1 | <!-- INCLUDE overall_header.html -->
2 |
3 | <!-- IF S_FORUM_RULES -->
4 | <div class="forumrules">
5 | <!-- IF U_FORUM_RULES -->
6 | <h3>{L_FORUM_RULES}</h3><br />
7 | <a href="{U_FORUM_RULES}"><b>{L_FORUM_RULES_LINK}</b></a>
8 | <!-- ELSE -->
9 | <h3>{L_FORUM_RULES}</h3><br />
11 | <!-- ENDIF -->
12 | </div>
13 |
14 | <br clear="all" />
15 | <!-- ENDIF -->
16 |
17 | <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_ACTIVE -->
18 | <table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="1">
19 | <tr>
20 | <td class="cat" colspan="<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->7<!-- ELSE -->6<!-- ENDIF -->"><span class="nav">{L_ACTIVE_TOPICS}</span></td>
21 | </tr>
22 |
23 | <tr>
24 | <!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
25 | <th colspan="3"> {L_TOPICS} </th>
26 | <!-- ELSE -->
27 | <th colspan="2"> {L_TOPICS} </th>
28 | <!-- ENDIF -->
29 | <th> {L_AUTHOR} </th>
30 | <th> {L_REPLIES} </th>
31 | <th> {L_VIEWS} </th>
32 | <th> {L_LAST_POST} </th>
33 | </tr>
34 |
35 | <!-- BEGIN topicrow -->
36 |
37 | <tr>
38 | <td class="row1" width="25" align="center">{topicrow.TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG}</td>
39 | <!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
40 | <td class="row1" width="25" align="center"><!-- IF topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG --><img src="{T_ICONS_PATH}{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG}" width="{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG_WIDTH}" height="{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG_HEIGHT}" alt="" title="" /><!-- ENDIF --></td>
41 | <!-- ENDIF -->
42 | <td class="row1">
43 | <!-- IF topicrow.S_UNREAD_TOPIC --><a href="{topicrow.U_NEWEST_POST}">{NEWEST_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->
44 | {topicrow.ATTACH_ICON_IMG} <!-- IF topicrow.S_HAS_POLL or topicrow.S_TOPIC_MOVED --><b>{topicrow.TOPIC_TYPE}</b> <!-- ENDIF --><a title="{L_POSTED}: {topicrow.FIRST_POST_TIME}" href="{topicrow.U_VIEW_TOPIC}"class="topictitle">{topicrow.TOPIC_TITLE}</a>
45 | <!-- IF topicrow.S_TOPIC_UNAPPROVED or topicrow.S_POSTS_UNAPPROVED -->
46 | <a href="{topicrow.U_MCP_QUEUE}">{UNAPPROVED_IMG}</a>
47 | <!-- ENDIF -->
48 | <!-- IF topicrow.S_TOPIC_REPORTED -->
49 | <a href="{topicrow.U_MCP_REPORT}">{REPORTED_IMG}</a>
50 | <!-- ENDIF -->
51 | <!-- IF topicrow.PAGINATION -->
52 | <p class="gensmall"> [ {GOTO_PAGE_IMG}{L_GOTO_PAGE}: {topicrow.PAGINATION} ] </p>
53 | <!-- ENDIF -->
54 | </td>
55 | <td class="row2" width="130" align="center"><p class="topicauthor">{topicrow.TOPIC_AUTHOR_FULL}</p></td>
56 | <td class="row1" width="50" align="center"><p class="topicdetails">{topicrow.REPLIES}</p></td>
57 | <td class="row2" width="50" align="center"><p class="topicdetails">{topicrow.VIEWS}</p></td>
58 | <td class="row1" width="140" align="center">
59 | <p class="topicdetails" style="white-space: nowrap;">{topicrow.LAST_POST_TIME}</p>
60 | <p class="topicdetails">{topicrow.LAST_POST_AUTHOR_FULL}
61 | <a href="{topicrow.U_LAST_POST}">{LAST_POST_IMG}</a>
62 | </p>
63 | </td>
64 | </tr>
65 |
66 | <!-- BEGINELSE -->
67 |
68 | <tr>
69 | <!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
70 | <td class="row1" colspan="7" height="30" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="gen"><!-- IF not S_SORT_DAYS -->{L_NO_TOPICS}<!-- ELSE -->{L_NO_TOPICS_TIME_FRAME}<!-- ENDIF --></span></td>
71 | <!-- ELSE -->
72 | <td class="row1" colspan="6" height="30" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="gen"><!-- IF not S_SORT_DAYS -->{L_NO_TOPICS}<!-- ELSE -->{L_NO_TOPICS_TIME_FRAME}<!-- ENDIF --></span></td>
73 | <!-- ENDIF -->
74 | </tr>
75 | <!-- END topicrow -->
76 |
