1 | unit UMainWindow;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
7 | Dialogs, StdCtrls, cTCPClient, cTCPServer, cWindows, cSockets, cUtils,
8 | cSocketsUDP, ImgList, Menus, CoolTrayIcon, ToolWin,
9 | ActnMan, ActnCtrls, ActnMenus, ActnList, XPStyleActnCtrls, ComCtrls,
10 | ExtCtrls, cWinSock, UAutoRegistry, Registry, CustomizeDlg, MPlayer,
11 | StdActns, ULogExceptions, RVScroll, RichView, RVStyle, UTextFileStream,
12 | ShellAPI, SunriseChatCoreUnit, SunriseChatNetworkCoreUnit, IdBaseComponent,
13 | IdComponent, IdUDPBase, IdUDPServer, XPMan;
14 |
15 | const
16 | ApplicationName = 'SunriseChat';
17 | Author = 'Jiří Hajda';
18 | HomePage = 'http://www.zdechov.net/sunrisechat/';
19 | Email = 'robie@centrum.cz';
20 | ClientVersion = '3.0';
21 | ClientReleaseDate = '11.2.2008';
22 | OfflineTimeout = 13/24/3600; // 13 seconds
23 | Creator = 'Chronosoft';
24 | RegistryPath = '\Software\' + Creator + '\SunriseChat';
25 | ChangeLogFile = 'Novinky.txt';
26 | Licence = 'Copyleft';
27 | HttpHeader = 'http://';
28 | ShareHeader = '\\';
29 |
30 | type
31 | TAppEventTextColor = record
32 | Color: Integer;
33 | Charset: Integer;
34 | Style: string;
35 | Size: Integer;
36 | Name: string;
37 | end;
38 |
39 | TAppEvent = record
40 | // Actions
41 | EventName: string;
42 | ShowWindow: Boolean;
43 | ShowBalloonHint: Boolean;
44 | PlaySound: Boolean;
45 | ShowAlertIcon: Boolean;
46 | IconFile: string;
47 | PlayBeep: Boolean;
48 | SoundFile: string;
49 | ExecuteApplication: Boolean;
50 | ApplicationFile: string;
51 | ShowMessage: Boolean;
52 | MessageText: string;
53 | MessageFont: TFont;
54 | MessageFontTemp: TAppEventTextColor;
55 | end;
56 |
57 | TAppUserEvent = record
58 | // Conditions
59 | ConditionTextEnable: Boolean;
60 | ConditionText: string;
61 | ConditionUserEnable: Boolean;
62 | ConditionUser: string;
63 | ConditionAppEventEnable: Boolean;
64 | ConditionAppEvent: Integer;
65 |
66 | // Actions
67 | EventName: string;
68 | ShowWindow: Boolean;
69 | ShowBalloonHint: Boolean;
70 | PlaySound: Boolean;
71 | ShowAlertIcon: Boolean;
72 | IconFile: string;
73 | PlayBeep: Boolean;
74 | SoundFile: string;
75 | ExecuteApplication: Boolean;
76 | ApplicationFile: string;
77 | ShowImage: Boolean;
78 | ImageFile: string;
79 | Image: TImage;
80 | end;
81 |
82 | TEventOption = (eoShowWindow, eoShowBalloonHint, eoShowAlertIcon, eoPlayBeep,
83 | eoShowMessage);
84 | TEventOptions = set of TEventOption;
85 |
86 | TMainWindow = class(TForm)
87 | Panel3: TPanel;
88 | Panel4: TPanel;
89 | Button1: TButton;
90 | ActionManager1: TActionManager;
91 | ActionOptions: TAction;
92 | ActionInfo: TAction;
93 | ActionAbout: TAction;
94 | ActionStatus: TAction;
95 | ActionClose: TAction;
96 | ActionRestore: TAction;
97 | ActionOnline: TAction;
98 | ActionAway: TAction;
99 | ActionInvisible: TAction;
100 | ActionTestResponse: TAction;
101 | ActionBlockIP: TAction;
102 | ActionCallUp: TAction;
103 | CoolTrayIcon1: TCoolTrayIcon;
104 | PopupMenu2: TPopupMenu;
105 | Blokovatadresu1: TMenuItem;
106 | estodezvy1: TMenuItem;
107 | Vzva1: TMenuItem;
108 | PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu;
109 | Obnovit1: TMenuItem;
110 | Informace1: TMenuItem;
111 | Nastaven2: TMenuItem;
112 | Oprogramu2: TMenuItem;
113 | Ukonit1: TMenuItem;
114 | ImageList1: TImageList;
115 | Timer1: TTimer;
116 | ActionUserRoom: TAction;
117 | ActionLogCommand: TAction;
118 | PopupMenu3: TPopupMenu;
119 | Odejtzmstnosti1: TMenuItem;
120 | CustomizeDlg1: TCustomizeDlg;
121 | ActionCustomizeDlg: TAction;
122 | PopupMenu4: TPopupMenu;
123 | Pedchozzprva1: TMenuItem;
124 | Doplnitjmno1: TMenuItem;
125 | MainMenu1: TMainMenu;
126 | Status1: TMenuItem;
127 | Online1: TMenuItem;
128 | Pry1: TMenuItem;
129 | Neviditeln1: TMenuItem;
130 | Nastaven1: TMenuItem;
131 | Informace2: TMenuItem;
132 | Status2: TMenuItem;
133 | Online2: TMenuItem;
134 | Pry2: TMenuItem;
135 | Neviditeln2: TMenuItem;
136 | ActionNetworkTest: TAction;
137 | estst1: TMenuItem;
138 | Panel5: TPanel;
139 | ToolBar1: TToolBar;
140 | ToolButton1: TToolButton;
141 | ToolButton2: TToolButton;
142 | ToolButton3: TToolButton;
143 | ToolButton4: TToolButton;
144 | ToolButton5: TToolButton;
145 | ToolButton7: TToolButton;
146 | Panel2: TPanel;
147 | Label1: TLabel;
148 | ListView1: TListView;
149 | Splitter3: TSplitter;
150 | Panel1: TPanel;
151 | Label2: TLabel;
152 | MediaPlayer1: TMediaPlayer;
153 | Vytvoitmstnost1: TMenuItem;
154 | ActionCreateRoom: TAction;
155 | Vytvoitmstnost2: TMenuItem;
156 | SearchFind1: TSearchFind;
157 | PopupMenu5: TPopupMenu;
158 | Find1: TMenuItem;
159 | Vymazatve1: TMenuItem;
160 | ActionClearMessageList: TAction;
161 | ComboBox1: TComboBox;
162 | N1: TMenuItem;
163 | Novinky1: TMenuItem;
164 | ActionChangeLog: TAction;
165 | Oprogramu1: TMenuItem;
166 | RVStyle1: TRVStyle;
167 | Panel6: TPanel;
168 | RichView1: TRichView;
169 | PageControl1: TPageControl;
170 | TabSheet1: TTabSheet;
171 | Pozvatuivateledomstnosti1: TMenuItem;
172 | ActionUserEventsList: TAction;
173 | Nabdkauivatelskchudlost1: TMenuItem;
174 | ToolButton6: TToolButton;
175 | ListView2: TListView;
176 | Koprovar1: TMenuItem;
177 | Vloit1: TMenuItem;
178 | Vloitsovodkaz1: TMenuItem;
179 | OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;
180 | XPManifest1: TXPManifest;
181 | Log1: TMenuItem;
182 | fndUDPSocket1: TfndUDPSocket;
183 | fndUDPClientSocket1: TfndUDPClientSocket;
184 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
185 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
186 | procedure Vloitsovodkaz1Click(Sender: TObject);
187 | procedure RichView1Jump(Sender: TObject; id: Integer);
188 | procedure Vloit1Click(Sender: TObject);
189 | procedure Koprovar1Click(Sender: TObject);
190 | procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
191 | procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
192 | procedure ComboBox1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
193 | procedure ComboBox1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
194 | Shift: TShiftState);
195 | procedure ActionInfoExecute(Sender: TObject);
196 | procedure ActionAwayExecute(Sender: TObject);
197 | procedure ActionOnlineExecute(Sender: TObject);
198 | procedure ActionCloseExecute(Sender: TObject);
199 | procedure ListView1Click(Sender: TObject);
200 | procedure ActionTestResponseExecute(Sender: TObject);
201 | procedure ActionRestoreExecute(Sender: TObject);
202 | procedure ActionInvisibleExecute(Sender: TObject);
203 | procedure ActionAboutExecute(Sender: TObject);
204 | procedure ActionOptionsExecute(Sender: TObject);
205 | procedure ActionCallUpExecute(Sender: TObject);
206 | procedure TabControl1Change(Sender: TObject);
207 | procedure ActionBlockIPExecute(Sender: TObject);
208 | procedure FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
209 | procedure ActionUserRoomExecute(Sender: TObject);
210 | procedure Odejtzmstnosti1Click(Sender: TObject);
211 | procedure ActionCustomizeDlgExecute(Sender: TObject);
212 | procedure PopupMenu2Popup(Sender: TObject);
213 | procedure Pedchozzprva1Click(Sender: TObject);
214 | // procedure Doplnitjmno1Click(Sender: TObject);
215 | procedure ActionNetworkTestExecute(Sender: TObject);
216 | procedure ToolButton7Click(Sender: TObject);
217 | procedure CoolTrayIcon1Click(Sender: TObject);
218 | procedure ToolButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
219 | procedure ToolButton3Click(Sender: TObject);
220 | procedure ToolButton2Click(Sender: TObject);
221 | procedure ToolButton5Click(Sender: TObject);
222 | procedure ToolButton4Click(Sender: TObject);
223 | procedure RichEdit1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
224 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
225 | procedure ListView1InfoTip(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem;
226 | var InfoTip: String);
227 | procedure ActionCreateRoomExecute(Sender: TObject);
228 | procedure Doplnitjmno1Click(Sender: TObject);
229 | procedure SearchFind1FindDialogFind(Sender: TObject);
230 | procedure SearchFind1BeforeExecute(Sender: TObject);
231 | procedure ActionClearMessageListExecute(Sender: TObject);
232 | procedure ComboBox1Change(Sender: TObject);
233 | procedure ActionChangeLogExecute(Sender: TObject);
234 | procedure ComboBox1DropDown(Sender: TObject);
235 | procedure ComboBox1CloseUp(Sender: TObject);
236 | procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
237 | procedure ActionUserEventsListExecute(Sender: TObject);
238 | procedure ToolButton6Click(Sender: TObject);
239 | procedure Panel6Resize(Sender: TObject);
240 | procedure SunriseChatNetworkCore1RoomListChanged;
241 | procedure SunriseChatNetworkCore1UserListUpdate;
242 | procedure SunriseChatNetworkCore1AddMessage(EventType: TAppEventType;
243 | Room: TRoom; const Args: array of TVarRec; RoomLine: TRoomLine);
244 | procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
