Changeset 21 for trunk/Packages/Common

May 8, 2019, 12:11:40 PM (5 years ago)
  • Fixed: Build under Lazarus 2.0.
  • Modified: Used .lrj files instead of .lrt files.
  • Removed: TemplateGenerics package.
3 added
1 deleted
24 edited


  • trunk/Packages/Common/Common.lpk

    r15 r21  
    4040    <License Value="GNU/GPL"/>
    4141    <Version Minor="7"/>
    42     <Files Count="21">
     42    <Files Count="22">
    4343      <Item1>
    4444        <Filename Value="StopWatch.pas"/>
    6060      <Item5>
    6161        <Filename Value="UPrefixMultiplier.pas"/>
     62        <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/>
    6263        <UnitName Value="UPrefixMultiplier"/>
    6364      </Item5>
    134135        <UnitName Value="UTheme"/>
    135136      </Item21>
     137      <Item22>
     138        <Filename Value="UStringTable.pas"/>
     139        <UnitName Value="UStringTable"/>
     140      </Item22>
    136141    </Files>
    137142    <i18n>
    140145      <EnableI18NForLFM Value="True"/>
    141146    </i18n>
    142     <RequiredPkgs Count="3">
     147    <RequiredPkgs Count="2">
    143148      <Item1>
    144149        <PackageName Value="LCL"/>
    145150      </Item1>
    146151      <Item2>
    147         <PackageName Value="TemplateGenerics"/>
    148       </Item2>
    149       <Item3>
    150152        <PackageName Value="FCL"/>
    151153        <MinVersion Major="1" Valid="True"/>
    152       </Item3>
     154      </Item2>
    153155    </RequiredPkgs>
    154156    <UsageOptions>
  • trunk/Packages/Common/Common.pas

    r15 r21  
    55unit Common;
     7{$warn 5023 off : no warning about unused units}
    10   StopWatch, UCommon, UDebugLog, UDelay, UPrefixMultiplier, UURI, UThreading,
    11   UMemory, UResetableThread, UPool, ULastOpenedList, URegistry,
    12   UJobProgressView, UXMLUtils, UApplicationInfo, USyncCounter, UListViewSort,
    13   UPersistentForm, UFindFile, UScaleDPI, UTheme, LazarusPackageIntf;
     11  StopWatch, UCommon, UDebugLog, UDelay, UPrefixMultiplier, UURI, UThreading,
     12  UMemory, UResetableThread, UPool, ULastOpenedList, URegistry,
     13  UJobProgressView, UXMLUtils, UApplicationInfo, USyncCounter, UListViewSort,
     14  UPersistentForm, UFindFile, UScaleDPI, UTheme, UStringTable,
     15  LazarusPackageIntf;
    1921  RegisterUnit('UDebugLog', @UDebugLog.Register);
     22  RegisterUnit('UPrefixMultiplier', @UPrefixMultiplier.Register);
    2023  RegisterUnit('ULastOpenedList', @ULastOpenedList.Register);
    2124  RegisterUnit('UJobProgressView', @UJobProgressView.Register);
  • trunk/Packages/Common/Languages/UJobProgressView.cs.po

    r1 r21  
    1010"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
    1111"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
    12 "X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.8\n"
     12"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n"
    1414#: ujobprogressview.sestimatedtime
    2424msgstr "Dokončené"
    26 #: ujobprogressview.soperations
    27 msgid "Operations"
    28 msgstr "Operace"
    3026#: ujobprogressview.spleasewait
    3127msgid "Please wait..."
  • trunk/Packages/Common/Languages/UJobProgressView.po

    r1 r21  
    1414msgstr ""
    16 #: ujobprogressview.soperations
    17 msgid "Operations"
    18 msgstr ""
    2016#: ujobprogressview.spleasewait
    2117msgid "Please wait..."
  • trunk/Packages/Common/Languages/UThreading.po

    r1 r21  
    44#: uthreading.scurrentthreadnotfound
     5#, fuzzy,badformat
    56msgid "Current thread ID %d not found in virtual thread list."
    67msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
  • trunk/Packages/Common/UApplicationInfo.pas

    r1 r21  
    8   SysUtils, Registry, Classes, Forms, URegistry;
     8  SysUtils, Classes, Forms, URegistry, Controls;
    1414  TApplicationInfo = class(TComponent)
    1515  private
    16     FDescription: string;
     16    FDescription: TCaption;
    1717    FIdentification: Byte;
    1818    FLicense: string;
    6060procedure Register;
  • trunk/Packages/Common/UCommon.pas

    r15 r21  
    2828    unfDNSDomainName = 11);
    30   TFilterMethodMethod = function (FileName: string): Boolean of object;
     30  TFilterMethod = function (FileName: string): Boolean of object;
     31  TFileNameMethod = procedure (FileName: string) of object;
    3234  ExceptionHandler: TExceptionEvent;
    7274function MergeArray(A, B: array of string): TArrayOfString;
    7375function LoadFileToStr(const FileName: TFileName): AnsiString;
     76procedure SaveStringToFile(S, FileName: string);
    7477procedure SearchFiles(AList: TStrings; Dir: string;
    75   FilterMethod: TFilterMethodMethod);
     78  FilterMethod: TFilterMethod = nil; FileNameMethod: TFileNameMethod = nil);
     79function GetStringPart(var Text: string; Separator: string): string;
     80function StripTags(const S: string): string;
     81function PosFromIndex(SubStr: string; Text: string;
     82  StartIndex: Integer): Integer;
     83function PosFromIndexReverse(SubStr: string; Text: string;
     84  StartIndex: Integer): Integer;
     85procedure CopyStringArray(Dest: TStringArray; Source: array of string);
    101111  I: Integer;
     113  Result := '';
    103114  for I := 1 to Length(Source) do begin
    104115    Result := Result + LowerCase(IntToHex(Ord(Source[I]), 2));
     535procedure SaveStringToFile(S, FileName: string);
     537  F: TextFile;
     539  AssignFile(F, FileName);
     540  try
     541    ReWrite(F);
     542    Write(F, S);
     543  finally
     544    CloseFile(F);
     545  end;
    524548procedure SearchFiles(AList: TStrings; Dir: string;
    525   FilterMethod: TFilterMethodMethod);
     549  FilterMethod: TFilterMethod = nil; FileNameMethod: TFileNameMethod = nil);
    527551  SR: TSearchRec;
    531555    try
    532556      repeat
    533         if (SR.Name = '.') or (SR.Name = '..') or not FilterMethod(SR.Name) then Continue;
     557        if (SR.Name = '.') or (SR.Name = '..') or (Assigned(FilterMethod) and (not FilterMethod(SR.Name) or
     558          not FilterMethod(Copy(Dir, 3, Length(Dir)) + SR.Name))) then Continue;
     559        if Assigned(FileNameMethod) then
     560          FileNameMethod(Dir + SR.Name);
    534561        AList.Add(Dir + SR.Name);
    535562        if (SR.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0 then
     570function GetStringPart(var Text: string; Separator: string): string;
     572  P: Integer;
     574  P := Pos(Separator, Text);
     575  if P > 0 then begin
     576    Result := Copy(Text, 1, P - 1);
     577    Delete(Text, 1, P - 1 + Length(Separator));
     578  end else begin
     579    Result := Text;
     580    Text := '';
     581  end;
     582  Result := Trim(Result);
     583  Text := Trim(Text);
     586function StripTags(const S: string): string;
     588  Len: Integer;
     590  function ReadUntil(const ReadFrom: Integer; const C: Char): Integer;
     591  var
     592    J: Integer;
     593  begin
     594    for J := ReadFrom to Len do
     595      if (S[j] = C) then
     596      begin
     597        Result := J;
     598        Exit;
     599      end;
     600    Result := Len + 1;
     601  end;
     604  I, APos: Integer;
     606  Len := Length(S);
     607  I := 0;
     608  Result := '';
     609  while (I <= Len) do begin
     610    Inc(I);
     611    APos := ReadUntil(I, '<');
     612    Result := Result + Copy(S, I, APos - i);
     613    I := ReadUntil(APos + 1, '>');
     614  end;
     617function PosFromIndex(SubStr: string; Text: string;
     618  StartIndex: Integer): Integer;
     620  I, MaxLen: SizeInt;
     621  Ptr: PAnsiChar;
     623  Result := 0;
     624  if (StartIndex < 1) or (StartIndex > Length(Text) - Length(SubStr)) then Exit;
     625  if Length(SubStr) > 0 then begin
     626    MaxLen := Length(Text) - Length(SubStr) + 1;
     627    I := StartIndex;
     628    Ptr := @Text[StartIndex];
     629    while (I <= MaxLen) do begin
     630      if (SubStr[1] = Ptr^) and (CompareByte(Substr[1], Ptr^, Length(SubStr)) = 0) then begin
     631        Result := I;
     632        Exit;
     633      end;
     634      Inc(I);
     635      Inc(Ptr);
     636    end;
     637  end;
     640function PosFromIndexReverse(SubStr: string; Text: string;
     641  StartIndex: Integer): Integer;
     643  I: SizeInt;
     644  Ptr: PAnsiChar;
     646  Result := 0;
     647  if (StartIndex < 1) or (StartIndex > Length(Text)) then Exit;
     648  if Length(SubStr) > 0 then begin
     649    I := StartIndex;
     650    Ptr := @Text[StartIndex];
     651    while (I > 0) do begin
     652      if (SubStr[1] = Ptr^) and (CompareByte(Substr[1], Ptr^, Length(SubStr)) = 0) then begin
     653        Result := I;
     654        Exit;
     655      end;
     656      Dec(I);
     657      Dec(Ptr);
     658    end;
     659  end;
     662procedure CopyStringArray(Dest: TStringArray; Source: array of string);
     664  I: Integer;
     666  SetLength(Dest, Length(Source));
     667  for I := 0 to Length(Dest) - 1 do
     668    Dest[I] := Source[I];
  • trunk/Packages/Common/UDebugLog.pas

