1 | <?php
2 |
3 | class LocaleText
4 | {
5 | public array $Data;
6 | public string $Code;
7 | public string $Title;
8 |
9 | function __construct()
10 | {
11 | $this->Data = array();
12 | $this->Code = 'en';
13 | $this->Title = 'English';
14 | }
15 |
16 | function Load(): void
17 | {
18 | }
19 |
20 | function Translate(string $Text, string $Group = ''): string
21 | {
22 | if (array_key_exists($Text, $this->Data[$Group]) and ($this->Data[$Group][$Text] != ''))
23 | return $this->Data[$Group][$Text];
24 | else return $Text;
25 | }
26 |
27 | function TranslateReverse(string $Text, string $Group = ''): string
28 | {
29 | $Key = array_search($Text, $this->Data[$Group]);
30 | if (($Key === FALSE) or ($this->Data[$Group][$Key] == '')) return $Text;
31 | else return $Key;
32 | }
33 | }
34 |
35 | class LocaleFile extends Model
36 | {
37 | public LocaleText $Texts;
38 | public string $Dir;
39 |
40 | function __construct(System $System)
41 | {
42 | parent::__construct($System);
43 | $this->Texts = new LocaleText();
44 | }
45 |
46 | function Load(string $Language): void
47 | {
48 | $FileName = $this->Dir.'/'.$Language.'.php';
49 | if (file_exists($FileName)) {
50 | include_once($FileName);
51 | $ClassName = 'LocaleText'.$Language;
52 | $this->Texts = new $ClassName();
53 | } else throw new Exception(sprintf(T('Language file %s not found'), $FileName));
54 | $this->Texts->Load();
55 | }
56 |
57 | function AnalyzeCode(string $Path): void
58 | {
59 | // Search for php files
60 | $FileList = scandir($Path);
61 | foreach ($FileList as $FileName)
62 | {
63 | $FullName = $Path.'/'.$FileName;
64 | if (($FileName == '.') or ($FileName == '..')) ; // Skip virtual items
65 | else if (substr($FileName, 0, 1) == '.') ; // Skip Linux hidden files
66 | else if (is_dir($FullName)) $this->AnalyzeCode($FullName);
67 | else if (file_exists($FullName))
68 | {
69 | if (substr($FullName, -4) == '.php')
70 | {
71 | $Content = file_get_contents($FullName);
72 | // Search occurence of T() function
73 | while (strpos($Content, 'T(') !== false)
74 | {
75 | $Previous = strtolower(substr($Content, strpos($Content, 'T(') - 1, 1));
76 | $Content = substr($Content, strpos($Content, 'T(') + 2);
77 | $Ord = ord($Previous);
78 | //echo($Ord.',');
79 | if (!(($Ord >= ord('a')) and ($Ord <= ord('z'))))
80 | {
81 | // Do for non-alpha previous character
82 | $Original = substr($Content, 0, strpos($Content, ')'));
83 | $Original2 = '';
84 | if ((substr($Original, 0, 1) == "'") and (substr($Original, -1, 1) == "'"))
85 | $Original2 = substr($Original, 1, -1);
86 | if ((substr($Original, 0, 1) == '"') and (substr($Original, -1, 1) == '"'))
87 | $Original2 = substr($Original, 1, -1);
88 | if ($Original2 != '')
89 | {
90 | if (!array_key_exists($Original2, $this->Texts->Data))
91 | $this->Texts->Data[$Original2] = '';
92 | }
93 | }
94 | }
95 | }
96 | }
97 | }
98 | }
99 |
100 | function SaveToFile(string $FileName): void
101 | {
102 | $Content = '<?php'."\n".
103 | ''."\n".
104 | 'class LocaleText'.$this->Texts->Code.' extends LocaleText'."\n".
105 | '{'."\n".
106 | ' function Load()'."\n".
107 | ' {'."\n".
108 | ' $this->Code = \''.$this->Texts->Code.'\';'."\n".
109 | ' $this->Title = \''.$this->Texts->Title.'\';'."\n".
110 | ' $this->Data = array('."\n";
111 | foreach ($this->Texts->Data as $Index => $Item)
112 | {
113 | $Content .= " '".$Index."' => '".$Item."',\n";
114 | }
115 | $Content .= ' );'."\n".
116 | ' }'."\n".
