1 | { lbc_plessey - Handles plessey bar codes
2 |
3 | Based on Zint (done by Robin Stuart and the Zint team)
4 | http://github.com/zint/zint
5 | and Pascal adaption by TheUnknownOnes
6 | http://theunknownones.net
7 |
8 | Refactoring: W.Pamler
9 |
10 | The results were checked against https://www.free-barcode-generator.net/msi/
11 | }
12 |
13 | unit lbc_plessey;
14 |
15 | {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
16 |
17 | interface
18 |
19 | uses
20 | SysUtils, zint;
21 |
22 | function plessey(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
23 | function msi_plessey(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
24 |
25 | implementation
26 |
27 | uses
28 | lbc_helper;
29 |
30 | const
31 | SSET = '0123456789ABCDEF';
32 |
33 | // Idea: These are the bits in a nibble: 13 = 0, 31 = 1, LSB at left
34 | PlesseyTable: array[0..15] of String = (
35 | '13131313', '31131313', '13311313', '31311313', '13133113',
36 | '31133113', '13313113', '31313113', '13131331', '31131331',
37 | '13311331', '31311331', '13133131', '31133131', '13313131',
38 | '31313131'
39 | );
40 |
41 | MSITable: array[0..9] of String = (
42 | '12121212', '12121221', '12122112', '12122121', '12211212',
43 | '12211221', '12212112', '12212121', '21121212', '21121221'
44 | );
45 |
46 |
47 | {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 | Not MSI/Plessey, but the older Plessey standard
49 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
50 | function CheckSum_Plessey(ASource: String): String;
51 | const
52 | grid: array[0..8] of Byte = (1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1);
53 | var
54 | i, j, check: Integer;
55 | checkptr: array of byte = nil;
56 | begin
57 | SetLength(checkptr, Length(ASource)* 4 + 8);
58 |
59 | for i := 0 to Length(ASource) - 1 do
60 | begin
61 | j := i+1;
62 | check := pos(ASource[j], SSET) - 1;
63 | checkptr[4*i] := check and 1;
64 | checkptr[4*i+1] := (check shr 1) and 1;
65 | checkptr[4*i+2] := (check shr 2) and 1;
66 | checkptr[4*i+3] := (check shr 3) and 1;
67 | end;
68 |
69 | // CRC check digit code adapted from code by Leonid A. Broukhis
70 | // used in GNU Barcode
71 | for i := 0 to 4 * Length(ASource) - 1 do
72 | begin
73 | if (checkptr[i] <> 0) then
74 | for j := 0 to 8 do
75 | checkptr[i+j] := checkptr[i+j] xor grid[j];
76 | end;
77 |
78 | check := 0;
79 | for i := 0 to 7 do
80 | if checkptr[Length(ASource) * 4 + i] = 1 then
81 | check := check or (1 shl i);
82 |
83 | Result := SSET[succ(check and $0F)] + SSET[succ((check and $F0) shr 4)];
84 | end;
85 |
86 | function plessey(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
87 | begin
88 | Result := basic_encoder(ASymbol, ASource,
89 | 65, SSET, '31311331', PlesseyTable, '331311313', @CheckSum_Plessey, false);
90 | if Result = 0 then
91 | ASymbol^.SetText(ASource);
92 | end;
93 |
94 |
95 | {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 | MSI Plessey Modulo 10 and Modulo 11 check digit calculation routines
97 |
98 | Algorithm from Barcode Island, http://www.barcodeisland.com/
99 | (wp: page no longer available)
100 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
101 | function PartialString(ASource: String; OddIndices: boolean): String;
102 | var
103 | i: Integer;
104 | begin
105 | Result := '';
106 | if OddIndices then i := 1 else i := 2;
107 | while i <= Length(ASource) do
108 | begin
109 | Result := Result + ASource[i];
110 | inc(i, 2);
111 | end;
112 | end;
113 |
114 | function SumOfDigits(s: String): Integer;
115 | var
116 | i: Integer;
117 | begin
118 | Result := 0;
119 | for i := 1 to Length(s) do
120 | Result := Result + StrToInt(s[i]);
121 | end;
122 |
123 | function SumOfDigits(s: String; OddIndices: Boolean): Integer;
124 | var
125 | i: Integer;
126 | begin
127 | Result := 0;
128 | if OddIndices then i := 1 else i := 2;
129 | while i <= Length(s) do
130 | begin
131 | Result := Result + StrToInt(s[i]);
132 | inc(i, 2);
133 | end;
134 | end;
135 |
136 | { Calculation of a mod 10 check digit.