    r1 r21  
    8   Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, SpecializedList, SyncObjs;
     8  Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, fgl, SyncObjs;
    2929    procedure SetMaxCount(const AValue: Integer);
    3030  public
    31     Items: TListObject;
     31    Items: TFPGObjectList<TDebugLogItem>;
    3232    Lock: TCriticalSection;
    3333    procedure Add(Text: string; Group: string = '');
    104104    if ExtractFileDir(FileName) <> '' then
    105105      ForceDirectories(ExtractFileDir(FileName));
    106     if FileExists(FileName) then LogFile := TFileStream.Create(UTF8Decode(FileName), fmOpenWrite)
    107       else LogFile := TFileStream.Create(UTF8Decode(FileName), fmCreate);
     106    if FileExists(FileName) then LogFile := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenWrite)
     107      else LogFile := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
    108108    LogFile.Seek(0, soFromEnd);
    109109    Text := FormatDateTime('hh:nn:ss.zzz', Now) + ': ' + Text + LineEnding;
    118118  inherited;
    119   Items := TListObject.Create;
     119  Items := TFPGObjectList<TDebugLogItem>.Create;
    120120  Lock := TCriticalSection.Create;
    121121  MaxCount := 100;
  • trunk/Packages/Common/UFindFile.pas

    r1 r21  
    26   SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, FileCtrl;
     26  SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;
    117117  Attr := 0;
    118118  if ffaReadOnly in FileAttr then Attr := Attr + faReadOnly;
    119   if ffaHidden in FileAttr then Attr := Attr + faHidden;
    120   if ffaSysFile in FileAttr then Attr := Attr + faSysFile;
    121   if ffaVolumeID in FileAttr then Attr := Attr + faVolumeID;
     119  if ffaHidden in FileAttr then Attr := Attr + 2; //faHidden; use constant to avoid platform warning
     120  if ffaSysFile in FileAttr then Attr := Attr + 4; //faSysFile; use constant to avoid platform warning
     121  // Deprecated: if ffaVolumeID in FileAttr then Attr := Attr + faVolumeID;
    122122  if ffaDirectory in FileAttr then Attr := Attr + faDirectory;
    123123  if ffaArchive in FileAttr then Attr := Attr + faArchive;
    124124  if ffaAnyFile in FileAttr then Attr := Attr + faAnyFile;
    126   if SysUtils.FindFirst(UTF8Decode(inPath + FileMask), Attr, Rec) = 0 then
     126  if SysUtils.FindFirst(inPath + FileMask, Attr, Rec) = 0 then
    127127  try
    128128    repeat
    129       s.Add(inPath + UTF8Encode(Rec.Name));
     129      s.Add(inPath + Rec.Name);
    130130    until SysUtils.FindNext(Rec) <> 0;
    131131  finally
    135135  If not InSubFolders then Exit;
    137   if SysUtils.FindFirst(UTF8Decode(inPath + FilterAll), faDirectory, Rec) = 0 then
     137  if SysUtils.FindFirst(inPath + FilterAll, faDirectory, Rec) = 0 then
    138138  try
    139139    repeat
    140140      if ((Rec.Attr and faDirectory) > 0) and (Rec.Name <> '.')
    141141      and (Rec.Name <> '..') then
    142         FileSearch(IncludeTrailingBackslash(inPath + UTF8Encode(Rec.Name)));
     142        FileSearch(IncludeTrailingBackslash(inPath + Rec.Name));
    143143    until SysUtils.FindNext(Rec) <> 0;
    144144  finally
  • trunk/Packages/Common/UJobProgressView.lfm

