1 | <!-- INCLUDE mcp_header.html -->
2 |
3 | <!-- IF S_MERGE_SELECT --><div style="float: {S_CONTENT_FLOW_END};"><!-- INCLUDE jumpbox.html --></div><!-- ENDIF -->
4 |
5 | <!-- IF U_VIEW_FORUM_LOGS --><a href="{U_VIEW_FORUM_LOGS}">{L_VIEW_FORUM_LOGS}</a><!-- ENDIF -->
6 |
7 | <!-- IF S_MERGE_SELECT --><br clear="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" /><!-- ENDIF -->
8 |
9 | <form method="post" id="mcp" action="{S_MCP_ACTION}">
10 |
11 | <table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="1">
12 | <tr>
13 | <td class="cat" colspan="6" align="center"><span class="gensmall">{L_DISPLAY_TOPICS}:</span> {S_SELECT_SORT_DAYS} <span class="gensmall">{L_SORT_BY}</span> {S_SELECT_SORT_KEY} {S_SELECT_SORT_DIR} <input class="btnlite" type="submit" name="sort" value="{L_GO}" /></td>
14 | </tr>
15 | <tr>
16 | <th width="4%" nowrap="nowrap"> </th>
17 | <th nowrap="nowrap"> {L_TOPICS} </th>
18 | <th width="8%" nowrap="nowrap"> {L_REPLIES} </th>
19 | <th width="17%" nowrap="nowrap"> {L_LAST_POST} </th>
20 | <th width="5%" nowrap="nowrap"> {L_MARK} </th>
21 | </tr>
22 | <!-- BEGIN topicrow -->
23 | <tr>
24 | <td class="row1" width="25" align="center">{topicrow.TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG}</td>
25 | <!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
26 | <!-- td class="row1" width="25" align="center">{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG}</td -->
27 | <!-- ENDIF -->
28 | <td class="row1">
29 | <!-- IF topicrow.S_SELECT_TOPIC -->
30 | <span class="genmed">[ <a href="{topicrow.U_SELECT_TOPIC}">{L_SELECT_MERGE}</a> ] </span>
31 | <!-- ENDIF -->
32 | <p class="topictitle">{NEWEST_POST_IMG} {topicrow.ATTACH_ICON_IMG} <a href="{topicrow.U_VIEW_TOPIC}">{topicrow.TOPIC_TITLE}</a>
33 | <!-- IF topicrow.S_TOPIC_UNAPPROVED or topicrow.S_POSTS_UNAPPROVED -->
34 | <a href="{topicrow.U_MCP_QUEUE}">{topicrow.UNAPPROVED_IMG}</a>
35 | <!-- ENDIF -->
36 | <!-- IF topicrow.S_TOPIC_REPORTED and topicrow.U_MCP_REPORT -->
37 | <a href="{topicrow.U_MCP_REPORT}">{REPORTED_IMG}</a>
38 | <!-- ENDIF -->
39 | <!-- IF topicrow.S_MOVED_TOPIC and S_CAN_DELETE -->
40 | [ <a href="{topicrow.U_DELETE_TOPIC}">{L_DELETE_SHADOW_TOPIC}</a> ]
41 | <!-- ENDIF -->
42 | </p>
43 | </td>
44 | <td class="row1" width="50" align="center"><p class="topicdetails">{topicrow.REPLIES}</p></td>
45 | <td class="row1" width="120" align="center"><p class="topicdetails">{topicrow.LAST_POST_TIME}</p></td>
46 | <td class="row2" align="center">
47 | <!-- IF not topicrow.S_MOVED_TOPIC --><input type="checkbox" class="radio" name="topic_id_list[]" value="{topicrow.TOPIC_ID}"<!-- IF topicrow.S_TOPIC_CHECKED --> checked="checked"<!-- ENDIF --> /><!-- ELSE --> <!-- ENDIF -->
48 | </td>
49 | </tr>
50 | <!-- BEGINELSE -->
51 | <tr>
52 | <td class="row1" colspan="8" align="center"><p class="gen">{L_NO_TOPICS}</p></td>
53 | </tr>
54 | <!-- END topicrow -->
55 | <tr>
56 | <td class="cat" colspan="6" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}">
57 | <select name="action">
58 | <option value="" selected="selected">{L_SELECT_ACTION}</option>
59 | <!-- IF S_CAN_DELETE --><option value="delete_topic">{L_DELETE}</option><!-- ENDIF -->
60 | <!-- IF S_CAN_MERGE --><option value="merge_topics">{L_MERGE}</option><!-- ENDIF -->
61 | <!-- IF S_CAN_MOVE --><option value="move">{L_MOVE}</option><!-- ENDIF -->
62 | <!-- IF S_CAN_FORK --><option value="fork">{L_FORK}</option><!-- ENDIF -->
63 | <!-- IF S_CAN_LOCK --><option value="lock">{L_LOCK}</option><option value="unlock">{L_UNLOCK}</option><!-- ENDIF -->
64 | <!-- IF S_CAN_SYNC --><option value="resync">{L_RESYNC}</option><!-- ENDIF -->
65 | <!-- IF S_CAN_MAKE_NORMAL --><option value="make_normal">{L_MAKE_NORMAL}</option><!-- ENDIF -->
66 | <!-- IF S_CAN_MAKE_STICKY --><option value="make_sticky">{L_MAKE_STICKY}</option><!-- ENDIF -->
67 | <!-- IF S_CAN_MAKE_ANNOUNCE -->
68 | <option value="make_announce">{L_MAKE_ANNOUNCE}</option>
69 | <option value="make_global">{L_MAKE_GLOBAL}</option>
70 | <!-- ENDIF -->
71 | </select>
72 | <input class="btnmain" type="submit" value="{L_SUBMIT}" />
73 | </td>
74 | </tr>
75 | </table>
77 | </form>
78 |
79 | <table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" align="center">
80 | <tr>
81 | <td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><b class="gensmall"><a href="#" onclick="marklist('mcp', 'topic_id_list', true); return false;">{L_MARK_ALL}</a> :: <a href="#" onclick="marklist('mcp', 'topic_id_list', false); return false;">{L_UNMARK_ALL}</a></b></td>
82 | </tr>
83 | </table>
84 |
85 | <!-- INCLUDE mcp_footer.html -->