1 | { lbc_code.pas - Handles Code 11, 39, 39+ and 93, as well as channel_code
2 |
3 | Based on Zint (done by Robin Stuart and the Zint team)
4 | http://github.com/zint/zint
5 | and Pascal adaption by TheUnknownOnes
6 | http://theunknownones.net
7 |
8 | Refactoring: W.Pamler
9 | }
10 |
11 | unit lbc_code;
12 |
13 | {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
14 |
15 | interface
16 |
17 | uses
18 | SysUtils, zint;
19 |
20 | function code_11(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
21 | function c39(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
22 | function pharmazentral(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
23 | function ec39(ASymbol: PZIntSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
24 | function c93(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
25 | function channel_code(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
26 |
27 |
28 | implementation
29 |
30 | uses
31 | lbc_helper;
32 |
33 | const
34 | C11Table: array[0..10] of String = (
35 | '111121', '211121', '121121', '221111', '112121',
36 | '212111', '122111', '111221', '211211', '211111',
37 | '112111'
38 | );
39 |
40 | { Code 39 tables checked against ISO/IEC 16388:2007 }
41 | C39Table: array[0..42] of String = (
42 | // bar-space-bar-space-bar-space-..., given in width units
43 | '1112212111', '2112111121', '1122111121', '2122111111', '1112211121', // '0', '1', ...
44 | '2112211111', '1122211111', '1112112121', '2112112111', '1122112111',
45 | '2111121121', '1121121121', '2121121111', '1111221121', '2111221111', // 'A', 'B', ...
46 | '1121221111', '1111122121', '2111122111', '1121122111', '1111222111',
47 | '2111111221', '1121111221', '2121111211', '1111211221', '2111211211',
48 | '1121211211', '1111112221', '2111112211', '1121112211', '1111212211',
49 | '2211111121', '1221111121', '2221111111', '1211211121', '2211211111',
50 | '1221211111', '1211112121', '2211112111', '1221112111', '1212121111', // 'Z', '-', ..
51 | '1212111211', '1211121211', '1112121211'
52 | ); // Code 39 character assignments (Table 1)
53 |
54 | { Encoding the full ASCII character set in Code 39 (Table A2) }
55 | const EC39Ctrl: array[0..127] of String = (
56 | '%U', '$A', '$B', '$C', '$D', '$E', '$F', '$G', '$H', '$I',
57 | '$J', '$K', '$L', '$M', '$N', '$O', '$P', '$Q', '$R', '$S',
58 | '$T', '$U', '$V', '$W', '$X', '$Y', '$Z', '%A', '%B', '%C',
59 | '%D', '%E', ' ', '/A', '/B', '/C', '/D', '/E', '/F', '/G',
60 | '/H', '/I', '/J', '/K', '/L', '-', '.', '/O', '0', '1',
61 | '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '/Z', '%F',
62 | '%G', '%H', '%I', '%J', '%V', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E',
63 | 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O',
64 | 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y',
65 | 'Z', '%K', '%L', '%M', '%N', '%O', '%W', '+A', '+B', '+C',
66 | '+D', '+E', '+F', '+G', '+H', '+I', '+J', '+K', '+L', '+M',
67 | '+N', '+O', '+P', '+Q', '+R', '+S', '+T', '+U', '+V', '+W',
68 | '+X', '+Y', '+Z', '%P', '%Q', '%R', '%S', '%T'
69 | );
70 |
71 | const C93Ctrl: array[0..127] of String = (
72 | 'bU', 'aA', 'aB', 'aC', 'aD', 'aE', 'aF', 'aG', 'aH', 'aI',
73 | 'aJ', 'aK', 'aL', 'aM', 'aN', 'aO', 'aP', 'aQ', 'aR', 'aS',
74 | 'aT', 'aU', 'aV', 'aW', 'aX', 'aY', 'aZ', 'bA', 'bB', 'bC',
75 | 'bD', 'bE', ' ', 'cA', 'cB', 'cC', 'cD', 'cE', 'cF', 'cG',
76 | 'cH', 'cI', 'cJ', 'cK', 'cL', 'cM', 'cN', 'cO', '0', '1',
77 | '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'cZ', 'bF',
78 | 'bG', 'bH', 'bI', 'bJ', 'bV', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E',
79 | 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O',
80 | 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y',
81 | 'Z', 'bK', 'bL', 'bM', 'bN', 'bO', 'bW', 'dA', 'dB', 'dC',
82 | 'dD', 'dE', 'dF', 'dG', 'dH', 'dI', 'dJ', 'dK', 'dL', 'dM',
83 | 'dN', 'dO', 'dP', 'dQ', 'dR', 'dS', 'dT', 'dU', 'dV', 'dW',
84 | 'dX', 'dY', 'dZ', 'bP', 'bQ', 'bR', 'bS', 'bT'
85 | );
86 |
87 | const C93Table: array[0..46] of String = (
88 | '131112', '111213', '111312', '111411', '121113', '121212', // '0'..'5'
89 | '121311', '111114', '131211', '141111', '211113', '211212', // '6'..'B'
90 | '211311', '221112', '221211', '231111', '112113', '112212', // 'C'..'H'
91 | '112311', '122112', '132111', '111123', '111222', '111321', // 'I'..'N'
92 | '121122', '131121', '212112', '212211', '211122', '211221', // 'O'..'T'
93 | '221121', '222111', '112122', '112221', '122121', '123111', // 'U'..'Z'
94 | '121131', '311112', '311211', '321111', '112131', '113121', // '-', '.', ' ', '$', '/', '+'
95 | '211131', '121221', '312111', '311121', '122211' // '%', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'c'
96 | );
97 |
98 |
99 | {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 | Code 11
101 |
102 | Allowed characters:
103 | numeric digits (0-9), the hyphen character (-)
104 | (Code 11 derives its name from these 11 characters).
