1 | { lbc_telepen.pas - Handles telepen alpha, and telepen numeric barcodes.
2 |
3 | Based on Zint (done by Robin Stuart and the Zint team)
4 | http://github.com/zint/zint
5 | and Pascal adaption by TheUnknownOnes
6 | http://theunknownones.net
7 |
8 | Refactoring: W.Pamler
9 |
10 | Fixes: Usage of character 'X' in input string.
11 | }
12 | unit lbc_telepen;
13 |
14 | {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
15 |
16 | interface
17 |
18 | uses
19 | SysUtils, zint;
20 |
21 | function telepen(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
22 | function telepen_num(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
23 |
24 | implementation
25 |
26 | uses
27 | lbc_helper;
28 |
29 | const TeleTable: array[0..126] of String = (
30 | '1111111111111111', '1131313111', '33313111', '1111313131', '3111313111',
31 | '11333131', '13133131', '111111313111', '31333111', '1131113131',
32 | '33113131', '1111333111', '3111113131', '1113133111', '1311133111',
33 | '111111113131', '3131113111', '11313331', '333331', '111131113111',
34 | '31113331', '1133113111', '1313113111', '1111113331', '31131331',
35 | '113111113111', '3311113111', '1111131331', '311111113111', '1113111331',
36 | '1311111331', '11111111113111', '31313311', '1131311131', '33311131',
37 | '1111313311', '3111311131', '11333311', '13133311', '111111311131',
38 | '31331131', '1131113311', '33113311', '1111331131', '3111113311',
39 | '1113131131', '1311131131', '111111113311', '3131111131', '1131131311',
40 | '33131311', '111131111131', '3111131311', '1133111131', '1313111131',
41 | '111111131311', '3113111311', '113111111131', '3311111131', '111113111311',
42 | '311111111131', '111311111311', '131111111311', '11111111111131', '3131311111',
43 | '11313133', '333133', '111131311111', '31113133', '1133311111',
44 | '1313311111', '1111113133', '313333', '113111311111', '3311311111',
45 | '11113333', '311111311111', '11131333', '13111333', '11111111311111',
46 | '31311133', '1131331111', '33331111', '1111311133', '3111331111',
47 | '11331133', '13131133', '111111331111', '3113131111', '1131111133',
48 | '33111133', '111113131111', '3111111133', '111311131111', '131111131111',
49 | '111111111133', '31311313', '113131111111', '3331111111', '1111311313',
50 | '311131111111', '11331313', '13131313', '11111131111111', '3133111111',
51 | '1131111313', '33111313', '111133111111', '3111111313', '111313111111',
52 | '131113111111', '111111111313', '313111111111', '1131131113', '33131113',
53 | '11113111111111', '3111131113', '113311111111', '131311111111', '111111131113',
54 | '3113111113', '11311111111111', '331111111111', '111113111113', '31111111111111',
55 | '111311111113', '131111111113'
56 | );
57 |
58 | function CheckSum_telepen(ASource: String): String;
59 | var
60 | i, sum: Integer;
61 | check_digit: Integer;
62 | begin
63 | sum := 0;
64 | for i := 1 to Length(ASource) do
65 | inc(sum, ord(ASource[i]));
66 |
67 | check_digit := 127 - sum mod 127;
68 | if (check_digit = 127) then check_digit := 0;
69 |
70 | Result := char(check_digit);
71 | end;
72 |
73 | function telepen(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
74 | var
75 | i: Integer;
76 | begin
77 | for i := 1 to Length(ASource) do
78 | if ASource[i] > #126 then
79 | begin
80 | // Cannot encode extended ASCII
81 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Invalid characters in input data.');
82 | Result := ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
83 | exit;
84 | end;
85 |
86 | Result := basic_encoder(ASymbol, ASource,
87 | 30, '', TeleTable[ord('_')], TeleTable, TeleTable[ord('z')], @CheckSum_telepen, false);
88 | end;
89 |
90 | function telepen_num(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
91 | const
92 | VALID_CHARS = NEON + 'X';
93 | var
94 | src, dest: String;
95 | i, pair, checksum: Integer;
96 | begin
97 | if Length(ASource) > 60 then
98 | begin
99 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Input too long (max 60 characters).');
100 | Result := ERROR_TOO_LONG;
101 | exit;
102 | end;
103 |
104 | src := UpperCase(ASource);
105 | Result := is_sane(VALID_CHARS, src);
106 | if Result = ERROR_INVALID_DATA then
107 | begin
108 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Invalid characters in data.');
109 | exit;
110 | end;
111 |
112 | // Add a leading zero if required (the input string length must be even).
113 | if odd(Length(src)) then
114 | src := '0' +src;
115 |
116 | // START character
117 | dest := TeleTable[ord('_')];
118 |
119 | // Extract pairs of digits. Their numerical value is encoded. An 'X' is
120 | // allowed to identify single-digit numbers; it must be the LAST character of
121 | // a pair.
122 | // Example: 466X33 is valid (pairs 46, 6X, 33)
123 | // 46X333 is not valid (pairs 46, X3, 33)
124 | i := 1;
125 | checksum := 0;
126 | while i < Length(src) do
127 | begin
128 | if src[i] = 'X' then
129 | begin
130 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Invalid position of X in Telepen data.');
131 | Result := ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
132 | exit;
133 | end;
134 | if src[i+1] = 'X' then
135 | pair := StrToInt(src[i]) + 17
136 | else
137 | pair := StrToInt(src[i] + src[i+1]) + 27;
138 | dest := dest + TeleTable[pair];
139 | inc(checksum, pair);
140 | inc(i, 2);
141 | end;
142 |
143 | checksum := 127 - checksum mod 127;
144 | if checksum = 127 then checksum := 0;
145 | dest := dest + TeleTable[checksum];
146 |
147 | // STOP character
148 | dest := dest + TeleTable[ord('z')];
149 |
150 | // Expand to modules
151 | expand(ASymbol, dest);
152 |
153 | // Store human-readable text.
154 | ASymbol^.SetText(src);
155 | end;
156 |
157 | end.
158 |
159 |