Changeset 10
- Timestamp:
- Aug 28, 2019, 1:30:12 AM (6 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r2 r10 2 2 3 3 // Extended database class 4 // Date: 2011-11-25 4 // Date: 2016-01-11 5 6 function microtime_float() 7 { 8 list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); 9 return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); 10 } 5 11 6 12 class DatabaseResult … … 27 33 class Database 28 34 { 29 var $Prefix = '';35 var $Prefix; 30 36 var $Functions; 31 37 var $Type; 32 38 var $PDO; 33 var $Error = '';39 var $Error; 34 40 var $insert_id; 35 var $LastQuery = '';41 var $LastQuery; 36 42 var $ShowSQLError; 37 43 var $ShowSQLQuery; 44 var $LogSQLQuery; 45 var $LogFile; 38 46 39 47 function __construct() 40 48 { 49 $this->Prefix = ''; 50 $this->Functions = array('NOW()', 'CURDATE()', 'CURTIME()', 'UUID()'); 41 51 $this->Type = 'mysql'; // mysql, pgsql 52 $this->Error = ''; 53 $this->LastQuery = ''; 42 54 $this->ShowSQLError = false; 43 55 $this->ShowSQLQuery = false; 44 $this->Functions = array('NOW()', 'CURDATE()', 'CURTIME()', 'UUID()'); 45 } 56 $this->LogSQLQuery = false; 57 $this->LogFile = dirname(__FILE__).'/../../Query.log'; 58 } 59 46 60 47 61 function Connect($Host, $User, $Password, $Database) … … 77 91 function query($Query) 78 92 { 79 if(!$this->Connected()) throw new Exception('Not connected to database'); 93 if(!$this->Connected()) throw new Exception(T('Not connected to database')); 94 if(($this->ShowSQLQuery == true) or ($this->LogSQLQuery == true)) $QueryStartTime = microtime_float(); 80 95 $this->LastQuery = $Query; 96 //echo('a'.$this->ShowSQLQuery.'<'.$QueryStartTime.', '.microtime_float()); 97 if(($this->ShowSQLQuery == true) or ($this->LogSQLQuery == true)) 98 $Duration = ' ; '.round(microtime_float() - $QueryStartTime, 4). ' s'; 99 if($this->LogSQLQuery == true) 100 file_put_contents($this->LogFile, $Query.$Duration."\n", FILE_APPEND); 81 101 if($this->ShowSQLQuery == true) 82 echo('<div style="border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; padding-bottom: 3px; padding-top: 3px; font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial;">'.$Query.'</div>'."\n"); 102 echo('<div style="border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; '. 103 'padding-bottom: 3px; padding-top: 3px; font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial;">'.$Query.$Duration.'</div>'."\n"); 83 104 $Result = new DatabaseResult(); 84 105 $Result->PDOStatement = $this->PDO->query($Query); … … 88 109 $this->insert_id = $this->PDO->lastInsertId(); 89 110 } else 90 { 111 { 91 112 $this->Error = $this->PDO->errorInfo(); 92 113 $this->Error = $this->Error[2]; … … 110 131 function insert($Table, $Data) 111 132 { 133 $this->query($this->GetInsert($Table, $Data)); 134 $this->insert_id = $this->PDO->lastInsertId(); 135 } 136 137 function GetInsert($Table, $Data) 138 { 112 139 $Name = ''; 113 140 $Values = ''; … … 124 151 $Name = substr($Name, 1); 125 152 $Values = substr($Values, 1); 126 $this->query('INSERT INTO `'.$this->Prefix.$Table.'` ('.$Name.') VALUES('.$Values.')'); 127 $this->insert_id = $this->PDO->lastInsertId(); 153 return('INSERT INTO `'.$this->Prefix.$Table.'` ('.$Name.') VALUES('.$Values.')'); 128 154 } 129 155 130 156 function update($Table, $Condition, $Data) 157 { 158 $this->query($this->GetUpdate($Table, $Condition, $Data)); 159 } 160 161 function GetUpdate($Table, $Condition, $Data) 131 162 { 132 163 $Values = ''; … … 141 172 } 142 173 $Values = substr($Values, 2); 143 $this->query('UPDATE `'.$this->Prefix.$Table.'` SET '.$Values.' WHERE ('.$Condition.')');174 return('UPDATE `'.$this->Prefix.$Table.'` SET '.$Values.' WHERE ('.$Condition.')'); 144 175 } 145 176 … … 175 206 } 176 207 208 function quote($Text) 209 { 210 return($this->PDO->quote($Text)); 211 } 212 177 213 public function __sleep() 178 214 { … … 182 218 public function __wakeup() 183 219 { 220 } 221 222 public function Transaction($Queries) 223 { 224 $this->PDO->beginTransaction(); 225 foreach ($Queries as $Query) 226 { 227 $Statement = $this->PDO->prepare($Query); 228 $Statement->execute(); 229 } 230 $this->PDO->commit(); 184 231 } 185 232 } -
