1 | <?php
2 |
3 | class PageSetup extends Page
4 | {
5 | var $UpdateManager;
6 | var $ConfigDefinition;
7 | var $Config;
8 | var $DatabaseRevision;
9 | var $Revision;
10 | var $Updates;
11 | var $ConfigDir;
12 |
13 | function __construct($System)
14 | {
15 | parent::__construct($System);
16 | $this->Title = T('Application setup');
17 | //$this->ParentClass = 'PagePortal';
18 | $this->ConfigDir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/Config';
19 | $this->YesNo = array(false => T('No'), true => T('Yes'));
20 | }
21 |
22 | function LoginPanel()
23 | {
24 | $Output = '<h3>Přihlášenà k instalaci</h3>'.
25 | '<form action="?" method="post">'.
26 | '<table>'.
27 | '<tr><td>Systémové heslo:</td><td> <input type="password" name="SystemPassword" value=""/></td></tr>'.
28 | '</table>'.
29 | '<input type="submit" name="login" value="'.T('Login').'"/>'.
30 | '</form>';
31 | return($Output);
32 | }
33 |
34 | function ControlPanel()
35 | {
36 | $Output = '<h3>'.T('Instance management').'</h3>';
37 |
38 | $Output .= 'Je připojenà k databázi: '.$this->YesNo[$this->UpdateManager->Database->Connected()].'<br/>';
39 | if($this->UpdateManager->Database->Connected())
40 | {
41 | $Output .= 'Je instalováno: '.$this->YesNo[$this->UpdateManager->IsInstalled()].'<br/>';
42 | if($this->UpdateManager->IsInstalled())
43 | $Output .= 'Je aktuálnĂ: '.$this->YesNo[$this->UpdateManager->IsUpToDate()].'<br/>'.
44 | 'Verze databáze: '.$this->UpdateManager->GetDbVersion().'<br/>';
45 | $Output .= 'Verze databáze kódu: '.$this->UpdateManager->Revision.'<br/>';
46 | if($this->UpdateManager->IsInstalled())
47 | {
48 | if(!$this->UpdateManager->IsUpToDate())
49 | $Output .= '<a href="?action=upgrade">'.T('Upgrade').'</a> ';
50 | $Output .= '<a href="?action=insert_sample_data">Vložit vzorová data</a> ';
51 | $Output .= '<a href="?action=reload_modules">Obnovit seznam modulĹŻ</a> ';
52 | $Output .= '<a href="?action=uninstall">Odinstalovat</a> ';
53 | $Output .= '<a href="?action=modules">Správa modulů</a> ';
54 | $Output .= '<a href="?action=models">Přegenerovat modely</a> ';
55 | } else $Output .= '<a href="?action=install">Instalovat</a> ';
56 | }
57 | $Output .= '<a href="?action=configure">Nastavit</a> ';
58 | $Output .= '<a href="?action=logout">Odhlásit</a> ';
59 | $Output .= '<a href="'.$this->System->Link('/').'">'.T('Go to main page').'</a> ';
60 | $Output .= '';
61 | return($Output);
62 | }
63 |
64 | function Show()
65 | {
66 | global $ConfigDefinition, $DatabaseRevision, $Config, $Updates;
67 |
68 | $this->UpdateManager = $this->System->Setup->UpdateManager;
69 | $DefaultConfig = new DefaultConfig();
70 | $this->ConfigDefinition = $DefaultConfig->Get();
71 | $this->DatabaseRevision = $DatabaseRevision;
72 | $this->Config = &$Config;
73 |
74 | $Output = '';
75 | if(isset($this->Config))
76 | {
77 | if(!array_key_exists('SystemPassword', $_SESSION)) $_SESSION['SystemPassword'] = '';
78 | if(array_key_exists('login', $_POST)) $_SESSION['SystemPassword'] = $_POST['SystemPassword'];
79 | if(sha1($_SESSION['SystemPassword']) != $this->Config['SystemPassword'])
80 | {
81 | $Output .= $this->LoginPanel();
82 | } else
83 | {
84 | if(array_key_exists('action', $_GET)) $Action = $_GET['action'];
85 | else $Action = '';
86 | if($Action == 'logout')
87 | {
88 | $_SESSION['SystemPassword'] = '';
