1 | unit FormGenerate;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls,
7 | Spin, VCard, FormEx;
8 |
9 | type
10 |
11 | { TFormGenerate }
12 |
13 | TFormGenerate = class(TFormEx)
14 | ButtonGenerate: TButton;
15 | Label1: TLabel;
16 | SpinEditCount: TSpinEdit;
17 | procedure ButtonGenerateClick(Sender: TObject);
18 | procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
19 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
20 | public
21 | Contacts: TContacts;
22 | procedure UpdateInterface;
23 | end;
24 |
25 |
26 | implementation
27 |
28 | {$R *.lfm}
29 |
30 | uses
31 | Core;
32 |
33 | const
34 | Names: array[0..100] of string = ('Peter', 'Susan', 'Luis', 'Jane', 'Bill', 'Jeniffer',
35 | 'Leo', 'Veronica', 'Stephan', 'Adele', 'Elvis', 'Caroline', 'John', 'Elisabeth',
36 | 'Joseph', 'Michaele', 'Bruce', 'Eva', 'Samuel', 'Olivie', 'Fred', 'Maria',
37 | 'Jose', 'David', 'Michael', 'Anna', 'Mary', 'Juan', 'Robert', 'Daniel', 'James',
38 | 'Richard', 'Paul', 'Olga', 'William', 'Sergey', 'Anita', 'Victor', 'Sarah',
39 | 'Mark', 'Rita', 'Martin', 'Patrick', 'Andrea', 'Vladimir', 'Barbara', 'Angela',
40 | 'Ivan', 'Jesus', 'Marian', 'Eric', 'Diana', 'Claudia', 'Gloria', 'Teresa',
41 | 'Francis', 'Andrew', 'Eduardo', 'Steven', 'Karen', 'Brian', 'Monica', 'Sonia',
42 | 'Alberto', 'Alex', 'Julio', 'Juana', 'Adam', 'Kevin', 'Edward', 'Roland',
43 | 'Cheng', 'Roman', 'Silvia', 'Marta', 'Lisa', 'Alice', 'Felix', 'Jan', 'Lucia',
44 | 'Janet', 'Sharon', 'Paula', 'Helen', 'Anton', 'Henry', 'Antonia', 'Adriana',
45 | 'Brenda', 'Nicole', 'Tatina', 'Gary', 'Dennis', 'Isaac', 'Luiz', 'Erika',
46 | 'Amanda', 'Donald', 'Edgar', 'Ruben', 'Jason');
47 |
48 | LastNames: array[0..80] of string = ('Gates', 'Simmons', 'Eliott', 'Onion',
49 | 'Presleys', 'Clinton', 'Dell', 'Ford', 'Miles', 'Young', 'Newton', 'Smith',
50 | 'Williams', 'Johnson', 'Brown', 'Jones', 'Garcia', 'Miller', 'Davis',
51 | 'Lopez', 'Wilson', 'Taylor', 'Moore', 'Jackson', 'Lee', 'White', 'Lewis',
52 | 'Robinson', 'Walker', 'King', 'Wright', 'Scott', 'Torres', 'Green',
53 | 'Adams', 'Nelson', 'Baker', 'Hall', 'Rivera', 'Carter', 'Evans', 'Diaz',
54 | 'Collins', 'Edwards', 'Stewart', 'Murphy', 'Cook', 'Ortiz', 'Morgan', 'Cooper',
55 | 'Peterson', 'Reed', 'Kim', 'Watson', 'Brooks', 'Wood', 'James', 'Gray',
56 | 'Hughes', 'Long', 'Powell', 'Jenkins', 'Perry', 'Bell', 'Butler', 'Romero',
57 | 'Jordan', 'Hamilton', 'Moreno', 'West', 'Cole', 'Hayes', 'Gibson', 'Medina',
58 | 'Owens', 'Harrison', 'Woods', 'Wells', 'Chen', 'Webb', 'Tucker');
59 |
60 | { TFormGenerate }
61 |
62 | procedure TFormGenerate.ButtonGenerateClick(Sender: TObject);
63 | var
64 | I: Integer;
65 | Contact: TContact;
66 | begin
67 | for I := 1 to SpinEditCount.Value do begin
68 | Contact := Contacts.AddNew;
69 | with Contact do begin
70 | Fields[cfVersion] := Core.Core.DefaultVcardVersion;
71 | Fields[cfFirstName] := Names[Random(Length(Names))];
72 | Fields[cfLastName] := LastNames[Random(Length(LastNames))];
73 | Fields[cfFullName] := Fields[cfFirstName] + ' ' +Fields[cfLastName];
74 | Fields[cfTelCell] := IntToStr(Random(1000000000));
75 | Fields[cfTelHome] := IntToStr(Random(1000000000));
76 | Fields[cfTelWork] := IntToStr(Random(1000000000));
77 | Fields[cfNote] := 'Some contact notes';
78 | Fields[cfEmail] := LowerCase(Fields[cfFirstName] + '.' + Fields[cfLastName]) + '@email.com';
79 | Fields[cfEmailHome] := Fields[cfEmail];
80 | Fields[cfEmailWork] := Fields[cfEmail];
81 | Fields[cfUrl] := 'https://url.com';
82 | Fields[cfUrlWork] := 'https://work.com';
83 | Fields[cfUrlHome] := 'https://home.com';
84 | end;
85 | end;
86 | Close;
87 | ModalResult := mrOk;
88 | end;
89 |
90 | procedure TFormGenerate.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction
91 | );
92 | begin
93 | Core.Core.GenerateCount := SpinEditCount.Value;
94 | end;
95 |
96 | procedure TFormGenerate.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
97 | begin
98 | SpinEditCount.Value := Core.Core.GenerateCount;
99 | UpdateInterface;
100 | end;
101 |
102 | procedure TFormGenerate.UpdateInterface;
103 | begin
104 | ButtonGenerate.Enabled := Assigned(Contacts);
105 | end;
106 |
107 | end.
108 |