245 | procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
246 | procedure Log1Click(Sender: TObject);
247 | private
248 | CloseEnabled: Boolean;
249 | UserLastText: string;
250 | procedure WMQueryEndSession(var Message: TMessage); message WM_QUERYENDSESSION;
251 | procedure AppMessage(var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: Boolean);
252 | procedure ChangeNetworkState;
253 | procedure CallUp;
254 | procedure lComboBox1Change(Sender: TObject);
255 | { Private declarations }
256 | public
257 | SunriseChatNetworkCore1: TSunriseChatNetworkCore;
258 | UserEventsImagesEnabled: Boolean;
259 | FirstStart: Boolean;
260 | LastRichViewStyle: Integer;
261 | MaxNumberOfRoomLines: Integer;
262 | AppEvents: array of TAppEvent;
263 | AppUserEvents: array of TAppUserEvent;
264 | AppEventsInit: array of TAppEvent;
265 | Options: TAutoRegistry;
266 | AppEventsOptions: array of TAutoRegistry;
267 | AppUserEventsOptions: array of TAutoRegistry;
268 | NetworkPort: Integer;
269 | NetworkInterface: string;
270 | PingTimeout: Integer;
271 | MinimizeToTray: Boolean;
272 | StartInTray: Boolean;
273 | RunOnLogon: Boolean;
274 | LastText: string;
275 | OnTop: Boolean;
276 | ShowOnMessage: Boolean;
277 | PositionX, PositionY, SizeX, SizeY: Integer;
278 | LastWindowState: Integer;
279 | AlphaBlendWindow: Integer;
280 | UserListWidth: Integer;
281 | ShowMessageTime: Boolean;
282 | ShowMainMenu: Boolean;
283 | InstanceIndex: Integer;
284 | ShowBallonHint: Boolean;
285 | NoResloveHostName: Boolean;
286 | MinimalizeOnCloseWindow: Boolean;
287 | DefaultReason: string;
288 | ServiceFunction: Boolean;
289 | ShowRightToolBar: Boolean;
290 | PauseScrollText: Boolean;
291 | OneAppInstance: Boolean;
292 | WM_SunriseChatStart: Cardinal;
293 | WM_SunriseChatClose: Cardinal;
294 | NoSaveToRegistry: Boolean;
295 | SoundDisable: Boolean;
296 | StopProgram: Boolean;
297 | SnapWindow: Boolean;
298 | InvisibledOnStart: Boolean;
299 | AutoChangeWindowHeight: Boolean;
300 | AutoChangeWindowHeightDirectionDown: Boolean;
301 | MinimumVisibleUsersCount: Integer;
302 | SoundVolume: Integer;
303 | LanguageIndex: Integer;
304 | SettingsName: string;
305 | AutoChangeInfoWindowHeight: Boolean;
306 | AppUserEventsCount: Integer;
307 | HyperLinks: array of string;
308 | BroadcastTypeI: Integer;
309 | UserNick: string;
310 | UsersAutoAwayDelay: Integer;
311 | procedure RoomListChanged;
312 | procedure InitTrayIcon;
313 | procedure ChangeRunOnLogon;
314 | procedure ScrollDownRichEdit1;
315 | procedure DoplnitJmeno;
316 | procedure AddEvent(Name, Text: string; Options: TEventOptions);
317 | procedure SaveAppEventsToRegistry;
318 | procedure LoadAppEventsFromRegistry;
319 | procedure SaveAppUserEventsToRegistry;
320 | procedure LoadAppUserEventsFromRegistry(UpdateOnly: Boolean = False);
321 | procedure RefreshAppTitle;
322 | procedure InitSettings;
323 | procedure FillComboBox;
324 | procedure ShowUserList;
325 | procedure ReloadImages;
326 | end;
327 |
328 | procedure MPSetVolume(MP: TMediaPlayer; Volume: Integer) ;
329 | function MPGetVolume(MP: TMediaPlayer): Integer;
330 |
331 | var
332 | MainWindow: TMainWindow;
333 |
334 | implementation
335 |
336 | uses UInfoWindow, UAboutWindow, UOptionsWindow, UNetworkTest, UNewRoom,
337 | DateUtils, ULocalization, UJobProgressView, MMSystem, UProtocolMessageLog;
338 |
339 | {$R *.dfm}
340 |
341 | const
342 | MCI_SETAUDIO = $0873;
344 | MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_ITEM = $00800000;
345 | MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_VALUE = $01000000;
346 | MCI_DGV_STATUS_VOLUME = $4019;
347 | type
349 | dwCallback: DWORD;
350 | dwItem: DWORD;
351 | dwValue: DWORD;
352 | dwOver: DWORD;
353 | lpstrAlgorithm: PChar;
354 | lpstrQuality: PChar;
355 | end;
356 | type
357 | MCI_STATUS_PARMS = record
358 | dwCallback: DWORD;
359 | dwReturn: DWORD;
360 | dwItem: DWORD;
361 | dwTrack: DWORD;
362 | end;
363 |
364 | {Set Volume, range 0 - 1000}
365 | procedure MPSetVolume(MP: TMediaPlayer; Volume: Integer) ;
366 | var
368 | begin
369 | p.dwCallback := 0;
370 | p.dwItem := MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_VOLUME;
371 | p.dwValue := Volume;
372 | p.dwOver := 0;
373 | p.lpstrAlgorithm := nil;
374 | p.lpstrQuality := nil;
375 | mciSendCommand(MP.DeviceID, MCI_SETAUDIO, MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_VALUE or MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_ITEM, Cardinal(@p)) ;
376 | end;
377 |
378 | {Get Volume, range 0 - 1000}
379 | function MPGetVolume(MP: TMediaPlayer): Integer;
380 | var
382 | begin
383 | p.dwCallback := 0;
384 | p.dwItem := MCI_DGV_STATUS_VOLUME;
385 | mciSendCommand(MP.DeviceID, MCI_STATUS, MCI_STATUS_ITEM, Cardinal(@p)) ;
386 | Result := p.dwReturn;
387 | end;
388 |
389 | procedure SwitchToThisWindow(h1: hWnd; x: bool); stdcall; external user32 Name 'SwitchToThisWindow';
390 |
391 | procedure TMainWindow.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
392 | const
393 | Separator = '|';
394 | var
395 | Row: string;
396 | FileName: string;
397 | I: Integer;
398 | begin
399 | SunriseChatNetworkCore1 := TSunriseChatNetworkCore.Create(Self);
400 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do begin
401 | UdpPort := 55557;
402 | UseDefaultEventsText := True;
403 | AutoAwayDelay := 5;
404 | AutoReconnect := True;
405 | BroadcastType := btLocal;
406 | MaxRoomLines := 100;
407 | end;
408 |
409 |
410 | SettingsName := '';
411 | // Process application parameters
412 | for I := 0 to ParamCount do begin
413 | //ShowMessage(ParamStr(I));
414 | if Copy(ParamStr(I), 1, 3) = '/s:' then SettingsName := Copy(ParamStr(I), 4, 255);
415 | end;
416 | if SettingsName = '' then SettingsName := 'Default';
417 |
418 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do begin
419 | OnChangeNetworkState := ChangeNetworkState;
420 | OnAddMessage := SunriseChatNetworkCore1AddMessage;
421 | OnUserListUpdate := ShowUserList;
422 | OnRoomListChanged := RoomListChanged;
423 | end;
424 |
425 | Options := TAutoRegistry.Create(RegistryPath + '\' + SettingsName);
426 | with Options, SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do begin
427 | InitSettings;
428 | if FirstStart then begin
429 | FileName := ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName) + '\' + SmileysDefFile;
430 | if FileExists(FileName) then begin
431 | with TTextFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead) do try
432 | repeat
433 | Row := Trim(ReadLn);
434 | if Row <> '' then begin
435 | SetLength(AppUserEvents, Length(AppUserEvents)+1);
436 | with AppUserEvents[High(AppUserEvents)] do begin
437 | EventName := Copy(Row, 1, Pos(Separator, Row)-1);
438 | ConditionTextEnable := True;
439 | ConditionText := EventName;
440 | ShowImage := True;
441 | ImageFile := ExtractFileDir(FileName) + '\' + Copy(Row, Pos(Separator, Row)+1, Length(Row));
442 | end;
443 | end;
444 | until Position = Size;
445 | finally
446 | Free;
447 | end;
448 | SetLength(AppUserEventsOptions,Length(AppUserEvents));
449 | AppUserEventsCount:= Length(AppUserEvents);
450 | LoadAppUserEventsFromRegistry(True);
451 | SaveAppUserEventsToRegistry;
452 | ReloadImages;
453 | end;
454 | end;
455 |
456 | // Check multiple application instance
457 | WM_SunriseChatStart := RegisterWindowMessage('SunriseChatStart');
458 | WM_SunriseChatClose := RegisterWindowMessage('SunriseChatClose');
459 | Application.OnMessage := AppMessage;
460 | PostMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SunriseChatStart, Application.Handle, 0);
461 | for I := 0 to 10 do begin
462 | Sleep(1);
463 | Application.ProcessMessages;
464 | if StopProgram then Break;
465 | end;
466 | if StopProgram then begin
467 | Application.Terminate;
468 | Exit;
469 | end;
470 | end;
471 |
472 | // Local user initialization
473 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1.LocalUser do begin
474 | Client := ApplicationName;
475 | Application.Title := ApplicationName;
476 | end;
477 | SunriseChatNetworkCore1.LocalUser.ClientVersion := ClientVersion;
478 | SunriseChatNetworkCore1.UDPPort := NetworkPort;
479 | SunriseChatNetworkCore1.SelectNetworkInterfaceByGUID(NetworkInterface);
480 | // SunriseChatCore.Init;
481 | RoomListChanged;
482 | // if FileExists(CustomizeFile) then ActionManager1.LoadFromFile(CustomizeFile);
483 | RefreshAppTitle;
484 | SunriseChatNetworkCore1.Active := True;
485 | SunriseChatNetworkCore1.AutoReconnect := True;
486 | end;
487 |
488 | procedure TMainWindow.InitTrayIcon;
489 | begin
490 | CoolTrayIcon1.MinimizeToTray:= MinimizeToTray;
491 | CoolTrayIcon1.IconIndex:= 5;
492 | CoolTrayIcon1.IconVisible:= True; //MinimizeToTray;
493 | if OnTop then FormStyle:= fsStayOnTop else FormStyle:= fsNormal;
494 |
495 | if MinimizeToTray then CoolTrayIcon1.HideTaskbarIcon
496 | else CoolTrayIcon1.ShowTaskbarIcon;
497 |
498 | // Hide MainForm at startup.