89 | $Output .= 'Odhlášen';
90 | $Output .= $this->LoginPanel();
91 | } else
92 | if($Action == 'models')
93 | {
94 | $this->System->FormManager->UpdateSQLMeta();
95 | } else
96 | if($Action == 'upgrade')
97 | {
98 | $Output .= '<h3>PovýšenĂ</h3>';
99 | try {
100 | $Output .= $this->System->Setup->Upgrade();
101 | } catch (Exception $E) {
102 | $Output .= $this->SystemMessage('Chyba aktualizace',
103 | 'Došlo k chybě v SQL dotazu při aktualizaci: <br/>'.$E->getMessage());
104 | }
105 | $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
106 | } else
107 | if($Action == 'install')
108 | {
109 | $Output .= '<h3>Instalace</h3>';
110 | $this->System->Setup->Install();
111 | $this->System->ModuleManager->LoadModules();
112 | $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
113 | //$Output .= $this->System->Setup->Upgrade();
114 | $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
115 | } else
116 | if($Action == 'uninstall')
117 | {
118 | $Output .= '<h3>Odinstalace</h3>';
119 | $this->System->Setup->Uninstall();
120 | $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
121 | } else
122 | if($Action == 'reload_modules')
123 | {
124 | $Output .= '<h3>ZnovunaÄŤtenĂ seznamu modulĹŻ</h3>';
125 | $this->System->ModuleManager->LoadModules();
126 | $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
127 | $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
128 | } else
129 | if($Action == 'insert_sample_data')
130 | {
131 | $Output .= '<h3>Vloženà vzorových dat</h3>';
132 | $this->System->Setup->InsertSampleData();
133 | $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
134 | } else
135 | if($Action == 'modules')
136 | {
137 | $Output .= $this->ShowModules();
138 | } else
139 | if($Action == 'configure_save')
140 | {
141 | $Output .= $this->ConfigSave($this->Config);
142 | $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
143 | } else
144 | if($Action == 'configure')
145 | {
146 | $Output .= $this->PrepareConfig($this->Config);
147 | } else
148 | {
149 | $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
150 | }
151 | }
152 | } else
153 | {
154 | if(array_key_exists('configure_save', $_POST))
155 | {
156 | $Output .= $this->ConfigSave(array());
157 | $Output .= 'Pokračujte k přihlášenà <a href="">zde</a>';
158 | } else {
159 | $Output .= $this->PrepareConfig(array());
160 | }
161 | }
162 | return($Output);
163 | }
164 |
165 | function ShowModules()
166 | {
167 | $Output = '';
168 | if(array_key_exists('op', $_GET)) $Operation = $_GET['op'];
169 | else $Operation = '';
170 | if($Operation == 'install')
171 | {
172 | $this->System->ModuleManager->Modules[$_GET['name']]->Install();
173 | $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
174 | $Output .= 'Modul '.$_GET['name'].' instalován<br/>';
175 | } else
176 | if($Operation == 'uninstall')
177 | {
178 | $this->System->ModuleManager->Modules[$_GET['name']]->Uninstall();
179 | $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
180 | $Output .= 'Modul '.$_GET['name'].' odinstalován<br/>';
181 | } else
182 | if($Operation == 'enable')
183 | {
184 | $this->System->ModuleManager->Modules[$_GET['name']]->Enable();
185 | $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
186 | $Output .= 'Modul '.$_GET['name'].' povolen<br/>';
187 | } else
188 | if($Operation == 'disable')