r9 r10 59 59 // Query: text from name 60 60 // Page: index of page, one page is 30 items 61 // Category: '', all, men, wom an, kids, families, teams61 // Category: '', all, men, women, kids, families, teams 62 62 // TeamId: id of team 63 63 // Count: number of items per page, default 30 64 function QueryRunners($Category, $Page, $TeamId, $Query = null, $StartNumber = null, $Count = null) 65 { 66 $URL = ''.$Category.'&page='.$Page.'&teamId='.$TeamId; 64 function QueryRunners($Category, $Page = 0, $TeamId = null, $Query = null, $StartNumber = null, $Count = null) 65 { 66 $URL = ''.$Category; 67 if ($Page != 0) $URL .= '&page='.$Page; 68 if ($TeamId != null) $URL .= '&teamId='.$TeamId; 67 69 if ($Count != null) $URL .= '&count='.$Count; 68 70 if ($Query != null) $URL .= '&query='.$Query; 69 if ($ Category!= null) $URL .= '&startNumber='.$StartNumber;71 if ($StartNumber != null) $URL .= '&startNumber='.$StartNumber; 70 72 $Content = file_get_contents($URL); 71 73 $JSON = json_decode($Content, true); … … 74 76 } 75 77 76 function ShowTeamUpdate() 77 { 78 function ShowEmpty() 79 { 80 $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM RunnerStat'); 81 $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM Runner'); 82 $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM TeamStat'); 83 $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM Team'); 84 } 85 86 function ShowSync() 87 { 88 $ItemsPerPage = 30; 89 $MaxCount = 450 * 30; 90 91 // Load all runners 92 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT MAX(Id) AS Id FROM Runner'); 93 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc(); 94 $NextRunnerId = $DbRow['Id'] + 1; 95 96 $Runners = array(); 97 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT Runner.Id, Runner.ChipNumber, '. 98 '(SELECT RunnerStat.Distance FROM RunnerStat WHERE (RunnerStat.Runner = Runner.Id) ORDER BY RunnerStat.Distance DESC LIMIT 1) AS Distance FROM Runner'); 99 while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc()) 100 { 101 $Runners[$DbRow['ChipNumber']] = $DbRow; 102 } 103 104 // Load all teams 105 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT MAX(Id) AS Id FROM Team'); 106 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc(); 107 $NextTeamId = $DbRow['Id'] + 1; 108 109 $Teams = array(); 110 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT Team.Id, Team.WebId, '. 111 '(SELECT TeamStat.Distance FROM TeamStat WHERE (TeamStat.Team = Team.Id) ORDER BY TeamStat.Distance DESC LIMIT 1) AS Distance FROM Team'); 112 while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc()) 113 { 114 $Teams[$DbRow['WebId']] = $DbRow; 115 } 116 78 117 $Time = time(); 118 for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) 119 { 120 $Queries = array(); 121 $Page = $i * $MaxCount / $ItemsPerPage; 122 echo($Page.' '); 123 $Response = $this->QueryRunners('all', $Page, null, null, null, $MaxCount); 124 foreach ($Response['items'] as $Item) 125 { 126 if (($Item['Type'] == 'child') or ($Item['Type'] == 'woman') or ($Item['Type'] == 'man')) 127 { 128 if (!array_key_exists($Item['ChipNumber'], $Runners)) 