499 | if StartInTray then Application.ShowMainForm:= False;
500 | end;
501 |
502 | procedure TMainWindow.Koprovar1Click(Sender: TObject);
503 | begin
504 | RichView1.CopyText;
505 | //SendMessage(RichView1.Handle, WM_COPY, 0, 0);
506 | end;
507 |
508 | procedure TMainWindow.SunriseChatNetworkCore1AddMessage(
509 | EventType: TAppEventType; Room: TRoom; const Args: array of TVarRec;
510 | RoomLine: TRoomLine);
511 | var
512 | ForUser, ForUser2, MessageTime: string;
513 | Icon: TIcon;
514 | RichViewStyle: Integer;
515 | I, II: Integer;
516 | MessageTextTemp: string;
517 | TextStart, TextEnd: Integer;
518 | TemporaryText: string;
519 | UserNick: string;
520 | begin
521 | case EventType of
522 | aeUserChangeNick: RefreshAppTitle;
523 | aeCommonMessage, aeOneUserMessage: UserNick := string(Args[1].VPChar);
524 | end;
525 |
526 | // Format text line
527 | try
528 | RoomLine.Text := Format(AppEvents[Integer(EventType)].MessageText, Args);
529 | except
530 | ShowMessage('Chyba ve zprávě pro událost '+AppEvents[Integer(EventType)].EventName+'!');
531 | end;
532 |
533 | with AppEvents[Integer(EventType)] do begin
534 | if ShowWindow then CallUp; //CoolTrayIcon1.ShowMainForm;
535 | if not SoundDisable then begin
536 | if PlayBeep then Beep;
537 | if PlaySound then
538 | try
539 | MediaPlayer1.FileName := SoundFile;
540 | MediaPlayer1.Open;
541 | MediaPlayer1.Play;
542 | MPSetVolume(MediaPlayer1, SoundVolume);
543 | except
544 | Dialogs.ShowMessage('Zadaný zvukový soubor pro událost '+AppEvents[Integer(EventType)].EventName+' není audio soubor nebo nebyl nalezen!');
545 | end;
546 | end;
547 |
548 | try
549 | if ExecuteApplication then ShellLaunch(ApplicationFile);
550 | except
551 | Dialogs.ShowMessage('Zadaný program ke spuštění pro událost '+AppEvents[Integer(EventType)].EventName+' nebyl nalezen!');
552 | end;
553 |
554 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do
555 | if (not Visible) and ShowBalloonHint then
556 | CoolTrayIcon1.ShowBalloonHint(ApplicationName+' - Zpráva', RoomLine.Text, bitInfo, 10);
557 |
558 | // Change tray icon
559 | if ShowAlertIcon and MinimizeToTray and (not Visible) and FileExists(IconFile) then begin
560 | Icon:= TIcon.Create;
561 | try
562 | Icon.LoadFromFile(IconFile);
563 | CoolTrayIcon1.IconList.ReplaceIcon(6,Icon);
564 | CoolTrayIcon1.IconIndex:= 6;
565 | finally
566 | Icon.Free;
567 | end;
568 | end;
569 |
570 | if ShowMessage then with SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do begin
571 | // Set text font
572 | RoomLine.Font.Charset := MessageFont.Charset;
573 | RoomLine.Font.Name := MessageFont.Name;
574 | RoomLine.Font.Size := MessageFont.Size;
575 | RoomLine.Font.Style := MessageFont.Style;
576 | if EventType = aeOneUserMessage then begin
577 | RoomLine.Font.Color := MessageFont.Color;
578 | RoomLine.Font.Style := RoomLine.Font.Style + [fsBold];
579 | end;
580 |
581 | if (Room = nil) or (RoomList.IndexOf(ActiveRoom) = RoomList.IndexOf(Room)) then
582 | begin
583 | with RVStyle1.TextStyles do begin
584 | AddFontEx(RoomLine.Font.Name, RoomLine.Font.Size, RoomLine.Font.Color, RoomLine.Font.Style, RoomLine.Font.Charset);
585 |
586 | if ShowMessageTime then MessageTime := '['+TimeToStr(Now)+'] ' else MessageTime := '';
587 | RichView1.AddNamedCheckPoint('a');
588 | RichView1.AddFromNewLine(MessageTime, Count-1);
589 |
590 | // Process user defined events
591 | MessageTextTemp := RoomLine.Text;
592 | TextStart := 1;
593 | TextEnd := 1;
594 | while TextEnd <= Length(MessageTextTemp) do begin
595 | if (HttpHeader = Copy(MessageTextTemp, TextEnd, Length(HttpHeader))) or
596 | (ShareHeader = Copy(MessageTextTemp, TextEnd, Length(ShareHeader))) or
597 | (('"' + ShareHeader) = Copy(MessageTextTemp, TextEnd, Length(ShareHeader)+1)) then begin
598 | if (MessageTime = '') and (TextStart = 1) then RichView1.AddTextFromNewLine(Copy(MessageTextTemp,TextStart,TextEnd-TextStart),Count-1)
599 | else RichView1.AddText(Copy(MessageTextTemp,TextStart,TextEnd-TextStart),Count-1);
600 | TemporaryText := Copy(MessageTextTemp, TextEnd, High(Integer));
601 | if TemporaryText[1] = '"' then begin
602 | if Pos('"', Copy(TemporaryText, 2, High(Integer))) > 0 then
603 | TemporaryText := Copy(TemporaryText, 1, Pos('"', Copy(TemporaryText, 2, High(Integer)))+1)
604 | end else if(Pos(' ', TemporaryText)>0) then TemporaryText := Copy(TemporaryText, 1, Pos(' ', TemporaryText)-1);
605 | RichView1.Add(TemporaryText, rvsJump1);
606 | TextStart := TextEnd + Length(TemporaryText);
607 | TextEnd := TextStart-1;
608 | SetLength(HyperLinks, Length(HyperLinks) + 1);
609 | HyperLinks[High(HyperLinks)] := TemporaryText;
610 | end else
611 | for I := 0 to High(AppUserEvents) do
612 | with AppUserEvents[I] do begin
613 | if (((not ConditionUserEnable) or (ConditionUserEnable and (ConditionUser = UserNick))) and
614 | ((not ConditionTextEnable) or (ConditionTextEnable and (Length(ConditionText)>0)and (ConditionText = Copy(MessageTextTemp,TextEnd,Length(ConditionText))))) and
615 | ((not ConditionAppEventEnable) or (ConditionAppEventEnable and (ConditionAppEvent = Integer(EventType))))) and
616 | (ConditionAppEventEnable or ConditionTextEnable or ConditionUserEnable) then begin
617 | // Show image instead text
618 | if ShowImage and UserEventsImagesEnabled then begin
619 | if (MessageTime = '') and (TextStart = 1) then RichView1.AddTextFromNewLine(Copy(MessageTextTemp,TextStart,TextEnd-TextStart),Count-1)
620 | else RichView1.AddText(Copy(MessageTextTemp,TextStart,TextEnd-TextStart),Count-1);
621 |
622 | if not Assigned(Image) then begin
623 | Image:= TImage.Create(Self);
624 | if FileExists(ImageFile) then
625 | Image.Picture.LoadFromFile(ImageFile);
626 | end;
627 | if Assigned(Image.Picture.Graphic) then RichView1.AddImage(Image, False)
628 | else RichView1.AddText(ConditionText+'"Obrázek nenalezen!"',Count-1);
629 |
630 | TextStart:= TextEnd + Length(ConditionText);
631 | TextEnd:= TextStart-1;
632 | end;
633 |
634 | // Show call up
635 | if ShowWindow then CallUp; //CoolTrayIcon1.ShowMainForm;
636 |
637 | // Play sound
638 | if not SoundDisable then begin
639 | if PlayBeep then Beep;
640 | if PlaySound then
641 | try
642 | MediaPlayer1.FileName:= SoundFile;
643 | MediaPlayer1.Open;
644 | MediaPlayer1.Play;
645 | except
646 | Dialogs.ShowMessage('Zadaný zvukový soubor pro uživatelskou událost '+EventName+' není audio soubor nebo nebyl nalezen!');
647 | end;
648 | end;
649 | // Execute application
650 | try
651 | if ExecuteApplication then ShellLaunch(ApplicationFile);
652 | except
653 | Dialogs.ShowMessage('Zadaný program ke spuštění pro událost '+AppEvents[Integer(EventType)].EventName+' nebyl nalezen!');
654 | end;
655 |
656 | // Show balloon hint
657 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do
658 | if (not Visible) and ShowBalloonHint then with SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do
659 | CoolTrayIcon1.ShowBalloonHint(ApplicationName+' - Zpráva', RoomLine.Text, bitInfo,10);
660 |
661 | // Change tray icon
662 | if ShowAlertIcon and MinimizeToTray and (not Visible) and FileExists(IconFile) then begin
663 | Icon:= TIcon.Create;
664 | try
665 | Icon.LoadFromFile(IconFile);
666 | CoolTrayIcon1.IconList.ReplaceIcon(6,Icon);
667 | CoolTrayIcon1.IconIndex:= 6;
668 | finally
669 | Icon.Free;
670 | end;
671 | end;
672 | Break;
673 | end;
674 | end;
675 | TextEnd:= TextEnd + 1;
676 | end;
677 | if (MessageTime = '') and (TextStart = 1) then RichView1.AddTextFromNewLine(Copy(MessageTextTemp,TextStart,TextEnd-TextStart),Count-1)
678 | else RichView1.AddText(Copy(MessageTextTemp,TextStart,TextEnd-TextStart),Count-1);
679 | //Dialogs.ShowMessage(IntToStr(RichView1.CheckPointsCount));
680 | if RichView1.CheckPointsCount > SunriseChatNetworkCore1.MaxRoomLines then
681 | RichView1.DeleteSection('a');
682 | RichView1.Format;
683 | ScrollDownRichEdit1;
684 | RichView1.Paint;
685 | end;
686 | end else begin
687 | if RoomList.IndexOf(Room) < PageControl1.PageCount then
688 | with PageControl1.Pages[RoomList.IndexOf(Room)] do begin
689 | if ImageIndex = 25 then ImageIndex := 27;
690 | if ImageIndex = 26 then ImageIndex := 28;
691 | end;
692 | end;
693 | end else RoomLine.Text := '';;
694 | end;
695 | end;
696 |
697 | procedure TMainWindow.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
698 | var
699 | TargetUser: string;
700 | I: Integer;
701 | begin
702 | //raise Exception.Create('Test');
703 | if ComboBox1.Text <> '' then with SunriseChatNetworkCore1, ComboBox1 do begin
704 | TRoom(RoomList[PageControl1.TabIndex]).Select;
705 | LocalUser.Status := usOnline;
706 | if Pos(':', Text) > 0 then TargetUser := Copy(Text, 1, Pos(':', Text)-1)
707 | else TargetUser := '';
708 |
709 | I := 0;
710 | while (I < UserList.Count) and (TUser(UserList[I]).Nick <> TargetUser) do
711 | I := I + 1;
712 | if I < UserList.Count then begin
713 | SunriseChatNetworkCore1.SendCommand(scMessage, ComboBox1.Text,
714 | TUser(UserList[I]).Id.Machine, TUser(UserList[I]).Id.User);