189 | {
190 | $this->System->ModuleManager->Modules[$_GET['name']]->Disable();
191 | $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
192 | $Output .= 'Modul '.$_GET['name'].' zakázán<br/>';
193 | } else
194 | if($Operation == 'upgrade')
195 | {
196 | $this->System->ModuleManager->Modules[$_GET['name']]->Upgrade();
197 | $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
198 | $Output .= 'Modul '.$_GET['name'].' povýšen<br/>';
199 | }
200 | $Output .= '<h3>Správa modulů</h3>';
201 | $Output .= $this->ShowList();
202 | return($Output);
203 | }
204 |
205 | function ShowList()
206 | {
207 | $Output = '';
208 |
209 | $Pageing = new Paging($this->System);
210 | $Pageing->TotalCount = count($this->System->ModuleManager->Modules);
211 | $Table = new VisualTable($this->System);
212 | $Table->SetColumns(array(
213 | array('Name' => 'Name', 'Title' => 'Jméno'),
214 | array('Name' => 'Creator', 'Title' => 'TvĹŻrce'),
215 | array('Name' => 'Version', 'Title' => 'Verze'),
216 | array('Name' => 'License', 'Title' => 'Licence'),
217 | array('Name' => 'Installed', 'Title' => 'Instalováno'),
218 | array('Name' => 'Enabled', 'Title' => 'Povoleno'),
219 | array('Name' => 'Description', 'Title' => 'Popis'),
220 | array('Name' => 'Dependencies', 'Title' => 'Závislosti'),
221 | array('Name' => '', 'Title' => 'Akce'),
222 | ));
223 | foreach($this->System->ModuleManager->Modules as $Module)
224 | {
225 | if(($Module->Dependencies) > 0) $Dependencies = implode(',', $Module->Dependencies);
226 | else $Dependencies = ' ';
227 | $Actions = '';
228 | if($Module->Installed == true)
229 | {
230 | $Actions .= ' <a href="?action=modules&op=uninstall&name='.$Module->Name.'">Odinstalovat</a>';
231 | if($Module->Enabled == true) $Actions .= ' <a href="?action=modules&op=disable&name='.$Module->Name.'">Zakázat</a>';
232 | else $Actions .= ' <a href="?action=modules&op=enable&name='.$Module->Name.'">Povolit</a>';
233 | if($Module->InstalledVersion != $Module->Version) $Actions .= ' <a href="?action=modules&op=upgrade&name='.$Module->Name.'">Povýšit</a>';
234 | } else $Actions .= ' <a href="?action=modules&op=install&name='.$Module->Name.'">Instalovat</a>';
235 |
236 | $Table->Table->Cells[] = array($Module->Name,
237 | $Module->Creator, $Module->Version,
238 | $Module->License, $this->YesNo[$Module->Installed],
239 | $this->YesNo[$Module->Enabled], $Module->Description,
240 | $Dependencies, $Actions);
241 | }
242 | $Output .= $Pageing->Show();
243 | $Output .= $Table->Show();
244 | $Output .= $Pageing->Show();
245 | //$Output .= '<p><a href="?A=SaveToDb">Uložit do databáze</a></p>';
246 | return($Output);
247 | }
248 |
249 | function PrepareConfig($Config)
250 | {
251 | $Output = '';
252 | if(!file_exists($this->ConfigDir.'/Config.php') and !is_writable($this->ConfigDir))
253 | $Output .= 'VarovánĂ: KonfiguraÄŤnĂ soubor nebude moĹľnĂ© zapsat, protoĹľe sloĹľka "'.$this->ConfigDir.'" nenĂ povolená pro zápis!';
254 | if(file_exists($this->ConfigDir.'/Config.php') and !is_writable($this->ConfigDir.'/Config.php'))
255 | $Output .= 'VarovánĂ: KonfiguraÄŤnĂ soubor nebude moĹľnĂ© zapsat, protoĹľe soubor "'.$this->ConfigDir.'/Config.php" nenĂ povolen pro zápis!';
256 | $Output .= '<h3>Nastavenà systému</h3>'.
257 | '<form action="?action=configure_save" method="post">'.
