1 | unit UPixelPointer;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Classes, SysUtils, Graphics;
7 |
8 | type
9 | TColor32 = type Cardinal;
10 | TColor32Component = (ccBlue, ccGreen, ccRed, ccAlpha);
11 |
12 | { TPixel32 }
13 |
14 | TPixel32 = packed record
15 | private
16 | procedure SetRGB(AValue: Cardinal);
17 | function GetRGB: Cardinal;
18 | public
19 | property RGB: Cardinal read GetRGB write SetRGB;
20 | case Integer of
21 | 0: (B, G, R, A: Byte);
22 | 1: (ARGB: TColor32);
23 | 2: (Planes: array[0..3] of Byte);
24 | 3: (Components: array[TColor32Component] of Byte);
25 | end;
26 | PPixel32 = ^TPixel32;
27 |
28 | { TPixelPointer }
29 |
30 | TPixelPointer = record
31 | Base: PPixel32;
32 | Pixel: PPixel32;
33 | Line: PPixel32;
34 | RelLine: PPixel32;
35 | BytesPerPixel: Integer;
36 | BytesPerLine: Integer;
37 | procedure NextLine; inline; // Move pointer to start of next line
38 | procedure PreviousLine; inline; // Move pointer to start of previous line
39 | procedure NextPixel; inline; // Move pointer to next pixel
40 | procedure PreviousPixel; inline; // Move pointer to previous pixel
41 | procedure SetXY(X, Y: Integer); inline; // Set pixel position relative to base
42 | procedure SetX(X: Integer); inline; // Set horizontal pixel position relative to base
43 | end;
44 | PPixelPointer = ^TPixelPointer;
45 |
46 | function PixelPointer(Bitmap: TRasterImage; BaseX: Integer = 0; BaseY: Integer = 0): TPixelPointer; inline;
47 | function SwapRedBlue(Color: TColor32): TColor32;
48 | procedure BitmapCopyRect(DstBitmap: TRasterImage; DstRect: TRect; SrcBitmap: TRasterImage; SrcPos: TPoint);
49 | procedure BitmapStretchRect(DstBitmap: TRasterImage; DstRect: TRect;
50 | SrcBitmap: TRasterImage; SrcRect: TRect);
51 | procedure BitmapFill(Bitmap: TRasterImage; Color: TColor32);
52 | procedure BitmapFillRect(Bitmap: TRasterImage; Color: TColor32; Rect: TRect);
53 | procedure BitmapSwapRedBlue(Bitmap:TRasterImage);
54 | procedure BitmapInvert(Bitmap: TRasterImage);
55 | procedure BitmapBlendColor(Bitmap: TRasterImage; Color: TColor32);
56 | function Color32(A, R, G, B: Byte): TColor32;
57 | function Color32ToPixel32(Color: TColor32): TPixel32;
58 | function Pixel32ToColor32(Color: TPixel32): TColor32;
59 | function Color32ToColor(Color: TColor32): TColor;
60 | function ColorToColor32(Color: TColor): TColor32;
61 |
62 |
63 | implementation
64 |
65 | { TPixel32 }
66 |
67 | function TPixel32.GetRGB: Cardinal;
68 | begin
69 | Result := ARGB and $ffffff;
70 | end;
71 |
72 | procedure TPixel32.SetRGB(AValue: Cardinal);
73 | begin
74 | R := (AValue shr 16) and $ff;
75 | G := (AValue shr 8) and $ff;
76 | B := (AValue shr 0) and $ff;
77 | end;
78 |
79 | { TPixelPointer }
80 |
81 | procedure TPixelPointer.NextLine; inline;
82 | begin
83 | Line := Pointer(Line) + BytesPerLine;
84 | Pixel := Line;
85 | end;
86 |
87 | procedure TPixelPointer.PreviousLine;
88 | begin
89 | Line := Pointer(Line) - BytesPerLine;
90 | Pixel := Line;
91 | end;
92 |
93 | procedure TPixelPointer.NextPixel; inline;
94 | begin
95 | Pixel := Pointer(Pixel) + BytesPerPixel;
96 | end;
97 |
98 | procedure TPixelPointer.PreviousPixel;
99 | begin
100 | Pixel := Pointer(Pixel) - BytesPerPixel;