105 | Length:
106 | basically unlimited (function errors after 121 characters, though).
107 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
108 | function CheckSum_C11(ASource: String): String;
109 | var
110 | i, len: Integer;
111 | c_digit, c_weight, c_count: Integer;
112 | k_digit, k_weight, k_count: Integer;
113 | weight: array of Integer = nil;
114 | begin
115 | len := Length(ASource);
116 | SetLength(weight, len + 1);
117 |
118 | // Determine weights
119 | for i := 0 to len-1 do
120 | begin
121 | if ASource[i+1] = '-' then
122 | weight[i] := 10
123 | else
124 | weight[i] := ctoi(ASource[i+1]);
125 | end;
126 |
127 | // Calculate C checksum
128 | c_weight := 1;
129 | c_count := 0;
130 | for i := len-1 downto 0 do
131 | begin
132 | inc(c_count, c_weight * weight[i]);
133 | inc(c_weight);
134 | if (c_weight > 10) then
135 | c_weight := 1;
136 | end;
137 | c_digit := c_count mod 11;
138 | weight[len] := c_digit;
139 | // weight is 0-based and has been allocated for len+1 elements.
140 |
141 | // Calculate K checksum
142 | k_weight := 1;
143 | k_count := 0;
144 | for i := len downto 0 do
145 | begin
146 | inc(k_count, k_weight * weight[i]);
147 | inc(k_weight);
148 | if (k_weight > 9) then
149 | k_weight := 1;
150 | end;
151 | k_digit := k_count mod 11;
152 |
153 | // Convert checksum to string
154 | Result := itoc(c_digit) + itoc(k_digit);
155 | if (Result[1] = 'A') then Result[1] := '-';
156 | if (Result[2] = 'A') then Result[2] := '-';
157 | end;
158 |
159 | function code_11(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
160 | begin
161 | Result := basic_encoder(ASymbol, ASource,
162 | 121, SODIUM, '112211', C11Table, '11221', @CheckSum_C11, false);
163 | end;
164 |
165 |
166 | {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
167 | Code 39
168 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
169 | function CheckSum_C39(ASource: String): String;
170 | var
171 | i, sum: Integer;
172 | begin
173 | sum := 0;
174 | for i := 1 to Length(ASource) do
175 | inc(sum, pos(ASource[i], SILVER) - 1);
176 |
177 | sum := sum mod 43;
178 |
179 | if (sum < 10) then
180 | Result := itoc(sum)
181 | else
182 | begin
183 | if (sum < 36) then
184 | Result := Char((sum - 10) + Ord('A'))
185 | else
186 | case sum of
187 | 36: Result := '-';
188 | 37: Result := '.';
189 | 38: Result := ' ';
190 | 39: Result := '$';
191 | 40: Result := '/';
192 | 41: Result := '+';
193 | 42: Result := #37;
194 | else
195 | Result := ' ';
196 | end;
197 | end;
198 |
199 | { Display a space check digit as _, otherwise it looks like an error }
200 | if (Result = ' ') then
201 | Result := '_';
202 | end;
203 |
204 | { LOGMARS uses wider 'wide' bars than normal Code 39 }
205 | procedure WiderBars(var s: String);
206 | var
207 | i: Integer;
208 | begin
209 | for i := 1 to Length(s) do
210 | if s[i]='2' then s[i] := '3';
211 | end;
212 |
213 | function c39(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
214 | var
215 | i, maxlen: Integer;
216 | startcode, stopcode: String;
217 | charcodes: array[0..42] of String;
218 | checkSumFunc: TCheckSumFunc;
219 | begin
220 | startcode := '1211212111';
221 | stopcode := '121121211';
222 | charcodes := C39Table;
223 | checkSumFunc := nil;
224 | maxlen := 74;
225 |
226 | if (ASymbol^.symbology = BARCODE_LOGMARS) or (ASymbol^.symbology = BARCODE_HIBC_39) then
227 | begin
228 | WiderBars(startcode);
229 | WiderBars(stopcode);
230 | for i := Low(charcodes) to High(charcodes) do
231 | WiderBars(charcodes[i]);
232 | end;
233 |
234 | if (ASymbol^.symbology = BARCODE_LOGMARS) or
235 | (ASymbol^.option_2 = 1) or
236 | (ASymbol^.option and OPTION_ADD_CHECKSUM = OPTION_ADD_CHECKSUM) then
237 | begin