715 | end else SendCommand(scMessage, ComboBox1.Text);
716 | end;
717 | ComboBox1.Text := '';
718 | ComboBox1.SetFocus;
719 | lComboBox1Change(Self);
720 | end;
721 |
722 | procedure TMainWindow.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
723 | begin
724 | FirstStart := False;
725 | Options.SaveToRegistry;
726 |
727 | LogExceptions.NazevAplikace := ApplicationName + ' ' +ClientVersion;
728 | if MinimizeToTray then CoolTrayIcon1.HideTaskbarIcon
729 | else CoolTrayIcon1.ShowTaskbarIcon;
730 | CoolTrayIcon1.IconIndex := 5;
731 | // Localization section
732 | with Localization do begin
733 | ActionAbout.Caption := Item('AboutProgram');
734 | ActionAway.Caption := Item('AwayMode');
735 | ActionBlockIP.Caption := Item('BlockUser');
736 | ActionCallUp.Caption := Item('CallUp');
737 | ActionClearMessageList.Caption := Item('ClearMessageList');
738 | ActionClose.Caption := Item('Close');
739 | ActionCreateRoom.Caption := Item('CreateRoom');
740 | ActionInfo.Caption := Item('Information');
741 | ActionInvisible.Caption := Item('Invisible');
742 | ActionNetworkTest.Caption := Item('NetworkTest');
743 | ActionOnline.Caption := Item('Online');
744 | ActionOptions.Caption := Item('Options');
745 | ActionRestore.Caption := Item('Restore');
746 | ActionStatus.Caption := Item('Status');
747 | ActionTestResponse.Caption := Item('ResponseTest');
748 | ActionUserRoom.Caption := Item('InviteUserToRoom');
749 | ActionChangeLog.Caption := Item('ChangeLog');
750 |
751 | SearchFind1.Caption := Item('SearchText');
752 | Label1.Caption := Item('UserList')+':';
753 | Label2.Caption := Item('MessageList')+':';
754 | Pedchozzprva1.Caption := Item('PreviousMessage');
755 | Doplnitjmno1.Caption := Item('CompleteUserName');
756 | Odejtzmstnosti1.Caption := Item('LeaveRoom');
757 | Button1.Caption := Item('Send');
758 | end;
759 | end;
760 |
761 | procedure TMainWindow.CallUp;
762 | begin
763 | CoolTrayIcon1.ShowMainForm;
764 | FormStyle := fsStayOnTop;
765 | // ShowMessage('Výzva');
766 | // CallUpWindow.Show;
767 | BringWindowToTop(Handle);
768 | //Timer1.Tag := 0;
769 | //Timer1.Enabled := True;
770 |
771 | //Windows.SetForegroundWindow(Handle);
772 | //BringToFront;
773 | //windows.SetFocus(Handle);
774 | //FormStyle := fsStayOnTop;
775 | // ShellLaunch('calc.exe');
776 | if not OnTop then FormStyle := fsNormal;
777 | //SwitchToThisWindow(Handle,True);
778 | //TabControl1Change(Self);
779 | // RichEdit1.Repaint;
780 | end;
781 |
782 | procedure TMainWindow.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
783 | begin
784 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1, LocalUser do begin
785 | Repaint;
786 | Beep;
787 | Timer1.Tag := Timer1.Tag + 1;
788 | if Timer1.Tag > 50 then Timer1.Enabled := False;
789 | // if SunriseChatCore.Connected then NewCaption:= '' else NewCaption:= '(offline)';
790 | // Caption:= 'SunriseChat'+NewCaption+' - '+SunriseChatCore.LocalUser.Nick;
791 | // Label1.Caption:= BoolToStr(CoolTrayIcon1.MinimizeToTray);
792 | // Label3.Caption:= BoolToStr(SunriseChatCore.fndTCPServer1.Active);
793 | // Label4.Caption:= IntToStr(SunriseChatCore.fndTCPServer1.ClientCount);
794 | end;
795 | end;
796 |
797 | procedure TMainWindow.ChangeRunOnLogon;
798 | begin
799 | // Check run on startup
800 | with TRegistry.Create do
801 | try
802 | RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
803 | OpenKey('\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', True);
804 | if RunOnLogon then WriteString(ApplicationName+'-'+SettingsName,'"'+Application.ExeName+'" "/s:'+SettingsName+'"')
805 | else DeleteValue(ApplicationName+'-'+SettingsName);
806 | finally
807 | Free;
808 | end;
809 | end;
810 |
811 | procedure TMainWindow.ChangeNetworkState;
812 | begin
813 | RefreshAppTitle;
814 | end;
815 |
816 | procedure TMainWindow.ShowUserList;
817 | var
818 | I: Integer;
819 | Node: TListItem;
820 | Index: Integer;
821 | LastCount: Integer;
822 | NewImageIndex: Integer;
823 |
824 | function StatusToImageIndex(Status: TUserStatusMode): Integer;
825 | begin
826 | if Status = usAway then Result:= 2
827 | else if Status = usWriting then Result:= 4
828 | else if Status = usInvisible then Result:= 7
829 | else if Status = usOffline then Result:= 7
830 | else Result:= 0;
831 | end;
832 |
833 | begin
834 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1, ListView1 do begin
835 | if Assigned(ListView1.Selected) then Index := ListView1.Selected.Index
836 | else Index := 0;
837 | LastCount := ListView1.Items.Count;
838 | //ListView1.Items.BeginUpdate;
839 | //ListView1.Items.Clear;
840 |
841 | // Add missing items to list
842 | for I := 1 to UserList.Count - Items.Count do begin
843 | Node := ListView1.Items.Add;
844 | with Node do begin
845 | Node.Caption := '';
846 | ImageIndex:= 0;
847 | end;
848 | end;
849 |
850 | // Delete excessive items from list
851 | for I := 1 to Items.Count - UserList.Count do Items.Delete(Items.Count-1);
852 |
853 | // Update all items
854 | for I := 0 to UserList.Count-1 do with TUser(UserList[I]), Items.Item[I] do begin
855 | if Caption <> Nick then Caption:= Nick;
856 | if (Now - LastTime)>OfflineTimeout then NewImageIndex:= 7 else begin
857 | if (IdleTime>(AutoAwayDelay * 60)) and (Status <> usAway) then NewImageIndex:= 1 else
858 | NewImageIndex:= StatusToImageIndex(Status);
859 | if BlockMessages then NewImageIndex:= 17;
860 | end;
861 | if NewImageIndex <> ImageIndex then ImageIndex:= NewImageIndex;
862 | end;
863 |
864 | //ListView1.Items.EndUpdate;
865 |
866 | // Select previous selected item
867 | try
868 | with ListView1 do
869 | if Items.Count>0 then
870 | if Index < Items.Count then Selected:= Items.Item[Index] else
871 | Selected:= Items.Item[Items.Count-1];
872 | except
873 | end;
874 |
875 | // Automatically change window height according to user list count
876 | if AutoChangeWindowHeight then
877 | if LastCount <> ListView1.Items.Count then begin
878 | LastCount:= ListView1.Items.Count;
879 | if LastCount < MinimumVisibleUsersCount then LastCount:= MinimumVisibleUsersCount;
880 | with MainWindow do begin
881 | if not AutoChangeWindowHeightDirectionDown then
882 | Top := Top - (LastCount * 17 - ListView1.Height + 10);
883 | Height := Height + (LastCount * 17 - ListView1.Height + 10);
884 | ListView1.Update;
885 | end;
886 | end;
887 | end;
888 | end;
889 |
890 | procedure TMainWindow.ComboBox1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
891 | begin
892 | if Key = #13 then begin
893 | with ComboBox1 do
894 | if DroppedDown and (Style <> csSimple) then begin
895 | DroppedDown:= False;
896 | Items.Clear;
897 | SelStart:= Length(ComboBox1.Text);
898 | ComboBox1.Style:= csSimple;
899 | end else Button1Click(Self);
900 | Key:= #0;
901 | end;
902 | end;
903 |
904 | procedure TMainWindow.ComboBox1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
905 | Shift: TShiftState);
906 | begin
907 | // ShowMessage(IntToStr(Key));
908 | if Key = 38 then ComboBox1.Text := UserLastText;
909 | if Key = 39 then with SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do DoplnitJmeno;
910 | end;
911 |
912 | procedure TMainWindow.ActionInfoExecute(Sender: TObject);
913 | begin
914 | InfoWindow.ShowModal;
915 | end;
916 |
917 | procedure TMainWindow.ActionAwayExecute(Sender: TObject);
918 | begin
919 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1, LocalUser do
920 | if Status <> usAway then begin
921 | Reason := DefaultReason;
922 | if ComboBox1.Text <> '' then begin
923 | Reason := ComboBox1.Text;
924 | ComboBox1.Text := '';
925 | end else
926 | if not InputQuery('Odchod pryč', 'Zadejte důvod nepřítomnosti', Reason) then Exit;
927 | ActionAway.Checked := True;
928 | Status := usAway;
929 | SendCommand(scUserInfo);
930 | ShowUserList;
931 | ComboBox1.Enabled := False;
932 | Button1.Enabled := False;
933 | end;
934 | //ShowUserList;
935 | end;
936 |
937 | procedure TMainWindow.ActionOnlineExecute(Sender: TObject);
938 | begin
939 | ActionOnline.Checked := True;
940 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1, LocalUser do begin
941 | if Status = usAway then begin
942 | Status := usOnline;
943 | SendCommand(scUserInfo);
944 | end;
945 | ShowUserList;
946 | end;
947 | ComboBox1.Enabled:= True;
948 | Button1.Enabled:= True;
949 | ShowUserList;
950 | end;
951 |
952 | procedure TMainWindow.ActionCloseExecute(Sender: TObject);
953 | begin
954 | CloseEnabled:= True;
955 | Close;
956 | end;
957 |
958 | procedure TMainWindow.ListView1Click(Sender: TObject);
959 | begin
960 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do
961 | if Assigned(ListView1.Selected) then with ListView1.Selected do begin
962 | if TUser(UserList[Index]).Status = usAway then
963 | AddMessage(aeUserGoAway, ActiveRoom, [TUser(UserList[Index]).Nick, TUser(UserList[Index]).Reason]);
964 | end;
965 | end;
966 |
967 | procedure TMainWindow.ActionTestResponseExecute(Sender: TObject);
968 | begin
969 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do
