1 | <?php
2 |
3 | // Pojmenovánà statistických kategoriÃ
4 | $StatCategory = array(
5 | 'browser' => 'ProhlÞeÄe',
6 | 'referer' => 'Odkud pÅiÅ¡li',
7 | 'module' => 'Sekce webu',
8 | 'host' => 'Adresy návÅ¡tÄvnÃků',
9 | 'word' => 'Hledaná slova',
10 | 'user' => 'Uživatelé',
11 | 'action' => 'Akce',
12 | );
13 |
14 | $StatMonths = array('Leden','Ãnor','BÅezen','Duben','KvÄten','Äerven','Äervenec','Srpen','ZáÅÃ','ÅÃjen','Listopad','Prosinec');
15 |
16 | /*
17 | if (!session_is_registered('Stat_Category')) {
18 | session_register('Stat_Category');
19 | $Stat_Category = 'module';
20 | }
21 | if (!session_is_registered('Stat_Name')) {
22 | session_register('Stat_Name');
23 | $Stat_Name = 'index';
24 | }
25 | */
26 |
27 | function System_Date()
28 | {
29 | return(gmdate('Y-m-d'));
30 | }
31 |
32 | function StatUpdate($Cat, $Name)
33 | {
34 | global $DB_Prefix, $Database;
35 |
36 | $Date = System_Date();
37 | $DbResult = $Database->select('stat', '*', "category='$Cat' AND name='$Name' AND date='$Date'");
38 | if($DbResult->num_rows > 0) $Database->query("UPDATE ".$DB_Prefix."stat SET hits=hits+1 WHERE category='$Cat' AND name='$Name' AND date='$Date'");
39 | else
40 | {
41 | $Data = array(
42 | 'category' => $Cat,
43 | 'name' => $Name,
44 | 'date' => $Date,
45 | 'hits' => 1,
46 | );
47 | $Database->insert('stat', $Data);
48 | }
49 | }
50 |
51 | function StatProcess()
52 | {
53 | global $Options;
54 | // Zjistà zobrazený modul
55 | StatUpdate('module', substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], $Options['StatPathCut']));
56 |
57 | // Zjistà stránku odkud uzivatel pÅisel
58 | if(array_key_exists('HTTP_REFERER', $_SERVER))
59 | {
60 | $Url = explode('/',$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
61 | if(strpos($Url[2],':'))
62 | {
63 | $Hostname = explode(':',$Url[2]);
64 | $ServerIP = gethostbyname($HostName[0]);
65 | } else $ServerIP = gethostbyname($Url[2]);
66 | //echo($ServerIP.'-'.$_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]);
67 | if(($ServerIP != $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]) && ($ServerIP!=''))
68 | StatUpdate('referer', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
69 | } else StatUpdate('referer', 'direct');
70 |
71 | // Zjistà typ prohlÃľeÄe
72 | StatUpdate('browser', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
73 | // Zjistà DNS a IP adresu klienta
74 | StatUpdate('host', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
75 | }
76 |
77 | function StatShow()
78 | {
79 | if(!array_key_exists('period', $_GET)) $Period = '';
80 | else $Period = $_GET['period'];
81 | switch($Period)
82 | {
83 | case 'years':
84 | $Out = StatShowYears();
85 | break;
86 | case 'months':
87 | $Out = StatShowMonths();
88 | break;
89 | case 'days':
90 | $Out = StatShowDays();
91 | break;
92 | default:
93 | $Out = StatShowMain();
94 | }
95 | return($Out);
96 | }
97 |
98 | function StatShowYears()
99 | {
100 | global $Options, $Database;
101 |
102 | if(array_key_exists('name', $_GET) and array_key_exists('category', $_GET))
103 | {
104 | $Output = '<div class="StatList"><strong>RoÄnà statistika</strong><br><br>'.