77 | <tr align="center">
78 | <td class="cat" colspan="<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->7<!-- ELSE -->6<!-- ENDIF -->"> </td>
79 | </tr>
80 | </table>
81 |
82 | <br clear="all" />
83 | <!-- ENDIF -->
84 |
85 | <!-- IF S_HAS_SUBFORUM -->
86 | <!-- INCLUDE forumlist_body.html -->
87 | <br clear="all" />
88 | <!-- ENDIF -->
89 |
91 | <div id="pageheader">
92 | <h2>{FORUM_NAME}</h2>
93 |
94 | <!-- IF MODERATORS -->
95 | <p class="moderators"><!-- IF S_SINGLE_MODERATOR -->{L_MODERATOR}<!-- ELSE -->{L_MODERATORS}<!-- ENDIF -->: {MODERATORS}</p>
96 | <!-- ENDIF -->
97 | <!-- IF U_MCP -->
98 | <p class="linkmcp">[ <a href="{U_MCP}">{L_MCP}</a> ]</p>
99 | <!-- ENDIF -->
100 | </div>
101 |
102 | <br clear="all" /><br />
103 | <!-- ENDIF -->
104 |
105 | <div id="pagecontent">
106 |
107 | <!-- IF S_NO_READ_ACCESS -->
108 | <table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="1">
109 | <tr>
110 | <td class="row1" height="30" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="gen">{L_NO_READ_ACCESS}</span></td>
111 | </tr>
112 | </table>
113 |
114 | <!-- IF not S_USER_LOGGED_IN -->
115 |
116 | <br /><br />
117 |
118 | <form method="post" action="{S_LOGIN_ACTION}">
119 |
120 | <table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="1">
121 | <tr>
122 | <td class="cat"><h4><a href="{U_LOGIN_LOGOUT}">{L_LOGIN_LOGOUT}</a></h4></td>
123 | </tr>
124 | <tr>
125 | <td class="row1" align="center"><span class="genmed">{L_USERNAME}:</span> <input class="post" type="text" name="username" size="10" /> <span class="genmed">{L_PASSWORD}:</span> <input class="post" type="password" name="password" size="10" /><!-- IF S_AUTOLOGIN_ENABLED --> <span class="gensmall">{L_LOG_ME_IN}</span> <input type="checkbox" class="radio" name="autologin" /><!-- ENDIF --> <input type="submit" class="btnmain" name="login" value="{L_LOGIN}" /></td>
126 | </tr>
127 | </table>
128 |
129 | </form>
130 |
131 | <!-- ENDIF -->
132 |
133 | <br clear="all" />
134 | <!-- ENDIF -->
135 |
137 | <table width="100%" cellspacing="1">
138 | <tr>
139 | <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_POST_INFO and not S_IS_BOT -->
140 | <td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}" valign="middle"><a href="{U_POST_NEW_TOPIC}">{POST_IMG}</a></td>
141 | <!-- ENDIF -->
142 | <!-- IF TOTAL_TOPICS -->
143 | <td class="nav" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap"> {PAGE_NUMBER}<br /></td>
144 | <td class="gensmall" nowrap="nowrap"> [ {TOTAL_TOPICS} ] </td>
145 | <td class="gensmall" width="100%" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" nowrap="nowrap"><!-- INCLUDE pagination.html --></td>
146 | <!-- ENDIF -->
147 | </tr>
148 | </table>
149 | <!-- ENDIF -->
150 |
151 | <!-- IF not S_DISPLAY_ACTIVE and (S_IS_POSTABLE or .topicrow) -->
152 | <table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="1">
153 | <tr>
154 | <td class="cat" colspan="<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->7<!-- ELSE -->6<!-- ENDIF -->">
155 | <table width="100%" cellspacing="0">
156 | <tr class="nav">
157 | <td valign="middle"> <!-- IF S_WATCH_FORUM_LINK and not S_IS_BOT --><a href="{S_WATCH_FORUM_LINK}">{S_WATCH_FORUM_TITLE}</a><!-- ENDIF --></td>
158 | <td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" valign="middle"><!-- IF not S_IS_BOT and U_MARK_TOPICS --><a href="{U_MARK_TOPICS}">{L_MARK_TOPICS_READ}</a><!-- ENDIF --> </td>
159 | </tr>
160 | </table>
161 | </td>
162 | </tr>
163 |
164 | <tr>
165 | <!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
166 | <th colspan="3"> {L_TOPICS} </th>
167 | <!-- ELSE -->
168 | <th colspan="2"> {L_TOPICS} </th>
169 | <!-- ENDIF -->
170 | <th> {L_AUTHOR} </th>