    r1 r21  
    11object FormJobProgressView: TFormJobProgressView
    2   Left = 656
    3   Height = 246
    4   Top = 354
    5   Width = 328
     2  Left = 467
     3  Height = 345
     4  Top = 252
     5  Width = 539
    66  BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
    7   ClientHeight = 246
    8   ClientWidth = 328
    9   Font.Height = -11
    10   Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
     7  ClientHeight = 345
     8  ClientWidth = 539
     9  DesignTimePPI = 120
    1110  OnClose = FormClose
    1211  OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery
    1312  OnCreate = FormCreate
    1413  OnDestroy = FormDestroy
     14  OnHide = FormHide
     15  OnShow = FormShow
    1516  Position = poScreenCenter
    16   LCLVersion = ''
     17  LCLVersion = ''
    1718  object PanelOperationsTitle: TPanel
    1819    Left = 0
    19     Height = 24
     20    Height = 32
    2021    Top = 0
    21     Width = 328
    22     Align = alTop
    23     BevelOuter = bvNone
    24     ClientHeight = 24
    25     ClientWidth = 328
     22    Width = 539
     23    Align = alTop
     24    BevelOuter = bvNone
     25    ClientHeight = 32
     26    ClientWidth = 539
    2627    FullRepaint = False
    2728    TabOrder = 0
    2829    object LabelOperation: TLabel
    2930      Left = 8
    30       Height = 13
     31      Height = 20
    3132      Top = 8
    32       Width = 66
     33      Width = 76
    3334      Caption = 'Operations:'
    34       Font.Height = -11
    35       Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
    36       Font.Style = [fsBold]
    3735      ParentColor = False
    3836      ParentFont = False
    4139  object PanelLog: TPanel
    4240    Left = 0
    43     Height = 122
    44     Top = 124
    45     Width = 328
     41    Height = 133
     42    Top = 212
     43    Width = 539
    4644    Align = alClient
    4745    BevelOuter = bvSpace
    48     ClientHeight = 122
    49     ClientWidth = 328
     46    ClientHeight = 133
     47    ClientWidth = 539
    5048    TabOrder = 1
    5149    object MemoLog: TMemo
    5250      Left = 8
    53       Height = 106
     51      Height = 117
    5452      Top = 8
    55       Width = 312
     53      Width = 523
    5654      Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
    5755      ReadOnly = True
    6260  object PanelProgress: TPanel
    6361    Left = 0
    64     Height = 38
    65     Top = 50
    66     Width = 328
    67     Align = alTop
    68     BevelOuter = bvNone
    69     ClientHeight = 38
    70     ClientWidth = 328
     62    Height = 54
     63    Top = 106
     64    Width = 539
     65    Align = alTop
     66    BevelOuter = bvNone
     67    ClientHeight = 54
     68    ClientWidth = 539
    7169    TabOrder = 2
    7270    object ProgressBarPart: TProgressBar
    73       Left = 8
    74       Height = 17
    75       Top = 16
    76       Width = 312
     71      Left = 10
     72      Height = 24
     73      Top = 24
     74      Width = 523
    7775      Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    7876      TabOrder = 0
    8078    object LabelEstimatedTimePart: TLabel
    8179      Left = 8
    82       Height = 13
     80      Height = 20
    8381      Top = -2
    84       Width = 71
     82      Width = 103
    8583      Caption = 'Estimated time:'
    8684      ParentColor = False
    8987  object PanelOperations: TPanel
    9088    Left = 0
    91     Height = 26
    92     Top = 24
    93     Width = 328
    94     Align = alTop
    95     BevelOuter = bvNone
    96     ClientHeight = 26
    97     ClientWidth = 328
     89    Height = 42
     90    Top = 64
     91    Width = 539
     92    Align = alTop
     93    BevelOuter = bvNone
     94    ClientHeight = 42
     95    ClientWidth = 539
    9896    FullRepaint = False
    9997    TabOrder = 3
    10098    object ListViewJobs: TListView
    10199      Left = 8
    102       Height = 16
     100      Height = 32
    103101      Top = 5
    104       Width = 312
     102      Width = 523
    105103      Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
    106104      AutoWidthLastColumn = True
    109107      Columns = <     
    110108        item
    111           Width = 312
     109          Width = 523
    112110        end>
    113111      OwnerData = True
    122120  object PanelProgressTotal: TPanel
    123121    Left = 0
    124     Height = 36
    125     Top = 88
    126     Width = 328
    127     Align = alTop
    128     BevelOuter = bvNone
    129     ClientHeight = 36
    130     ClientWidth = 328
     122    Height = 52
     123    Top = 160
     124    Width = 539
     125    Align = alTop
     126    BevelOuter = bvNone
     127    ClientHeight = 52
     128    ClientWidth = 539
    131129    TabOrder = 4
    132130    object LabelEstimatedTimeTotal: TLabel
    133131      Left = 8
    134       Height = 13
     132      Height = 20
    135133      Top = 0
    136       Width = 97
     134      Width = 141
    137135      Caption = 'Total estimated time:'
    138136      ParentColor = False
    140138    object ProgressBarTotal: TProgressBar
    141139      Left = 8
    142       Height = 16
    143       Top = 16
    144       Width = 312
     140      Height = 24
     141      Top = 24
     142      Width = 523
    145143      Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
    146144      TabOrder = 0
     145    end
     146  end
     147  object PanelText: TPanel
     148    Left = 0
     149    Height = 32
     150    Top = 32
     151    Width = 539
     152    Align = alTop
     153    BevelOuter = bvNone
     154    ClientHeight = 32
     155    ClientWidth = 539
     156    TabOrder = 5
     157    object LabelText: TLabel
     158      Left = 8
     159      Height = 24
     160      Top = 8
     161      Width = 525
     162      Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
     163      AutoSize = False
     164      ParentColor = False
    147165    end
    148166  end
    223241    Interval = 100
    224242    OnTimer = TimerUpdateTimer
    225     left = 264
     243    left = 320
    226244    top = 8
    227245  end
  • trunk/Packages/Common/UJobProgressView.pas