970 | if Assigned(ListView1.Selected) then with ListView1.Selected do begin
971 | SendCommand(scPing, TimeToStr(Now), TUser(UserList[Index]).Id.Machine, TUser(UserList[Index]).Id.User);
972 | AddMessage(aeSendPing, ActiveRoom, [TUser(UserList[Index]).Nick]);
973 | end;
974 | end;
975 |
976 | procedure TMainWindow.ActionRestoreExecute(Sender: TObject);
977 | begin
978 | CoolTrayIcon1.ShowMainForm;
979 | end;
980 |
981 | procedure TMainWindow.ActionInvisibleExecute(Sender: TObject);
982 | begin
983 | ActionInvisible.Checked := True;
984 | SunriseChatNetworkCore1.LocalUser.Status := usInvisible;
985 | ComboBox1.Enabled := False;
986 | Button1.Enabled := False;
987 | ShowUserList;
988 | end;
989 |
990 | procedure TMainWindow.ActionAboutExecute(Sender: TObject);
991 | begin
992 | AboutWindow.ShowModal;
993 | end;
994 |
995 | procedure TMainWindow.ActionOptionsExecute(Sender: TObject);
996 | begin
997 | OptionsWindow.ShowModal;
998 | end;
999 |
1000 | procedure TMainWindow.ActionCallUpExecute(Sender: TObject);
1001 | begin
1002 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do
1003 | if Assigned(ListView1.Selected) then with ListView1.Selected, TUser(UserList[Index]) do begin
1004 | AddMessage(aeSendCallUp, nil, [Nick]);
1005 | SendCommand(scCallUp, '', Id.Machine, Id.User);
1006 | end;
1007 | end;
1008 |
1009 |
1010 | procedure TMainWindow.TabControl1Change(Sender: TObject);
1011 | var
1012 | I, II: Integer;
1013 | ForUser: string;
1014 | MessageTime: string;
1015 | MessageTextTemp: string;
1016 | TextStart, TextEnd: Integer;
1017 | TemporaryText: string;
1018 | begin
1019 | SetLength(HyperLinks, 0);
1020 | SunriseChatNetworkCore1.ActiveRoom := SunriseChatNetworkCore1.RoomList[PageControl1.TabIndex];
1021 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1, TRoom(RoomList[PageControl1.TabIndex]) do begin
1022 | with PageControl1 do
1023 | if ActiveRoom.Typ = rtPublic then Pages[TabIndex].ImageIndex:= 25
1024 | else Pages[TabIndex].ImageIndex := 26;
1025 | RichView1.Clear;
1026 | ForUser := SunriseChatNetworkCore1.LocalUser.Nick+': ';
1027 | for II := 0 to Count-1 do
1028 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1, RVStyle1.TextStyles, TRoomLine(Lines[(StartLine+II) mod MaxRoomLines]) do begin
1029 |
1030 | AddFontEx(Font.Name, Font.Size, Font.Color, Font.Style, Font.Charset);
1031 | if ShowMessageTime then MessageTime := '['+TimeToStr(Time)+'] ' else MessageTime:= '';
1032 | RichView1.AddNamedCheckPoint('a');
1033 | RichView1.AddFromNewLine(MessageTime, Count-1);
1034 |
1035 | // Process user defined events
1036 | MessageTextTemp:= Text;
1037 | TextStart:= 1;
1038 | TextEnd:= 1;
1039 | while TextEnd <= Length(MessageTextTemp) do begin
1040 | if (HttpHeader = Copy(MessageTextTemp, TextEnd, Length(HttpHeader))) or
1041 | (ShareHeader = Copy(MessageTextTemp, TextEnd, Length(ShareHeader))) or
1042 | (('"' + ShareHeader) = Copy(MessageTextTemp, TextEnd, Length(ShareHeader)+1)) then begin
1043 | if (MessageTime = '') and (TextStart = 1) then RichView1.AddTextFromNewLine(Copy(MessageTextTemp,TextStart,TextEnd-TextStart),Count-1)
1044 | else RichView1.AddText(Copy(MessageTextTemp,TextStart,TextEnd-TextStart),Count-1);
1045 | TemporaryText := Copy(MessageTextTemp, TextEnd, High(Integer));
1046 | if TemporaryText[1] = '"' then begin
1047 | if Pos('"', Copy(TemporaryText, 2, High(Integer))) > 0 then
1048 | TemporaryText := Copy(TemporaryText, 1, Pos('"', Copy(TemporaryText, 2, High(Integer)))+1)
1049 | end else if(Pos(' ', TemporaryText)>0) then TemporaryText := Copy(TemporaryText, 1, Pos(' ', TemporaryText)-1);
1050 | RichView1.Add(TemporaryText, rvsJump1);
1051 | TextStart := TextEnd + Length(TemporaryText);
1052 | TextEnd := TextStart-1;
1053 | SetLength(HyperLinks, Length(HyperLinks)+1);
1054 | HyperLinks[High(HyperLinks)] := TemporaryText;
1055 | end else
1056 | for I:= 0 to High(AppUserEvents) do
1057 | with AppUserEvents[I] do begin
1058 | if (((not ConditionUserEnable) or (ConditionUserEnable and (ConditionUser = Nick))) and
1059 | ((not ConditionTextEnable) or (ConditionTextEnable and (ConditionText = Copy(MessageTextTemp,TextEnd,Length(ConditionText))))) and
1060 | (ConditionText <> '') and
1061 | ((not ConditionAppEventEnable) or (ConditionAppEventEnable and (ConditionAppEvent = Integer(EventType))))) and
1062 | (ConditionAppEventEnable or ConditionTextEnable or ConditionUserEnable) then begin
1063 | // Show image instead text
1064 | if ShowImage and UserEventsImagesEnabled then begin
1065 | if (MessageTime = '') and (TextStart = 1) then RichView1.AddTextFromNewLine(Copy(MessageTextTemp,TextStart,TextEnd-TextStart),Count-1)
1066 | else RichView1.AddText(Copy(MessageTextTemp,TextStart,TextEnd-TextStart),Count-1);
1067 | if not Assigned(Image) then begin
1068 | Image:= TImage.Create(Self);
1069 | if FileExists(ImageFile) then
1070 | Image.Picture.LoadFromFile(ImageFile);
1071 | end;
1072 | if Assigned(Image.Picture.Graphic) then RichView1.AddImage(Image, False)
1073 | else RichView1.AddText(ConditionText+'"Obrázek nenalezen!"',Count-1);
1074 | TextStart:= TextEnd + Length(ConditionText);
1075 | TextEnd:= TextStart-1;
1076 | Break;
1077 | end;
1078 | end;
1079 | end;
1080 | TextEnd:= TextEnd + 1;
1081 | end;
1082 | if (MessageTime = '') and (TextStart = 1) then RichView1.AddTextFromNewLine(Copy(MessageTextTemp,TextStart,TextEnd-TextStart),Count-1)
1083 | else RichView1.AddText(Copy(MessageTextTemp,TextStart,TextEnd-TextStart),Count-1);
1084 | end;
1085 | RichView1.Format;
1086 | ScrollDownRichEdit1;
1087 | RichView1.Paint;
1088 | end;
1089 | end;
1090 |
1091 | procedure TMainWindow.ActionBlockIPExecute(Sender: TObject);
1092 | begin
1093 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do
1094 | if Assigned(ListView1.Selected) then
1095 | with ListView1.Selected, TUser(UserList[Index]) do begin
1096 | BlockMessages:= not BlockMessages;
1097 | ShowUserList;
1098 | end;
1099 | end;
1100 |
1101 | procedure TMainWindow.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject;
1102 | var CanClose: Boolean);
1103 | begin
1104 | CanClose:= CloseEnabled;
1105 | if MinimalizeOnCloseWindow then begin
1106 | CoolTrayIcon1.HideMainForm;
1107 | end else CanClose:= True;
1108 | end;
1109 |
1110 | procedure TMainWindow.ActionUserRoomExecute(Sender: TObject);
1111 | begin
1112 | if Assigned(ListView1.Selected) then
1113 | with ListView1.Selected, SunriseChatNetworkCore1, TUser(UserList[Index]) do begin
1114 | if ActiveRoom.Typ = rtPublic then ShowMessage('Nelze pozvat uživatele do veřejné místnosti!')
1115 | else begin
1116 | SendCommand(scCreateRoom, '', Id.Machine, Id.User);
1117 | AddMessage(aeUserInvited, ActiveRoom, [Nick]);
1118 | //if (IP<>LocalUser.IP) or (ID<>LocalUser.ID) then SendCommand('CreateRoom','',LocalUser.IP,LocalUser.ID);
1119 | end;
1120 | end;
1121 | end;
1122 |
1123 | procedure TMainWindow.RoomListChanged;
1124 | var
1125 | I: Integer;
1126 | // T: TListBox;
1127 | NewTabSheet: TTabSheet;
1128 | begin
1129 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do with PageControl1 do begin
1130 | while PageCount>0 do Pages[0].Free;
1131 | for I:= 0 to RoomList.Count-1 do begin
1132 | NewTabSheet := TTabSheet.Create(PageControl1);
1133 | NewTabSheet.PageControl := PageControl1;
1134 | NewTabSheet.Caption := TRoom(RoomList[I]).Name;
1135 | if TRoom(RoomList[I]).Typ = rtPublic then NewTabSheet.ImageIndex:= 25
1136 | else NewTabSheet.ImageIndex:= 26;
1137 | end;
1138 | Visible := PageCount > 1;
1139 | if RoomList.IndexOf(ActiveRoom) = -1 then ActiveRoom := RoomList[0];
1140 | ActivePageIndex := RoomList.IndexOf(ActiveRoom);
1141 | PageControl1.TabIndex := ActivePageIndex;
1142 | TabControl1Change(Self);
1143 | end;
1144 | end;
1145 |
1146 | procedure TMainWindow.Odejtzmstnosti1Click(Sender: TObject);
1147 | begin
1148 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do
1149 | if PageControl1.ActivePageIndex = 0 then ShowMessage('Tuto místnost nelze zrušit')
1150 | else begin
1151 | SendCommand(scLeaveRoom);
1152 | DeleteRoom(PageControl1.ActivePageIndex);
1153 | TabControl1Change(Self);
1154 | end;
1155 | end;
1156 |
1157 | procedure TMainWindow.ActionCustomizeDlgExecute(Sender: TObject);
1158 | begin
1159 | FormStyle:= fsNormal;
1160 | CustomizeDlg1.Show;
1161 | // if OnTop then FormStyle:= fsStayOnTop;
1162 | end;
1163 |
1164 | procedure TMainWindow.PopupMenu2Popup(Sender: TObject);
1165 | begin
1166 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do
1167 | if Assigned(ListView1.Selected) then
1168 | with ListView1.Selected, SunriseChatNetworkCore1, TUser(UserList[Index]) do
1169 | BlokovatAdresu1.Checked:= BlockMessages;
1170 | end;
1171 |
1172 | procedure TMainWindow.WMQueryEndSession(var Message: TMessage);
1173 | { This method is a hack. It intercepts the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message.
1174 | This way we can decide if we want to ignore the "Close to tray" option.
