1 | unit UVCardHighlighter;
2 | (*
3 | This is an example how to implement your own highlighter.
4 |
5 | This example does allow to specify different colors for
6 | - text (defaults to not-highlighted)
7 | - spaces (defaults to silver frame)
8 | - words, separated by spaces, that start with a,e,i,o,u (defaults to bold)
9 | - the word "not" (defaults to red background)
10 |
11 | See comments below and http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/SynEdit_Highlighter
12 |
13 | How it works:
14 |
15 | - Creation
16 | The Highlighter creates Attributes that it can return the Words and Spaces.
17 |
18 | - SetLine
19 | Is called by SynEdit before a line gets painted (or before highlight info is needed)
20 | This is also called, each time the text changes fol *all* changed lines
21 | and may even be called for all lines after the change up to the end of text.
22 |
23 | After SetLine was called "GetToken*" should return information about the
24 | first token on the line.
25 | Note: Spaces are token too.
26 |
27 | - Next
28 | Scan to the next token, on the line that was set by "SetLine"
29 | "GetToken*" should return info about that next token.
30 |
31 | - GetEOL
32 | Returns True, if "Next" was called while on the last token of the line.
33 |
34 | - GetTokenEx, GetTokenAttribute
35 | Provide info about the token found by "Next"
36 |
37 | - Next, GetEOL. GetToken*
38 | Are used by SynEdit to iterate over the Line.
39 | Important: The tokens returned for each line, must represent the original
40 | line-text (mothing added, nothing left out), and be returned in the correct order.
41 |
42 | They are called very often and should perform ath high speed.
43 |
44 | - GetToken, GetTokenPos, GetTokenKind
45 | SynEdit uses them e.g for finding matching brackets. If GetTokenKind returns different values per Attribute, then brackets only match, if they are of the same kind (e.g, if there was a string attribute, brackets outside a string would not match brackets inside a string)
46 |
47 |
48 | *)
49 |
50 | interface
51 |
52 | uses
53 | Classes, SysUtils, Graphics, SynEditHighlighter;
54 |
55 | type
56 |
57 | { TSynVCardHighlighter }
58 |
59 |
60 | TSynVCardHighlighter = class(TSynCustomHighlighter)
61 | private
62 | FSpaceAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes;
63 | FKeywordAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes;
64 | FIdentAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes;
65 | FNumberAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes;
66 | FPropertyAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes;
67 | procedure SetIdentAttri(AValue: TSynHighlighterAttributes);
68 | procedure SetKeywordAttri(AValue: TSynHighlighterAttributes);
69 | procedure SetNumberAttri(AValue: TSynHighlighterAttributes);
70 | procedure SetPropertyAttri(AValue: TSynHighlighterAttributes);
71 | procedure SetSpaceAttri(AValue: TSynHighlighterAttributes);
72 | function IsDigit(C: Char): Boolean;
73 | function IsWhiteSpace(C: Char): Boolean;
74 | function IsNumber(Text: string): Boolean;
75 | function IsProperty(Text: string): Boolean;
76 | protected
77 | // accesible for the other examples
78 | FTokenPos: Integer;
79 | FTokenEnd: Integer;
80 | FLineText: String;
81 | public
82 | procedure SetLine(const NewValue: String; LineNumber: Integer); override;
83 | procedure Next; override;
84 | function GetEol: Boolean; override;
85 | procedure GetTokenEx(out TokenStart: PChar; out TokenLength: integer); override;
86 | function GetTokenAttribute: TSynHighlighterAttributes; override;
87 | public
88 | Properties: array of string;
89 | function GetToken: String; override;
90 | function GetTokenPos: Integer; override;
91 | function GetTokenKind: integer; override;
92 | function GetDefaultAttribute(Index: Integer): TSynHighlighterAttributes; override;
