listview-generic', data: lv_comments{rdelim});
62 | tabsRelated.flush();
63 | </script>
64 |
65 | {include file='bricks/contribute.tpl'}
66 |
67 | </div>
68 | </div>
69 | </div>
70 | {include file='footer.tpl'}