1175 | Otherwise, when selected, the option would make Windows unable to shut down. }
1176 | begin
1177 | CloseEnabled:= True;
1178 | Message.Result:= 1;
1179 | end;
1180 |
1181 | procedure TMainWindow.Pedchozzprva1Click(Sender: TObject);
1182 | var
1183 | I: Integer;
1184 | begin
1185 | ComboBox1.Style:= csDropDown;
1186 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1, ComboBox1.Items do begin
1187 | BeginUpdate;
1188 | Clear;
1189 | for I := ActiveRoom.Count-1 downto 0 do with ActiveRoom, TRoomLine(Lines[(I + StartLine) mod MaxRoomLines]) do begin
1190 | Add(Text);
1191 | end;
1192 | Update;
1193 | EndUpdate;
1194 | if ComboBox1.Items.Count>0 then ComboBox1.DroppedDown:= True;
1195 | end;
1196 | end;
1197 |
1198 |
1199 | procedure TMainWindow.DoplnitJmeno;
1200 | var
1201 | I: Integer;
1202 | UserIndex: Integer;
1203 | NickCount: Integer;
1204 | begin
1205 | UserIndex := -1;
1206 | NickCOunt := 0;
1207 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do begin
1208 | for I := 0 to UserList.Count-1 do begin
1209 | if Length(ComboBox1.Text) <= Length(TUser(UserList[I]).Nick) then
1210 | if ComboBox1.Text = Copy(TUser(UserList[I]).Nick, 1, Length(ComboBox1.Text)) then begin
1211 | UserIndex := I;
1212 | NickCount := NickCount + 1;
1213 | end;
1214 | end;
1215 | if NickCount = 1 then begin
1216 | ComboBox1.Text:= TUser(UserList[UserIndex]).Nick + ': ';
1217 | ComboBox1.SelStart:= Length(ComboBox1.Text);
1218 | end else
1219 | if NickCount > 1 then FillComboBox;
1220 | end;
1221 | end;
1222 |
1223 | procedure TMainWindow.ActionNetworkTestExecute(Sender: TObject);
1224 | begin
1225 | NetworkTest.ShowModal;
1226 | end;
1227 |
1228 | procedure TMainWindow.ToolButton7Click(Sender: TObject);
1229 | begin
1230 | Application.Minimize;
1231 | end;
1232 |
1233 | procedure TMainWindow.Vloit1Click(Sender: TObject);
1234 | begin
1235 | SendMessage(ComboBox1.Handle, WM_PASTE, 0, 0);
1236 | end;
1237 |
1238 | procedure TMainWindow.Vloitsovodkaz1Click(Sender: TObject);
1239 | begin
1240 | if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin
1241 | if Pos(' ', OpenDialog1.FileName) > 0 then
1242 | ComboBox1.Text := ComboBox1.Text + '"' + OpenDialog1.FileName + '"'
1243 | else
1244 | ComboBox1.Text := ComboBox1.Text + OpenDialog1.FileName;
1245 | end;
1246 | end;
1247 |
1248 | procedure TMainWindow.CoolTrayIcon1Click(Sender: TObject);
1249 | begin
1250 | // RichEdit1.Lines.Add(IntToStr(GetForegroundWindow)+' '+IntToStr(MainWindow.Handle)+' '+IntToStr(Application.Handle));
1251 | // if GetForegroundWindow = Application.Handle then CoolTrayIcon1.HideMainForm else
1252 | if MainWindow.Visible then CoolTrayIcon1.HideMainForm else
1253 | CoolTrayIcon1.ShowMainForm;
1254 | end;
1255 |
1256 | procedure TMainWindow.ToolButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
1257 | begin
1258 | // ToolButton1.Marked := not ToolButton1.Marked;
1259 | PauseScrollText := ToolButton1.Down;
1260 | end;
1261 |
1262 | procedure TMainWindow.ToolButton3Click(Sender: TObject);
1263 | begin
1264 | ActionOptionsExecute(Self);
1265 | end;
1266 |
1267 | procedure TMainWindow.ToolButton2Click(Sender: TObject);
1268 | begin
1269 | ActionInfoExecute(Self);
1270 | end;
1271 |
1272 | procedure TMainWindow.ToolButton5Click(Sender: TObject);
1273 | begin
1274 | // ToolButton5.Marked:= not ToolButton5.Marked;
1275 | OnTop:= ToolButton5.Down;
1276 | InitTrayIcon;
1277 | end;
1278 |
1279 | procedure TMainWindow.ToolButton4Click(Sender: TObject);
1280 | begin
1281 | // ToolButton4.Marked:= not ToolButton4.Marked;
1282 | SoundDisable:= ToolButton4.Down;
1283 | end;
1284 |
1285 | procedure TMainWindow.ScrollDownRichEdit1;
1286 | begin
1287 | if not PauseScrollText then begin
1288 | RichView1.ScrollTo(High(Integer));
1289 | RichView1.Paint;
1290 | (*
1291 | // Scroll down Richedit
1292 | ScrollMessage.Msg:= WM_VScroll;
1293 |
1294 | ScrollMessage.ScrollCode:= sb_Bottom;
1295 | ScrollMessage.Pos:= 0;
1296 | RichEdit1.Dispatch(ScrollMessage);
1297 | if Win32Platform = 1 then begin
1298 | ScrollMessage.Msg:= WM_VScroll;
1299 | begin
1300 | ScrollMessage.ScrollCode:= SB_PAGEUP;
1301 | ScrollMessage.Pos:= 0;
1302 | RichEdit1.Dispatch(ScrollMessage);
1303 | end;
1304 | end;
1305 | *)
1306 | end;
1307 | end;
1308 |
1309 |
1310 | procedure TMainWindow.AppMessage(var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: Boolean);
1311 | begin
1312 | if Msg.Message = WM_SunriseChatStart then begin
1313 | if HWND(Msg.wParam) <> Application.Handle then begin
1314 | if OneAppInstance then begin
1315 | Application.Restore;
1316 | CoolTrayIcon1.ShowMainForm;
1317 | SetForeGroundWindow(Application.MainForm.Handle);
1318 | PostMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SunriseChatClose, Application.Handle, 0);
1319 | end;
1320 | end;
1321 | Handled := true;
1322 | end;
1323 | if Msg.Message = WM_SunriseChatClose then begin
1324 | if HWND(Msg.wParam) <> Application.Handle then begin
1325 | if OneAppInstance then begin
1326 | NoSaveToRegistry:= True;
1327 | StopProgram:= True;
1328 | end;
1329 | end;
1330 | Handled := true;
1331 | end;
1332 | end;
1333 |
1334 | procedure TMainWindow.RichEdit1MouseDown(Sender: TObject;
1335 | Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
1336 | begin
1337 | SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST,WM_SunriseChatStart,0,0);
1338 | end;
1339 |
1340 | procedure TMainWindow.RichView1Jump(Sender: TObject; id: Integer);
1341 | var
1342 | Url: string;
1343 | begin
1344 | Url := HyperLinks[id];
1345 | if Url[1] = '"' then Delete(Url, 1, 1);
1346 | if Pos('"', Url) > 0 then Delete(Url, Length(Url), 1);
1347 | ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(Url), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
1348 | end;
1349 |
1350 | procedure TMainWindow.lComboBox1Change(Sender: TObject);
1351 | begin
1352 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do begin
1353 | if (ComboBox1.Text = '') and (Length(LastText) > 0) then begin
1354 | LocalUser.Status := usOnline;
1355 | SendCommand(scUserInfo);
1356 | end;
1357 | if (Length(ComboBox1.Text) > 0) and (Length(LastText) = 0) then begin
1358 | LocalUser.Status := usWriting;
1359 | SendCommand(scUserInfo);
1360 | end;
1361 | LastText := ComboBox1.Text;
1362 | end;
1363 | // if Edit1.Text='' then SunriseChatCore.LocalUser.Status:= usOnline;
1364 | end;
1365 |
1366 | procedure TMainWindow.AddEvent(Name, Text: string; Options: TEventOptions);
1367 | begin
1368 | SetLength(AppEventsInit, Length(AppEventsInit) + 1);
1369 | with AppEventsInit[High(AppEventsInit)] do begin
1370 | EventName := Name;
1371 | ShowMessage := eoShowMessage in Options;
1372 | MessageText := Text;
1373 | MessageFont := TFont.Create;
1374 | ShowBalloonHint := eoShowBalloonHint in Options;
1375 | ShowAlertIcon := eoShowAlertIcon in Options;
1376 | ShowWindow := eoShowWindow in Options;
1377 | PlayBeep := eoPlayBeep in Options;
1378 | end;
1379 | end;
1380 |
1381 | procedure TMainWindow.SaveAppEventsToRegistry;
1382 | var
1383 | I: Integer;
1384 | begin
1385 | for I:= 0 to High(AppEventsOptions) do with AppEvents[I] do begin
1386 | MessageFontTemp.Color := MessageFont.Color;
1387 | MessageFontTemp.Style:= '';
1388 | if fsBold in MessageFont.Style then MessageFontTemp.Style := MessageFontTemp.Style + 'Bold,';
1389 | if fsItalic in MessageFont.Style then MessageFontTemp.Style := MessageFontTemp.Style + 'Italic,';
1390 | if fsUnderline in MessageFont.Style then MessageFontTemp.Style := MessageFontTemp.Style + 'Underline,';
1391 | if fsStrikeOut in MessageFont.Style then MessageFontTemp.Style := MessageFontTemp.Style + 'StrikeOut,';
1392 | MessageFontTemp.Charset := MessageFont.Charset;
1393 | MessageFontTemp.Size := MessageFont.Size;
1394 | MessageFontTemp.Name := MessageFont.Name;
1395 |
1396 | AppEventsOptions[I].SaveToRegistry;
1397 | AppEventsOptions[I].Free;
1398 | end;
1399 | SetLength(AppEventsOptions,0);
1400 | LoadAppEventsFromRegistry;
1401 | end;
1402 |
1403 | procedure TMainWindow.SaveAppUserEventsToRegistry;
1404 | var
1405 | I: Integer;
1406 | Max: Integer;
1407 | begin
1408 | AppUserEventsCount := Length(AppUserEvents);
1409 | Max := High(AppUserEventsOptions);
1410 | for I := 0 to Max do begin
1411 | if I<Length(AppUserEvents) then AppUserEventsOptions[I].SaveToRegistry;
1412 | //AppUserEventsOptions[I].Free;
1413 | if Assigned(JobProgressView) then JobProgressView.Progress := I/Max;
1414 | end;
1415 | //SetLength(AppUserEventsOptions,0);
1416 | //LoadAppUserEventsFromRegistry;
1417 | end;
1418 |
1419 | procedure TMainWindow.LoadAppEventsFromRegistry;
1420 | var
1421 | I: Integer;
1422 | Text: string;
1423 | begin
1424 | SetLength(AppEventsOptions,Length(AppEvents));