129 { 130 if ($Item['TeamId'] == null) 131 { 132 $TeamId = null; 133 } else 134 { 135 if (!array_key_exists($Item['TeamId'], $Teams)) 136 { 137 $TeamId = $NextTeamId; 138 $Queries[] = $this->Database->GetInsert('Team', array( 139 'Id' => $TeamId, 140 'Name' => '', 141 'WebId' => $Item['TeamId'], 142 )); 143 $Teams[$Item['TeamId']] = array('Id' => $TeamId, 'Distance' => -1); 144 $NextTeamId++; 145 } else 146 $TeamId = $Teams[$Item['TeamId']]['Id']; 147 } 148 149 $Gender = 0; 150 if ($Item['Type'] == 'man') $Gender = 1; 151 if ($Item['Type'] == 'woman') $Gender = 2; 152 if ($Item['Type'] == 'child') $Gender = 3; 153 $RunnerId = $NextRunnerId; 154 $Queries[] = $this->Database->GetInsert('Runner', array( 155 'Id' => $RunnerId, 156 'Name' => $Item['Name'], 157 'Gender' => $Gender, 158 'Team' => $TeamId, 159 'ChipNumber' => $Item['ChipNumber'], 160 )); 161 $Runners[$Item['ChipNumber']] = array('Id' => $RunnerId, 'Distance' => -1); 162 $NextRunnerId++; 163 } else 164 $RunnerId = $Runners[$Item['ChipNumber']]['Id']; 165 166 if ($Runners[$Item['ChipNumber']]['Distance'] < $Item['OverallDistance']) 167 $Queries[] = $this->Database->GetInsert('RunnerStat', array( 168 'Time' => TimeToMysqlDateTime($Time), 169 'Runner' => $RunnerId, 170 'Distance' => $Item['OverallDistance'], 171 'Rank' => $Item['Pos'], 172 'Money' => $Item['Money'], 173 )); 174 } else 175 if ($Item['Type'] == 'team') 176 { 177 if (!array_key_exists($Item['GroupId'], $Teams)) 178 { 179 $Queries[] = $this->Database->GetInsert('Team', array( 180 'Id' => $NextTeamId, 181 'Name' => $Item['Name'], 182 'WebId' => $Item['GroupId'], 183 )); 184 $TeamId = $NextTeamId; 185 $Teams[$Item['GroupId']] = array('Id' => $NextTeamId, 'Distance' => -1); 186 $NextTeamId++; 187 } else 188 $TeamId = $Teams[$Item['GroupId']]['Id']; 189 190 if ($Teams[$Item['GroupId']]['Distance'] < $Item['OverallDistance']) 191 $Queries[] = $this->Database->GetInsert('TeamStat', array( 192 'Time' => TimeToMysqlDateTime($Time), 193 'Team' => $TeamId, 194 'Distance' => $Item['OverallDistance'], 195 'Rank' => $Item['Pos'], 196 'Money' => $Item['Money'], 197 )); 198 } 199 } 200 print_r($Queries); 201 $this->Database->Transaction($Queries); 202 } 203 } 204 205 function ShowTeams() 206 { 207 $Output = ''; 208 79 209 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM Team'); 80 while ($Team = $DbResult->fetch_assoc()) 81 { 82 echo('Checking team '.$Team['WebId'].'...'); 83 $Runners = $this->QueryRunners('teams', 0, $Team['WebId']); 84 foreach ($Runners['items'] as $Runner) 85 { 86 //print_r($Runner); 87 $RunnerItem = new Runner(); 88 $RunnerItem->Database = $this->Database; 89 $RunnerItem->Name = $Runner['Name']; 90 $RunnerItem->ChipNumber = $Runner['ChipNumber']; 91 if ($Runner['Type'] == 'man') $RunnerItem->Gender = 1; 92 if ($Runner['Type'] == 'woman') $RunnerItem->Gender = 2; 93 $RunnerItem->Team = $Team['Id']; 94 $RunnerItem->AddIfNotExist(); 95 96 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM RunnerStat WHERE Runner='.$RunnerItem->Id.' ORDER BY TIME DESC LIMIT 1'); 97 if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0) 98 { 99 $RunnerStat = $DbResult->fetch_assoc(); 100 if ($RunnerStat['Distance'] < $Runner['OverallDistance']) 101 { 102 $this->Database->insert('RunnerStat', array( 103 'Time' => TimeToMysqlDateTime($Time), 104 'Runner' => $RunnerItem->Id, 105 'Distance' => $Runner['OverallDistance'], 106 'Rank' => $Runner['Pos'], 107 'Money' => $Runner['Money'], 108 )); 109 } 110 } else 111 { 112 $this->Database->insert('RunnerStat', array( 113 'Time' => TimeToMysqlDateTime($Time), 114 'Runner' => $RunnerItem->Id, 115 'Distance' => $Runner['OverallDistance'], 116 'Rank' => $Runner['Pos'], 117 'Money' => $Runner['Money'], 118 )); 119 } 120 } 121 echo("<br/>\n"); 122 } 210 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc(); 211 $Output .