1 | <?php
2 |
3 | include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../Base/Model.php');
4 |
5 | class Server extends Model
6 | {
7 | var $Id;
8 | var $Server;
9 | var $Task;
10 |
11 | function __construct($System, $Id)
12 | {
13 | parent::__construct($System);
14 | $this->Task = new Task($System);
15 | $this->Id = $Id;
16 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `Server` WHERE `Id`='.$Id);
17 | if($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
18 | {
19 | $this->Server = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
20 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `Database` WHERE `Id`='.$this->Server['Database']);
21 | if($DbResult->num_rows > 0) $this->Server['Database'] = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
22 | else $this->Server['Database'] = array('Emulator' => 0);
23 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `Emulator` WHERE `Id`='.$this->Server['Database']['Emulator']);
24 | if($DbResult->num_rows > 0) $this->Server['Database']['Emulator'] = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
25 | else $this->Server['Database']['Emulator'] = array('Client' => 0);
26 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `Client` WHERE `Id`='.$this->Server['Database']['Emulator']['Client']);
27 | if($DbResult->num_rows > 0) $this->Server['Database']['Emulator']['Client'] = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
28 | else $this->Server['Database']['Emulator']['Client'] = array();
29 | }
30 | }
31 |
32 | function CreateDatabase()
33 | {
34 | $this->Database->query('CREATE DATABASE `server'.$this->Id.'_realmd`');
35 | $this->Database->query('CREATE USER "server'.$this->Id.'"@"localhost" IDENTIFIED BY "server'.$this->Id.'"');
36 | $this->Database->query('GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `server'.$this->Id.'\_realmd` . * TO "server'.$this->Id.'"@"localhost" WITH GRANT OPTION');
37 | }
38 |
39 | function DeleteDatabase()
40 | {
41 | $this->Database->query('DROP DATABASE `server'.$this->Id.'_realmd`');
42 | $this->Database->query('DROP USER "server'.$this->Id.'"@"localhost"');
43 | }
44 |
45 | function Start()
46 | {
47 | $this->Lock();
48 | $this->SaveConfiguration();
49 | $this->Task->Add('Start emulátoru', array(
50 | 'php www/shell.php ServerLock '.$this->Id,
51 | 'server/'.$this->Id.'/bin/start.sh',
52 | 'php www/shell.php ServerUnLock '.$this->Id,
53 | ));
54 | return('Požadavek na start serveru zařazen.');
55 | }
56 |
57 | function Stop()
58 | {
59 | $this->Lock();
60 | $this->Task->Add('Zastavení emulátoru', array(
61 | 'php www/shell.php ServerLock '.$this->Id,
62 | 'server/'.$this->Id.'/bin/stop.sh',
63 | 'php www/shell.php ServerUnLock '.$this->Id,
64 | ));
65 | return('Požadavek na zastavení serveru zařazen.');
66 | }
67 |
68 | function GetState()
69 | {
70 | $State = array();
71 | $State['RealmdPortState'] = $this->System->NetworkPortState('localhost', $this->Server['NetworkPortRealmd']);
72 | $State['Online'] = $State['RealmdPortState'];
73 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = "server'.$this->Id.'_realmd"');
74 | $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_row();
75 | if($DbRow[0] > 0)
76 | {
77 | $State['AccountCount'] = $DbRow[0];
78 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = "server'.$this->Id.'_realmd" AND TABLE_NAME = "uptime"');
79 | $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_row();
80 | if($DbRow[0] > 0)
81 | {
82 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT uptime FROM server'.$this->Id.'_realmd.uptime AS T ORDER BY T.startstring DESC');