258 | '<table>';
259 | foreach($this->ConfigDefinition as $Def)
260 | {
261 | $PathParts = explode('/', $Def['Name']);
262 | $TempConfig = &$Config;
263 | foreach($PathParts as $Part)
264 | if(array_key_exists($Part, $TempConfig))
265 | {
266 | $TempConfig = &$TempConfig[$Part];
267 | }
268 | if(!is_array($TempConfig)) $Value = $TempConfig;
269 | else $Value = $Def['Default'];
270 | $Output .= '<tr><td>'.$Def['Title'].'</td><td>';
271 | if($Def['Type'] == 'String') $Output .= '<input type="text" name="'.$Def['Name'].'" value="'.$Value.'"/>';
272 | if($Def['Type'] == 'Password') $Output .= '<input type="password" name="'.$Def['Name'].'"/>';
273 | if($Def['Type'] == 'PasswordEncoded') $Output .= '<input type="password" name="'.$Def['Name'].'"/>';
274 | if($Def['Type'] == 'Integer') $Output .= '<input type="text" name="'.$Def['Name'].'" value="'.$Value.'"/>';
275 | if($Def['Type'] == 'Float') $Output .= '<input type="text" name="'.$Def['Name'].'" value="'.$Value.'"/>';
276 | if($Def['Type'] == 'Boolean') $Output .= '<input type="text" name="'.$Def['Name'].'" value="'.$Value.'"/>';
277 | if($Def['Type'] == 'Array') $Output .= '<input type="text" name="'.$Def['Name'].'" value="'.implode(',', $Value).'"/>';
278 | }
279 | $Output .= '</td></tr>'.
280 | '<tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="configure_save" value="'.T('Save').'"/></td></tr>'.
281 | '</table>'.
282 | '</form>';
283 | return($Output);
284 | }
285 |
286 | function ConfigSave($DefaultConfig)
287 | {
288 | $Config = $DefaultConfig;
289 | foreach($this->ConfigDefinition as $Def)
290 | {
291 | $Value = null;
292 | if($Def['Type'] == 'String') if(array_key_exists($Def['Name'], $_POST))
293 | $Value = $_POST[$Def['Name']];
294 | if($Def['Type'] == 'Password') if(array_key_exists($Def['Name'], $_POST) and ($_POST[$Def['Name']] != ''))
295 | $Value = $_POST[$Def['Name']];
296 | if($Def['Type'] == 'PasswordEncoded') if(array_key_exists($Def['Name'], $_POST) and ($_POST[$Def['Name']] != ''))
297 | $Value = sha1($_POST[$Def['Name']]);
298 | if($Def['Type'] == 'Integer') if(array_key_exists($Def['Name'], $_POST))
299 | $Value = $_POST[$Def['Name']];
300 | if($Def['Type'] == 'Float') if(array_key_exists($Def['Name'], $_POST))
301 | $Value = $_POST[$Def['Name']];
302 | if($Def['Type'] == 'Boolean') if(array_key_exists($Def['Name'], $_POST))
303 | $Value = $_POST[$Def['Name']];
304 | if($Def['Type'] == 'Array') if(array_key_exists($Def['Name'], $_POST))
305 | $Value = explode(',', $_POST[$Def['Name']]);
306 | if(!is_null($Value))
307 | {
308 | $PathParts = explode('/', $Def['Name']);
309 | $TempConfig = &$Config;
310 | foreach($PathParts as $Part)
311 | {
312 | $TempConfig = &$TempConfig[$Part];
313 | }
314 | if(!is_array($TempConfig)) $TempConfig = $Value;
315 | else $Value = $Def['Default'];
316 | }
317 | }
318 | $ConfigText = $this->CreateConfig($Config);
319 | file_put_contents($this->ConfigDir.'/Config.php', $ConfigText);
320 | $Output = 'Konfigurace nastavena<br/>';
321 | return($Output);
322 | }
323 |
324 | function CreateConfig($Config)
325 | {
326 | $Output = "<?php\n\n".