101 | end;
102 |
103 | procedure TPixelPointer.SetXY(X, Y: Integer); inline;
104 | begin
105 | Line := Pointer(Base) + Y * BytesPerLine;
106 | SetX(X);
107 | end;
108 |
109 | procedure TPixelPointer.SetX(X: Integer); inline;
110 | begin
111 | Pixel := Pointer(Line) + X * BytesPerPixel;
112 | end;
113 |
114 | procedure BitmapCopyRect(DstBitmap: TRasterImage; DstRect: TRect;
115 | SrcBitmap: TRasterImage; SrcPos: TPoint);
116 | var
117 | SrcPtr, DstPtr: TPixelPointer;
118 | X, Y: Integer;
119 | begin
120 | SrcBitmap.BeginUpdate(True);
121 | DstBitmap.BeginUpdate(True);
122 | SrcPtr := PixelPointer(SrcBitmap, SrcPos.X, SrcPos.Y);
123 | DstPtr := PixelPointer(DstBitmap, DstRect.Left, DstRect.Top);
124 | for Y := 0 to DstRect.Height - 1 do begin
125 | for X := 0 to DstRect.Width - 1 do begin
126 | DstPtr.Pixel^.ARGB := SrcPtr.Pixel^.ARGB;
127 | SrcPtr.NextPixel;
128 | DstPtr.NextPixel;
129 | end;
130 | SrcPtr.NextLine;
131 | DstPtr.NextLine;
132 | end;
133 | SrcBitmap.EndUpdate;
134 | DstBitmap.EndUpdate;
135 | end;
136 |
137 | procedure BitmapStretchRect(DstBitmap: TRasterImage; DstRect: TRect;
138 | SrcBitmap: TRasterImage; SrcRect: TRect);
139 | var
140 | SrcPtr, DstPtr: TPixelPointer;
141 | X, Y: Integer;
142 | XX, YY: Integer;
143 | R: TRect;
144 | C: TColor32;
145 | begin
146 | if (DstRect.Width = SrcRect.Width) and (DstRect.Height = SrcRect.Height) then begin
147 | BitmapCopyRect(DstBitmap, DstRect, SrcBitmap, Point(SrcRect.Left, SrcRect.Top));
148 | Exit;
149 | end;
150 | SrcBitmap.BeginUpdate(True);
151 | DstBitmap.BeginUpdate(True);
152 | SrcPtr := PixelPointer(SrcBitmap, SrcRect.Left, SrcRect.Top);
153 | DstPtr := PixelPointer(DstBitmap, DstRect.Left, DstRect.Top);
154 | for Y := 0 to DstRect.Height - 1 do begin
155 | for X := 0 to DstRect.Width - 1 do begin
156 | R := Rect(Trunc(X * SrcRect.Width / DstRect.Width),
157 | Trunc(Y * SrcRect.Height / DstRect.Height),
158 | Trunc((X + 1) * SrcRect.Width / DstRect.Width),
159 | Trunc((Y + 1) * SrcRect.Height / DstRect.Height));
160 | DstPtr.SetXY(X, Y);
161 | SrcPtr.SetXY(R.Left, R.Top);
162 | C := SrcPtr.Pixel^.ARGB;
163 | DstPtr.Pixel^.ARGB := C;
164 | for YY := 0 to R.Height - 1 do begin
165 | for XX := 0 to R.Width - 1 do begin
166 | DstPtr.Pixel^.ARGB := C;
167 | DstPtr.NextPixel;
168 | end;
169 | DstPtr.NextLine;
170 | end;
171 | end;
172 | end;
173 | SrcBitmap.EndUpdate;
174 | DstBitmap.EndUpdate;
175 | end;
176 |
177 | procedure BitmapFill(Bitmap: TRasterImage; Color: TColor32);
178 | var
179 | X, Y: Integer;
180 | Ptr: TPixelPointer;
181 | begin
182 | Bitmap.BeginUpdate(True);
183 | Ptr := PixelPointer(Bitmap);
184 | for Y := 0 to Bitmap.Height - 1 do begin
185 | for X := 0 to Bitmap.Width - 1 do begin
186 | Ptr.Pixel^.ARGB := Color;
187 | Ptr.NextPixel;
188 | end;
189 | Ptr.NextLine;
190 | end;
191 | Bitmap.EndUpdate;
192 | end;
193 |
194 | procedure BitmapFillRect(Bitmap: TRasterImage; Color: TColor32; Rect: TRect);
195 | var
196 | X, Y: Integer;
197 | Ptr: TPixelPointer;
198 | begin
199 | Bitmap.BeginUpdate(True);
200 | Ptr := PixelPointer(Bitmap, Rect.Left, Rect.Top);
201 | for Y := 0 to Rect.Height - 1 do begin
202 | for X := 0 to Rect.Width - 1 do begin