    r1 r21  
    88  SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Syncobjs,
    9   Dialogs, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Contnrs, UThreading,
     9  Dialogs, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Contnrs, UThreading, Math,
    1010  DateUtils;
    1313  EstimatedTimeShowTreshold = 4;
    1414  EstimatedTimeShowTresholdTotal = 1;
    15   MemoLogHeight = 200;
    1615  UpdateInterval = 100; // ms
    2423    FLock: TCriticalSection;
    2524    FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
     25    FText: string;
    2626    FValue: Integer;
    2727    FMax: Integer;
    2828    procedure SetMax(const AValue: Integer);
     29    procedure SetText(AValue: string);
    2930    procedure SetValue(const AValue: Integer);
    3031  public
    3536    property Value: Integer read FValue write SetValue;
    3637    property Max: Integer read FMax write SetMax;
     38    property Text: string read FText write SetText;
    3739    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
    3840  end;
    6971  end;
     73  TJobs = class(TObjectList)
     74  end;
    7176  TJobThread = class(TListedThread)
    7277    procedure Execute; override;
    8085  TFormJobProgressView = class(TForm)
    8186    ImageList1: TImageList;
     87    LabelText: TLabel;
    8288    Label2: TLabel;
    8389    LabelOperation: TLabel;
    8692    ListViewJobs: TListView;
    8793    MemoLog: TMemo;
     94    PanelText: TPanel;
    8895    PanelProgressTotal: TPanel;
    8996    PanelOperationsTitle: TPanel;
    94101    ProgressBarTotal: TProgressBar;
    95102    TimerUpdate: TTimer;
     103    procedure FormHide(Sender: TObject);
     104    procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
     105    procedure ReloadJobList;
    96106    procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
    97107    procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
    100110    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    101111    procedure FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
     112    procedure UpdateHeight;
    102113  public
    103114    JobProgressView: TJobProgressView;
    118129    TotalStartTime: TDateTime;
    119130    Log: TStringList;
     131    FForm: TFormJobProgressView;
    120132    procedure SetTerminate(const AValue: Boolean);
    121133    procedure UpdateProgress;
    122     procedure ReloadJobList;
    123     procedure StartJobs;
    124     procedure UpdateHeight;
    125134    procedure JobProgressChange(Sender: TObject);
    126135  public
    127     Form: TFormJobProgressView;
    128     Jobs: TObjectList; // TListObject<TJob>
     136    Jobs: TJobs;
    129137    CurrentJob: TJob;
    130138    CurrentJobIndex: Integer;
    132140    destructor Destroy; override;
    133141    procedure Clear;
    134     procedure AddJob(Title: string; Method: TJobProgressViewMethod;
    135       NoThreaded: Boolean = False; WaitFor: Boolean = False);
    136     procedure Start(AAutoClose: Boolean = True);
     142    function AddJob(Title: string; Method: TJobProgressViewMethod;
     143      NoThreaded: Boolean = False; WaitFor: Boolean = False): TJob;
     144    procedure Start;
    137145    procedure Stop;
    138146    procedure TermSleep(Delay: Integer);
     147    property Form: TFormJobProgressView read FForm;
    139148    property Terminate: Boolean read FTerminate write SetTerminate;
    140149  published
    166175  STotalEstimatedTime = 'Total estimated time: %s';
    167176  SFinished = 'Finished';
    168   SOperations = 'Operations';
    170178procedure Register;
    172180  RegisterComponents('Common', [TJobProgressView]);
     183{ TJobThread }
    175185procedure TJobThread.Execute;
    192 procedure TJobProgressView.AddJob(Title: string; Method: TJobProgressViewMethod;
    193   NoThreaded: Boolean = False; WaitFor: Boolean = False);
     202{ TFormJobProgressView }
     204procedure TFormJobProgressView.UpdateHeight;
    195   NewJob: TJob;
    196 begin
    197   NewJob := TJob.Create;
    198   NewJob.ProgressView := Self;
    199   NewJob.Title := Title;
    200   NewJob.Method := Method;
    201   NewJob.NoThreaded := NoThreaded;
    202   NewJob.WaitFor := WaitFor;
    203   NewJob.Progress.Max := 100;
    204   NewJob.Progress.Reset;
    205   NewJob.Progress.OnChange := JobProgressChange;
    206   Jobs.Add(NewJob);
     206  H: Integer;
     207  PanelOperationsVisible: Boolean;
     208  PanelOperationsHeight: Integer;
     209  PanelProgressVisible: Boolean;
     210  PanelProgressTotalVisible: Boolean;
     211  PanelLogVisible: Boolean;
     212  MemoLogHeight: Integer = 200;
     213  I: Integer;
     214  ItemRect: TRect;
     215  MaxH: Integer;
     217    H := PanelOperationsTitle.Height;
     218    PanelOperationsVisible := JobProgressView.Jobs.Count > 0;
     219    if PanelOperationsVisible <> PanelOperations.Visible then
     220      PanelOperations.Visible := PanelOperationsVisible;
     221    if ListViewJobs.Items.Count > 0 then begin
     222      Maxh := 0;
     223      for I := 0 to ListViewJobs.Items.Count - 1 do
     224      begin
     225        ItemRect := ListViewJobs.Items[i].DisplayRect(drBounds);
     226        Maxh := Max(Maxh, ItemRect.Top + (ItemRect.Bottom - ItemRect.Top));
     227      end;
     228      PanelOperationsHeight := Scale96ToScreen(12) + Maxh;
     229    end else PanelOperationsHeight := Scale96ToScreen(8);
     230    if PanelOperationsHeight <> PanelOperations.Height then
     231      PanelOperations.Height := PanelOperationsHeight;
     232    if PanelOperationsVisible then
     233      H := H + PanelOperations.Height;
     235    PanelProgressVisible := (JobProgressView.Jobs.Count > 0) and not JobProgressView.Finished;
     236    if PanelProgressVisible <> PanelProgress.Visible then
     237      PanelProgress.Visible := PanelProgressVisible;
     238    if PanelProgressVisible then
     239      H := H + PanelProgress.Height;
     240    PanelProgressTotalVisible := (JobProgressView.Jobs.Count > 1) and not JobProgressView.Finished;
     241    if PanelProgressTotalVisible <> PanelProgressTotal.Visible then
     242      PanelProgressTotal.Visible := PanelProgressTotalVisible;
     243    if PanelProgressTotalVisible then
     244      H := H + PanelProgressTotal.Height;
     245    Constraints.MinHeight := H;
     246    PanelLogVisible := MemoLog.Lines.Count > 0;
     247    if PanelLogVisible <> PanelLog.Visible then
     248      PanelLog.Visible := PanelLogVisible;
     249    if PanelLogVisible then
     250      H := H + Scale96ToScreen(MemoLogHeight);
     251    if PanelText.Visible then
     252      H := H + PanelText.Height;
     253    if Height <> H then begin
     254      Height := H;
     255      Top := (Screen.Height - H) div 2;
     256    end;
     259procedure TFormJobProgressView.TimerUpdateTimer(Sender: TObject);
     261  ProgressBarPartVisible: Boolean;
     262  ProgressBarTotalVisible: Boolean;
     264  JobProgressView.UpdateProgress;
     265  if Visible and (not ProgressBarPart.Visible) and
     266  Assigned(JobProgressView.CurrentJob) and
     267  (JobProgressView.CurrentJob.Progress.Value > 0) then begin
     268    ProgressBarPartVisible := True;
     269    if ProgressBarPartVisible <> ProgressBarPart.Visible then
     270      ProgressBarPart.Visible := ProgressBarPartVisible;
     271    ProgressBarTotalVisible := True;
     272    if ProgressBarTotalVisible <> ProgressBarTotal.Visible then
     273      ProgressBarTotal.Visible := ProgressBarTotalVisible;
     274  end;
     275  if not Visible then begin
     276    TimerUpdate.Interval := UpdateInterval;
     277    if not JobProgressView.OwnerDraw then Show;
     278  end;
     279  if Assigned(JobProgressView.CurrentJob) then begin
     280    LabelText.Caption := JobProgressView.CurrentJob.Progress.Text;
     281    if LabelText.Caption <> '' then begin
     282      PanelText.Visible := True;
     283      UpdateHeight;
     284    end;
     285  end;
     288procedure TFormJobProgressView.FormDestroy(Sender:TObject);
     292procedure TFormJobProgressView.ListViewJobsData(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem);
     294  if (Item.Index >= 0) and (Item.Index < JobProgressView.Jobs.Count) then
     295  with TJob(JobProgressView.Jobs[Item.Index]) do begin
     296    Item.Caption := Title;
     297    if Item.Index = JobProgressView.CurrentJobIndex then Item.ImageIndex := 1
     298      else if Finished then Item.ImageIndex := 0
     299      else Item.ImageIndex := 2;
     300    Item.Data := JobProgressView.Jobs[Item.Index];
     301  end;
     304procedure TFormJobProgressView.FormClose(Sender: TObject;
     305  var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
     309procedure TFormJobProgressView.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
     311  Caption := SPleaseWait;
     312  try
     313    //Animate1.FileName := ExtractFileDir(UTF8Encode(Application.ExeName)) +
     314    //  DirectorySeparator + 'horse.avi';
     315    //Animate1.Active := True;
     316  except
     318  end;
     321procedure TFormJobProgressView.ReloadJobList;
     323  // Workaround for not showing first line
     324  //Form.ListViewJobs.Items.Count := Jobs.Count + 1;
     325  //Form.ListViewJobs.Refresh;
     327  if ListViewJobs.Items.Count <> JobProgressView.Jobs.Count then
     328    ListViewJobs.Items.Count := JobProgressView.Jobs.Count;
     329  ListViewJobs.Refresh;
     330  Application.ProcessMessages;
     331  UpdateHeight;
     334procedure TFormJobProgressView.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
     336  ReloadJobList;
     339procedure TFormJobProgressView.FormHide(Sender: TObject);
     341  JobProgressView.Jobs.Clear;
     342  ReloadJobList;
     345procedure TFormJobProgressView.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
     347  CanClose := JobProgressView.Finished;
     348  JobProgressView.Terminate := True;
     349  Caption := SPleaseWait + STerminate;
     353{ TJobProgressView }
     355function TJobProgressView.AddJob(Title: string; Method: TJobProgressViewMethod;
     356  NoThreaded: Boolean = False; WaitFor: Boolean = False): TJob;
     358  Result := TJob.Create;
     359  Result.ProgressView := Self;
     360  Result.Title := Title;
     361  Result.Method := Method;
     362  Result.NoThreaded := NoThreaded;
     363  Result.WaitFor := WaitFor;
     364  Result.Progress.Max := 100;
     365  Result.Progress.Reset;
     366  Result.Progress.OnChange := JobProgressChange;
     367  Jobs.Add(Result);
    207368  //ReloadJobList;
    210 procedure TJobProgressView.Start(AAutoClose: Boolean = True);
    211 begin
    212   AutoClose := AAutoClose;
    213   StartJobs;
    214 end;
    216 procedure TJobProgressView.StartJobs;
     371procedure TJobProgressView.Start;
    218373  I: Integer;
    229384    Form.MemoLog.Clear;
     386    Form.PanelText.Visible := False;
    231387    Form.LabelEstimatedTimePart.Visible := False;
    232388    Form.LabelEstimatedTimeTotal.Visible := False;
    258414      Form.ProgressBarPart.Visible := False;
    259415      //Show;
    260       ReloadJobList;
     416      Form.ReloadJobList;
    261417      Application.ProcessMessages;
    262418      if NoThreaded then begin
    296452    //if Visible then Hide;
    297453    Form.MemoLog.Lines.Assign(Log);
    298     if (Form.MemoLog.Lines.Count = 0) and AutoClose then begin
     454    if (Form.MemoLog.Lines.Count = 0) and FAutoClose then begin
    299455      Form.Hide;
    300456    end;
    301     Clear;
     457    if not Form.Visible then Clear;
    302458    Form.Caption := SFinished;
    303459    //LabelEstimatedTimePart.Visible := False;
    304460    Finished := True;
    305461    CurrentJobIndex := -1;
    306     ReloadJobList;
    307   end;
    308 end;
    310 procedure TJobProgressView.UpdateHeight;
    311 var
    312   H: Integer;
    313   PanelOperationsVisible: Boolean;
    314   PanelOperationsHeight: Integer;
    315   PanelProgressVisible: Boolean;
    316   PanelProgressTotalVisible: Boolean;
    317   PanelLogVisible: Boolean;
    318 begin
    319   with Form do begin
    320   H := PanelOperationsTitle.Height;
    321   PanelOperationsVisible := Jobs.Count > 0;
    322   if PanelOperationsVisible <> PanelOperations.Visible then
    323     PanelOperations.Visible := PanelOperationsVisible;
    324   PanelOperationsHeight := 8 + 18 * Jobs.Count;
    325   if PanelOperationsHeight <> PanelOperations.Height then
    326     PanelOperations.Height := PanelOperationsHeight;
    327   if PanelOperationsVisible then
    328     H := H + PanelOperations.Height;
    330   PanelProgressVisible := (Jobs.Count > 0) and not Finished;
    331   if PanelProgressVisible <> PanelProgress.Visible then
    332     PanelProgress.Visible := PanelProgressVisible;
    333   if PanelProgressVisible then
    334     H := H + PanelProgress.Height;
    335   PanelProgressTotalVisible := (Jobs.Count > 1) and not Finished;
    336   if PanelProgressTotalVisible <> PanelProgressTotal.Visible then
    337     PanelProgressTotal.Visible := PanelProgressTotalVisible;
    338   if PanelProgressTotalVisible then
    339     H := H + PanelProgressTotal.Height;
    340   Constraints.MinHeight := H;
    341   PanelLogVisible := MemoLog.Lines.Count > 0;
    342   if PanelLogVisible <> PanelLog.Visible then
    343     PanelLog.Visible := PanelLogVisible;
    344   if PanelLogVisible then
    345     H := H + MemoLogHeight;
    346   if Height <> H then Height := H;
     462    Form.ReloadJobList;
    347463  end;
    352468  if Assigned(FOnOwnerDraw) then
    353469    FOnOwnerDraw(Self);
    354 end;
    356 procedure TFormJobProgressView.TimerUpdateTimer(Sender: TObject);
    357 var
    358   ProgressBarPartVisible: Boolean;
    359   ProgressBarTotalVisible: Boolean;
    360 begin
    361   JobProgressView.UpdateProgress;
    362   if Visible and (not ProgressBarPart.Visible) and
    363   Assigned(JobProgressView.CurrentJob) and
    364   (JobProgressView.CurrentJob.Progress.Value > 0) then begin
    365     ProgressBarPartVisible := True;
    366     if ProgressBarPartVisible <> ProgressBarPart.Visible then
    367       ProgressBarPart.Visible := ProgressBarPartVisible;
    368     ProgressBarTotalVisible := True;
    369     if ProgressBarTotalVisible <> ProgressBarTotal.Visible then
    370       ProgressBarTotal.Visible := ProgressBarTotalVisible;
    371   end;
    372   if not Visible then begin
    373     TimerUpdate.Interval := UpdateInterval;
    374     if not JobProgressView.OwnerDraw then Show;
    375   end;
    376 end;
    378 procedure TFormJobProgressView.FormDestroy(Sender:TObject);
    379 begin
    380 end;
    382 procedure TFormJobProgressView.ListViewJobsData(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem);
    383 begin
    384   if (Item.Index >= 0) and (Item.Index < JobProgressView.Jobs.Count) then
    385   with TJob(JobProgressView.Jobs[Item.Index]) do begin
    386     Item.Caption := Title;
    387     if Item.Index = JobProgressView.CurrentJobIndex then Item.ImageIndex := 1
    388       else if Finished then Item.ImageIndex := 0
    389       else Item.ImageIndex := 2;
    390     Item.Data := JobProgressView.Jobs[Item.Index];
    391   end;
    392 end;
    394 procedure TFormJobProgressView.FormClose(Sender: TObject;
    395   var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
    396 begin
    397   ListViewJobs.Clear;
    398 end;
    400 procedure TFormJobProgressView.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    401 begin
    402   Caption := SPleaseWait;
    403   try
    404     //Animate1.FileName := ExtractFileDir(UTF8Encode(Application.ExeName)) +
    405     //  DirectorySeparator + 'horse.avi';
    406     //Animate1.Active := True;
    407   except
    409   end;
    426486    Sleep(Quantum);
    427487  end;
    428 end;
    430 procedure TFormJobProgressView.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
    431 begin
    432   CanClose := JobProgressView.Finished;
    433   JobProgressView.Terminate := True;
    434   Caption := SPleaseWait + STerminate;
    492 procedure TJobProgressView.ReloadJobList;
    493 begin
    494   UpdateHeight;
    495   // Workaround for not showing first line
    496   Form.ListViewJobs.Items.Count := Jobs.Count + 1;
    497   Form.ListViewJobs.Refresh;
    499   if Form.ListViewJobs.Items.Count <> Jobs.Count then
    500     Form.ListViewJobs.Items.Count := Jobs.Count;
    501   Form.ListViewJobs.Refresh;
    502   //Application.ProcessMessages;
    503 end;
    505545constructor TJobProgressView.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
    507547  inherited;
    508548  if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin
    509     Form := TFormJobProgressView.Create(Self);
    510     Form.JobProgressView := Self;
    511   end;
    512   Jobs := TObjectList.Create;
     549    FForm := TFormJobProgressView.Create(Self);
     550    FForm.JobProgressView := Self;
     551  end;
     552  Jobs := TJobs.Create;
    513553  Log := TStringList.Create;
    514554  //PanelOperationsTitle.Height := 80;
    515   ShowDelay := 0; //1000; // ms
     555  AutoClose := True;
     556  ShowDelay := 0;
    520561  Jobs.Clear;
     562  Log.Clear;
    521563  //ReloadJobList;
    528570  inherited;
     573{ TProgress }
    531575procedure TProgress.SetMax(const AValue: Integer);
    536580    if FMax < 1 then FMax := 1;
    537581    if FValue >= FMax then FValue := FMax;
     582  finally
     583    FLock.Release;
     584  end;
     587procedure TProgress.SetText(AValue: string);
     589  try
     590    FLock.Acquire;
     591    if FText = AValue then Exit;
     592    FText := AValue;
    538593  finally
    539594    FLock.Release;
    565 { TProgress }
    567620procedure TProgress.Increment;
  • trunk/Packages/Common/ULastOpenedList.pas