327 | "\$IsDeveloper = array_key_exists('REMOTE_ADDR', \$_SERVER) and in_array(\$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], array(''));\n\n";
328 |
329 | foreach($this->ConfigDefinition as $Def)
330 | {
331 | $PathParts = explode('/', $Def['Name']);
332 | $Output .= "\$Config";
333 | foreach($PathParts as $Part)
334 | $Output .= "['".$Part."']";
335 | $TempConfig = &$Config;
336 | $Output .= ' = ';
337 | foreach($PathParts as $Part)
338 | if(array_key_exists($Part, $TempConfig))
339 | {
340 | $TempConfig = &$TempConfig[$Part];
341 | }
342 | if(!is_array($TempConfig)) $Value = $TempConfig;
343 | else $Value = $Def['Default'];
344 | if($Def['Type'] == 'Array')
345 | {
346 | $Output .= ' array(';
347 | foreach($Value as $Index => $Item)
348 | $Output .= '\''.$Item.'\', ';
349 | $Output .= ')';
350 | }
351 | else $Output .= "'".$Value."'";
352 | $Output .= ";\n";
353 | }
354 | $Output .= "\n\n";
355 | return($Output);
356 | }
357 | }
358 |
359 | class PageSetupRedirect extends Page
360 | {
361 | function Show()
362 | {
363 | $Output = '';
364 | if(!$this->Database->Connected()) $Output .= T('Can\'t connect to database').'<br>';
365 | else {
366 | if(!$this->System->Setup->UpdateManager->IsInstalled())
367 | $Output .= T('System requires database initialization').'<br>';
368 | else
369 | if(!$this->System->Setup->UpdateManager->IsUpToDate())
370 | $Output .= T('System requires database upgrade').'<br>';
371 | }
372 | $Output .= sprintf(T('Front page was not configured. Continue to %s'), '<a href="'.$this->System->Link('/setup/').'">'.T('setup').'</a>');
373 | return($Output);
374 | }
375 | }
376 |
377 | class Setup extends Model
378 | {
379 | var $UpdateManager;
380 |
381 | function Start()
382 | {
383 | global $DatabaseRevision;
384 |
385 | $this->System->RegisterPage('', 'PageSetupRedirect');
386 | $this->System->RegisterPage('setup', 'PageSetup');
387 |
388 | // Check database persistence structure
389 | $this->UpdateManager = new UpdateManager();
390 | $this->UpdateManager->Database = &$this->Database;
391 | $this->UpdateManager->Revision = $DatabaseRevision;
392 | $this->UpdateManager->InstallMethod = 'FullInstall';
393 | }
394 |
395 | function Stop()
396 | {
397 | unset($this->UpdateManager);
398 | $this->System->UnregisterPage('');
399 | $this->System->UnregisterPage('setup');
400 | }
401 |
402 | function CheckState()
403 | {
404 | return($this->Database->Connected() and $this->UpdateManager->IsInstalled() and
405 | $this->UpdateManager->IsUpToDate());
406 | }
407 |
408 | function Install()
409 | {
410 | global $DatabaseRevision;
411 |
412 | $this->Database->query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `'.$this->UpdateManager->VersionTable.'` (
413 | `Id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
414 | `Revision` int(11) NOT NULL,
415 | PRIMARY KEY (`Id`)
417 | $this->Database->query('INSERT INTO `'.$this->UpdateManager->VersionTable.'` (`Id`, `Revision`) VALUES
418 | (1, '.$DatabaseRevision.');');
419 | $this->Database->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Module` (
420 | `Id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
421 | `Name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
422 | `Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
423 | PRIMARY KEY (`Id`)
425 | }
426 |
427 | function Uninstall()
428 | {
429 | $this->System->ModuleManager->UninstallAll();
430 | $this->Database->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Module`');
431 | $this->Database->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `'.$this->UpdateManager->VersionTable.'`');
432 | }
433 |
434 | function IsInstalled()
435 | {
436 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SHOW TABLES LIKE "'.$this->UpdateManager->VersionTable.'"');
437 | return($DbResult->num_rows > 0);
438 | }
439 |
440 | function Upgrade()
441 | {
442 | $Updates = new Updates();
443 | $this->UpdateManager->Trace = $Updates->Get();
444 | $Output = $this->UpdateManager->Upgrade();
445 | return($Output);
446 | }
447 | }