1 | <?php
2 | $lvl = $player -> GetGmLvl();
3 | if($lvl > 0){
4 | echo "<center>";
5 | $q = $_GET['q'];
6 | if(empty($q)):
7 | echo"<h2>Vyber kategorii</h2>";
8 | echo"<p align=center>";
9 | echo"<a href=\"?page=admin_novinky_modify&q=1&c=0\">Všechny</a> <br />";
10 | echo"<a href=\"?page=admin_novinky_modify&q=1&c=1\">Server novinky</a> <br />";
11 | echo"<a href=\"?page=admin_novinky_modify&q=1&c=2\">Gm novinky</a> <br />";
12 | echo"<a href=\"?page=admin_novinky_modify&q=1&c=3\">In-Game novinky</a> <br />";
13 | echo"<a href=\"?page=admin_novinky_modify&q=1&c=4\">Články</a> <br />";
14 |
15 | elseif($q == 1):
16 | $kategorie = $_GET['c'];
17 |
18 | if($kategorie == 0):
19 | $where = " ";
20 | else:
21 | $where = "WHERE category='$kategorie'";
22 | endif;
23 |
24 | $DbResult = $db->query("SELECT id FROM articles $where")
25 | $pocet = $DbResult->num_rows;
26 |
27 | if($pocet != 0):
28 | echo"<table align=center border=1><tr><td><b>Autor</b><td><b>Datum</b><td><b>Nadpis</b><td></tr>";
29 |
30 | $query = $db->query("SELECT * from articles $where order by date DESC");
31 | while($row = $query->fetch_array($query))
32 | {
33 | $id = $row['id'];
34 | echo"<tr>
35 | <td align=center valign=middle>$row[date]
36 | <td align=center valign=middle>$row[autor]
37 | <td align=center valign=middle>$row[title]
38 | <form method=post action=\"?page=admin_novinky_modify&q=2\">
39 | <td align=center valign=middle>
40 | <input type=hidden name=id value='$id'><input type=submit value='Upravit'>
41 | </form></tr>";
42 |
43 | }
44 | echo"</table>";
45 |
46 | else:
47 | echo"<b>V této kategorii nejsou žádné novinky!</b>";
48 | endif;
49 |
50 | elseif($q == 2):
51 | $id = $_POST['id'];
52 |
53 | $query = $db->query("SELECT * from articles where id='$id'");
54 |
55 | while($row = $query->fetch_array())
56 | {
57 | $autor = $row['autor'];
58 | $title = $row['title'];
59 | $text = $row['text'];
60 | $kategorie = $row['category'];
61 | }
62 | if($kategorie==1):
63 | $option1 = "<option value=1>Server novinky";
64 | $option2 = "<option value=2>Gm novinky";
65 | $option3 = "<option value=3>In-Game novinky";
66 | $option4 = "<option value=4>Články";
67 | elseif($kategorie==2):
68 | $option1 = "<option value=2>Gm novinky";
69 | $option2 = "<option value=1>Server novinky";
70 | $option3 = "<option value=3>In-Game novinky";
71 | $option4 = "<option value=4>Články";
72 | elseif($kategorie==3):
73 | $option1 = "<option value=3>In-Game novinky";
74 | $option2 = "<option value=2>Gm novinky";
75 | $option3 = "<option value=1>Server novinky";
76 | $option4 = "<option value=4>Články";
77 | elseif($kategorie==4):
78 | $option1 = "<option value=4>Články";
79 | $option2 = "<option value=2>Gm novinky";
80 | $option3 = "<option value=3>In-Game novinky";
81 | $option4 = "<option value=1>Server novinky";
82 | endif;
83 |
84 | echo"<form method=post action=\"?page=admin_novinky_modify&q=3\"><table align=center><p align=center>";
85 | echo"<input type=hidden name=id value='$id'><input type=hidden name=upravit value=1>";
86 | echo"<tr><td align=right><b>Autor:</b> <td><input type=text value='$autor' name=autor><br />";
87 | echo"<tr><td align=right><b>Nadpis:</b> <td><input type=text value='$title' name=title><br />";
88 | echo"
89 | <tr><td align=right>
90 | <b>Kategorie:</b>
91 | <td><select name=kategorie>
92 | $option1
93 | $option2
94 | $option3
95 | $option4
96 | </select>
97 | </table><br /><br />";
98 | echo"<table align=center><tr><td valign=top><b>Text:</b> <td><textarea name=text cols=\"30\" rows=\"5\">$text</textarea></table><br />";
99 | echo"<br><input type=submit value='Upravit'>";
100 |
101 | elseif($q == 3):
102 | $autor = $_POST['autor'];
103 | $title = $_POST['title'];
104 | $text = $_POST['text'];
105 | $kategorie = $_POST['kategorie'];
106 | $id = $_POST['id'];
107 | $upravit = $_POST['upravit'];
108 |
109 | if($upravit==1 and $lvl > 0):
110 |
111 |
112 | $upravit_autor = $db->query("update articles set autor='$autor' where id='$id'");
113 | $upravit_title = $db->query("update articles set title='$title' where id='$id'");
114 | $upravit_text = $db->query("update articles set text='$text' where id='$id'");
115 | $upravit_kategorie = $db->query("update articles set category='$kategorie' where id='$id'");
116 |
117 | if($upravit_autor and $upravit_title and $upravit_text and $upravit_kategorie):
118 | echo"<p align=center><font color=green><b>Úprava novinky byla provedena úspěšně!</b></font><br>";
119 | echo"<a href=\"?page=admin\"><-- Do administrace</a>";
120 | else:
121 | echo"<p align=center><font color=red><b>Při úpravě novinky došlo k chybě, zkuste to prosím později!</b></font><br>";
122 | echo"<a href=\"?page=admin\"><-- Do administrace</a>";
123 | endif;
124 | else:
125 | echo"<p align=center><font color=red><b>Nemáte dostatečná oprávnění pro tuto akci!</b></font>";
126 | echo"<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"3;url=?page=main\">";
127 | endif;
128 |
129 | endif;
130 | echo"</center>";
131 |
132 | } else {
133 | echo"<p align=center><font color=red><b>Nemáte dostatečná oprávnění pro tuto akci!</b></font>";
134 | echo"<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"3;url=?page=main\">";
135 | }
136 |
137 | ?>