    r1 r21  
    8   Classes, SysUtils, Registry, URegistry, Menus, XMLConf;
     8  Classes, SysUtils, Registry, URegistry, Menus, XMLConf, DOM;
    3030    procedure SaveToXMLConfig(XMLConfig: TXMLConfig; Path: string);
    3131    procedure AddItem(FileName: string);
     32    function GetFirstFileName: string;
    3233  published
    3334    property MaxCount: Integer read FMaxCount write SetMaxCount;
    139140    OpenKey(Context.Key, True);
    140141    for I := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do
    141       WriteString('File' + IntToStr(I), UTF8Decode(Items[I]));
     142      WriteString('File' + IntToStr(I), Items[I]);
    142143  finally
    143144    Free;
    154155  with XMLConfig do begin
    155     Count := GetValue(Path + '/Count', 0);
     156    Count := GetValue(DOMString(Path + '/Count'), 0);
    156157    if Count > MaxCount then Count := MaxCount;
    157158    Items.Clear;
    158159    for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin
    159       Value := GetValue(Path + '/File' + IntToStr(I), '');
     160      Value := string(GetValue(DOMString(Path + '/File' + IntToStr(I)), ''));
    160161      if Trim(Value) <> '' then Items.Add(Value);
    161162    end;
    171172  with XMLConfig do begin
    172     SetValue(Path + '/Count', Items.Count);
     173    SetValue(DOMString(Path + '/Count'), Items.Count);
    173174    for I := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do
    174       SetValue(Path + '/File' + IntToStr(I), Items[I]);
     175      SetValue(DOMString(Path + '/File' + IntToStr(I)), DOMString(Items[I]));
    175176    Flush;
    176177  end;
     188function TLastOpenedList.GetFirstFileName: string;
     190  if Items.Count > 0 then Result := Items[0]
     191    else Result := '';
  • trunk/Packages/Common/UListViewSort.pas

