Mar 19, 2010, 9:22:00 PM (15 years ago)
  • Přidáno: Zavedení systému pěkných URL. Přejmenováno mnoho stránek.
  • Přidáno: Skript pro generování SERVERALERT aktualit pro klienta.
1 edited


  • TabularUnified trunk/inc/teamspeakdisplay/teamspeakdisplay.php

    r607 r690  
    332332  // be hard to read >:)
    333333  function displayTeamspeakEx($settings) {
     334    global $html;
    334336    $serverInfo = $this->queryTeamspeakServerEx($settings);
    343345      }
    344346      echo("<table><tr><td>");
    345       echo("<img src=\"inc/teamspeakdisplay/teamspeak_offline.png\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
     347      echo("<img src=\"".$html->Link('/inc/teamspeakdisplay/teamspeak_offline.png')."\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
    346348      echo("</td><td class=\"teamspeakserver\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
    347349      echo("Server offline");
    410412      // Print the topmost element of the teamspeak tree
    411413      echo("<table><tr><td>");
    412       echo("<img src=\"inc/teamspeakdisplay/teamspeak_online.png\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
     414      echo("<img src=\"".$html->Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/teamspeak_online.png")."\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
    413415      echo("</td><td class=\"teamspeakserver\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
    414416      echo("<a class=\"teamspeakserver\" href=\"javascript:enterServer_" . $jsTeamspeakId . "();\">");
    450452        // Display channel:
    451453        echo("<table><tr><td>");
    452         echo("<img src=\"inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter + 1) == $currentchannels) ? "3" : "2") . ".png\" alt=\"\">");
    453         echo("<img src=\"inc/teamspeakdisplay/channel.png\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
     454        echo("<img src=\"".$html->Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter + 1) == $currentchannels) ? "3" : "2") . ".png")."\" alt=\"\">");
     455        echo("<img src=\"".$html->Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/channel.png")."\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
    454456        echo("</td><td class=\"teamspeakchannel\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
    455457        echo("<a class=\"teamspeakchannel\" href=\"javascript:enterChannel_" . $jsTeamspeakId . "('" . str_replace("'", "\'", $channelInfo["channelname"]) . "', " . (($channelInfo["password"]) == "1" ? "true" : "false") . ");\">");
    471473            // Display player:
    472474            echo("<table><tr><td>");
    473             echo("<img src=\"inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter + 1) == $currentchannels) ? "4" : "1") . ".png\" alt=\"\">");
    474             echo("<img src=\"inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter_playerandsubchannels + 1) == $currentplayersandsubchannels) ? "3" : "2") . ".png\" alt=\"\">");
    475             echo("<img src=\"inc/teamspeakdisplay/player_" . $playerInfo["displayimage"] . ".png\" alt=\"" . $playerInfo["displayimage"] . "\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
     475            echo("<img src=\"".$html->Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter + 1) == $currentchannels) ? "4" : "1") . ".png")."\" alt=\"\">");
     476            echo("<img src=\"".$html->Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter_playerandsubchannels + 1) == $currentplayersandsubchannels) ? "3" : "2") . ".png")."\" alt=\"\">");
     477            echo("<img src=\"".$html->Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/player_" . $playerInfo["displayimage"] . ".png")."\" alt=\"" . $playerInfo["displayimage"] . "\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
    476478            echo("</td><td class=\"teamspeakplayer\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
    477479            echo(str_replace(" ", "&nbsp;", $this -> Kodovani($playerInfo["displayname"])));
    496498          // Display channel:
    497499          echo("<table><tr><td>");
    498           echo("<img src=\"inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter + 1) == $currentchannels) ? "4" : "1") . ".png\" alt=\"\">");
    499           echo("<img src=\"inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter_playerandsubchannels + 1) == $currentplayersandsubchannels) ? "3" : "2") . ".png\" alt=\"\">");
    500           echo("<img src=\"inc/teamspeakdisplay/channel.png\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
     500          echo("<img src=\"".$html->Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter + 1) == $currentchannels) ? "4" : "1") . ".png")."\" alt=\"\">");
     501          echo("<img src=\"".$html->Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter_playerandsubchannels + 1) == $currentplayersandsubchannels) ? "3" : "2") . ".png")."\" alt=\"\">");
     502          echo("<img src=\"".$html->Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/channel.png")."\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
    501503          echo("</td><td class=\"teamspeaksubchannel\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
    502504          echo("<a class=\"teamspeaksubchannel\" href=\"javascript:enterSubChannel_" . $jsTeamspeakId . "('" . str_replace("'", "\'", $channelInfo["channelname"]) . "', " . (($channelInfo["password"]) == "1" ? "true" : "false") . ", '" . str_replace("'", "\'", $subchannelInfo["channelname"]) . "');\">");
    518520              // Display player:
    519521              echo("<table><tr><td>");
    520               echo("<img src=\"inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter + 1) == $currentchannels) ? "4" : "1") . ".png\" alt=\"\">");
    521               echo("<img src=\"inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter_playerandsubchannels + 1) == $currentplayersandsubchannels) ? "4" : "1") . ".png\" alt=\"\">");
    522               echo("<img src=\"inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter_player + 1) == $currentplayers) ? "3" : "2") . ".png\" alt=\"\">");
    523               echo("<img src=\"inc/teamspeakdisplay/player_" . $playerInfo["displayimage"] . ".png\" alt=\"" . $playerInfo["displayimage"] . "\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
     522              echo("<img src=\"".$html->Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter + 1) == $currentchannels) ? "4" : "1") . ".png")."\" alt=\"\">");
     523              echo("<img src=\"".$html->Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter_playerandsubchannels + 1) == $currentplayersandsubchannels) ? "4" : "1") . ".png")."\" alt=\"\">");
     524              echo("<img src=\"".$html->Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter_player + 1) == $currentplayers) ? "3" : "2") . ".png")."\" alt=\"\">");
     525              echo("<img src=\"".$html->Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/player_" . $playerInfo["displayimage"] . ".png")."\" alt=\"" . $playerInfo["displayimage"] . "\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
    524526              echo("</td><td class=\"teamspeakplayer\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
    525527              echo(str_replace(" ", "&nbsp;", $this -> Kodovani($playerInfo["displayname"])));
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.