238 | checkSumFunc := @CheckSum_C39;
239 | ASymbol^.Option := ASymbol^.Option or OPTION_ADD_CHECKSUM;
240 | end;
241 |
242 | if (ASymbol^.symbology = BARCODE_LOGMARS) then
243 | maxlen := 59;
244 |
245 | Result := basic_encoder(ASymbol, Uppercase(ASource),
246 | maxlen, SILVER, startcode, charcodes, stopcode, checkSumFunc, false);
247 |
248 | if ASymbol^.symbology = BARCODE_CODE39 then
249 | ASymbol^.SetText('*' + ASymbol^.GetText + '*');
250 | end;
251 |
252 |
253 | {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
254 | Pharmazentral Nummer (PZN)
255 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
256 | function pharmazentral(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
257 | var
258 | i, i0, error_number, zeros, digits, maxDigits, sum, src_len: Integer;
259 | localstr: String = '';
260 | check_digit: byte;
261 | begin
262 | digits := ASymbol^.option_3;
263 | if not (digits in [7, 8]) then
264 | raise Exception.Create('[pharmazentral] Number of digits can only be 7 or 8');
265 |
266 | maxDigits := digits - 1; // check-digit included
267 |
268 | src_len := Length(ASource);
269 | if (src_len > maxDigits) then
270 | begin
271 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Wrong input length');
272 | Result := ERROR_TOO_LONG;
273 | exit;
274 | end;
275 |
276 | error_number := is_sane(NEON, ASource);
277 | if (error_number = ERROR_INVALID_DATA) then
278 | begin
279 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Invalid characters in data');
280 | Result := error_number;
281 | exit;
282 | end;
283 |
284 | zeros := maxDigits - src_len;
285 | localstr := '-' + StringOfChar('0', zeros) + ASource;
286 |
287 | i0 := 7 - MaxDigits;
288 | sum := 0;
289 | for i := 1 to maxDigits do
290 | inc(sum, (i + i0) * ctoi(localstr[i+1]));
291 | // wp: i+1 is correct because '-' was added to localStr
292 |
293 | check_digit := sum mod 11;
294 | localstr := localstr + itoc(check_digit);
295 | if check_digit = ord('A') then
296 | begin
297 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Invalid PZN Data');
298 | Result := ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
299 | exit;
300 | end;
301 |
302 | Result := c39(ASymbol, localstr);
303 |
304 | ASymbol^.SetText('PZN' + localstr);
305 | end;
306 |
307 |
308 | {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
309 | Extended Code 39 - ISO/IEC 16388:2007 Annex A
310 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
311 |
312 | function ec39(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
313 | var
314 | i: Integer;
315 | buffer: string;
316 | check: char;
317 | begin
318 | if (Length(ASource) > 74) then
319 | begin
320 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Input too long (max 74 characters).');
321 | Result := ERROR_TOO_LONG;
322 | exit;
323 | end;
324 |
325 | { Creates a buffer string and places control characters into it }
326 | buffer := '';
327 | for i := 1 to Length(ASource) do
328 | begin
329 | if ASource[i] > #127 then
330 | begin
331 | { Cannot encode extended ASCII }
332 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Invalid character in input data');
333 | Result := ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
334 | exit;
335 | end;
336 | buffer := buffer + EC39Ctrl[byte(ASource[i])];
337 | end;
338 |
339 | { Then send the buffer to the C39 function }
340 | Result := c39(ASymbol, buffer);
341 |
343 | begin
344 | // Retrieve appended check character
345 | buffer := ASymbol^.GetText;
346 | check := buffer[Length(buffer)];
347 | ASymbol^.SetText(aSource + check);
348 | end else
349 | ASymbol^.SetText(ASource);
350 | end;
351 |
352 |
353 | {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