203 | Ptr.Pixel^.ARGB := Color;
204 | Ptr.NextPixel;
205 | end;
206 | Ptr.NextLine;
207 | end;
208 | Bitmap.EndUpdate;
209 | end;
210 |
211 | procedure BitmapSwapRedBlue(Bitmap: TRasterImage);
212 | var
213 | X, Y: Integer;
214 | Ptr: TPixelPointer;
215 | begin
216 | Bitmap.BeginUpdate(True);
217 | Ptr := PixelPointer(Bitmap);
218 | for Y := 0 to Bitmap.Height - 1 do begin
219 | for X := 0 to Bitmap.Width - 1 do begin
220 | Ptr.Pixel^.ARGB := SwapRedBlue(Ptr.Pixel^.ARGB);
221 | Ptr.NextPixel;
222 | end;
223 | Ptr.NextLine;
224 | end;
225 | Bitmap.EndUpdate;
226 | end;
227 |
228 | procedure BitmapInvert(Bitmap: TRasterImage);
229 | var
230 | X, Y: Integer;
231 | Ptr: TPixelPointer;
232 | begin
233 | Bitmap.BeginUpdate(True);
234 | Ptr := PixelPointer(Bitmap);
235 | for Y := 0 to Bitmap.Height - 1 do begin
236 | for X := 0 to Bitmap.Width - 1 do begin
237 | Ptr.Pixel^.ARGB := Ptr.Pixel^.ARGB xor $ffffff;
238 | Ptr.NextPixel;
239 | end;
240 | Ptr.NextLine;
241 | end;
242 | Bitmap.EndUpdate;
243 | end;
244 |
245 | procedure BitmapBlendColor(Bitmap: TRasterImage; Color: TColor32);
246 | var
247 | X, Y: Integer;
248 | Ptr: TPixelPointer;
249 | A, R, G, B: Word;
250 | Pixel: TPixel32;
251 | begin
252 | Pixel := Color32ToPixel32(Color);
253 | Bitmap.BeginUpdate(True);
254 | Ptr := PixelPointer(Bitmap);
255 | for Y := 0 to Bitmap.Height - 1 do begin
256 | for X := 0 to Bitmap.Width - 1 do begin
257 | A := Ptr.Pixel^.A; //(Ptr.Pixel^.A + Pixel.A) shr 1;
258 | R := (Ptr.Pixel^.R + Pixel.R) shr 1;
259 | G := (Ptr.Pixel^.G + Pixel.G) shr 1;
260 | B := (Ptr.Pixel^.B + Pixel.B) shr 1;
261 | Ptr.Pixel^.ARGB := Color32(A, R, G, B);
262 | Ptr.NextPixel;
263 | end;
264 | Ptr.NextLine;
265 | end;
266 | Bitmap.EndUpdate;
267 | end;
268 |
269 | function Color32(A, R, G, B: Byte): TColor32;
270 | begin
271 | Result := ((A and $ff) shl 24) or ((R and $ff) shl 16) or
272 | ((G and $ff) shl 8) or ((B and $ff) shl 0);
273 | end;
274 |
275 | function Color32ToPixel32(Color: TColor32): TPixel32;
276 | begin
277 | Result.ARGB := Color;
278 | end;
279 |
280 | function Pixel32ToColor32(Color: TPixel32): TColor32;
281 | begin
282 | Result := Color.ARGB;
283 | end;
284 |
285 | function Color32ToColor(Color: TColor32): TColor;
286 | begin
287 | Result := ((Color shr 16) and $ff) or (Color and $00ff00) or
288 | ((Color and $ff) shl 16);
289 | end;
290 |
291 | function ColorToColor32(Color: TColor): TColor32;
292 | begin
293 | Result := $ff000000 or ((Color shr 16) and $ff) or (Color and $00ff00) or
294 | ((Color and $ff) shl 16);
295 | end;
296 |
297 | function PixelPointer(Bitmap: TRasterImage; BaseX: Integer;
298 | BaseY: Integer): TPixelPointer;
299 | begin
300 | Result.BytesPerLine := Bitmap.RawImage.Description.BytesPerLine;
301 | Result.BytesPerPixel := Bitmap.RawImage.Description.BitsPerPixel shr 3;
302 | Result.Base := PPixel32(Bitmap.RawImage.Data + BaseX * Result.BytesPerPixel +
303 | BaseY * Result.BytesPerLine);
304 | Result.SetXY(0, 0);
305 | end;
306 |
307 | function SwapRedBlue(Color: TColor32): TColor32;
308 | begin
309 | Result := (Color and $ff00ff00) or ((Color and $ff) shl 16) or ((Color shr 16) and $ff);
310 | end;
311 |
312 |
313 | end.
314 |