1 | <?php
2 |
3 | function CustomErrorHandler($Number, $Message, $Filename, $LineNumber, $Variables)
4 | {
5 | global $Config;
6 |
7 | $Date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // časové razítko položky
8 | $ErrorType = array
9 | (
10 | 1 => 'Error',
11 | 2 => 'Warning',
12 | 4 => 'Parsing Error',
13 | 8 => 'Notice',
14 | 16 => 'Core Error',
15 | 32 => 'Core Warning',
16 | 64 => 'Compile Error',
17 | 128 => 'Compile Warning',
18 | 256 => 'User Error',
19 | 512 => 'User Warning',
20 | 1024 => 'User Notice'
21 | );
22 | $UserErrors = E_ALL; //E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE;
23 |
24 | if(($UserErrors & $Number))
25 | {
26 | $Error = '# '.$Date.' : '.$Message.' on line '.$LineNumber."\n";
27 | $Backtrace = debug_backtrace();
28 | $Backtrace[0]['function'] = '';
29 | $Backtrace[0]['args'] = '';
30 | //$First = array_shift($Backtrace);
31 | print_r($First);
32 |
33 | //array_unshift($Backtrace, $First);
34 | //array_shift($Backtrace);
35 | //print_r($Backtrace);
36 | foreach($Backtrace as $Item)
37 | {
38 | $Error .= ' '.$Item['file'].'('.$Item['line'].")\t".$Item['function'];
39 | $Arguments = '';
40 | if(array_key_exists('args', $Item) and is_array($Item['args']))
41 | foreach($Item['args'] as $Item)
42 | {
43 | if(is_array($Item)) $Arguments .= "'".serialize($Item)."',";
44 | else $Arguments .= "'".$Item."',";
45 | }
46 | if(strlen($Arguments) > 0) $Error .= '('.substr($Arguments, 0, -1).')';
47 | $Error .= "\n";
48 |
49 | }
50 | $Error .= "\n";
51 | //if($Config['Web']['ErrorLogFile'] != '')
52 | //error_log($Error, 3, $Config['Web']['ErrorLogFile']);
53 | // Pošli mi zprávu (pokud je to kritická chyba)
54 | //mail($Config['Web']['AdminEmail'], $Config['Web']['Title'].' - Chybové hlášení', $Error);
55 | // Show error message
56 | if($Config['Web']['ShowPHPError'] == true)
57 | {
58 | echo('<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head>'."\n".
59 | '<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="cs">'."\n".
60 | '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-2"></head><body>'."\n".
61 | 'Došlo k vnitřní chybě!<br> O chybě byl uvědoměn správce webu a chybu brzy odstraní.<br><br>');
62 | echo('<pre>'.$Error.'</pre><br>'); // V případě ladění chybu i zobraz
63 | echo('</body></html>');
64 | }
65 | if((E_ERROR | E_PARSE) & $Number) die();
66 | }
67 | }
68 |
69 | set_error_handler('CustomErrorHandler');
70 |
71 | ?>