354 | Code 93
355 |
356 | An advancement on Code 39 and the definition is a lot tighter
357 |
358 | SILVER includes the extra characters a, b, c and d to represent Code 93 specific
359 | shift characters 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. These characters are never used by
360 | c39() and ec39()
361 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
362 | function CheckSum_C93(ASource: String): String;
363 | var
364 | values: Array of Integer = nil;
365 | i: Integer;
366 | c, k, weight, len: Integer;
367 | begin
368 | len := Length(ASource);
369 | SetLength(values, len + 1); // Allocate one more element for check digit C
370 | for i := 1 to len do
371 | values[i-1] := pos(ASource[i], SILVER) - 1;
372 |
373 | { Check digit C }
374 | c := 0;
375 | weight := 1;
376 | for i := len-1 downto 0 do
377 | begin
378 | Inc(c, values[i] * weight);
379 | Inc(weight);
380 | if (weight = 21) then
381 | weight := 1;
382 | end;
383 | c := c mod 47;
384 | values[len] := c; // Element at index len has been allocated above!
385 |
386 | { Check digit K }
387 | k := 0;
388 | weight := 1;
389 | for i := len downto 0 do // Use len (rather than len-1) because of extra allocation
390 | begin
391 | Inc(k, values[i] * weight);
392 | Inc(weight);
393 | if (weight = 16) then
394 | weight := 1;
395 | end;
396 | k := k mod 47;
397 |
398 | Result := SILVER[c+1] + SILVER[k+1];
399 | end;
400 |
401 | function c93(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
402 | var
403 | i: Integer;
404 | buffer: String;
405 | check: String;
406 | begin
407 | if Length(ASource) > 107 then
408 | begin
409 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Input too long (max 107 characters).');
410 | Result := ERROR_TOO_LONG;
411 | exit;
412 | end;
413 |
414 | // Prepare message content
415 | buffer := '';
416 | for i := 1 to Length(ASource) do
417 | begin
418 | if ASource[i] > #127 then
419 | begin
420 | // Cannot encode extended ASCII
421 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Invalid characters in input data.');
422 | Result := ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
423 | exit;
424 | end;
425 | buffer := buffer + C93Ctrl[byte(ASource[i])];
426 | end;
427 |
428 | Result := basic_encoder(ASymbol, buffer,
429 | 107, SILVER, '111141', C93Table, '1111411', @CheckSum_C93, false
430 | );
431 |
432 | // Show the original input string as human-readable text
433 | if (Result = 0) then
434 | begin
435 | // If input string contains #0 replace it by space
436 | buffer := ASource;
437 | for i := 1 to Length(buffer) do
438 | if buffer[i] = #0 then buffer[i] := ' ';
439 | if (ASymbol^.Option and OPTION_DISPLAY_CHECKSUM <> 0) then
440 | begin
441 | // Extract check chars from generated symbol code...
442 | check := Copy(ASymbol^.GetText, Length(ASymbol^.GetText)-1, 2);
443 | // ... and append to original input string
444 | ASymbol^.SetText(buffer + check);
445 | end else
446 | ASymbol^.SetText(buffer);
447 | end;
448 | end;
449 |
450 |
451 | {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
452 | channel_code
453 |
454 | NextS() and NextB() are from ANSI/AIM BC12-1998 and are Copyright (c) AIM 1997
455 |
456 | They are used here on the understanding that they form part of the
457 | specification for Channel Code and therefore their use is permitted under the
458 | following terms set out in that document:
459 |
460 | "It is the intent and understanding of AIM [t]hat the symbology presented in
461 | this specification is entirely in the public domain and free of all use
462 | restrictions, licenses and fees. AIM USA, its member companies, or individual
463 | officers assume no liability for the use of this document."