    r15 r21  
    1010  {$IFDEF Windows}Windows, CommCtrl, {$ENDIF}Classes, Graphics, ComCtrls, SysUtils,
    11   Controls, DateUtils, Dialogs, SpecializedList, Forms, Grids, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls,
     11  Controls, DateUtils, Dialogs, fgl, Forms, Grids, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls,
    1212  LclIntf, LMessages, LclType, LResources;
    5252    {$ENDIF}
    5353  public
    54     List: TListObject;
    55     Source: TListObject;
     54    List: TFPGObjectList<TObject>;
     55    Source: TFPGObjectList<TObject>;
    5656    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
    5757    destructor Destroy; override;
    9898  end;
     100  { TListViewEx }
     102  TListViewEx = class(TWinControl)
     103  private
     104    FFilter: TListViewFilter;
     105    FListView: TListView;
     106    FListViewSort: TListViewSort;
     107    procedure ResizeHanlder;
     108  public
     109    constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
     110    destructor Destroy; override;
     111  published
     112    property ListView: TListView read FListView write FListView;
     113    property ListViewSort: TListViewSort read FListViewSort write FListViewSort;
     114    property Filter: TListViewFilter read FFilter write FFilter;
     115    property Visible;
     116  end;
    100118procedure Register;
    105123procedure Register;
    107   RegisterComponents('Common', [TListViewSort, TListViewFilter]);
     125  RegisterComponents('Common', [TListViewSort, TListViewFilter, TListViewEx]);
     128{ TListViewEx }
     130procedure TListViewEx.ResizeHanlder;
     134constructor TListViewEx.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
     136  inherited Create(TheOwner);
     137  Filter := TListViewFilter.Create(Self);
     138  Filter.Parent := Self;
     139  Filter.Align := alBottom;
     140  ListView := TListView.Create(Self);
     141  ListView.Parent := Self;
     142  ListView.Align := alClient;
     143  ListViewSort := TListViewSort.Create(Self);
     144  ListViewSort.ListView := ListView;
     147destructor TListViewEx.Destroy;
     149  inherited Destroy;
    143185  I: Integer;
     186  R: TRect;
    145188  with FStringGrid1 do begin
    146     Options := Options - [goEditing, goAlwaysShowEditor];
    147     //Columns.Clear;
    148189    while Columns.Count > ListView.Columns.Count do Columns.Delete(Columns.Count - 1);
    149190    while Columns.Count < ListView.Columns.Count do Columns.Add;
    150191    for I := 0 to ListView.Columns.Count - 1 do begin
    151192      Columns[I].Width := ListView.Columns[I].Width;
     193      if Selection.Left = I then begin
     194        R := CellRect(I, 0);
     195        Editor.Left := R.Left + 2;
     196        Editor.Width := R.Width - 4;
     197      end;
    152198    end;
    153     Options := Options + [goEditing, goAlwaysShowEditor];
    154199  end;
     322  ListViewSortCompare: TCompareEvent;
     324function ListViewCompare(const Item1, Item2: TObject): Integer;
     326  Result := ListViewSortCompare(Item1, Item2);
    276329procedure TListViewSort.Sort(Compare: TCompareEvent);
     331  // TODO: Because TFLGObjectList compare handler is not class method,
     332  // it is necessary to use simple function compare handler with local variable
     333  ListViewSortCompare := Compare;
    278334  if (List.Count > 0) then
    279     List.Sort(Compare);
     335    List.Sort(ListViewCompare);
    341397  inherited;
    342   List := TListObject.Create;
    343   List.OwnsObjects := False;
     398  List := TFPGObjectList<TObject>.Create;
     399  List.FreeObjects := False;
    381437  ItemLeft := Item.Left;
    382438  ItemLeft := 23; // Windows 7 workaround
    384440  Rect1.Left := ItemLeft - CheckWidth - BiasLeft + 1 + XBias;
    385441  //ShowMessage(IntToStr(Tp1.Y) + ', ' + IntToStr(BiasTop) + ', ' + IntToStr(XBias));
    480536    FHeaderHandle := ListView_GetHeader(FListView.Handle);
    481537    for I := 0 to FListView.Columns.Count - 1 do begin
     538      {$push}{$warn 5057 off}
    482539      FillChar(Item, SizeOf(THDItem), 0);
     540      {$pop}
    483541      Item.Mask := HDI_FORMAT;
    484542      Header_GetItem(FHeaderHandle, I, Item);
  • trunk/Packages/Common/UMemory.pas

    r1 r21  
    2424    constructor Create;
    2525    destructor Destroy; override;
     26    procedure WriteMemory(Position: Integer; Memory: TMemory);
     27    procedure ReadMemory(Position: Integer; Memory: TMemory);
    2628    property Data: PByte read FData;
    2729    property Size: Integer read FSize write SetSize;
     112procedure TMemory.WriteMemory(Position: Integer; Memory: TMemory);
     114  Move(Memory.FData, PByte(PByte(@FData) + Position)^, Memory.Size);
     117procedure TMemory.ReadMemory(Position: Integer; Memory: TMemory);
     119  Move(PByte(PByte(@FData) + Position)^, Memory.FData, Memory.Size);
  • trunk/Packages/Common/UPersistentForm.pas

    r1 r21  
    10   Classes, SysUtils, Forms, URegistry, LCLIntf, Registry, Controls, ComCtrls;
     10  Classes, SysUtils, Forms, URegistry, LCLIntf, Registry, Controls, ComCtrls,
     11  ExtCtrls;
    5657  I: Integer;
    5758  WinControl: TWinControl;
    58   Count: Integer;
    6060  if Control is TListView then begin
    7272  end;
     74  if (Control is TPanel) then begin
     75    with Form, TRegistryEx.Create do
     76    try
     77      RootKey := RegistryContext.RootKey;
     78      OpenKey(RegistryContext.Key + '\Forms\' + Form.Name + '\' + Control.Name, True);
     79      if (TPanel(Control).Align = alRight) or (TPanel(Control).Align = alLeft) then begin
     80        if ValueExists('Width') then
     81          TPanel(Control).Width := ReadInteger('Width');
     82      end;
     83      if (TPanel(Control).Align = alTop) or (TPanel(Control).Align = alBottom) then begin
     84        if ValueExists('Height') then
     85          TPanel(Control).Height := ReadInteger('Height');
     86      end;
     87    finally
     88      Free;
     89    end;
     90  end;
    7492  if Control is TWinControl then begin
    7593    WinControl := TWinControl(Control);
    96114      for I := 0 to TListView(Control).Columns.Count - 1 do begin
    97115        WriteInteger('ColWidth' + IntToStr(I), TListView(Control).Columns[I].Width);
     116      end;
     117    finally
     118      Free;
     119    end;
     120  end;
     122  if (Control is TPanel) then begin
     123    with Form, TRegistryEx.Create do
     124    try
     125      RootKey := RegistryContext.RootKey;
     126      OpenKey(RegistryContext.Key + '\Forms\' + Form.Name + '\' + Control.Name, True);
     127      if (TPanel(Control).Align = alRight) or (TPanel(Control).Align = alLeft) then begin
     128        WriteInteger('Width', TPanel(Control).Width);
     129      end;
     130      if (TPanel(Control).Align = alTop) or (TPanel(Control).Align = alBottom) then begin
     131        WriteInteger('Height', TPanel(Control).Height);
    98132      end;
    99133    finally
    218252procedure TPersistentForm.Load(Form: TForm; DefaultMaximized: Boolean = False);
    219 var
    220   LoadDefaults: Boolean;
    222254  Self.Form := Form;
    231263  if not EqualRect(FormNormalSize, FormRestoredSize) or
    232     (LoadDefaults and DefaultMaximized) then begin
     264    DefaultMaximized then begin
    233265    // Restore to maximized state
    234266    Form.WindowState := wsNormal;
  • trunk/Packages/Common/UPool.pas