83 | $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
84 | $State['Uptime'] = $DbRow['uptime'];
85 | } else $State['Uptime'] = 0;
86 | } else
87 | {
88 | $State['AccountCount'] = 0;
89 | $State['Uptime'] = 0;
90 | }
91 | $State['UsedMemory'] = $this->GetUsedMemory();
92 | return($State);
93 | }
94 |
95 | function UpdateRealmlist()
96 | {
97 | $this->Database->query('TRUNCATE TABLE server'.$this->Id.'_realmd.realmlist');
98 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Realm', '*', 'Server = '.$this->Id);
99 | while($Realm = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
100 | {
101 | $this->Database->insert('server'.$this->Id.'_realmd`.`realmlist',
102 | array('id' => $Realm['Id'], 'name' => addslashes($Realm['Name']),
103 | 'address' => $this->Config['Web']['Host'], 'port' => $Realm['NetworkPortWorldd'],
104 | 'icon' => 0, 'timezone' => 1, 'color' => 0));
105 | }
106 | }
107 |
108 | function SaveConfiguration()
109 | {
110 | $this->SetupConfigurationFiles();
111 | $this->UpdateRealmlist();
112 | $this->UpdateScripts();
113 | }
114 |
115 | function UpdateScripts()
116 | {
117 | $ServerBinDir = '../server/'.$this->Id.'/bin/';
118 | if(!file_exists($ServerBinDir)) mkdir($ServerBinDir, 0777, true);
119 |
120 | // Start script
121 | $ScriptFileName = '../server/'.$this->Id.'/bin/start.sh';
122 | $Content = array
123 | (
124 | '#!/bin/sh',
125 | 'if [ -z `ps -ef | grep \'SCREEN -A -m -d -S server'.$this->Id.'-realmd\' | grep -v grep | awk \'{print $2}\'` ]',
126 | 'then',
127 | 'screen -A -m -d -S server'.$this->Id.'-realmd emulator/'.$this->Server['Database']['Emulator']['Id'].'/bin/mangos-realmd -c server/'.$this->Id.'/etc/realmd.conf',
128 | 'fi',
129 | );
130 | file_put_contents($ScriptFileName, implode("\n", $Content));
131 | chmod($ScriptFileName, 0777);
132 |
133 | // Stop script
134 | $ScriptFileName = '../server/'.$this->Id.'/bin/stop.sh';
135 | $Content = array
136 | (
137 | '#!/bin/sh',
138 | 'ps -ef | grep \'SCREEN -A -m -d -S server'.$this->Id.'-realmd\' | grep -v grep | awk \'{print $2}\' | xargs -i kill {}',
139 | );
140 | file_put_contents($ScriptFileName, implode("\n", $Content));
141 | chmod($ScriptFileName, 0777);
142 | }
143 |
144 | function SetupConfigurationFiles()
145 | {
146 | $EmulatorEtcDir = '../emulator/'.$this->Server['Database']['Emulator']['Id'].'/etc/';
147 | $ServerEtcDir = '../server/'.$this->Id.'/etc/';
148 | $ServerLogDir = '../server/'.$this->Id.'/log/';
149 | if(!file_exists($ServerEtcDir)) mkdir($ServerEtcDir, 0777, true);
150 | if(!file_exists($ServerLogDir)) mkdir($ServerLogDir, 0777, true);
151 |
152 | // realmd.conf
153 | $EmulatorConfig = new MangosConfigurationFile($this->System);
154 | $EmulatorConfig->Load($EmulatorEtcDir.'realmd.conf.dist');
155 | $EmulatorConfig->ParameterList['LoginDatabaseInfo'] = 'localhost;3306;server'.$this->Id.';server'.$this->Id.';server'.$this->Id.'_realmd';
156 | $EmulatorConfig->ParameterList['RealmServerPort'] = $this->Server['NetworkPortRealmd'];
157 | $EmulatorConfig->ParameterList['LogsDir'] = 'server/'.$this->Id.'/log';
158 | $EmulatorConfig->Save($ServerEtcDir.'realmd.conf');
159 | }
160 |
161 | function UpdateState()
162 | {
163 | $State = $this->GetState();
164 | $this->Database->update('Server', 'Id='.$this->Id, array(
165 | 'Online' => $State['Online'],
166 | 'AccountCount' => $State['AccountCount'],
167 | ));
168 | }
169 |
170 | function UpdateStateAll()
171 | {
172 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Server', 'Id');
173 | while($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