105 | '<table class="StatTable"><tr><th>Rok</th><th>Prohlédnutých stránek</th></tr>';
106 |
107 | // Zjisti rozmezà roků
108 | $DbResult = $Database->select('stat', 'DISTINCT date', 'name="'.$_GET['name'].'" AND category="'.$_GET['category'].'"');
109 | while($Row = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
110 | {
111 | $Year = substr($Row['date'],0,4);
112 | if(!isset($Min)) $Min = $Year;
113 | if(!isset($Max)) $Max = $Year;
114 | if(($Year < $Min) or ($Min=='')) $Min = $Year;
115 | if($Year > $Max) $Max = $Year;
116 | }
117 | // NaÄti body roků a body celkem
118 | for($I=$Min;$I<=$Max;$I++)
119 | {
120 | $DateFrom = $I;
121 | $DateTo = $DateFrom.'-12-31';
122 | $DateFrom .= '-01-01';
123 |
124 | $DbResult = $Database->select('stat', 'SUM(hits)', 'name="'.$_GET['name'].'" AND category="'.$_GET['category'].'"');
125 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_row();
126 | $Total = $Row[0];
127 |
128 | $DbResult = $Database->select('stat', 'hits', 'name="'.$_GET['name'].'" AND date>="'.$DateFrom.'" AND date<="'.$DateTo.'" AND category="'.$_GET['category'].'"');
129 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_row();
130 | $Percent = round($Row[0]/$Total*100,2);
131 | if($Percent==0) $Percent = '0';
132 | $Output .= '<tr><td><a href="?module=stat&category='.$_GET['category'].'&name='.$_GET['name'].'&period=months&year='.$I.'">'.$I.'</a></td>'.
133 | '<td><img src="images/leftbar.gif" width="7" height="15"><img src="images/mainbar.gif" width="'.round($Percent*2).'" height="15"><img src="images/rightbar.gif" width="7" height="15"> '.$Percent.'% ('.$Row[0].')</td></tr>';
134 | }
135 | $Output .= '</table><a href="?module=stat&category='.$_GET['category'].'">Zpátky pÅehled statistiky</a></div>';
136 | }
137 | return($Output);
138 | }
139 |
140 | // Zobrazà statistiku mÄsÃcu //
141 | function StatShowMonths()
142 | {
143 | global $StatMonths, $Database;
144 | if(array_key_exists('name', $_GET) and array_key_exists('category', $_GET) and array_key_exists('year', $_GET))
145 | {
146 |
147 | $Output = '<div class="StatList"><strong>MÄsÃÄnà statistika pro rok '.$_GET['year'].'</strong><br><br>'.
148 | '<table class="StatTable" cellspacing="0"><tr><th>MÄsÃc</th><th>Prohlédnutých stránek</th></tr>';
149 |
150 | // SpoÄÃtej poÄty pro mÄsÃce
151 | for($I=1;$I<13;$I++)
152 | {
153 | $DateFrom = $_GET['year'].'-'.$I.'-';
154 | $DateTo = $DateFrom.'31';
155 | $DateFrom .= '01';
156 |
157 | $DbResult = $Database('stat', 'SUM(hits)', 'name="'.$_GET['name'].'" AND category="'.$_GET['category'].'"');
158 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_row();
159 | $Total = $Row[0];
160 |
161 | $DbResult = $Datbase->select('stat', 'hits', 'name="'.$_GET['name'].'" AND date>="'.$DateFrom.'" AND date<="'.$DateTo.'" AND category="'.$_GET['category'].'"');
162 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_row();
163 | $Percent = round($Row[0]/$Total*100,2);
164 | if($Percent==0) $Percent = '0';
165 | $Output .= '<tr><td><a href="?module=stat&category='.$_GET['category'].'&name='.$_GET['name'].'&period=days&year='.$_GET['year'].'&month='.$I.'">'.$StatMonths[$I-1].'</a></td>'.
166 | '<td><img src="images/leftbar.gif" width="7" height="15"><img src="images/mainbar.gif" width="'.round($Percent*2).'" height="15"><img src="images/rightbar.gif" width="7" height="15">  '.$Percent.'% ('.$Row[0].')</td></tr>';
167 | }
168 | $Output .= '</table><a href="?module=stat&period=years&category='.$_GET['category'].'&name='.$_GET['name'].'">Zpátky na statistiku roků</a></div>';
169 | return($Output);
170 | }
171 | }
172 |
173 | function StatShowDays()
174 | {
175 | global $StatMonths, $Database;
176 |
177 | if(array_key_exists('name', $_GET) and array_key_exists('category', $_GET) and array_key_exists('year', $_GET) and array_key_exists('month', $_GET))
178 | {
179 | $Output = '<div class="StatList"><strong>Dennà statistika pro mÄsic '.$StatMonths[$_GET['month']].'</strong><br><br>'.