    r1 r21  
    8   Classes, SysUtils, syncobjs, SpecializedList, UThreading;
     8  Classes, SysUtils, syncobjs, fgl, UThreading;
    2222    function NewItemObject: TObject; virtual;
    2323  public
    24     Items: TListObject;
    25     FreeItems: TListObject;
     24    Items: TFPGObjectList<TObject>;
     25    FreeItems: TFPGObjectList<TObject>;
    2626    function Acquire: TObject; virtual;
    2727    procedure Release(Item: TObject); virtual;
    186186  inherited;
    187   Items := TListObject.Create;
    188   FreeItems := TListObject.Create;
    189   FreeItems.OwnsObjects := False;
     187  Items := TFPGObjectList<TObject>.Create;
     188  FreeItems := TFPGObjectList<TObject>.Create;
     189  FreeItems.FreeObjects := False;
    190190  FReleaseEvent := TEvent.Create(nil, False, False, '');
  • trunk/Packages/Common/UPrefixMultiplier.pas

    r1 r21  
    2121  { TPrefixMultiplier }
    23   TPrefixMultiplier = class
     23  TPrefixMultiplier = class(TComponent)
    2424  private
    25     function TruncateDigits(Value:Double;Digits:Integer=3):Double;
     25    function TruncateDigits(Value: Double; Digits: Integer = 3): Double;
    2626  public
    2727    function Add(Value: Double; PrefixMultipliers: TPrefixMultiplierDef;
    7272  );
     74procedure Register;
     79procedure Register;
     81  RegisterComponents('Common', [TPrefixMultiplier]);
    7684{ TPrefixMultiplier }
    94 function TPrefixMultiplier.Add(Value:Double;PrefixMultipliers:TPrefixMultiplierDef
    95   ;UnitText:string;Digits:Integer):string;
     102function TPrefixMultiplier.Add(Value: Double; PrefixMultipliers: TPrefixMultiplierDef
     103  ; UnitText:string; Digits: Integer): string;
    97105  I: Integer;
  • trunk/Packages/Common/URegistry.pas

    r1 r21  
    2929    procedure SetCurrentContext(AValue: TRegistryContext);
    3030  public
     31    function ReadChar(const Name: string): Char;
     32    procedure WriteChar(const Name: string; Value: Char);
    3133    function ReadBoolWithDefault(const Name: string;
    3234      DefaultValue: Boolean): Boolean;
    3335    function ReadIntegerWithDefault(const Name: string; DefaultValue: Integer): Integer;
    3436    function ReadStringWithDefault(const Name: string; DefaultValue: string): string;
     37    function ReadCharWithDefault(const Name: string; DefaultValue: Char): Char;
    3538    function ReadFloatWithDefault(const Name: string;
    3639      DefaultValue: Double): Double;
     94function TRegistryEx.ReadCharWithDefault(const Name: string; DefaultValue: Char
     95  ): Char;
     97  if ValueExists(Name) then Result := ReadChar(Name)
     98    else begin
     99      WriteChar(Name, DefaultValue);
     100      Result := DefaultValue;
     101    end;
    91104function TRegistryEx.ReadFloatWithDefault(const Name: string;
    92105  DefaultValue: Double): Double;
     152function TRegistryEx.ReadChar(const Name: string): Char;
     154  S: string;
     156  S := ReadString(Name);
     157  if Length(S) > 0 then Result := S[1]
     158    else Result := #0;
     161procedure TRegistryEx.WriteChar(const Name: string; Value: Char);
     163  WriteString(Name, Value);
    139166function TRegistryEx.ReadBoolWithDefault(const Name: string;
    140167  DefaultValue: Boolean): Boolean;
  • trunk/Packages/Common/UResetableThread.pas

    r1 r21  
    156156  FThread.Name := 'ResetableThread';
    157157  FThread.Parent := Self;
    158   FThread.Resume;
     158  FThread.Start;
  • trunk/Packages/Common/UScaleDPI.pas

    r1 r21  
    215215  I: Integer;
     217  ImgList.BeginUpdate;
    217218  NewWidth := ScaleX(ImgList.Width, FromDPI.X);
    218219  NewHeight := ScaleY(ImgList.Height, FromDPI.Y);
    248249    Temp[i].Free;
    249250  end;
     251  ImgList.EndUpdate;
    287289  //OldAutoSize: Boolean;
     291  //if not (Control is TCustomPage) then
     292  // Resize childs first
     293  if Control is TWinControl then begin
     294    WinControl := TWinControl(Control);
     295    if WinControl.ControlCount > 0 then begin
     296      for I := 0 to WinControl.ControlCount - 1 do begin
     297        if WinControl.Controls[I] is TControl then begin
     298          ScaleControl(WinControl.Controls[I], FromDPI);
     299        end;
     300      end;
     301    end;
     302  end;
    289304  //if Control is TMemo then Exit;
    290305  //if Control is TForm then
    338353  end;
    340   //if not (Control is TCustomPage) then
    341   if Control is TWinControl then begin
    342     WinControl := TWinControl(Control);
    343     if WinControl.ControlCount > 0 then begin
    344       for I := 0 to WinControl.ControlCount - 1 do begin
    345         if WinControl.Controls[I] is TControl then begin
    346           ScaleControl(WinControl.Controls[I], FromDPI);
    347         end;
    348       end;
    349     end;
    350   end;
    351355  //if Control is TForm then
    352356  //  Control.EnableAutoSizing;
  • trunk/Packages/Common/UTheme.pas

    r15 r21  
    132132  I: Integer;
    134   for I := 0 to Component.ComponentCount - 1 do
    135     ApplyTheme(Component.Components[I]);
     134  if Component is TWinControl then begin
     135    for I := 0 to TWinControl(Component).ControlCount - 1 do
     136      ApplyTheme(TWinControl(Component).Controls[I]);
     137  end;
    137139  if Component is TControl then begin
    139141    if (Control is TEdit) or (Control is TSpinEdit) or (Control is TComboBox) and
    140142    (Control is TMemo) or (Control is TListView) or (Control is TCustomDrawGrid) or
    141     (Control is TCheckBox) then begin
     143    (Control is TCheckBox) or (Control is TPageControl) or (Control is TRadioButton) then begin
    142144      Control.Color := FTheme.ColorWindow;
    143145      Control.Font.Color := FTheme.ColorWindowText;
    150152      (Control as TCustomDrawGrid).Editor.Color := FTheme.ColorWindow;
    151153      (Control as TCustomDrawGrid).Editor.Font.Color := FTheme.ColorWindowText;
     154    end;
     156    if Control is TPageControl then begin
     157      for I := 0 to TPageControl(Component).PageCount - 1 do
     158        ApplyTheme(TPageControl(Component).Pages[I]);
     159    end;
     161    if Control is TCoolBar then begin
     162      (Control as TCoolBar).Themed := False;
    152163    end;
    153164  end;
  • trunk/Packages/Common/UThreading.pas