171 | <th> {L_REPLIES} </th>
172 | <th> {L_VIEWS} </th>
173 | <th> {L_LAST_POST} </th>
174 | </tr>
175 |
176 | <!-- BEGIN topicrow -->
177 |
178 | <!-- IF topicrow.S_TOPIC_TYPE_SWITCH eq 1 -->
179 | <tr>
180 | <td class="row3" colspan="<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->7<!-- ELSE -->6<!-- ENDIF -->"><b class="gensmall">{L_ANNOUNCEMENTS}</b></td>
181 | </tr>
182 | <!-- ELSEIF topicrow.S_TOPIC_TYPE_SWITCH eq 0 -->
183 | <tr>
184 | <td class="row3" colspan="<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->7<!-- ELSE -->6<!-- ENDIF -->"><b class="gensmall">{L_TOPICS}</b></td>
185 | </tr>
186 | <!-- ENDIF -->
187 |
188 | <tr>
189 | <td class="row1" width="25" align="center">{topicrow.TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG}</td>
190 | <!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
191 | <td class="row1" width="25" align="center"><!-- IF topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG --><img src="{T_ICONS_PATH}{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG}" width="{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG_WIDTH}" height="{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG_HEIGHT}" alt="" title="" /><!-- ENDIF --></td>
192 | <!-- ENDIF -->
193 | <td class="row1">
194 | <!-- IF topicrow.S_UNREAD_TOPIC --><a href="{topicrow.U_NEWEST_POST}">{NEWEST_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->
195 | {topicrow.ATTACH_ICON_IMG} <!-- IF topicrow.S_HAS_POLL or topicrow.S_TOPIC_MOVED --><b>{topicrow.TOPIC_TYPE}</b> <!-- ENDIF --><a title="{L_POSTED}: {topicrow.FIRST_POST_TIME}" href="{topicrow.U_VIEW_TOPIC}" class="topictitle">{topicrow.TOPIC_TITLE}</a>
196 | <!-- IF topicrow.S_TOPIC_UNAPPROVED or topicrow.S_POSTS_UNAPPROVED -->
197 | <a href="{topicrow.U_MCP_QUEUE}">{topicrow.UNAPPROVED_IMG}</a>
198 | <!-- ENDIF -->
199 | <!-- IF topicrow.S_TOPIC_REPORTED -->
200 | <a href="{topicrow.U_MCP_REPORT}">{REPORTED_IMG}</a>
201 | <!-- ENDIF -->
202 | <!-- IF topicrow.PAGINATION -->
203 | <p class="gensmall"> [ {GOTO_PAGE_IMG}{L_GOTO_PAGE}: {topicrow.PAGINATION} ] </p>
204 | <!-- ENDIF -->
205 | </td>
206 | <td class="row2" width="130" align="center"><p class="topicauthor">{topicrow.TOPIC_AUTHOR_FULL}</p></td>
207 | <td class="row1" width="50" align="center"><p class="topicdetails">{topicrow.REPLIES}</p></td>
208 | <td class="row2" width="50" align="center"><p class="topicdetails">{topicrow.VIEWS}</p></td>
209 | <td class="row1" width="140" align="center">
210 | <p class="topicdetails" style="white-space: nowrap;">{topicrow.LAST_POST_TIME}</p>
211 | <p class="topicdetails">{topicrow.LAST_POST_AUTHOR_FULL}
212 | <a href="{topicrow.U_LAST_POST}">{LAST_POST_IMG}</a>
213 | </p>
214 | </td>
215 | </tr>
216 |
217 | <!-- BEGINELSE -->
218 | <!-- IF S_IS_POSTABLE -->
219 | <tr>
220 | <!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
221 | <td class="row1" colspan="7" height="30" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="gen"><!-- IF not S_SORT_DAYS -->{L_NO_TOPICS}<!-- ELSE -->{L_NO_TOPICS_TIME_FRAME}<!-- ENDIF --></span></td>
222 | <!-- ELSE -->
223 | <td class="row1" colspan="6" height="30" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="gen"><!-- IF not S_SORT_DAYS -->{L_NO_TOPICS}<!-- ELSE -->{L_NO_TOPICS_TIME_FRAME}<!-- ENDIF --></span></td>
224 | <!-- ENDIF -->
225 | </tr>
226 | <!-- ENDIF -->
227 | <!-- END topicrow -->
228 |
229 | <tr align="center">
230 | <!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
231 | <td class="cat" colspan="7">
232 | <!-- ELSE -->
233 | <td class="cat" colspan="6">
234 | <!-- ENDIF -->
