1 | unit UTest;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, Generics.Collections, UVCard;
7 |
8 | type
9 | TTestResult = (trNone, trPassed, trFailed);
10 |
11 | { TTestCase }
12 |
13 | TTestCase = class
14 | public
15 | Name: string;
16 | Result: TTestResult;
17 | Log: string;
18 | procedure Run; virtual;
19 | procedure Evaluate(Passed: Boolean);
20 | procedure Pass;
21 | procedure Fail;
22 | end;
23 |
24 | TTestCaseClass = class of TTestCase;
25 |
26 | { TTestCases }
27 |
28 | TTestCases = class(TObjectList<TTestCase>)
29 | function AddNew(Name: string; TestClass: TTestCaseClass): TTestCase;
30 | end;
31 |
32 | TTestCaseActionKind = (akNone, akRemoveExactDuplicates);
33 |
34 | { TTestCaseLoadSave }
35 |
36 | TTestCaseLoadSave = class(TTestCase)
37 | Input: string;
38 | Output: string;
39 | Action: TTestCaseActionKind;
40 | procedure Run; override;
41 | end;
42 |
43 | { TTestCaseCheckProperty }
44 |
45 | TTestCaseCheckProperty = class(TTestCase)
46 | Input: string;
47 | ContactIndex: Integer;
48 | Index: TContactFieldIndex;
49 | Value: string;
50 | procedure Run; override;
51 | end;
52 |
53 | resourcestring
54 | SNone = 'None';
55 | SPassed = 'Passed';
56 | SFailed = 'Failed';
57 |
58 | const
59 | ResultText: array[TTestResult] of string = (SNone, SPassed, SFailed);
60 |
61 | procedure Translate;
62 |
63 |
64 | implementation
65 |
66 | uses
67 | UVCardFile;
68 |
69 | resourcestring
70 | SExpected = 'Expected:';
71 | SOutput = 'Output:';
72 |
73 | procedure Translate;
74 | begin
75 | ResultText[trNone] := SNone;
76 | ResultText[trPassed] := SPassed;
77 | ResultText[trFailed] := SFailed;
78 | end;
79 |
80 | { TTestCaseCheckProperty }
81 |
82 | procedure TTestCaseCheckProperty.Run;
83 | var
84 | Lines: TStringList;
85 | PropertyValue: string;
86 | begin
87 | Lines := TStringList.Create;
88 | try
89 | with TVCardFile.Create(nil) do
90 | try
91 | Lines.Text := Input;
92 | VCard.LoadFromStrings(Lines);
93 | if ContactIndex < VCard.Contacts.Count then begin
94 | PropertyValue := VCard.Contacts[ContactIndex].Fields[Index];
95 | Evaluate(PropertyValue = Value);
96 | end else Fail;
97 | Log := SExpected + LineEnding +
98 | '"' + Value + '"' + LineEnding + LineEnding +
99 | SOutput + LineEnding +
100 | '"' + PropertyValue + '"';
101 | finally
102 | Free;
103 | end;
104 | finally
105 | Lines.Free;
106 | end;
107 | end;
108 |
109 | { TTestCaseLoadSave }
110 |
111 | procedure TTestCaseLoadSave.Run;
112 | var
113 | Lines: TStringList;
114 | begin
115 | Lines := TStringList.Create;
116 | try
117 | with TVCardFile.Create(nil) do
118 | try
119 | Lines.Text := Input;
120 | VCard.LoadFromStrings(Lines);
121 |
122 | if Action = akRemoveExactDuplicates then
123 | VCard.Contacts.RemoveExactDuplicates;
124 |
125 | Lines.Text := '';
126 | VCard.SaveToStrings(Lines);
127 | Evaluate(Lines.Text = Output);
128 | Log := SExpected + LineEnding +
129 | '"' + Output + '"' + LineEnding + LineEnding +
130 | SOutput + LineEnding +
131 | '"' + Lines.Text + '"';
132 | finally
133 | Free;
134 | end;
135 | finally
136 | Lines.Free;
137 | end;
138 | end;
139 |
140 | { TTestCase }
141 |
142 | procedure TTestCase.Run;
143 | begin
144 | end;
145 |
146 | procedure TTestCase.Evaluate(Passed: Boolean);
147 | begin
148 | if Passed then Result := trPassed
149 | else Result := trFailed;
150 | end;
151 |
152 | procedure TTestCase.Pass;
153 | begin
154 | Result := trPassed;
155 | end;
156 |
157 | procedure TTestCase.Fail;
158 | begin
159 | Result := trFailed;
160 | end;
161 |
162 | { TTestCases }
163 |
164 | function TTestCases.AddNew(Name: string; TestClass: TTestCaseClass): TTestCase;
165 | begin
166 | Result := TestClass.Create;
167 | Result.Name := Name;
168 | Add(Result);
169 | end;
170 |
171 | end.
172 |