1 | unit URSS;
2 |
3 | {$mode Delphi}{$H+}
4 |
5 | interface
6 |
7 | uses
8 | Classes, SysUtils, DateUtils;
9 |
10 | type
11 | TRSSChannelItem = class
12 | Title: string;
13 | Description: string;
14 | Time: TDateTime;
15 | Link: string;
16 | end;
17 |
18 | { TRSSCannel }
19 |
20 | { TRSSChannel }
21 |
22 | TRSSChannel = class
23 | Title: string;
24 | Link: string;
25 | Description: string;
26 | PublishDate: TDateTime;
27 | WebMasterEmail: string;
28 | Language: string;
29 | TTL: Integer;
30 | Items: TList;
31 | function ProduceOutput: string;
32 | constructor Create;
33 | destructor Destroy; override;
34 | function RFC2822TimeFormat(Time: TDateTime): string;
35 | end;
36 |
37 | implementation
38 |
39 | { TRSSCannel }
40 |
41 | function TRSSChannel.ProduceOutput: string;
42 | var
43 | I: Integer;
44 | begin
45 | Result := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' +
46 | '<rss version="2.0">' +
47 | '<channel>' +
48 | '<title>' + Title + '</title>' +
49 | '<link>' + Link + '</link>' +
50 | '<description>' + Description + '</description>' +
51 | '<language>' + Language + '</language>' +
52 | '<webMaster>' + WebMasterEmail + '</webMaster>' +
53 | '<pubDate>' + DateToStr(PublishDate) + '</pubDate>' +
54 | '<ttl>' + IntToStr(TTL) + '</ttl>';
55 | for I := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do
56 | with TRSSChannelItem(Items[I]) do begin
57 | Result := Result + '<item>' +
58 | '<title>' + Title + '</title>' +
59 | '<description>' + Description + '</description>' +
60 | '<pubDate>' + RFC2822TimeFormat(Time) + '</pubDate>' +
61 | '<link>' + Link + '</link>' +
62 | '</item>';
63 | end;
64 | Result := Result + '</channel>' +
65 | '</rss>';
66 | end;
67 |
68 | constructor TRSSChannel.Create;
69 | begin
70 | TTL := 20;
71 | Language := 'cs';
72 | PublishDate := Now;
73 | Items := TList.Create;
74 | end;
75 |
76 | destructor TRSSChannel.Destroy;
77 | var
78 | I: Integer;
79 | begin
80 | for I := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do
81 | TRSSChannelItem(Items[I]).Free;
82 | Items.Free;
83 | inherited Destroy;
84 | end;
85 |
86 | function TRSSChannel.RFC2822TimeFormat(Time: TDateTime): string;
87 | const
88 | WeekName: array[1..7] of string = ('Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun');
89 | MonthName: array[1..12] of string = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul',
90 | 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
91 | TimeZone = '+0100';
92 | begin
93 | Result := WeekName[DayOfTheWeek(Time)] + ', ' + IntToStr(DayOfTheMonth(Time)) + ' ' +
94 | MonthName[MonthOf(Time)] + ' ' + IntToStr(YearOf(Time)) + ' ' +
95 | IntToStr(HourOf(Time)) + ':' + IntToStr(MinuteOf(Time)) + ':' +
96 | IntToStr(SecondOf(Time)) + ' ' + TimeZone;
97 | end;
98 |
99 | end.
100 |