235 | <form method="post" action="{S_FORUM_ACTION}"><span class="gensmall">{L_DISPLAY_TOPICS}:</span> {S_SELECT_SORT_DAYS} <span class="gensmall">{L_SORT_BY}</span> {S_SELECT_SORT_KEY} {S_SELECT_SORT_DIR} <input class="btnlite" type="submit" name="sort" value="{L_GO}" /></form>
236 | </td>
237 | </tr>
238 | </table>
239 | <!-- ENDIF -->
240 |
242 | <table width="100%" cellspacing="1">
243 | <tr>
244 | <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_POST_INFO and not S_IS_BOT -->
245 | <td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}" valign="middle"><a href="{U_POST_NEW_TOPIC}">{POST_IMG}</a></td>
246 | <!-- ENDIF -->
247 | <!-- IF TOTAL_TOPICS -->
248 | <td class="nav" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap"> {PAGE_NUMBER}<br /></td>
249 | <td class="gensmall" nowrap="nowrap"> [ {TOTAL_TOPICS} ] </td>
250 | <td class="gensmall" width="100%" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" nowrap="nowrap"><!-- INCLUDE pagination.html --></td>
251 | <!-- ENDIF -->
252 | </tr>
253 | </table>
254 | <!-- ENDIF -->
255 |
256 | <br clear="all" />
257 | </div>
258 |
259 | <!-- INCLUDE breadcrumbs.html -->
260 |
262 | <br clear="all" />
263 |
264 | <table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="1">
265 | <tr>
266 | <td class="cat"><h4>{L_WHO_IS_ONLINE}</h4></td>
267 | </tr>
268 | <tr>
269 | <td class="row1"><p class="gensmall">{LOGGED_IN_USER_LIST}</p></td>
270 | </tr>
271 | </table>
272 | <!-- ENDIF -->
273 |
274 | <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_POST_INFO -->
275 | <br clear="all" />
276 |
277 | <table width="100%" cellspacing="0">
278 | <tr>
279 | <td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}" valign="top">
280 | <table cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0" border="0">
281 | <tr>
282 | <td width="20" style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_NEW_IMG}</td>
283 | <td class="gensmall">{L_NEW_POSTS}</td>
284 | <td> </td>
285 | <td width="20" style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_IMG}</td>
286 | <td class="gensmall">{L_NO_NEW_POSTS}</td>
287 | <td> </td>
288 | <td width="20" style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_ANNOUNCE_IMG}</td>
289 | <td class="gensmall">{L_ICON_ANNOUNCEMENT}</td>
290 | </tr>
291 | <tr>
292 | <td style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_HOT_NEW_IMG}</td>
293 | <td class="gensmall">{L_NEW_POSTS_HOT}</td>
294 | <td> </td>
295 | <td style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_HOT_IMG}</td>
296 | <td class="gensmall">{L_NO_NEW_POSTS_HOT}</td>
297 | <td> </td>
298 | <td style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_STICKY_IMG}</td>
299 | <td class="gensmall">{L_ICON_STICKY}</td>
300 | </tr>
301 | <tr>
302 | <td style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_LOCKED_NEW_IMG}</td>
303 | <td class="gensmall">{L_NEW_POSTS_LOCKED}</td>
304 | <td> </td>
305 | <td style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_LOCKED_IMG}</td>
306 | <td class="gensmall">{L_NO_NEW_POSTS_LOCKED}</td>
307 | <td> </td>
308 | <td style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_MOVED_IMG}</td>
309 | <td class="gensmall">{L_TOPIC_MOVED}</td>
310 | </tr>
311 | </table>
312 | </td>
313 | <td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}"><span class="gensmall"><!-- BEGIN rules -->{rules.RULE}<br /><!-- END rules --></span></td>
314 | </tr>
315 | </table>
316 | <!-- ENDIF -->
317 |
318 | <br clear="all" />
319 |
320 | <table width="100%" cellspacing="0">
321 | <tr>
322 | <td><!-- IF S_DISPLAY_SEARCHBOX --><!-- INCLUDE searchbox.html --><!-- ENDIF --></td>
323 | <td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}"><!-- INCLUDE jumpbox.html --></td>
324 | </tr>
325 | </table>
326 |
327 | <!-- INCLUDE overall_footer.html -->