93 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
94 | published
95 | property KeywordAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes read FKeywordAttri
96 | write SetKeywordAttri;
97 | property IdentAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes read FIdentAttri
98 | write SetIdentAttri;
99 | property SpaceAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes read FSpaceAttri
100 | write SetSpaceAttri;
101 | property NumberAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes read FNumberAttri
102 | write SetNumberAttri;
103 | property PropertyAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes read FPropertyAttri
104 | write SetPropertyAttri;
105 | end;
106 |
107 | implementation
108 |
109 | constructor TSynVCardHighlighter.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
110 | begin
111 | inherited;
112 |
113 | (* Create and initialize the attributes *)
114 | FKeywordAttri := TSynHighlighterAttributes.Create('keyword', 'keyword');
115 | AddAttribute(FKeywordAttri);
116 | FKeywordAttri.Style := [fsBold];
117 | FKeywordAttri.Foreground := clBlue;
118 |
119 | FIdentAttri := TSynHighlighterAttributes.Create('ident', 'ident');
120 | AddAttribute(FIdentAttri);
121 | FIdentAttri.Style := [];
122 |
123 | FNumberAttri := TSynHighlighterAttributes.Create('number', 'number');
124 | AddAttribute(FNumberAttri);
125 | FNumberAttri.Style := [];
126 |
127 | FPropertyAttri := TSynHighlighterAttributes.Create('property', 'property');
128 | AddAttribute(FPropertyAttri);
129 | FPropertyAttri.Style := [fsBold];
130 |
131 | FSpaceAttri := TSynHighlighterAttributes.Create('space', 'space');
132 | AddAttribute(FSpaceAttri);
133 |
134 | // Ensure the HL reacts to changes in the attributes. Do this once, if all attributes are created
135 | SetAttributesOnChange(DefHighlightChange);
136 | end;
137 |
138 | (* Setters for attributes / This allows using in Object inspector*)
139 | procedure TSynVCardHighlighter.SetKeywordAttri(AValue: TSynHighlighterAttributes);
140 | begin
141 | FKeywordAttri.Assign(AValue);
142 | end;
143 |
144 | procedure TSynVCardHighlighter.SetIdentAttri(AValue: TSynHighlighterAttributes);
145 | begin
146 | FIdentAttri.Assign(AValue);
147 | end;
148 |
149 | function TSynVCardHighlighter.IsWhiteSpace(C: Char): Boolean;
150 | begin
151 | Result := C in [#9, ' '];
152 | end;
153 |
154 | function TSynVCardHighlighter.IsNumber(Text: string): Boolean;
155 | var
156 | I: Integer;
157 | DecimalPointUsed: Boolean;
158 | begin
159 | DecimalPointUsed := False;
160 | if Length(Text) > 0 then begin
161 | Result := True;
162 | for I := 1 to Length(Text) do begin
163 | if not IsDigit(Text[I]) and not (not DecimalPointUsed and (Text[I] = '.')) then begin
164 | Result := False;
165 | Break;
166 | end;
167 | if Text[I] = '.' then DecimalPointUsed := True;
168 | end;
169 | end else Result := False;
170 | end;
171 |
172 | function TSynVCardHighlighter.IsProperty(Text: string): Boolean;
173 | var
174 | I: Integer;
175 | begin
176 | Result := False;
177 | for I := 0 to Length(Properties) - 1 do
178 | if Properties[I] = Text then begin
179 | Result := True;
180 | Break;
181 | end;
182 | end;
183 |
184 | procedure TSynVCardHighlighter.SetNumberAttri(AValue: TSynHighlighterAttributes
185 | );
186 | begin
187 | FNumberAttri.Assign(AValue);
188 | end;
189 |
190 | procedure TSynVCardHighlighter.SetPropertyAttri(
191 | AValue: TSynHighlighterAttributes);
192 | begin
193 | FPropertyAttri.Assign(AValue);
194 | end;
195 |
196 | procedure TSynVCardHighlighter.SetSpaceAttri(AValue: TSynHighlighterAttributes);
197 | begin
198 | FSpaceAttri.Assign(AValue);
199 | end;
200 |
201 | function TSynVCardHighlighter.IsDigit(C: Char): Boolean;
202 | begin
203 | Result := C in ['0'..'9'];
204 | end;
205 |
206 | procedure TSynVCardHighlighter.SetLine(const NewValue: String; LineNumber: Integer);
207 | begin
208 | inherited;