174 | {
175 | $Server = new Server($this->System, $DbRow['Id']);
176 | $Server->UpdateState();
177 | }
178 | }
179 |
180 | function NewAccount($Name, $Password, $Password2, $Email, $Expansion)
181 | {
182 | $Output = '';
183 | if(($Password == '') or ($Password2 == '') or ($Name == '') or ($Email == '')) $Output = 'Vyplňte správně všechny údaje.';
184 | else if($Password != $Password2) $Output = 'Hesla si neodpovídají.';
185 | else
186 | {
187 | $Name = strtoupper($Name);
188 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT Id FROM server'.$this->Id.'_realmd.account WHERE username="'.$Name.'"');
189 | if($DbResult->num_rows > 0) $Output = 'Účet se zadaným jménem již existuje.';
190 | else
191 | {
192 | $Password = sha1($Name.':'.strtoupper($Password));
193 | $this->Database->query('INSERT INTO `server'.$this->Id.'_realmd`.`account` (`username`, `sha_pass_hash`, `email`, `joindate`, `expansion`) VALUES ("'.$Name.'", "'.$Password.'", "'.$Email.'", NOW(), '.$Expansion.')');
194 | $Output = 'Nový účet vytvořen.';
195 | }
196 | }
197 | return($Output);
198 | }
199 |
200 | function ImportDatabase($Delete = false)
201 | {
202 | $this->Lock();
203 | $CommandList = array(
204 | 'php www/shell.php ServerLock '.$this->Id,
205 | );
206 | if($Delete == true)
207 | {
208 | $CommandList = array_merge($CommandList, array(
209 | 'mysql --silent --skip-column-names -u server'.$this->Id.' -pserver'.$this->Id.' server'.$this->Id.'_realmd -e "show tables" | gawk \'{print "drop table " $1 ";"}\' | mysql -u server'.$this->Id.' -pserver'.$this->Id.' server'.$this->Id.'_realmd',
210 | ));
211 | }
212 | // Lookup nearest database with full import
213 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `Database` WHERE (`Emulator` <> 0) AND (`Revision` <= '.$this->Server['Database']['Revision'].') AND (`SourceFileName` <> "") ORDER BY `Revision` DESC');
214 | $Database = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
215 |
216 | $CommandList = array_merge($CommandList, array(
217 | 'mysql --user=server'.$this->Id.' --password=server'.$this->Id.' server'.$this->Id.'_realmd < emulator/'.$Database['Emulator']['Id'].'/share/mangos/sql/realmd.sql',
218 | 'php www/shell.php ServerDatabaseChange '.$this->Id.' '.$Database['Id'],
219 | 'php www/shell.php ServerUnLock '.$this->Id,
220 | ));
221 | $this->Task->Add('Inicializace databáze', $CommandList);
222 |
223 | if($Database['Id'] != $this->Server['Database']['Id'])
224 | {
225 | $NewDatabaseId = $this->Server['Database']['Id'];
226 | $this->Server['Database']['Id'] = $Database['Id'];
227 | $this->Update($NewDatabaseId, false, false);
228 | }
229 | return('Úloha načtení nové databáze zařazena do fronty.');
230 | }
231 |
232 | function Update($DatabaseId, $DoBackup = true, $DoStop = true)
233 | {
234 | $this->Lock();
235 | $Output = '';
236 |
237 | // Stop server before update
238 | if($DoStop)
239 | {
240 | $Output .= $this->Stop();
241 | }
242 |
243 | // Backup current
244 | if($DoBackup)
245 | {
246 | $Backup = new Backup($this->System, 0);
247 | $Output .= '<br />'.$Backup->Create($this->Id);
248 | }
249 |
250 | // Do update
251 | $Commands = array(
252 | 'php www/shell.php ServerLock '.$this->Id,
253 | );
254 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT `Revision` FROM `Database` WHERE `Id` = '.$this->Server['Database']['Id']);
255 | $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
256 | $DatabaseRevisionStart = $DbRow['Revision'];
257 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT `Revision` FROM `Database` WHERE `Id` = '.$DatabaseId);
