1 | <?php
2 |
3 | class ModuleMeet extends Module
4 | {
5 | function __construct($System)
6 | {
7 | parent::__construct($System);
8 | $this->Name = 'Meet';
9 | $this->Version = '1.0';
10 | $this->Creator = 'Chronos';
11 | $this->License = 'GNU/GPL';
12 | $this->Description = 'List of dance meet items';
13 | $this->Dependencies = array();
14 | $this->RSSChannels = array();
15 | }
16 |
17 | function Start(): void
18 | {
19 | $this->System->RegisterPage(['seznamka'], 'PageMeetList');
20 | $this->System->RegisterPage(['seznamka', 'inzerat'], 'PageMeetItem');
21 | $this->System->RegisterPage(['seznamka', 'aktualizace'], 'PageMeetUpdate');
22 | $this->System->RegisterPage(['seznamka', 'rss'], 'PageMeetRss');
23 | Core::Cast($this->System)->RegisterMenuItem('/seznamka', 'Seznamka');
24 | }
25 | }
26 |
27 | class PageMeetList extends Page
28 | {
29 | function __construct($System)
30 | {
31 | parent::__construct($System);
32 | $this->Title = 'Seznamka';
33 | $this->Description = 'Taneční seznamka';
34 | }
35 |
36 | function Show(): string
37 | {
38 | global $Config;
39 |
40 | $Filter = new Filter();
41 | $Filter->Items = array(
42 | array('Name' => 'pohlavi', 'Type' => 'Enumeration', 'DbName' => 'Gender', 'Title' => 'Pohlaví',
43 | 'States' => array(0 => 'Obě', 1 => 'Muži', 2 => 'Ženy')),
44 | array('Name' => 'name', 'Type' => 'String', 'DbName' => 'Name', 'Title' => 'Jméno'),
45 | array('Name' => 'vek', 'Type' => 'Integer', 'DbName' => 'Age', 'Title' => 'Věk', 'Units' => 'let'),
46 | array('Name' => 'vyska', 'Type' => 'Integer', 'DbName' => 'Height', 'Title' => 'Výška', 'Units' => 'cm'),
47 | array('Name' => 'vaha', 'Type' => 'Integer', 'DbName' => 'Weight', 'Title' => 'Váha', 'Units' => 'Kg'),
48 | array('Name' => 'message', 'Type' => 'String', 'DbName' => 'Message', 'Title' => 'Zpráva'),
49 | array('Name' => 'location', 'Type' => 'String', 'DbName' => 'Location', 'Title' => 'Umístění'),
50 | array('Name' => 'source', 'Type' => 'String', 'DbName' => 'SourceName', 'Title' => 'Zdroj'),
51 | );
52 |
53 | $Output = '';
54 | if (array_key_exists('lvm', $_GET) and ($_GET['lvm'] == 'seznam'))
55 | {
56 | $this->RawPage = true;
57 | } else {
58 | $Output .= '<div class="title">Inzeráty</div>';
59 | }
60 |
61 | $Output .= $Filter->GetOutput($this->System->Link('/seznamka/'));
62 | $Where = $Filter->GetWhere($this->Database);
63 |
64 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT *, '.
65 | '(SELECT MeetSource.Name FROM MeetSource WHERE MeetSource.Id = MeetItem.Source) AS SourceName FROM `MeetItem`) AS T '.
66 | 'WHERE '.GetDefaultMeetFilter('T').' AND '.$Where);
67 | $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_row();
68 | $PageList = GetPageList($DbRow[0]);
69 |
70 | $Gender = array('', 'Muž', 'Žena');
71 | $Output .= '<div id="list_content">';
72 | $Output .= $PageList['Output'];
73 | $TableColumns = array(
74 | array('Name' => 'Time', 'Title' => 'Čas'),
75 | array('Name' => 'Name', 'Title' => 'Jméno'),
76 | array('Name' => 'Height', 'Title' => 'Výška'),
77 | array('Name' => 'Age', 'Title' => 'Věk'),
78 | array('Name' => 'Weight', 'Title' => 'Váha'),
79 | array('Name' => 'Location', 'Title' => 'Umístění'),
80 | array('Name' => 'Gender', 'Title' => 'Pohlaví'),
81 | array('Name' => 'Message', 'Title' => 'Zpráva'),
82 | array('Name' => 'Source', 'Title' => 'Zdroj'),
83 | array('Name' => '', 'Title' => 'Detail'),
84 | );
85 | $Order = GetOrderTableHeader($TableColumns, 'Time', 1);
86 | $Output .= '<table class="WideTable">';
87 | $Output .= $Order['Output'];
88 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, (SELECT MeetSource.Name FROM MeetSource WHERE MeetSource.Id = MeetItem.Source) AS SourceName, '.
89 | '(SELECT MeetSource.URL FROM MeetSource WHERE MeetSource.Id = MeetItem.Source) AS SourceURL FROM MeetItem) AS T WHERE '.GetDefaultMeetFilter('T').' AND '.
90 | $Where.$Order['SQL'].$PageList['SQLLimit']);
91 | while ($MeetItem = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
92 | {
93 | $Output .= '<tr>'.