137 | Algorithm from Barcode Island, http://www.barcodeisland.com/
138 | (wp: page no longer available) }
139 | function CheckSum_Plessey_Mod10(ASource: String): String;
140 | var
141 | s: String;
142 | sum: Integer;
143 | check: Integer;
144 | begin
145 | s := PartialString(ASource, odd(Length(ASource)));
146 | s := IntToStr(StrToInt(s)*2);
147 | sum := SumOfDigits(s) + SumOfDigits(ASource, not odd(Length(ASource)));
148 | check := 10 - sum mod 10;
149 | if check = 10 then check := 0;
150 | Result := IntToStr(check);
151 | end;
152 |
153 | { Calculation of two mod 10 check digits.
154 | Based on above Barcode Island code. }
155 | function CheckSum_Plessey_Mod10_Mod10(ASource: String): String;
156 | var
157 | s: String;
158 | sum: Integer;
159 | check: Integer;
160 | begin
161 | // Calculate first check digit
162 | Result := CheckSum_Plessey_Mod10(ASource);
163 |
164 | // Calculate second check digit
165 | s := PartialString(ASource, not odd(Length(ASource))) + Result;
166 | s := IntToStr(StrToInt(s)*2);
167 | sum := SumOfDigits(s) + SumOfDigits(ASource, odd(Length(ASource)));
168 | check := 10 - sum mod 10;
169 | if check = 10 then check := 0;
170 |
171 | Result := Result + IntToStr(check);
172 | end;
173 |
174 | { Calculates a Modulo 11 check digit using the system discussed on Wikipedia -
175 | see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:MSI_Barcode
176 | Uses the IBM weight system }
177 | function CheckSum_Plessey_Mod11(ASource: String): String;
178 | var
179 | i, sum, weight, check: Integer;
180 | begin
181 | sum := 0;
182 | weight := 2;
183 | for i := Length(ASource) downto 1 do
184 | begin
185 | inc(sum, weight * StrToInt(ASource[i]));
186 | inc(weight);
187 | if weight > 7 then weight := 2;
188 | end;
189 | check := (11 - sum mod 11) mod 11;
190 |
191 | Result := IntToStr(check);
192 | end;
193 |
194 | { Calculates a Modulo 11 and a Modulo 10 check digit.
195 | Combines the Barcode Island and Wikipedia code
196 | Verified against http://www.bokai.com/BarcodeJSP/applet/BarcodeSampleApplet.htm
197 | Weighted using the IBM system }
198 | function Checksum_Plessey_Mod11_Mod10(ASource: String): String;
199 | var
200 | ch1, ch2: string;
201 | begin
202 | // Calculate first digit (mod 11)
203 | ch1 := Checksum_Plessey_Mod11(ASource);
204 |
205 | // Calculated second digit (mod 10);
206 | ch2 := CheckSum_Plessey_Mod10(ASource + ch1);
207 |
208 | Result := ch1 + ch2;
209 | end;
210 |
211 |
212 | { ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
213 | Main MSI/Plessey routine
214 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
215 | function msi_plessey(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
216 | var
217 | maxlen: Integer;
218 | checkSumFunc: TCheckSumFunc;
219 | begin
220 | case ASymbol^.Option_2 of
221 | 1: begin // one mod 10 check digit
222 | checkSumFunc := @CheckSum_Plessey_Mod10;
223 | maxlen := 18;
224 | end;
225 | 2: begin // two mod 10 check digits
226 | checksumfunc := @CheckSum_Plessey_Mod10_Mod10;
227 | maxlen := 18;
228 | end;
229 | 3: begin // one mod 11 check digit
230 | checksumfunc := @Checksum_Plessey_Mod11;
231 | maxlen := 55;
232 | end;
233 | 4: begin // a mod 11 and a mod 10 check digit
234 | checksumfunc := @Checksum_Plessey_Mod11_Mod10;
235 | maxLen := 18;
236 | end;
237 | else
238 | begin // no check digits
239 | checkSumFunc := nil;
240 | maxLen := 55;
241 | end;
242 | end;
243 |
244 | Result := basic_encoder(ASymbol, ASource,
245 | maxlen, NEON, '21', MSITable, '121', checksumFunc, false);
246 | end;
247 |
248 | end.
249 |