    r1 r21  
    3030    Name: string;
    3131    procedure Execute; virtual; abstract;
    32     procedure Resume; virtual; abstract;
    33     procedure Suspend; virtual; abstract;
    3432    procedure Start; virtual; abstract;
    3533    procedure Terminate; virtual; abstract;
    8179    procedure Sleep(Delay: Integer); override;
    8280    procedure Execute; override;
    83     procedure Resume; override;
    84     procedure Suspend; override;
    8581    procedure Start; override;
    8682    procedure Terminate; override;
    134130    Thread.FreeOnTerminate := False;
    135131    Thread.Method := Method;
    136     Thread.Resume;
     132    Thread.Start;
    137133    while (Thread.State = ttsRunning) or (Thread.State = ttsReady) do begin
    138134      if MainThreadID = ThreadID then Application.ProcessMessages;
    155151    Thread.Method := Method;
    156152    Thread.OnFinished := CallBack;
    157     Thread.Resume;
     153    Thread.Start;
    158154    //if Thread.State = ttsExceptionOccured then
    159155    //  raise Exception.Create(Thread.ExceptionMessage);
    313309procedure TListedThread.Execute;
    315 end;
    317 procedure TListedThread.Resume;
    318 begin
    319   FThread.Resume;
    320 end;
    322 procedure TListedThread.Suspend;
    323 begin
    324   FThread.Suspend;
  • trunk/Packages/Common/UURI.pas

    r1 r21  
    8989function LeftCutString(var Source: string; out Output: string; Delimiter: string; Allowed: string = ''): Boolean;
    91   I, J: Integer;
     91  I: Integer;
    9292  Matched: Boolean;
    113113function RightCutString(var Source: string; out Output: string; Delimiter: string; Allowed: string = ''): Boolean;
    115   I, J: Integer;
     115  I: Integer;
    116116  Matched: Boolean;
    203203procedure TURI.SetAsString(Value: string);
    204 var
    205   HostAddr: string;
    206   HostPort: string;
    208205  LeftCutString(Value, Scheme, ':');
  • trunk/Packages/Common/UXMLUtils.pas

    r1 r21  
    88  {$IFDEF WINDOWS}Windows,{$ENDIF}
    9   Classes, SysUtils, DateUtils, XMLRead, XMLWrite, DOM;
     9  Classes, SysUtils, DateUtils, DOM, xmlread;
    1111function XMLTimeToDateTime(XMLDateTime: string): TDateTime;
    12 function DateTimeToXMLTime(Value: TDateTime; ApplyLocalBias: Boolean = True): WideString;
     12function DateTimeToXMLTime(Value: TDateTime; ApplyLocalBias: Boolean = True): string;
    1313procedure WriteInteger(Node: TDOMNode; Name: string; Value: Integer);
    1414procedure WriteInt64(Node: TDOMNode; Name: string; Value: Int64);
    2121function ReadString(Node: TDOMNode; Name: string; DefaultValue: string): string;
    2222function ReadDateTime(Node: TDOMNode; Name: string; DefaultValue: TDateTime): TDateTime;
     23procedure ReadXMLFileParser(out Doc: TXMLDocument; FileName: string);
     28procedure ReadXMLFileParser(out Doc: TXMLDocument; FileName: string);
     30  Parser: TDOMParser;
     31  Src: TXMLInputSource;
     32  InFile: TFileStream;
     34  try
     35    InFile := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead);
     36    Src := TXMLInputSource.Create(InFile);
     37    Parser := TDOMParser.Create;
     38    Parser.Options.PreserveWhitespace := True;
     39    Parser.Parse(Src, Doc);
     40  finally
     41    Src.Free;
     42    Parser.Free;
     43    InFile.Free;
     44  end;
    2747function GetTimeZoneBias: Integer;
    3050  TimeZoneInfo: TTimeZoneInformation;
     52  {$push}{$warn 5057 off}
    3253  case GetTimeZoneInformation(TimeZoneInfo) of
    33   TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD: Result := TimeZoneInfo.Bias + TimeZoneInfo.StandardBias;
    34   TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT: Result := TimeZoneInfo.Bias + TimeZoneInfo.DaylightBias;
     54    TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD: Result := TimeZoneInfo.Bias + TimeZoneInfo.StandardBias;
     55    TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT: Result := TimeZoneInfo.Bias + TimeZoneInfo.DaylightBias;
    3556  else
    3657    Result := 0;
    3758  end;
     59  {$pop}
    4567function LeftCutString(var Source: string; out Output: string; Delimiter: string; Allowed: string = ''): Boolean;
    47   I, J: Integer;
     69  I: Integer;
    4870  Matched: Boolean;
    99121      if Pos('Z', XMLDateTime) > 0 then
    100122        LeftCutString(XMLDateTime, Part, 'Z');
    101       SecondFraction := StrToFloat('0' + DecimalSeparator + Part);
     123      SecondFraction := StrToFloat('0' + DefaultFormatSettings.DecimalSeparator + Part);
    102124      Millisecond := Trunc(SecondFraction * 1000);
    103125    end else begin
    120 function DateTimeToXMLTime(Value: TDateTime; ApplyLocalBias: Boolean = True): WideString;
     142function DateTimeToXMLTime(Value: TDateTime; ApplyLocalBias: Boolean = True): string;
    122144  Neg: array[Boolean] of string =  ('+', '-');
    139161  NewNode: TDOMNode;
    141   NewNode := Node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(Name);
    142   NewNode.TextContent := IntToStr(Value);
     163  NewNode := Node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(DOMString(Name));
     164  NewNode.TextContent := DOMString(IntToStr(Value));
    143165  Node.AppendChild(NewNode);
    148170  NewNode: TDOMNode;
    150   NewNode := Node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(Name);
    151   NewNode.TextContent := IntToStr(Value);
     172  NewNode := Node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(DOMString(Name));
     173  NewNode.TextContent := DOMString(IntToStr(Value));
    152174  Node.AppendChild(NewNode);
    157179  NewNode: TDOMNode;
    159   NewNode := Node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(Name);
    160   NewNode.TextContent := BoolToStr(Value);
     181  NewNode := Node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(DOMString(Name));
     182  NewNode.TextContent := DOMString(BoolToStr(Value));
    161183  Node.AppendChild(NewNode);
    166188  NewNode: TDOMNode;
    168   NewNode := Node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(Name);
    169   NewNode.TextContent := Value;
     190  NewNode := Node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(DOMString(Name));
     191  NewNode.TextContent := DOMString(Value);
    170192  Node.AppendChild(NewNode);
    175197  NewNode: TDOMNode;
    177   NewNode := Node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(Name);
    178   NewNode.TextContent := DateTimeToXMLTime(Value);
     199  NewNode := Node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(DOMString(Name));
     200  NewNode.TextContent := DOMString(DateTimeToXMLTime(Value));
    179201  Node.AppendChild(NewNode);
    186208  Result := DefaultValue;
    187   NewNode := Node.FindNode(Name);
    188   if Assigned(NewNode) then
    189     Result := StrToInt(NewNode.TextContent);
     209  NewNode := Node.FindNode(DOMString(Name));
     210  if Assigned(NewNode) then
     211    Result := StrToInt(string(NewNode.TextContent));
    196218  Result := DefaultValue;
    197   NewNode := Node.FindNode(Name);
    198   if Assigned(NewNode) then
    199     Result := StrToInt64(NewNode.TextContent);
     219  NewNode := Node.FindNode(DOMString(Name));
     220  if Assigned(NewNode) then
     221    Result := StrToInt64(string(NewNode.TextContent));
    206228  Result := DefaultValue;
    207   NewNode := Node.FindNode(Name);
    208   if Assigned(NewNode) then
    209     Result := StrToBool(NewNode.TextContent);
     229  NewNode := Node.FindNode(DOMString(Name));
     230  if Assigned(NewNode) then
     231    Result := StrToBool(string(NewNode.TextContent));
    216238  Result := DefaultValue;
    217   NewNode := Node.FindNode(Name);
    218   if Assigned(NewNode) then
    219     Result := NewNode.TextContent;
     239  NewNode := Node.FindNode(DOMString(Name));
     240  if Assigned(NewNode) then
     241    Result := string(NewNode.TextContent);
    227249  Result := DefaultValue;
    228   NewNode := Node.FindNode(Name);
    229   if Assigned(NewNode) then
    230     Result := XMLTimeToDateTime(NewNode.TextContent);
     250  NewNode := Node.FindNode(DOMString(Name));
     251  if Assigned(NewNode) then
     252    Result := XMLTimeToDateTime(string(NewNode.TextContent));
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.