1 | { lbc_medical.pas - Handles Pharmacode One-Track and Two-Track,
2 | CodaBar as well as Code 32
3 |
4 | Based on Zint (done by Robin Stuart and the Zint team)
5 | http://github.com/zint/zint
6 | and Pascal adaption by TheUnknownOnes
7 | http://theunknownones.net
8 |
9 | Refactoring: W. Pamler
10 | }
11 |
12 | unit lbc_medical;
13 |
14 | {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
15 |
16 | interface
17 |
18 | uses
19 | SysUtils, zint;
20 |
21 | function pharma_one(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
22 | function pharma_two(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
23 | function codabar(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
24 | function code32(Asymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
25 |
26 | implementation
27 |
28 | uses
29 | math,
30 | lbc_code, lbc_helper;
31 |
32 | { 'Pharmacode can represent only a single integer from 3 to 131070. Unlike other
33 | commonly used one-dimensional barcode schemes, pharmacode does not store the
34 | data in a form corresponding to the human-readable digits; the number is
35 | encoded in binary, rather than decimal.
36 | Pharmacode is read from right to left: with n as the bar position starting
37 | at 0 on the right, each narrow bar adds 2n to the value and each wide bar
38 | adds 2(2^n).
39 | The minimum barcode is 2 bars and the maximum 16, so the smallest number
40 | that could be encoded is 3 (2 narrow bars) and the biggest is 131070
41 | (16 wide bars).'
42 | - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharmacode
43 |
44 | This code uses the One Track Pharamacode calculating algorithm as recommended
45 | by the specification at http://www.laetus.com/laetus.php?request=file&id=69 }
46 | function pharma_one(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: string): Integer;
47 | var
48 | tester, counter, error_number, src_len: Integer;
49 | inter: String;
50 | dest: String;
51 | begin
52 | src_len := Length(ASource);
53 |
54 | if (src_len > 6) then
55 | begin
56 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Input too long (max 6 characters)');
57 | Result := ERROR_TOO_LONG;
58 | exit;
59 | end;
60 |
61 | error_number := is_sane(NEON, ASource);
62 | if (error_number = ERROR_INVALID_DATA) then
63 | begin
64 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Invalid characters in data');
65 | Result := error_number;
66 | exit;
67 | end;
68 |
69 | tester := StrToIntDef(ASource, 0);
70 | if (tester < 3) or (tester > 131070) then
71 | begin
72 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Data out of range');
73 | Result := ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
74 | exit;
75 | end;
76 |
77 | inter := '';
78 | repeat
79 | if tester and 1 = 0 then
80 | begin
81 | inter := inter + 'W';
82 | tester := (tester - 2) div 2;
83 | end else
84 | begin
85 | inter := inter + 'N';
86 | tester := (tester - 1) div 2;
87 | end;
88 | until (tester = 0);
89 |
90 | dest := '';
91 | for counter := Length(inter) downto 1 do
92 | begin
93 | if (inter[counter] = 'W') then
94 | dest := dest + '32'
95 | else
96 | dest := dest + '12';
97 | end;
98 | expand(ASymbol, dest);
99 |
100 | ASymbol^.SetText(PChar(ASource));
101 |
102 | Result := error_number;
103 | end;
104 |
105 |
106 | { This code uses the Two Track Pharmacode defined in the document at
107 | http://www.laetus.com/laetus.php?request=file&id=69 and using a modified
108 | algorithm from the One Track system. This standard accepts integet values
109 | from 4 to 64570080. }
110 |
111 | function pharma_two_calc(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: string;
112 | var dest: string): Integer;
113 | var
114 | tester, counter: Integer;
115 | inter: String;
116 | error_number: Integer;
117 | begin
118 | tester := StrToIntDef(ASource, 0);
119 |
120 | if (tester < 4) or (tester > 64570080) then
121 | begin
122 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Data out of range');
123 | Result := ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
124 | exit;
125 | end;
126 |
127 | error_number := 0;
128 | inter := '';
129 | repeat
130 | case tester mod 3 of
131 | 0: begin
132 | inter := inter + '3';
133 | tester := (tester - 3) div 3;
134 | end;
135 | 1: begin
136 | inter := inter + '1';
137 | tester := (tester - 1) div 3;
138 | end;
139 | 2: begin
140 | inter := inter + '2';
141 | tester := (tester - 2) div 3;
142 | end;
143 | end;
144 | until tester = 0;
145 |
146 | dest := '';
147 | for counter := Length(inter) downto 1 do
148 | dest := dest + inter[counter];
149 |
150 | Result := error_number;
151 | end;
152 |
153 | { Draws the patterns for two track pharmacode }
154 | function pharma_two(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
155 | var
156 | height_pattern: string = '';
157 | i, src_len, writer, error_number: Integer;
158 | begin
159 | src_len := Length(ASource);
160 |
161 | if (src_len > 8) then
162 | begin
163 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Input too long (max 8 characters).');
164 | Result := ERROR_TOO_LONG;
165 | exit;
166 | end;
167 |