258 | $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
259 | $DatabaseRevisionEnd = $DbRow['Revision'];
260 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `Database` WHERE (`Revision` > '.$DatabaseRevisionStart.') AND (`Revision` <= '.$DatabaseRevisionEnd.') ORDER BY `Revision`');
261 | while($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
262 | {
263 | $Updates = explode("\n", $DbRow['Update']);
264 | foreach($Updates as $Update)
265 | if($Update != '')
266 | {
267 | $Parts = explode('|', $Update);
268 | if($Parts[0] == 'realmd')
269 | $Command = 'mysql --user=server'.$this->Id.' --password=server'.$this->Id.' server'.$this->Id.'_'.$Parts[0].' < database/'.$DbRow['Id'].'/'.$Parts[1];
270 | $Commands[] = $Command;
271 | }
272 | }
273 | $Commands = array_merge($Commands, array(
274 | 'php www/shell.php ServerDatabaseChange '.$this->Id.' '.$DatabaseId,
275 | 'php www/shell.php ServerUnLock '.$this->Id,
276 | ));
277 |
278 | $this->Task->Add('Aktualizace databáze', $Commands);
279 | $Output .= '<br />Úloha aktualizace serveru byla přidána do fronty.';
280 | return($Output);
281 | }
282 |
283 | function Lock()
284 | {
285 | $this->Database->update('Server', 'Id='.$this->Id, array('Lock' => 1));
286 | }
287 |
288 | function UnLock()
289 | {
290 | $this->Database->update('Server', 'Id='.$this->Id, array('Lock' => 0));
291 | }
292 |
293 | function ChangeDatabaseId($Id)
294 | {
295 | $this->Database->update('Server', 'Id='.$this->Id, array('Database' => $Id));
296 | $this->SaveConfiguration();
297 | }
298 |
299 | function GetUsedMemory()
300 | {
301 | $UsedMemory = 0;
302 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Realm', 'Id', 'Server='.$this->Id);
303 | while($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
304 | {
305 | $Realm = new Realm($this->System, $DbRow['Id']);
306 | $UsedMemory += $Realm->GetUsedMemory();
307 | }
308 | return($UsedMemory);
309 | }
310 |
311 | function GetPatchList()
312 | {
313 | // http://us.version.worldofwarcraft.com/update/PatchSequenceFile.txt
314 | $Output = array('[WoW]', 'CurrentBuild='.$this->Server['Database']['Emulator']['Client']['BuildNumber']);
315 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM Client WHERE BuildNumber <= '.$this->Server['Database']['Emulator']['Client']['BuildNumber'].' AND Patch != "" ORDER BY BuildNumber');
316 | while($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
317 | {
318 | $Output[] = $DbRow['BuildNumber'].'='.$DbRow['Patch'];
319 | }
320 | return(implode("\n", $Output));
321 | }
322 |
323 | function RealmCount()
324 | {
325 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Realm WHERE Server='.$this->Id);
326 | $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_row();
327 | return($DbRow[0]);
328 | }
329 |
330 | function UpdateRealmlistAccountCount()
331 | {
332 | $this->Database->query('TRUNCATE TABLE server'.$this->Id.'_realmd.realmcharacters');
333 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Realm', '*', 'Server = '.$this->Id);
334 | while($Realm = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
335 | {
336 | $this->Database->query('INSERT INTO server'.$this->Id.'_realmd.realmcharacters (SELECT '.$Realm['Id'].' AS realmid, server'.$this->Id.'_realmd.account.id AS acctid, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM realm'.$Realm['Id'].'_characters.characters WHERE realm'.$Realm['Id'].'_characters.characters.account = server'.$this->Id.'_realmd.account.id) AS numchars FROM server'.$this->Id.'_realmd.account)');
337 | }
338 | }
339 | }