1425 | for I:= 0 to High(AppEventsOptions) do begin
1426 | //if not Assigned(AppEventsOptions[I]) then
1427 | AppEventsOptions[I] := TAutoRegistry.Create(RegistryPath+'\'+SettingsName+'\AppEvents\'+IntToStr(I));
1428 | with AppEventsOptions[I], AppEvents[I] do begin
1429 | Include('ShowWindow',ShowWindow,ShowWindow);
1430 | Include('ShowAlertIcon',ShowAlertIcon,ShowAlertIcon);
1431 | Include('ShowBaloonHint',ShowBalloonHint,ShowBalloonHint);
1432 | Include('PlayBeep',PlayBeep,PlayBeep);
1433 | Include('PlaySound',PlaySound,PlaySound);
1434 | Include('SoundFile',SoundFile,'');
1435 | Include('ExecuteApplication',ExecuteApplication,False);
1436 | Include('ApplicationFile',ApplicationFile,'');
1437 | Include('ShowMessage',ShowMessage,ShowMessage);
1438 | Include('MessageText',MessageText,MessageText);
1439 | Include('IconFile',IconFile,'Envelope.ico');
1440 | // Font
1441 | Include('FontColor',MessageFontTemp.Color,Integer(clBlack));
1442 | Include('FontStyle',MessageFontTemp.Style,'');
1443 | Include('FontCharset',MessageFontTemp.Charset,1);
1444 | Include('FontSize', MessageFontTemp.Size, 8);
1445 | Include('FontName', MessageFontTemp.Name, 'MS Sans Serif');
1446 | LoadFromRegistry;
1447 | MessageFont.Color := MessageFontTemp.Color;
1448 | while Pos(',', MessageFontTemp.Style)>0 do begin
1449 | Text:= Copy(MessageFontTemp.Style, 1, Pos(',', MessageFontTemp.Style)-1);
1450 | System.Delete(MessageFontTemp.Style, 1, Length(Text)+1);
1451 | if Text = 'Bold' then MessageFont.Style := MessageFont.Style + [fsBold];
1452 | if Text = 'Italic' then MessageFont.Style := MessageFont.Style + [fsItalic];
1453 | if Text = 'Underline' then MessageFont.Style := MessageFont.Style + [fsUnderline];
1454 | if Text = 'StrikeOut' then MessageFont.Style := MessageFont.Style + [fsStrikeOut];
1455 | end;
1456 | MessageFont.Charset := MessageFontTemp.Charset;
1457 | MessageFont.Size := MessageFontTemp.Size;
1458 | MessageFont.Name := MessageFontTemp.Name;
1459 | end;
1460 | end;
1461 | end;
1462 |
1463 | procedure TMainWindow.LoadAppUserEventsFromRegistry(UpdateOnly: Boolean = False);
1464 | var
1465 | I: Integer;
1466 | begin
1467 | SetLength(AppUserEventsOptions, AppUserEventsCount);
1468 | SetLength(AppUserEvents, AppUserEventsCount);
1469 | for I := 0 to AppUserEventsCount-1 do begin
1470 | //if not Assigned(AppEventsOptions[I]) then
1471 | AppUserEventsOptions[I] := TAutoRegistry.Create(RegistryPath+'\'+SettingsName+'\AppUserEvents\'+IntToStr(I));
1472 | with AppUserEventsOptions[I], AppUserEvents[I] do begin
1473 | Update := UpdateOnly;
1474 | Include('ConditionTextEnable', ConditionTextEnable, ConditionTextEnable);
1475 | Include('ConditionText', ConditionText, ConditionText);
1476 | Include('ConditionUserEnable', ConditionUserEnable, ConditionUserEnable);
1477 | Include('ConditionUser', ConditionUser, ConditionUser);
1478 | Include('ConditionAppEventEnable', ConditionAppEventEnable,ConditionAppEventEnable);
1479 | Include('ConditionAppEvent',ConditionAppEvent,ConditionAppEvent);
1480 | Include('ShowWindow',ShowWindow,ShowWindow);
1481 | Include('ShowAlertIcon',ShowAlertIcon,ShowAlertIcon);
1482 | Include('IconFile',IconFile,'Envelope.ico');
1483 | Include('ShowBaloonHint',ShowBalloonHint,ShowBalloonHint);
1484 | Include('PlayBeep',PlayBeep,PlayBeep);
1485 | Include('PlaySound',PlaySound,PlaySound);
1486 | Include('SoundFile',SoundFile,'');
1487 | Include('ExecuteApplication',ExecuteApplication,False);
1488 | Include('ApplicationFile',ApplicationFile,'');
1489 | Include('ShowImage',ShowImage,ShowImage);
1490 | Include('ImageFile',ImageFile,ImageFile);
1491 | Include('EventName',EventName,EventName);
1492 | LoadFromRegistry;
1493 | end;
1494 | if Assigned(JobProgressView) then JobProgressView.Progress := I / AppUserEventsCount;
1495 | end;
1496 | end;
1497 |
1498 | procedure TMainWindow.Log1Click(Sender: TObject);
1499 | begin
1500 | ProtocolMessageLogForm.Show;
1501 | end;
1502 |
1503 | procedure TMainWindow.RefreshAppTitle;
1504 | var
1505 | NewCaption: string;
1506 | Settings: string;
1507 | begin
1508 | if SettingsName = 'Default' then Settings:= '' else Settings:= '('+SettingsName+')';
1509 | if SunriseChatNetworkCore1.Connected then NewCaption:= '' else NewCaption:= ' (Offline)';
1510 | Caption:= ApplicationName+Settings+' - '+SunriseChatNetworkCore1.LocalUser.Nick+NewCaption;
1511 | end;
1512 |
1513 | procedure TMainWindow.ListView1InfoTip(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem;
1514 | var InfoTip: String);
1515 | begin
1516 | InfoTip:= TUser(SunriseChatNetworkCore1.UserList[Item.Index]).DetailInfo;
1517 | end;
1518 |
1519 | procedure TMainWindow.ActionCreateRoomExecute(Sender: TObject);
1520 | begin
1521 | NewRoom.ShowModal;
1522 | end;
1523 |
1524 | procedure TMainWindow.Doplnitjmno1Click(Sender: TObject);
1525 | begin
1526 | //if Pos(':',ComboBox1.Text) = 0 then
1527 | DoplnitJmeno;
1528 | ComboBox1.SelStart:= ComboBox1.SelStart + 1;
1529 | end;
1530 |
1531 | procedure TMainWindow.SearchFind1FindDialogFind(Sender: TObject);
1532 | //var
1533 | // FoundAt: LongInt;
1534 | // StartPos, ToEnd: Integer;
1535 | // STypes: TSearchTypes;
1536 | begin
1537 | (*
1538 | with SearchFind1, RichEdit1 do begin
1539 | if frWholeWord in Dialog.Options then STypes := STypes + [stWholeWord];
1540 | if frMatchCase in Dialog.Options then STypes := STypes + [stMatchCase];
1541 | if SelLength <> 0 then StartPos := SelStart + SelLength
1542 | else StartPos := 0;
1543 | ToEnd := Length(Text) - StartPos;
1544 | FoundAt := FindText(Dialog.FindText, StartPos, ToEnd, Stypes);
1545 | if FoundAt <> -1 then begin
1546 | SetFocus;
1547 | SelStart := FoundAt;
1548 | SelLength := Length(Dialog.FindText);
1549 | end else ShowMessage(Dialog.FindText+' nelze najít');
1550 | end;
1551 | *)
1552 | end;
1553 |
1554 | procedure TMainWindow.SearchFind1BeforeExecute(Sender: TObject);
1555 | begin
1556 | SearchFind1.Dialog.Options:= [frHideUpDown];
1557 | end;
1558 |
1559 | procedure TMainWindow.ActionClearMessageListExecute(Sender: TObject);
1560 | var
1561 | I: Integer;
1562 | begin
1563 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do begin
1564 | for I := 0 to ActiveRoom.Count-1 do
1565 | TRoomLine(ActiveRoom.Lines[I]).Font.Free;
1566 | ActiveRoom.Count := 0;
1567 | TabControl1Change(Self);
1568 | end;
1569 | end;
1570 |
1571 | procedure TMainWindow.InitSettings;
1572 | var
1573 | I: Integer;
1574 | begin
1575 | with Options, SunriseChatNetworkCore1 do begin
1576 | Include('UserEventsImagesEnabled', UserEventsImagesEnabled, True);
1577 | Include('ShowRightToolBar', ShowRightToolBar, True);
1578 | Include('MinimalizeOnCloseWindow', MinimalizeOnCloseWindow, False);
1579 | Include('DefaultReason', DefaultReason, 'Jsem pryč');
1580 | Include('NoResloveHostName', NoResloveHostName, False);
1581 | Include('ShowMainMenu', ShowMainMenu, True);
1582 | MainMenu1.Items.Visible := ShowMainMenu;
1583 | Include('ShowMessageTime', ShowMessageTime, False);
1584 | Include('AlphaBlend', AlphaBlendWindow, 255);
1585 | Include('UserListWidth', UserListWidth, 100);
1586 | Include('ShowOnMessage', ShowOnMessage, False);
1587 | Include('ShowBallonHint', ShowBallonHint, False);
1588 | Include('OnTop', OnTop, False);
1589 | Include('RunOnLogon', RunOnLogon, True);
1590 | Include('StartInTray', StartInTray, False);
1591 | Include('MinimizeToTray', MinimizeToTray, True);
1592 | Include('ServiceFunction', ServiceFunction, False);
1593 | Include('Nick', UserNick, 'Host');
1594 | Include('DetailInfo', LocalUser.DetailInfo, '');
1595 | LocalUser.NickTime := Now;
1596 | Include('Color', LocalUser.Color, 0);
1597 | Include('SnapWindow', SnapWindow, True);
1598 | Include('Port', NetworkPort, 55557);
1599 | Include('NetworkInterfaceGUID', NetworkInterface, '');
1600 | Include('PositionX',PositionX, Left);
1601 | if (PositionX < 0) or (PositionX > Screen.Width) then PositionX := 0;
1602 | Include('PositionY',PositionY,Top);
1603 | if (PositionY < 0) or (PositionY > Screen.Height) then PositionY := 0;
1604 | Include('SizeX', SizeX, Width);
1605 | Include('SizeY', SizeY, Height);
1606 | Include('WindowState', LastWindowState, Integer(fsNormal));
1607 | Include('AutoAwayIdleTime', UsersAutoAwayDelay, 5);
1608 | Include('PauseScrollText', PauseScrollText, False);
1609 | Include('SoundDisable', SoundDisable, False);
1610 | Include('OneAppInstance', OneAppInstance, True);
1611 | Include('MaxNumberOfRoomLines', MaxNumberOfRoomLines, 100);
1612 | Include('AutoChangeWindowHeight', AutoChangeWindowHeight, False);
1613 | Include('AutoChangeWindowHeightDirectionDown', AutoChangeWindowHeightDirectionDown, False);
1614 | Include('MinimumVisibleUsersCount', MinimumVisibleUsersCount, 8);
1615 | Include('PingTimeout', PingTimeout, 200);