94 | '<td>'.HumanDate(MysqlDateToTime($MeetItem['Time'])).'</td>'.
95 | '<td>'.$MeetItem['Name'].'</td>'.
96 | '<td>'.$MeetItem['Height'].'</td>'.
97 | '<td>'.$MeetItem['Age'].'</td>'.
98 | '<td>'.$MeetItem['Weight'].'</td>'.
99 | '<td>'.$MeetItem['Location'].'</td>'.
100 | '<td>'.$Gender[$MeetItem['Gender']].'</td>'.
101 | '<td>'.$MeetItem['Message'].'</td>'.
102 | '<td><a href="'.$MeetItem['SourceURL'].'">'.$MeetItem['SourceName'].'</a></td>'.
103 | '<td><a href="'.$this->System->Link('/seznamka/inzerat/'.$MeetItem['Id']).'">Ukázat</a></td>';
104 | $Output .= '</tr>';
105 | }
106 | $Output .= '</table>';
107 | $Output .= $PageList['Output'];
108 | $Output .= '</div>';
109 | if (array_key_exists('lvm', $_GET) and ($_GET['lvm'] == 'seznam'))
110 | {
111 | }
112 | else
113 | {
114 | $Output .= '<div><a href="'.$this->System->Link('/seznamka/rss/').'"><img src="'.$this->System->Link('/images/rss20.png').'" alt="rss20"/></a></div>';
115 |
116 | $Output .= '<div style="text-align: center;">Vložit nový inzerát: ';
117 | $Output .= '<form style="display:inline;"><select name="insert" id="insert" onchange="">';
118 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('MeetSource', 'InsertURL, Name, Id', 'InsertURL != ""');
119 | while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
120 | {
121 | $Output .= '<option value="'.$DbRow['Id'].'" onclick="window.open(\''.
122 | $DbRow['InsertURL'].'\',\'_blank\',\'\')" onselect="window.open(\''.
123 | $DbRow['InsertURL'].'\',\'_blank\',\'\')">'.$DbRow['Name'].'</option>';
124 | }
125 | $Output .= '</select></form></div>';
126 | }
127 | return $Output;
128 | }
129 | }
130 |
131 | class PageMeetUpdate extends Page
132 | {
133 | function __construct($System)
134 | {
135 | parent::__construct($System);
136 | $this->Title = 'Aktualizace seznamky';
137 | $this->Description = 'Aktualizace taneční seznamky';
138 | }
139 |
140 | function Show(): string
141 | {
142 | $MeetSources = new MeetSources();
143 | $MeetSources->Database = $this->Database;
144 | if (array_key_exists('i', $_GET)) $Output = $MeetSources->Parse($_GET['i']);
145 | else $Output = $MeetSources->Parse();
146 | return $Output;
147 | }
148 | }
149 |
150 | class PageMeetItem extends Page
151 | {
152 | function __construct($System)
153 | {
154 | parent::__construct($System);
155 | $this->Title = 'Inzerát';
156 | $this->Description = 'Inzerát taneční seznamky';
157 | }
158 |
159 | function Show(): string
160 | {
161 | $Output = '';
162 | if (count($this->System->PathItems) > 2)
163 | {
164 | $id = $this->System->PathItems[2] * 1;
165 | } else return 'Položka nenalezena';
166 | if (Core::Cast($this->System)->IsAdmin())
167 | {
168 | if (array_key_exists('hide', $_GET)) $this->Database->update('MeetItem', 'Id='.$id, array('Hidden' => 1));
169 | if (array_key_exists('unhide', $_GET)) $this->Database->update('MeetItem', 'Id='.$id, array('Hidden' => 0));
170 | }
171 |
172 | $Output .= '<div class="title">Inzerát</div>';
173 | $Gender = array('', 'Muž', 'Žena');
174 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('MeetItem', '*, (SELECT MeetSource.Name FROM MeetSource WHERE MeetSource.Id = MeetItem.Source) AS SourceName, '.
175 | '(SELECT MeetSource.URL FROM MeetSource WHERE MeetSource.Id = MeetItem.Source) AS SourceURL, '.GetDefaultMeetFilter().' AS Filter', 'Id='.$id);
176 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
177 | {
178 | $MeetItem = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
179 | if (($MeetItem['Filter'] == '0') and !Core::Cast($this->System)->IsAdmin())
180 | return 'Položka nenalezena';
181 | if ($MeetItem['Link'] != '') $Link = '<a href="'.$MeetItem['Link'].'">Odkaz</a>';
182 | else $Link = '';
183 | $Output .= '<table class="ItemTable">'.
184 | '<tr><th>Čas</th><td>'.HumanDate(MysqlDateToTime($MeetItem['Time'])).'</td></tr>'.
185 | '<tr><th>Pohlaví</th><td>'.$Gender[$MeetItem['Gender']].'</td></tr>'.
186 | '<tr><th>Jméno</th><td>'.$MeetItem['Name'].'</td></tr>'.
187 | '<tr><th>Výška</th><td>'.$MeetItem['Height'].'</td></tr>'.
188 | '<tr><th>Věk</th><td>'.$MeetItem['Age'].'</td></tr>'.
