source: tags/1.2.0/Release Notes.txt

Last change on this file was 79, checked in by chronos, 3 years ago
  • Modified: Version 1.2.0 related changes.
  • Modified: trunk pushed to 1.3.0 alfa.
File size: 4.8 KB
1Version 1.2.0 (2021-12-15)
4* Added: Find dialog to search text value by given contact field or by any field.
5* Added: Logo contact field.
6* Added: Copy, cut and paste context menu action in contacts list.
7* Added: Allow to save from file and load to file contact property values in All fields tab.
8* Added: Support for GaduGadu, GroupWise and Categories fields.
9* Added: Remember last count value used in Generate contact form.
10* Added: Sort list of contact fields in Find duplicates and Field windows.
11* Modified: Merge multiple files action replaced by Combine action. During Combine action files are simply added into final contacts list even with duplicate contacts.
12* Modified: Added Merge button into Find duplicate window to merge contacts by selected contact field.
13* Modified: Show only used contact fields in Find duplicates window.
14* Fixed: Wrong items were removed if contacts and properties lists were in filtered state.
15* Fixed: Properties with just BASE64 instead of ENCODING=BASE64 was not decoded using Base64 and so contact photos were not loaded correctly.
16* Fixed: Also load contact photos with format in lower case.
17* Fixed: Wrong field selected for duplicates find from field combobox selection in Find duplicates window.
18* Fixed: Missing Version field definition causing error in contacts generation form.
19* Fixed: Default profile image location detection under Linux.
21Version 1.1.0 (2021-12-09)
24* Added: New feature to split multiple contacts into separate files. Accessible from File menu.
25* Added: Show also normal phone and work phone in the contact list.
26* Added: Support for GIF and PNG images for contact photo.
27* Added: Social tab in contact form.
28* Added: Allow to specify alternative property name for contact field definition to support various non-standard properties.
29* Added: Chat contact tab for text chatting applications.
30* Added: Show textual name of contact field in contact field form and prefill field name and attributes. Update that name back according used field name and attributes.
31* Added: Support more file encodings for file open.
32* Added: Show open file dialog on photo click.
33* Added: Allow to load from file or save to file individual selected contacts from the list.
34* Added: Clone context menu action and toolbar button for list of contacts and contact properties.
35* Added: Context menu action to clear profile image.
36* Added: Remember last selected tab index in contact form.
37* Added: Show default profile photo if contact image is not specified.
38* Added: Allow to load photo from file or save it to file.
39* Added: New more general contact properties list and item form.
40* Added: Support for QUOTED-PRINTABLE encoding.
41* Added: Full name, Middle name, title after and title before into contact form.
42* Added: Bottom column filter bar in contacts list.
43* Added: Allow to sort columns in contacts list.
44* Added: Show contact image in contact edit window.
45* Added: In case of loading errors show a list of found errors with line numbers.
46* Added: More standard properties.
47* Added: Support text/vcard mime type by deb and snap packages.
48* Modified: Optimized encoding/decoding of escaped strings.
49* Modified: Optimized select all action.
50* Modified: Optimize loading/saving values in contact form. Load/save only form fields from active tab.
51* Modified: Show Private and Work addresses in separate tab.
52* Modified: Statusbar moved into contacts form and it is now showing total, filtered and selected number of items.
53* Modified: Translated contact fields titles.
54* Modified: Store contact properties in general way to support also user defined properties and unknown attributes.
55* Fixed: Escaping combined values with backslash symbol.
56* Fixed: Long BASE64 encoded lines were not automatically wrapped to limit max line length.
57* Fixed: Autosize cool bar bands.
58* Fixed: Loading of JPEG photo. Image binary data were affected by TStringList. Store them just as a string type.
59* Fixed: Avoid exception if photo data are not valid image data.
60* Fixed: Hints were not shown in contacts toolbar.
61* Fixed: Check if property block started correctly.
62* Fixed: Improved alignment of fields in contact dialog.
64Version 1.0.0 (2021-08-19)
67* Added: From Find duplicities form it is possible to open the list of duplicit contacts for further modification/addition/removal.
68* Added: New Generate contacts Tools menu action to generate multiple random contacts.
69* Added: New Tools action Find duplicates.
70* Added: Partial support for color theming.
71* Added: Allow to edit contact properties in the list of all.
72* Added: New File menu action Merge. It can merge multiple vcard files and update values for items with same full name.
73* Added: Status bar with number of contacts.
74* Added: Show all fields tab in contact form.
75* Added: Contact edit form.
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