209 | FLineText := NewValue;
210 | // Next will start at "FTokenEnd", so set this to 1
211 | FTokenEnd := 1;
212 | Next;
213 | end;
214 |
215 | procedure TSynVCardHighlighter.Next;
216 | var
217 | L: Integer;
218 | DecimalPointUsed: Boolean;
219 | begin
220 | // FTokenEnd should be at the start of the next Token (which is the Token we want)
221 | FTokenPos := FTokenEnd;
222 | // assume empty, will only happen for EOL
223 | FTokenEnd := FTokenPos;
224 |
225 | // Scan forward
226 | // FTokenEnd will be set 1 after the last char. That is:
227 | // - The first char of the next token
228 | // - or past the end of line (which allows GetEOL to work)
229 |
230 | L := Length(FLineText);
231 | If FTokenPos > L then begin
232 | // At line end
233 | Exit;
234 | end
235 | else
236 | if FLineText[FTokenEnd] in [#9, ' '] then begin
237 | // At Space? Find end of spaces
238 | while (FTokenEnd <= L) and (FLineText[FTokenEnd] in [#0..#32]) do
239 | Inc(FTokenEnd)
240 | end else
241 | if FLineText[FTokenEnd] in [':', ',', ';'] then begin
242 | Inc(FTokenEnd);
243 | end else
244 | if IsDigit(FLineText[FTokenEnd]) then begin
245 | DecimalPointUsed := False;
246 | while (FTokenEnd <= L) and (IsDigit(FLineText[FTokenEnd]) or
247 | (not DecimalPointUsed and (FLineText[FTokenEnd] = '.'))) do begin
248 | if FLineText[FTokenEnd] = '.' then DecimalPointUsed := True;
249 | Inc(FTokenEnd);
250 | end;
251 | end else begin
252 | // At None-Space? Find end of None-spaces
253 | while (FTokenEnd <= L) and not (FLineText[FTokenEnd] in [#9, ' ', ':', ',', ';']) do
254 | Inc(FTokenEnd);
255 | end;
256 | end;
257 |
258 | function TSynVCardHighlighter.GetEol: Boolean;
259 | begin
260 | Result := FTokenPos > Length(FLineText);
261 | end;
262 |
263 | procedure TSynVCardHighlighter.GetTokenEx(out TokenStart: PChar; out TokenLength: integer);
264 | begin
265 | TokenStart := @FLineText[FTokenPos];
266 | TokenLength := FTokenEnd - FTokenPos;
267 | end;
268 |
269 | function TSynVCardHighlighter.GetTokenAttribute: TSynHighlighterAttributes;
270 | var
271 | Token: string;
272 | begin
273 | Token := LowerCase(Copy(FLineText, FTokenPos, FTokenEnd - FTokenPos));
274 |
275 | // Match the text, specified by FTokenPos and FTokenEnd
276 | if IsWhiteSpace(FLineText[FTokenPos]) then
277 | Result := SpaceAttri
278 | else
279 | if IsNumber(Token) then
280 | Result := NumberAttri
281 | else
282 | if IsProperty(Token) then
283 | Result := PropertyAttri
284 | else
285 | if (Token = 'begin') or (Token = 'end') or (Token = 'vcard') then
286 | Result := KeywordAttri
287 | else
288 | Result := IdentAttri;
289 | end;
290 |
291 | function TSynVCardHighlighter.GetToken: String;
292 | begin
293 | Result := Copy(FLineText, FTokenPos, FTokenEnd - FTokenPos);
294 | end;
295 |
296 | function TSynVCardHighlighter.GetTokenPos: Integer;
297 | begin
298 | Result := FTokenPos - 1;
299 | end;
300 |
301 | function TSynVCardHighlighter.GetDefaultAttribute(Index: Integer): TSynHighlighterAttributes;
302 | begin
303 | // Some default attributes
304 | case Index of
305 | SYN_ATTR_IDENTIFIER: Result := FIdentAttri;
306 | SYN_ATTR_KEYWORD: Result := FKeywordAttri;
307 | SYN_ATTR_WHITESPACE: Result := FSpaceAttri;
308 | SYN_ATTR_NUMBER: Result := FNumberAttri;
309 | SYN_ATTR_SYMBOL: Result := FPropertyAttri;
310 | else Result := nil;
311 | end;
312 | end;
313 |
314 | function TSynVCardHighlighter.GetTokenKind: integer;
315 | var
316 | Attr: TSynHighlighterAttributes;
317 | begin
318 | // Map Attribute into Attribute unique number
319 | Attr := GetTokenAttribute;
320 | Result := 0;
321 | if Attr = FSpaceAttri then Result := 1
322 | else if Attr = FKeywordAttri then Result := 2
323 | else if Attr = FIdentAttri then Result := 3
324 | else if Attr = FNumberAttri then Result := 4
325 | else if Attr = FPropertyAttri then Result := 5;
326 | end;
327 |
328 | end.
329 |