Changeset 7

Jan 31, 2018, 11:38:07 PM (7 years ago)
  • Fixed: Use correct translation files. Translate contact edit form.
  • Fixed: Build deb file.
1 added
2 deleted
9 edited


  • trunk/Forms/UFormAbout.lfm

    r1 r7  
    77  ClientHeight = 387
    88  ClientWidth = 524
    9   DesignTimePPI = 120
    109  OnCreate = FormCreate
    1110  OnShow = FormShow
    1211  Position = poScreenCenter
    13   LCLVersion = ''
     12  LCLVersion = ''
    1413  object LabelDescription: TLabel
    1514    Left = 25
    3534  object LabelContent: TLabel
    3635    Left = 25
    37     Height = 20
     36    Height = 26
    3837    Top = 202
    3938    Width = 474
  • trunk/Forms/UFormContact.lfm

    r3 r7  
    77  ClientHeight = 490
    88  ClientWidth = 762
    9   DesignTimePPI = 120
    10   LCLVersion = ''
     9  OnClose = FormClose
     10  OnCreate = FormCreate
     11  OnShow = FormShow
     12  LCLVersion = ''
    1113  object PageControlContact: TPageControl
    1214    Left = 8
    2022    object TabSheetGeneral: TTabSheet
    2123      Caption = 'General'
    22       ClientHeight = 391
    23       ClientWidth = 736
     24      ClientHeight = 380
     25      ClientWidth = 738
    2426      object Label1: TLabel
    2527        Left = 13
    26         Height = 20
     28        Height = 26
    2729        Top = 13
    28         Width = 43
     30        Width = 56
    2931        Caption = 'Name:'
    3032        ParentColor = False
    3234      object EditName: TEdit
    3335        Left = 100
    34         Height = 28
     36        Height = 36
    3537        Top = 15
    3638        Width = 212
    3941      object Label2: TLabel
    4042        Left = 13
    41         Height = 20
     43        Height = 26
    4244        Top = 47
    43         Width = 74
     45        Width = 95
    4446        Caption = 'Cell phone:'
    4547        ParentColor = False
    4749      object EditCellPhone: TEdit
    4850        Left = 100
    49         Height = 28
     51        Height = 36
    5052        Top = 49
    5153        Width = 212
    5456      object EditPhone: TEdit
    5557        Left = 100
    56         Height = 28
     58        Height = 36
    5759        Top = 83
    5860        Width = 212
    6163      object Label3: TLabel
    6264        Left = 13
    63         Height = 20
     65        Height = 26
    6466        Top = 81
    65         Width = 44
     67        Width = 59
    6668        Caption = 'Phone:'
    6769        ParentColor = False
    6971      object EditEmail: TEdit
    7072        Left = 479
    71         Height = 28
     73        Height = 36
    7274        Top = 49
    7375        Width = 212
    7678      object Label4: TLabel
    7779        Left = 392
    78         Height = 20
     80        Height = 26
    7981        Top = 47
    80         Width = 46
     82        Width = 58
    8183        Caption = 'E-mail:'
    8284        ParentColor = False
    8486      object EditSurname: TEdit
    8587        Left = 479
    86         Height = 28
     88        Height = 36
    8789        Top = 15
    8890        Width = 212
    9193      object Label5: TLabel
    9294        Left = 392
    93         Height = 20
     95        Height = 26
    9496        Top = 13
    95         Width = 61
     97        Width = 81
    9698        Caption = 'Surname:'
    9799        ParentColor = False
    99101      object MemoNotes: TMemo
    100102        Left = 13
    101         Height = 225
     103        Height = 214
    102104        Top = 152
    103         Width = 708
     105        Width = 710
    104106        Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
    105107        TabOrder = 5
    107109      object Label6: TLabel
    108110        Left = 12
    109         Height = 20
     111        Height = 26
    110112        Top = 126
    111         Width = 42
     113        Width = 56
    112114        Caption = 'Notes:'
    113115        ParentColor = False
    119121    object TabSheetAll: TTabSheet
    120122      Caption = 'All fields'
    121       ClientHeight = 391
    122       ClientWidth = 736
     123      ClientHeight = 380
     124      ClientWidth = 738
    123125      object ListView1: TListView
    124126        Left = 8
    134136          item
    135137            Caption = 'Value'
    136             Width = 200
     138            Width = 501
    137139          end>
    138140        ReadOnly = True
  • trunk/Forms/UFormContact.pas

    r3 r7  
    3333    TabSheetDetails: TTabSheet;
    3434    TabSheetAll: TTabSheet;
     35    procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
     36    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
     37    procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
    3538  private
    4750{$R *.lfm}
     53  UCore;
    4955{ TFormContact }
     57procedure TFormContact.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
     59  Core.PersistentForm1.Load(Self);
     62procedure TFormContact.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction
     63  );
     65  Core.PersistentForm1.Save(Self);
     68procedure TFormContact.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
     70  Core.CoolTranslator1.TranslateComponentRecursive(Self);
    5173procedure TFormContact.LoadData(Contact: TContact);
  • trunk/Forms/UFormContacts.lfm

