1 | <?php
2 |
3 | // Необходима функция creatureinfo
4 | require('includes/allnpcs.php');
5 |
6 | $smarty->config_load($conf_file, 'npcs');
7 |
8 | global $npc_cols;
9 |
10 | // Разделяем из запроса класс и подкласс вещей
11 | point_delim($podrazdel,$type,$family);
12 |
13 | $cache_str = (empty($type)?'x':intval($type)).'_'.(empty($family)?'x':intval($family));
14 |
15 | if(!$npcs = load_cache(2, $cache_str))
16 | {
17 | unset($npcs);
18 |
19 | global $AoWoWconf;
20 | global $DB;
21 |
22 | $rows = $DB->select('
23 | SELECT c.?#, c.entry
24 | {
25 | , l.name_loc?d as `name_loc`
26 | , l.subname_loc'.$_SESSION['locale'].' as `subname_loc`
27 | }
28 | FROM ?_factiontemplate, creature_template c
29 | { LEFT JOIN (locales_creature l) ON l.entry=c.entry AND ? }
30 | WHERE 1=1
31 | {AND type=?}
32 | {AND family=?}
33 | AND factiontemplateID=faction_A
34 | ORDER BY minlevel DESC, name
35 | {LIMIT ?d}
36 | ',
37 | $npc_cols[0],
38 | ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? $_SESSION['locale']: DBSIMPLE_SKIP,
39 | ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? 1: DBSIMPLE_SKIP,
40 | ($type!='')? $type: DBSIMPLE_SKIP,
41 | (isset($family))? $family: DBSIMPLE_SKIP,
42 | ($AoWoWconf['limit']!=0)? $AoWoWconf['limit']: DBSIMPLE_SKIP
43 | );
44 |
45 | $npcs = array();
46 | foreach ($rows as $numRow=>$row)
47 | {
48 | $npcs[$numRow] = array();
49 | $npcs[$numRow] = creatureinfo2($row);
50 | }
51 | save_cache(5, $cache_str, $npcs);
52 | }
53 |
54 | global $page;
55 | $page = array(
56 | 'Mapper' => false,
57 | 'Book' => false,
58 | 'Title' => $smarty->get_config_vars('NPCs'),
59 | 'tab' => 0,
60 | 'type' => 0,
61 | 'typeid' => 0,
62 | 'path' => '[0, 4,'.$type.','.$family.']'
63 | );
64 | $smarty->assign('page', $page);
65 |
66 | if (count($npcs>=0))
67 | $smarty->assign('npcs',$npcs);
68 | // Количество MySQL запросов
69 | $smarty->assign('mysql', $DB->getStatistics());
70 | // Загружаем страницу
71 | $smarty->display('npcs.tpl');
72 |
73 | ?>