189 | '<tr><th>Váha</th><td>'.$MeetItem['Weight'].'</td></tr>'.
190 | '<tr><th>Umístění</th><td>'.$MeetItem['Location'].'</td></tr>'.
191 | '<tr><th>Email</th><td>'.$MeetItem['Email'].'</td></tr>'.
192 | '<tr><th>Telefón</th><td>'.$MeetItem['Phone'].'</td></tr>'.
193 | '<tr><th>Zpráva</th><td>'.$MeetItem['Message'].'</td></tr>'.
194 | '<tr><th>Původní stránka</th><td>'.$Link.'</td></tr>'.
195 | '<tr><th>Zdroj</th><td><a href="'.$MeetItem['SourceURL'].'">'.$MeetItem['SourceName'].'</a></td></tr>';
196 | $Output .= '</table>';
197 |
198 | $Output .= '<div style="margin-top: 10pt; text-align: center;">Vložit nový inzerát: ';
199 | $Output .= '<form style="display:inline;"><select name="insert" id="insert" onchange="">';
200 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('MeetSource', 'InsertURL, Name, Id', 'InsertURL != ""');
201 | while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
202 | {
203 | $Output .= '<option value="'.$DbRow['Id'].'" onclick="window.open(\''.
204 | $DbRow['InsertURL'].'\',\'_blank\',\'\')">'.$DbRow['Name'].'</option>';
205 | }
206 | $Output .= '</select></form></div>';
207 |
208 | if (Core::Cast($this->System)->IsAdmin())
209 | {
210 | if ($MeetItem['Hidden'] == '1')
211 | $Output .= '<div>Skrytá položka <a href="?unhide">Zviditelnit</a></div>';
212 | else $Output .= '<div>Viditelná položka <a href="?hide">Skrýt</a></div>';
213 | }
214 | } else $Output .= 'Položka nenalezena';
215 | return $Output;
216 | }
217 | }
218 |
219 | class PageMeetRss extends Page
220 | {
221 | function __construct($System)
222 | {
223 | parent::__construct($System);
224 | $this->Title = 'RSS inzeráty seznamky';
225 | $this->Description = 'RSS kanál taneční seznamky';
226 | }
227 |
228 | function Show(): string
229 | {
230 | global $Config;
231 |
232 | $this->RawPage = true;
233 | $RSS = new RSS();
234 | $RSS->Title = 'Taneční seznamka';
235 | $RSS->Description = '';
236 | $RSS->Link = $this->System->AbsoluteLink('/seznamka/');
237 |
238 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT *, (SELECT MeetSource.Name FROM MeetSource WHERE MeetSource.Id = MeetItem.Source) AS SourceName, '.
239 | '(SELECT MeetSource.URL FROM MeetSource WHERE MeetSource.Id = MeetItem.Source) AS SourceURL FROM MeetItem WHERE '.
240 | GetDefaultMeetFilter().' ORDER BY `Time` DESC LIMIT 30');
241 | while ($MeetItem = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
242 | {
243 | $Title = $MeetItem['Name'];
244 | if ($MeetItem['Age'] != '') $Title .= ', '.$MeetItem['Age'].' let';
245 | if ($MeetItem['Weight'] != '') $Title .= ', '.$MeetItem['Height'].' cm';
246 | if ($MeetItem['Location'] != '') $Title .= ', '.$MeetItem['Location'];
247 | $Description = $MeetItem['Message']."<br/>\n";
248 | if ($MeetItem['Email'] != '') $Description .= '<br/>Email: '.$MeetItem['Email'];
249 | if ($MeetItem['Phone'] != '') $Description .= '<br/>Telefon: '.$MeetItem['Phone'];
250 | if ($MeetItem['Age'] != '') $Description .= '<br/>Věk: '.$MeetItem['Age'].' let';
251 | if ($MeetItem['Height'] != '') $Description .= '<br/>Výška: '.$MeetItem['Height'].' cm';
252 | if ($MeetItem['Weight'] != '') $Description .= '<br/>Váha: '.$MeetItem['Weight'].' kg';
253 | $Description .= '<br/>Zdroj: <a href="'.$MeetItem['SourceURL'].'">'.$MeetItem['SourceName'].'</a>';
254 | $Time = MysqlDateTimeToTime($MeetItem['Time']);
255 | $TimeImport = MysqlDateTimeToTime($MeetItem['TimeImport']);
256 | // Append time part of TimeImport time to item time so new items will appear in correct time order even if item doesn't have time part specified
257 | if (TimeToMysqlTime($Time) == '00:00:00')
258 | {
259 | $Time = MysqlDateTimeToTime(TimeToMysqlDate($Time).' '.TimeToMysqlTime($TimeImport));
260 | }
261 | $RSS->Items[] = array(
262 | 'Title' => $Title,
263 | 'Description' => $Description,
264 | 'Time' => $Time,
265 | 'Link' => $this->System->AbsoluteLink('/seznamka/inzerat/'.$MeetItem['Id'].'/'),
266 | );
267 | }
268 |
269 | return $RSS->Generate();
270 | }
271 | }