    r3 r7  
    77  ClientHeight = 605
    88  ClientWidth = 807
    9   DesignTimePPI = 120
    109  OnClose = FormClose
    1110  OnCreate = FormCreate
    1211  OnShow = FormShow
    13   LCLVersion = ''
     12  LCLVersion = ''
    1413  object ListView1: TListView
    1514    Left = 0
    2928      item
    3029        Caption = 'Last Name'
    31         Width = 100
     30        Width = 587
    3231      end>
    3332    OwnerData = True
    4746    Width = 807
    4847    Align = alBottom
    49     Caption = 'ToolBar1'
    5048    Images = Core.ImageList1
    5149    TabOrder = 1
    5654    end
    5755    object ToolButton2: TToolButton
    58       Left = 24
     56      Left = 30
    5957      Top = 2
    6058      Action = AModify
    6159    end
    6260    object ToolButton3: TToolButton
    63       Left = 47
     61      Left = 59
    6462      Top = 2
    6563      Action = ARemove
  • trunk/Forms/UFormMain.lfm

    r1 r7  
    3535      AnchorSideTop.Control = CoolBar1
    3636      Left = 24
    37       Height = 28
     37      Height = 22
    3838      Top = 5
    39       Width = 132
     39      Width = 105
    4040      Align = alNone
    4141      AutoSize = True
    5555      end
    5656      object ToolButton2: TToolButton
    57         Left = 30
     57        Left = 24
    5858        Top = 0
    5959        Action = Core.AFileOpen
    6262      end
    6363      object ToolButton3: TToolButton
    64         Left = 74
     64        Left = 59
    6565        Top = 0
    6666        Action = Core.AFileSave
    6767      end
    6868      object ToolButton4: TToolButton
    69         Left = 103
     69        Left = 82
    7070        Top = 0
    7171        Action = Core.AFileClose
    7676      AnchorSideTop.Control = CoolBar1
    7777      Left = 188
    78       Height = 28
     78      Height = 22
    7979      Top = 5
    80       Width = 30
     80      Width = 24
    8181      Align = alNone
    8282      AutoSize = True
  • trunk/Install/deb/debian/rules

    r5 r7  
    1717        install -s -m 755 vCardStudio $(ROOT)/usr/bin
    1818        install -d -m 755 $(ROOT)/usr/share/vCardStudio/languages
    19         install -m 755 Languages/AcronymDecoder.po $(ROOT)/usr/share/vCardStudio/languages
    20         install -m 755 Languages/AcronymDecoder.cs.po $(ROOT)/usr/share/vCardStudio/languages
     19        install -m 755 Languages/vCardStudio.po $(ROOT)/usr/share/vCardStudio/languages
     20        install -m 755 Languages/vCardStudio.cs.po $(ROOT)/usr/share/vCardStudio/languages
    2121        install -d -m 755 $(ROOT)/usr/share/applications
    2222        install -m 755 Install/deb/vCardStudio.desktop $(ROOT)/usr/share/applications
  • trunk/Languages

    • Property svn:ignore set to
  • trunk/Languages/vCardStudio.po

    r3 r7  
    1212#: tcore.afileclose.caption
     13msgctxt "tcore.afileclose.caption"
    1314msgid "Close"
    1415msgstr ""
    3738#: tcore.ahomepage.caption
     39msgctxt "tcore.ahomepage.caption"
    3840msgid "Home page"
    3941msgstr ""
    4446msgstr ""
     48#: tformabout.buttonclose.caption
     49msgctxt "tformabout.buttonclose.caption"
     50msgid "Close"
     51msgstr ""
     53#: tformabout.buttonhomepage.caption
     54msgctxt "tformabout.buttonhomepage.caption"
     55msgid "Home page"
     56msgstr ""
     58#: tformabout.caption
     59msgid "About"
     60msgstr ""
     62#: tformabout.labelcontent.caption
     63msgid "   "
     64msgstr ""
    4666#: tformcontact.buttoncancel.caption
    4767msgctxt "tformcontact.buttoncancel.caption"
    129149msgstr ""
    131 #: tformcontacts.toolbar1.caption
    132 msgid "ToolBar1"
    133 msgstr ""
    135151#: tformmain.caption
    136152msgid "FormMain"
  • trunk/UCore.lfm

    r3 r7  
    77  VerticalOffset = 428
    88  Width = 1020
    9   PPI = 120
    109  object ImageList1: TImageList
    1110    left = 200
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.