= '<h4 style="text-align: center;">Teams</h4>'; 212 213 $Where = '1'; 214 215 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Team` WHERE '.$Where); 216 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_row(); 217 $PageList = GetPageList($DbRow[0]); 218 219 $Output .= '<div id="list_content">'; 220 $Output .= $PageList['Output']; 221 $TableColumns = array( 222 array('Name' => 'Name', 'Title' => 'Name'), 223 array('Name' => 'RunnersCount', 'Title' => 'Runners'), 224 array('Name' => 'Distance', 'Title' => 'Distance'), 225 array('Name' => 'Money', 'Title' => 'Money'), 226 array('Name' => 'Rank', 'Title' => 'Rank'), 227 ); 228 $Order = GetOrderTableHeader($TableColumns, 'Distance', 1); 229 $Output .= '<table class="WideTable">'; 230 $Output .= $Order['Output']; 231 $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Team', '*, '. 232 '(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Runner WHERE Runner.Team=Team.Id) AS RunnersCount, '. 233 '0 AS Distance, '. 234 '0 AS Money, '. 235 '0 AS Rank', 236 //'(SELECT SUM(Distance) FROM Runner WHERE Runner.Team=Team.Id) AS Distance, '. 237 //'(SELECT SUM(Money) FROM Runner WHERE Runner.Team=Team.Id) AS Money ', 238 $Where.$Order['SQL'].$PageList['SQLLimit']); 239 while($Item = $DbResult->fetch_assoc()) 240 { 241 if ($Item['Name'] == '') $Item['Name'] = 'Without team'; 242 $Output .= '<tr>'. 243 '<td><a href="'.$this->Link('/team/'.$Item['Id'].'/').'">'.$Item['Name'].'</a></td>'. 244 '<td>'.$Item['RunnersCount'].'</td>'. 245 '<td>'.$Item['Distance'].'</td>'. 246 '<td>'.$Item['Money'].'</td>'. 247 '<td>'.$Item['Rank'].'</td>'. 248 '</tr>'; 249 } 250 $Output .= '</table>'; 251 $Output .= $PageList['Output']; 252 $Output .= '</div>'; 253 254 return($Output); 123 255 } 124 256 … … 134 266 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM Team WHERE Id='.$TeamId); 135 267 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc(); 136 $Output .= '<h4 style="text-align: center;">Team '.$DbRow['Name'].'</h4> </br>';268 $Output .= '<h4 style="text-align: center;">Team '.$DbRow['Name'].'</h4>'; 137 269 138 270 … … 143 275 $PageList = GetPageList($DbRow[0]); 144 276 145 $Gender = array('', 'Male', 'Female' );277 $Gender = array('', 'Male', 'Female', 'Child'); 146 278 $Output .= '<div id="list_content">'; 147 279 $Output .= $PageList['Output']; … … 308 440 $Output .= $Content; 309 441 $Output .= '<br/><div class="footer">Contact: <a href="mailto:'.$Config['Contact'].'">'.$Config['Contact'].'</a> '. 310 '<a href="https://">Source code</a></div>';442 '<a href="">Source code</a></div>'; 311 443 $Output .= '</body></html>'; 312 444 return($Output); … … 329 461 if(count($this->PathItems) > 0) 330 462 { 331 if($this->PathItems[0] == 'team-update') $Output .= $this->ShowTeamUpdate(); 332 if($this->PathItems[0] == 'runner') $Output .= $this->ShowRunner(); 333 else $Output .= $this->ShowTeam(); 334 } else $Output .= $this->ShowTeam(); 463 if($this->PathItems[0] == 'sync') $Output .= $this->ShowSync(); 464 //else if($this->PathItems[0] == 'empty') $Output .= $this->ShowEmpty(); 465 else if($this->PathItems[0] == 'runner') $Output .= $this->ShowRunner(); 466 else if($this->PathItems[0] == 'team') $Output .= $this->ShowTeam(); 467 else $Output .= $this->ShowTeams(); 468 } else $Output .= $this->ShowTeams(); 335 469 if (!$this->NoFullPage) 336 470 {
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