168 | error_number := is_sane(NEON, ASource);
169 | if (error_number = ERROR_INVALID_DATA) then
170 | begin
171 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Invalid characters in data');
172 | Result := error_number;
173 | exit;
174 | end;
175 |
176 | error_number := pharma_two_calc(ASymbol, ASource, height_pattern);
177 | if (error_number <> 0) then
178 | begin
179 | Result := error_number;
180 | exit;
181 | end;
182 |
183 | writer := 0;
184 | for i := 1 to Length(height_pattern) do
185 | begin
186 | if ((height_pattern[i] = '2') or (height_pattern[i] = '3')) then
187 | begin
188 | set_module(ASymbol, 0, writer);
189 | end;
190 | if ((height_pattern[i] = '1') or (height_pattern[i] = '3')) then
191 | begin
192 | set_module(ASymbol, 1, writer);
193 | end;
194 | Inc(writer, 2);
195 | end;
196 | ASymbol^.rows := 2;
197 | ASymbol^.width := writer - 1;
198 |
199 | ASymbol^.SetText(ASource);
200 |
201 | Result := error_number;
202 | end;
203 |
204 |
205 | { The Codabar system consisting of simple substitution }
206 | //chaosben: some changes where made based on the article at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codabar}
207 | function codabar(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
208 | const
209 | CALCIUM =
210 | '0123456789-$:/.+ABCD';
211 | CODA_TABLE: array[0..19] of string = (
212 | '11111221', '11112211', '11121121', '22111111', '11211211',
213 | '21111211', '12111121', '12112111', '12211111', '21121111',
214 | '11122111', '11221111', '21112121', '21211121', '21212111',
215 | '11212121', '11221211', '12121121', '11121221', '11122211'
216 | );
217 | CODABAR_DELIMITERS: array[0..7] of Char = (
218 | 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'T', 'N', '*', 'E'
219 | );
220 | var
221 | i, j: Integer;
222 | localSource: String;
223 | begin
224 | localSource := Uppercase(ASource);
225 |
226 | // Replace alternate delimiters
227 | for i := 1 to Length(localSource) do
228 | for j := 4 to 7 do
229 | if localSource[i] = CODABAR_DELIMITERS[j] then
230 | localSource[i] := CODABAR_DELIMITERS[j - 4];
231 |
232 | // Check correct usage of delimiters
233 | for i := 2 to Length(localSource) - 1 do
234 | begin
236 | begin
237 | if localSource[i] = CODABAR_DELIMITERS[j] then
238 | begin
239 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('The character "' + ASource[i] + '" can only be used as first and/or last character.');
240 | Result := ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
241 | exit;
242 | end;
243 | end;
244 | end;
245 |
246 | Result := basic_encoder(ASymbol, localsource,
247 | 60, CALCIUM, '', CODA_TABLE, '', nil, false);
248 |
249 | if Result = 0 then
250 | ASymbol^.SetText(ASource);
251 | end;
252 |
253 |
254 | { Italian Pharmacode }
255 | function code32(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
256 | const
258 | var
259 | i, j, error_number, checksum, checkpart: Integer;
260 | localstr: String = '';
261 | resultstr: String = '';
262 | pharmacode, divisor: Integer;
263 | remainder: Integer = 0;
264 | codeword: array[0..5] of Integer = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
265 | begin
266 | { Validate the input }
267 | if (Length(ASource) > 8) then
268 | begin
269 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Input too long (max 8 characters)');
270 | Result := ERROR_TOO_LONG;
271 | exit;
272 | end;
273 |
274 | error_number := is_sane(NEON, ASource);
275 | if (error_number = ERROR_INVALID_DATA) then
276 | begin
277 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Invalid characters in data');
278 | Result := error_number;
279 | exit;
280 | end;
281 |
282 | { Add leading zeros as required }
283 | localstr := StringOfChar('0', 8 - Length(ASource)) + ASource;
284 |
285 | { Calculate the check digit }
286 | checksum := 0;
287 | for i := 0 to 3 do
288 | begin
289 | j := i * 2 + 1;
290 | checkpart := StrToInt(localstr[j]);
291 | Inc(checksum, checkpart);
292 | checkpart := 2 * StrToInt(localstr[j + 1]);
293 | if (checkpart >= 10) then
294 | inc(checksum, (checkpart - 10) + 1)
295 | else
296 | inc(checksum, checkpart);
297 | end;
298 |
299 | { Add check digit to data string }
300 | localstr := localstr + IntToStr(checksum mod 10);
301 |
302 | { Convert string into an integer value }
303 | pharmacode := StrToIntDef(localstr, 0);
304 |
305 | { Convert from decimal to base-32 }
306 | divisor := 33554432;
307 | for i := 5 downto 0 do
308 | begin
309 | DivMod(pharmacode, divisor, codeword[i], remainder);
310 | pharmacode := remainder;
311 | divisor := divisor div 32;
312 | end;
313 |
314 | { Look up values in 'Tabella di conversione' }
315 | SetLength(resultstr, 6);
316 | for i := 5 downto 0 do
317 | resultstr[5 - i + 1] := TABLE[codeword[i]+1];
318 |
319 | { Plot the barcode using Code 39 }
320 | error_number := c39(ASymbol, resultstr);
321 | if (error_number <> 0) then
322 | begin
323 | Result := error_number;
324 | exit;
325 | end;
326 |
327 | { Override the normal text output with the Pharmacode number }
328 | ASymbol^.SetText('A' + localstr);
329 |
330 | Result := error_number;
331 | end;
332 |
333 | end.
334 |