117 | '}'."\n";
118 | file_put_contents($FileName, $Content);
119 | }
120 |
121 | function LoadFromDatabase(Database $Database, string $LangCode): void
122 | {
123 | $DbResult = $Database->select('Language', '*', 'Code='.$Database->quote($LangCode));
124 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
125 | {
126 | $Language = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
127 | $this->Texts->Data = array();
128 | $DbResult = $Database->select('Locale', '`Original`, `Translated`', '`Language`='.$Language['Id']);
129 | while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
130 | $this->Texts->Data[$DbRow['Original']] = $DbRow['Translated'];
131 | }
132 | }
133 |
134 | function SaveToDatabase(string $LangCode): void
135 | {
136 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Language', '*', 'Code='.$this->Database->quote($LangCode));
137 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
138 | {
139 | $Language = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
140 | $this->Database->delete('Locale', '`Language`='.$Language['Id']);
141 | foreach ($this->Texts->Data as $Index => $Item)
142 | $this->Database->query('INSERT INTO `Locale` (`Language`,`Original`,`Translated`) '.
143 | 'VALUES('.$Language['Id'].','.$this->Database->quote($Index).','.$this->Database->quote($Item).')');
144 | }
145 | }
146 |
147 | function UpdateToDatabase(string $LangCode): void
148 | {
149 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Language', '*', '`Code`='.$this->Database->quote($LangCode));
150 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
151 | {
152 | $Language = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
153 | foreach ($this->Texts->Data as $Index => $Item)
154 | {
155 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Locale', '*', '(`Original` ='.$this->Database->quote($Index).
156 | ') AND (`Language`='.($Language['Id']).')');
157 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
158 | $this->Database->update('Locale', '(`Language`='.($Language['Id']).') AND '.
159 | '(`Original` ='.$this->Database->quote($Index).')', array('Translated' => $Item));
160 | else $this->Database->insert('Locale', array('Language' => $Language['Id'],
161 | 'Original' => $Index, 'Translated' => $Item));
162 | }
163 | }
164 | }
165 | }
166 |
167 | class LocaleManager extends Model
168 | {
169 | public LocaleFile $CurrentLocale;
170 | public array $Codes;
171 | public string $Dir;
172 | public string $LangCode;
173 | public string $DefaultLangCode;
174 | public array $Available;
175 |
176 | function __construct(System $System)
177 | {
178 | parent::__construct($System);
179 | $this->Codes = array('en');
180 | $this->CurrentLocale = new LocaleFile($System);
181 | $this->LangCode = 'en';
182 | $this->DefaultLangCode = 'en';
183 | $this->Available = array();
184 | $this->Dir = '';
185 | }
186 |
187 | function LoadAvailable(): void
188 | {
189 | $this->Available = array();
190 | $FileList = scandir($this->Dir);
191 | foreach ($FileList as $FileName)
192 | {
193 | if (substr($FileName, -4) == '.php')
194 | {
195 | $Code = substr($FileName, 0, -4);
196 | $Locale = new LocaleFile($this->System);
197 | $Locale->Dir = $this->Dir;
198 | $Locale->Load($Code);
199 | $this->Available['Code'] = array('Code' => $Code, 'Title' => $Locale->Texts->Title);
200 | }
201 | }
202 | }
203 |
204 | function UpdateAll(string $Directory): void
205 | {
206 | $Locale = new LocaleFile($this->System);
207 | $Locale->AnalyzeCode($Directory);
208 | $FileList = scandir($this->Dir);
209 | foreach ($FileList as $FileName)
210 | {
211 | if (substr($FileName, -4) == '.php')
212 | {
213 | $FileLocale = new LocaleFile($this->System);
214 | $FileLocale->Dir = $this->Dir;
215 | $FileLocale->Load(substr($FileName, 0, -4));
216 |
217 | // Add new
218 | foreach ($Locale->Texts->Data as $Index => $Item)
219 | if (!array_key_exists($Index, $FileLocale->Texts->Data))
220 | $FileLocale->Texts->Data[$Index] = $Item;
221 | // Remove old
222 | foreach ($FileLocale->Texts->Data as $Index => $Item)
223 | if (!array_key_exists($Index, $Locale->Texts->Data))
224 | unset($FileLocale->Texts->Data[$Index]);
225 | $FileLocale->UpdateToDatabase($FileLocale->Texts->Code);
226 | $FileName = $this->Dir.'/'.$FileLocale->Texts->Code.'.php';
227 | $FileLocale->SaveToFile($FileName);
228 | }
229 | }
230 | $this->CurrentLocale->Load($this->CurrentLocale->Texts->Code);
231 | }
232 |
233 | function LoadLocale(string $Code): void
234 | {
235 | if (array_key_exists($Code, $this->Available))
236 | {
237 | $this->CurrentLocale->Dir = $this->Dir;
238 | $this->CurrentLocale->Load($Code);
239 | } else throw new Exception(sprintf(T('Unsupported locale code %s'), $Code));
240 | }
241 | }
242 |
243 | // Short named global translation function
244 | function T(string $Text, string $Group = ''): string
245 | {
246 | global $GlobalLocaleManager;
247 |
248 | if (isset($GlobalLocaleManager)) return $GlobalLocaleManager->CurrentLocale->Texts->Translate($Text, $Group);
249 | else return $Text;
250 | }