464 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
465 |
466 | procedure CheckCharacter(var APattern: String; const AValue, ATarget_Value: Integer;
467 | const S, B: array of Integer);
468 | var
469 | i: Integer;
470 | begin
471 | if (AValue = ATarget_value) then
472 | begin
473 | { Target reached - save the generated pattern }
474 | APattern := '11110';
475 | for i := 0 to 10 do
476 | APattern := APattern + itoc(S[i]) + itoc(B[i]);
477 | end;
478 | end;
479 |
480 | procedure NextS(Chan, i, MaxS, MaxB: Integer; var S, B: array of Integer;
481 | var AValue, ATarget_value: Integer; var APattern: String); forward;
482 |
483 | procedure NextB(chan, i, MaxB, MaxS: Integer; var S, B: array of Integer;
484 | var AValue, ATarget_value: Integer; var APattern: String);
485 | var
486 | _b: Integer;
487 | begin
488 | if (S[i] + B[i-1] + S[i-1] + B[i-2] > 4) then
489 | _b := 1
490 | else
491 | _b := 2;
492 |
493 | if (i < Chan + 2) then
494 | begin
495 | while _b <= MaxB do
496 | begin
497 | B[i] := _b;
498 | NextS(Chan, i + 1, MaxS, MaxB + 1 - _b, S, B, AValue, ATarget_value, APattern);
499 | Inc(_b);
500 | end;
501 | end else
502 | if (_b <= MaxB) then
503 | begin
504 | B[i] := MaxB;
505 | CheckCharacter(APattern, AValue, ATarget_value, S, B);
506 | Inc(AValue);
507 | end;
508 | end;
509 |
510 | procedure NextS(Chan, i, MaxS, MaxB: Integer; var S, B: Array of Integer;
511 | var AValue, ATarget_value: Integer; var APattern: String);
512 | var
513 | _s: Integer;
514 | begin
515 | if (i < Chan + 2) then
516 | _s := 1
517 | else
518 | _s := MaxS;
519 | while _s <= MaxS do
520 | begin
521 | S[i] := _s;
522 | NextB(Chan, i, MaxB, MaxS + 1 - _s, S, B, AValue, ATarget_value, APattern);
523 | Inc(_s);
524 | end;
525 | end;
526 |
527 | { Channel Code - According to ANSI/AIM BC12-1998 }
528 | function channel_code(ASymbol: PZintSymbol; const ASource: String): Integer;
529 | var
530 | S: array[0..10] of Integer = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
531 | B: array[0..10] of Integer = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
532 | pattern: String = '';
533 | value, target_value: Integer;
534 | channels, i: Integer;
535 | error_number, zeros, src_len: Integer;
536 | outOfRange: Boolean;
537 | begin
538 | src_len := Length(ASource);
539 |
540 | if (src_len > 7) then
541 | begin
542 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Input too long');
543 | Result := ERROR_TOO_LONG;
544 | exit;
545 | end;
546 |
547 | error_number := is_sane(NEON, ASource);
548 | if (error_number = ERROR_INVALID_DATA) then
549 | begin
550 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Invalid characters in data');
551 | Result := error_number;
552 | exit;
553 | end;
554 |
555 | if (ASymbol^.option_2 < 3) or (ASymbol^.option_2 > 8) then
556 | channels := 0
557 | else
558 | channels := ASymbol^.option_2;
559 | if (channels = 0) then
560 | channels := src_len + 1;
561 | if (channels = 2) then
562 | channels := 3;
563 |
564 | target_value := 0;
565 | for i := 1 to src_len do
566 | target_value := target_value * 10 + ctoi(ASource[i]);
567 |
568 | outOfRange := false;
569 | case channels of
570 | 3: if (target_value > 26) then outOfRange := true;
571 | 4: if (target_value > 292) then outOfRange := true;
572 | 5: if (target_value > 3493) then outOfRange := true;
573 | 6: if (target_value > 44072) then outOfRange := true;
574 | 7: if (target_value > 576688) then outOfRange := true;
575 | 8: if (target_value > 7742862) then outOfRange := true;
576 | else outOfRange := true;
577 | end;
578 | if outOfRange then
579 | begin
580 | ASymbol^.SetErrorText('Value out of range');
581 | Result := ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
582 | exit;
583 | end;
584 |
585 | B[0] := 1;
586 | S[1] := 1;
587 | B[1] := 1;
588 | S[2] := 1;
589 | B[2] := 1;
590 | value := 0;
591 | NextS(channels, 3, channels, channels, S, B, value, target_value, pattern);
592 |
593 | expand(ASymbol, pattern);
594 |
595 | zeros := channels - 1 - src_len;
596 | ASymbol^.SetText(StringOfChar('0', zeros) + ASource);
597 |
598 | Result := error_number;
599 | end;
600 |
601 |
602 | end.
603 |