1616 | Include('LanguageIndex', LanguageIndex, 0);
1617 | Include('InvisibledOnStart', InvisibledOnStart, False);
1618 | Include('AutoChangeInfoWindowHeight', AutoChangeInfoWindowHeight, True);
1619 | Include('AppUserEventsCount', AppUserEventsCount, 0);
1620 | Include('FirstStart', FirstStart, True);
1621 | Include('BroadcastType', BroadcastTypeI, 0);
1622 | Include('SoundVolume', SoundVolume, 1000);
1623 | LoadFromRegistry;
1624 | AutoAwayDelay := UsersAutoAwayDelay;
1625 | LocalUser.Nick := UserNick;
1626 | MPSetVolume(MediaPlayer1, SoundVolume);
1627 | SunriseChatNetworkCore1.BroadcastType := TBroadcastType(BroadcastTypeI);
1628 | if InvisibledOnStart then ActionInvisibleExecute(Self) else ActionOnlineExecute(Self);
1629 | Localization.Activate(LanguageIndex);
1630 | SunriseChatNetworkCore1.MaxRoomLines := MaxNumberOfRoomLines;
1631 | MainWindow.ScreenSnap := SnapWindow;
1632 | ToolButton1.Down := PauseScrollText;
1633 | ToolButton4.Down := SoundDisable;
1634 | ToolButton5.Down := OnTop;
1635 | Left := PositionX;
1636 | Top := PositionY;
1637 | Width := SizeX;
1638 | Height := SizeY;
1639 | WindowState := TWindowState(LastWindowState);
1640 | Panel2.Width := UserListWidth;
1641 | AlphaBlendValue := AlphaBlendWindow;
1642 | AlphaBlend := AlphaBlendValue < 255;
1643 |
1644 | // Initialisation of Events
1645 | AddEvent('Běžná zpráva', '<%0:s> %1:s', [eoShowMessage, eoPlayBeep, eoShowAlertIcon]);
1646 | AddEvent('Osobní zpráva', '<%0:s> %1:s', [eoShowMessage, eoPlayBeep, eoShowAlertIcon, eoShowBalloonHint]);
1647 | AddEvent('Uživatel se připojil', 'Uživatel %0:s se připojil z počítače %1:s', [eoShowMessage]);
1648 | AddEvent('Uživatel se odpojil', 'Uživatel %s se odpojil', [eoShowMessage]);
1649 | AddEvent('Uživatel obnoven', 'Uživatel %s obnoven', []);
1650 | AddEvent('Uživatel zmizel', 'Uživatel %s zmizel', []);
1651 | AddEvent('Uživatel odešel', 'Uživatel %0:s odešel: %1:s', [eoShowMessage]);
1652 | AddEvent('Uživatel se vrátil', 'Uživatel %s se vrátil', []);
1653 | AddEvent('Odeslání výzvy', 'Výzva uživateli %s byla odeslána', [eoShowMessage]);
1654 | AddEvent('Přijetí výzvy', 'Uživatel %s vás vyzval', [eoShowMessage, eoShowWindow, eoPlayBeep]);
1655 | AddEvent('Test odezvy', 'Odezva uživateli %s byla odeslána', [eoShowMessage]);
1656 | AddEvent('Přijetí odezvy', 'Odezva od uživatele %0:s přijata za %1:s sekund', [eoShowMessage]);
1657 | AddEvent('Změna jména uživatele', 'Uživatel %0:s se přejmenoval na %1:s', [eoShowMessage]);
1658 | AddEvent('Změna jména při konfliktu', 'Došlo ke konfliktu jmen. Měním vaše jméno na %s', [eoShowMessage]);
1659 | AddEvent('Vytvoření místnosti', 'Uživatel %0:s vytvořil místnost %1:s', [eoShowMessage]);
1660 | AddEvent('Opuštění místnosti', 'Uživatel %0:s opustil místnosti %1:s', [eoShowMessage]);
1661 | AddEvent('Uživatel automaticky odešel', 'Uživatel %0:s automaticky odešel po %1:s minutách nečinnosti', []);
1662 | AddEvent('Uživatel se automaticky vrátil', 'Uživatel %0:s se automaticky vrátil po %1:s minutách', []);
1663 | AddEvent('Celé hodiny', 'Je %0:d hodin', []);
1664 | AddEvent('Start aplikace', 'Vítá tě '+ApplicationName+'!', [eoShowMessage]);
1665 | AddEvent('Ukončení aplikace', 'Loučí se s tebou '+ApplicationName+'!', [eoShowMessage]);
1666 | AddEvent('Pozvání do soukromé místnosti', 'Uživatel %0:s pozván do místnosti', [eoShowMessage]);
1667 | AddEvent('Volitelná událost', 'Volitelná událost', []);
1668 | SetLength(AppEvents, Length(AppEventsInit));
1669 | for I := 0 to High(AppEventsInit) do
1670 | AppEvents[I] := AppEventsInit[I];
1671 | SetLength(AppEventsInit, 0);
1672 | LoadAppEventsFromRegistry;
1673 |
1674 | LoadAppUserEventsFromRegistry;
1675 | ReloadImages;
1676 |
1677 | CoolTrayIcon1.Hint := ApplicationName;
1678 | if OnTop then FormStyle := fsStayOnTop else FormStyle := fsNormal;
1679 | InitTrayIcon;
1680 | ChangeRunOnLogon;
1681 | Panel5.Visible := ShowRightToolBar;
1682 | Panel2.Visible := False;
1683 | Panel2.Visible := True;
1684 | end;
1685 | end;
1686 |
1687 | procedure TMainWindow.ComboBox1Change(Sender: TObject);
1688 | begin
1689 | lComboBox1Change(Self);
1690 | end;
1691 |
1692 | procedure TMainWindow.FillComboBox;
1693 | var
1694 | I: Integer;
1695 | begin
1696 | ComboBox1.Style:= csDropDown;
1697 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1, ComboBox1.Items do begin
1698 | BeginUpdate;
1699 | Clear;
1700 | for I := 0 to UserList.Count-1 do with TUser(UserList[I]) do begin
1701 | if Copy(Nick,1,Length(ComboBox1.Text)) = ComboBox1.Text then Add(Nick+': ');
1702 | end;
1703 | Update;
1704 | EndUpdate;
1705 | if ComboBox1.Items.Count>0 then ComboBox1.DroppedDown:= True;
1706 | end;
1707 | end;
1708 |
1709 | procedure TMainWindow.ActionChangeLogExecute(Sender: TObject);
1710 | begin
1711 | ShellLaunch(ChangeLogFile);
1712 | end;
1713 |
1714 | procedure TMainWindow.ComboBox1DropDown(Sender: TObject);
1715 | begin
1716 | ComboBox1.Style:= csSimple;
1717 | end;
1718 |
1719 | procedure TMainWindow.ComboBox1CloseUp(Sender: TObject);
1720 | begin
1721 | ComboBox1.Style:= csSimple;
1722 | ComboBox1.SelStart:= -1;
1723 | end;
1724 |
1725 | procedure TMainWindow.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
1726 | begin
1727 | ScrollDownRichEdit1;
1728 | end;
1729 |
1730 | procedure TMainWindow.ReloadImages;
1731 | var
1732 | I: Integer;
1733 | begin
1734 | RichView1.Clear;
1735 | for I:= 0 to High(AppUserEvents) do
1736 | if Assigned(AppUserEvents[I].Image) then FreeAndNil(AppUserEvents[I].Image);
1737 | TabControl1Change(Self);
1738 | (*
1739 | for I:= 0 to High(AppUserEvents) do
1740 | with AppUserEvents[I] do begin
1741 | if not Assigned(Image) then Image:= TImage.Create(Self);
1742 | if FileExists(ImageFile) then
1743 | Image.Picture.LoadFromFile(ImageFile);
1744 | end;
1745 | RichView1.Paint;
1746 | *)
1747 | end;
1748 |
1749 | procedure TMainWindow.ActionUserEventsListExecute(Sender: TObject);
1750 | var
1751 | I: Integer;
1752 | StringList: TStringList;
1753 | begin
1754 | ComboBox1.Style := csDropDown;
1755 | StringList := TStringList.Create;
1756 | try
1757 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1, StringList do begin
1758 | BeginUpdate;
1759 | for I := 0 to High(AppUserEvents) do with AppUserEvents[I] do begin
1760 | Add(ComboBox1.Text+EventName);
1761 | end;
1762 | Sort;
1763 | EndUpdate;
1764 | end;
1765 | with SunriseChatNetworkCore1, ComboBox1, Items do begin
1766 | BeginUpdate;
1767 | Clear;
1768 | AddStrings(StringList);
1769 | if Count>0 then DroppedDown:= True;
1770 | Update;
1771 | EndUpdate;
1772 | end;
1773 | finally
1774 | StringList.Free;
1775 | end;
1776 | end;
1777 |
1778 | procedure TMainWindow.ToolButton6Click(Sender: TObject);
1779 | begin
1780 | // ToolButton6.Marked := not ToolButton6.Marked;
1781 | ToolButton6.Repaint;
1782 | UserEventsImagesEnabled := not ToolButton6.Down;
1783 | TabControl1Change(Self);
1784 | end;
1785 |
1786 | procedure TMainWindow.Panel6Resize(Sender: TObject);
1787 | begin
1788 | RichView1.Width := Panel6.Width - 2;
1789 | RichView1.Height := Panel6.Height - 2;
1790 | end;
1791 |
1792 | procedure TMainWindow.SunriseChatNetworkCore1RoomListChanged;
1793 | begin
1794 | RoomListChanged;
1795 | end;
1796 |
1797 | procedure TMainWindow.SunriseChatNetworkCore1UserListUpdate;
1798 | begin
1799 | ShowUserList;
1800 | end;
1801 |
1802 | procedure TMainWindow.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
1803 | var
1804 | I: Integer;
1805 | begin
1806 | UsersAutoAwayDelay := SunriseChatNetworkCore1.AutoAwayDelay;
1807 | UserNick := SunriseChatNetworkCore1.LocalUser.Nick;
1808 | // IdleTrackerTerm;
1809 | //Timer1.Enabled:= False;
1810 | BroadcastTypeI := Integer(SunriseChatNetworkCore1.BroadcastType);
1811 | PositionX := Left;
1812 | PositionY := Top;
1813 | SizeX := Width;
1814 | SizeY := Height;
1815 | LastWindowState := Integer(WindowState);
1816 | UserListWidth := Panel2.Width;
1817 | if not NoSaveToRegistry then Options.SaveToRegistry;
1818 | ShowBallonHint := False;
1819 | SoundDisable := True;
1820 | SunriseChatNetworkCore1.SendCommand(scDisconnect);
1821 | Options.Free;
1822 | for I := 0 to High(AppEvents) do
1823 | AppEvents[I].MessageFont.Free;
1824 | for I := 0 to High(AppEventsOptions) do
1825 | AppEventsOptions[I].Free;
1826 | for I := 0 to High(AppUserEventsOptions) do
1827 | AppUserEventsOptions[I].Free;
1828 | end;
1829 |
1830 | procedure TMainWindow.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
1831 | //var
1832 | // I: Integer;
1833 | begin
1834 | SunriseChatNetworkCore1.SendCommand(scDisconnect);
1835 | Application.ProcessMessages;
1836 | Sleep(500);
1837 | SaveAppEventsToRegistry;
1838 | SaveAppUserEventsToRegistry;
1839 | end;
1840 |
1841 | end.
1842 |