180 | '<table class="StatTable" cellspacing="0"><tr><th>Den</th><th>Prohlédnutých stránek</th></tr>';
181 | for($I=1;$I<32;$I++)
182 | {
183 | $DbResult = $Database->select('stat', 'SUM(hits)', 'name="'.$_GET['name'].'" AND category="'.$_GET['category'].'"');
184 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_row();
185 | $Total = $Row[0];
186 |
187 | $Date = $_GET['year'].'-'.$_GET['month'].'-'.$I;
188 | $DbResult = $Database->select('stat', 'hits', 'name="'.$_GET['name'].'" AND date="'.$Date.'" AND category="'.$_GET['category'].'"');
189 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_row();
190 |
191 | $Percent = round($Row[0]/$Total*100,2);
192 | if($Percent==0) $Percent = '0';
193 | $Output .= '<tr><td>'.$I.'</td>'.
194 | '<td><img src="images/leftbar.gif" width="7" height="15"><img src="images/mainbar.gif" width="'.round($Percent*2).'" height="15"><img src="images/rightbar.gif" width="7" height="15">  '.$Percent.'% ('.$Row[0].')</td></tr>';
195 | }
196 | $Output .= '</table><a href="?module=stat&period=months&name='.$_GET['name'].'&category='.$_GET['category'].'&year='.$_GET['year'].'">Zpátky na statistiku mÄsÃců</a></div>';
197 | }
198 | return($Output);
199 | }
200 |
201 | function StatShowMain()
202 | {
203 | global $StatCategory, $Database;
204 |
205 | $DbResult = $Database->select('stat', 'DISTINCT category');
206 | $Output = '<div class="StatList"><strong>Seznam kategoriÃ:</strong><br><br><table class="StatTable" cellspacing="0"><tr><th>Název</t></tr>';
207 | while($Row = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
208 | {
209 | $Output .= '<tr><td><a href="?module=stat&category='.$Row['category'].'">'.$StatCategory[$Row['category']].'</a></td></tr>';
210 | }
211 | $Output .= '</table>';
212 | if(array_key_exists('category', $_GET))
213 | {
214 | $DbResult = $Database->select('stat', 'SUM(hits)', 'category="'.$_GET['category'].'"');
215 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_row();
216 | $All = $Row[0];
217 | $Output .= '<br><strong>Výpis kategorie:</strong><br><br><table class="StatTable" cellspacing="0"><tr><th>Název</th><th>Stránek</th></tr>';
218 | $DbResult = $Database->select('stat', 'DISTINCT name', "category='".$_GET['category']."' ORDER BY 'name'");
219 | while($Row = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
220 | {
221 | $DbResult2 = $Datbase->select('stat', 'SUM(hits)', "name='".$Row['name']."' AND category='".$_GET['category']."'");
222 | $Row2 = $DbResult2->fetch_array();
223 | if($Row['name'] == 'direct') $Nazev = 'Zadáno pÅÃmo'; else $Nazev = $Row['name'];
224 | if($_GET['category'] == 'host') $Nazev = gethostbyaddr($Nazev);
225 | $Output .= '<tr><td><a href="?module=stat&category='.$_GET['category'].'&period=years&name='.$Row['name'].'">'.$Nazev.'</a></td>'.
226 | '<td><img src="images/leftbar.gif" width="7" height="15"><img src="images/mainbar.gif" width="'.(round($Row2[0]/$All*100,2)).'" height="15"><img src="images/rightbar.gif" width="7" height="15">'.$Row2[0].'</td></tr>';
227 | }
228 | $Output .= '</table></div>';
229 | }
230 | return($Output);
231 | }
232 |
233 | ?>