1 | unit SunriseChatCoreUnit;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
7 | Forms, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, SunriseChatCoreUtils, DateUtils, Dialogs;
8 |
9 | const
10 | ProtocolVersion = 3;
11 | CoreVersion = '3.0';
12 | RemoveTimeout = 33/24/3600; // 33 seconds
13 | AliveCommandSendingPeriod = 5; // in seconds
14 |
15 | UserStatusModeText: array[0..4] of string = ('Online', 'Away', 'Writing',
16 | 'Invisible', 'Offline');
17 |
18 | DefaultEventsFormat: array[0..22] of string = ('<%0:s> %1:s', '<%0:s> %3:s: %1:s',
19 | 'User %0:s connected from %1:s', 'User %0:s disconnected', 'User %0:s restored',
20 | 'User %0:s timeout', 'User %0:s went off', 'User %0:s got beck',
21 | 'Callup sended to user %0:s', 'Callup received from user %0:s',
22 | 'Ping sended to user %0:s', 'Ping response received from user %0:s',
23 | 'User %0:s changed nick to %1:s', 'Nick %0:s conflict',
24 | 'Room %1:s created by user %0:s', 'User %0:s left room %1:s',
25 | 'User %0:s gone to auto away mode', 'User %0:s returned from auto away mode',
26 | '%0:s hours', 'Welcome %0:s!', 'Goodbye %0:s!', 'User %0:s invited to private room',
27 | 'Custom event');
28 |
29 | type
30 | TSunriseChatCore = class;
31 |
32 | TSystemCommand = (scUnknown, scMessage, scConnect, scDisconnect, scCallUp,
33 | scCallUpResponse, scPing, scPingResponse, scAlive, scWhoIs, scCreateRoom,
34 | scLeaveRoom, scUserInfo, scCustomCommand);
35 |
36 | TAppEventType = (aeCommonMessage, aeOneUserMessage, aeUserConnect,
37 | aeUserDisconnect, aeUserRestore, aeUserTimeout, aeUserGoAway, aeUserGoBack,
38 | aeSendCallUp, aeReceiveCallUp, aeSendPing, aePingResponse, aeUserChangeNick,
39 | aeUserChangeNickConflict, aeCreateRoom, aeLeaveRoom, aeUserAutoGoAway,
40 | aeUserAutoGoBack, aeShowHours, aeStart, aeEnd, aeUserInvited, aeCustomEvent);
41 |
42 | TMessageEvent = procedure (Text: string; Color: Integer) of object;
43 | TClassMethod = procedure of object;
44 |
45 | TRoomType = (rtPublic, rtPrivate);
46 | TRoomLine = class(TPersistent)
47 | public
48 | Nick: string;
49 | Text: string;
50 | Font: TFont;
51 | Time: TDateTime;
52 | EventType: TAppEventType;
53 | constructor Create;
54 | procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
55 | destructor Destroy; override;
56 | end;
57 |
58 | TRoom = class
59 | private
60 | FParent: TSunriseChatCore;
61 | public
62 | Id: Cardinal;
63 | Name: string;
64 | Typ: TRoomType;
65 | StartLine: Integer;
66 | Count: Integer;
67 | Lines: TList; // of TRoomLine;
68 | constructor Create(Parent: TSunriseChatCore);
69 | procedure Select;
70 | procedure Remove;
71 | destructor Destroy; override;
72 | end;
73 |
74 | TUserStatusMode = (usOnline, usAway, usWriting, usInvisible, usOffline);
75 |
76 | TClientIdentification = record
77 | Machine: Cardinal;
78 | User: Cardinal;
79 | end;
80 |
81 | TUser = class(TPersistent)
82 | private
83 | FParent: TSunriseChatCore;
84 | FNick: string;
85 | procedure SetNick(const Value: string);
86 | public
87 | HostName: string;
88 | Id: TClientIdentification;
89 | Female: Boolean;
90 | Color: Integer;
91 | Client: string;
92 | ClientVersion: string;
93 | CoreVersion: string;
94 | OSVersion: string;
95 | OSUser: string;
96 | Status: TUserStatusMode;
97 | LastTime: TDateTime; // Time of last Alive command (local)
98 | Delay: TDateTime; // Time between LastTime
99 | IdleTime: Integer; // User inactivity delay in seconds
100 | UpTime: TDateTime; // Time of start of user client application
101 | LocalSystemTime: TDateTime; // Current system time on user computer
102 | UserInfoTime: TDateTime; // Time of last UserInfo command
103 | NickTime: TDateTime; // Time of start of using nick
104 | Reason: string; // Reason in away mode
105 | Sequence: Integer; // Command sequence number
106 | ErrorCount: Integer; // Number of sequence errors
107 | BlockMessages: Boolean; // Blocking user activity
108 | DetailInfo: string; // User description
109 | property Nick: string read FNick write SetNick;
110 | constructor Create(Parent: TSunriseChatCore);
111 | procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
112 | end;
113 |
114 | TAddMessageMethod = procedure(EventType: TAppEventType; Room: TRoom;
115 | const Args: array of const; RoomLine: TRoomLine) of object;
116 |
117 | TSunriseChatCore = class(TComponent)
118 | private
119 | FCounter: Integer;
120 | FTimer1: TTimer;
121 | FOnAddMessage: TAddMessageMethod;
122 | FOnChangeNetworkState: TClassMethod;
123 | FOnUserListUpdate: TClassMethod;
124 | // FOnPingResponse: TClassMethod;
125 | // FOnCallUp: TClassMethod;
126 | // FOnNickChange: TClassMethod;
127 | FOnRoomListChanged: TClassMethod;
128 | FMaxRoomLines: Integer;
129 | LastHour: Word;
130 | FOnSendCommand: TGetStrProc;
131 | FUseDefaultEventsText: Boolean;
132 | procedure FTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
133 | procedure SetMaxRoomLines(Number: Integer);
134 | function SameClientId(Id1, Id2: TClientIdentification): Boolean;
135 | protected
136 | FActive: Boolean;
137 | procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean);
138 | public
139 | LocalUser: TUser;
140 | UserList: TList; // of TUser;
141 | ActiveRoom: TRoom;
142 | RoomList: TList; // of TRoom;
143 | FAutoAwayDelay: Integer;
144 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
145 | procedure DeleteRoom(RoomIndex: Integer);
146 | procedure AddMessage(MessageEventType: TAppEventType; Room: TRoom; const Args: array of const);
147 | procedure DeleteOfflineUsers;
148 | procedure UpdateUser(User: TUser);
149 | procedure SendCommand(Command: TSystemCommand; Text: string = '';
150 | DestinationMachineId: Cardinal = 0; DestinationUserId: Cardinal = 0);
151 | procedure ProcessCommand(Text: string);
152 | destructor Destroy; override;
153 | published
154 | property AutoAwayDelay: Integer read FAutoAwayDelay write FAutoAwayDelay;
155 | property UseDefaultEventsText: Boolean read FUseDefaultEventsText write FUseDefaultEventsText;
156 | property Active: Boolean read FActive write SetActive;
157 | property MaxRoomLines: Integer read FMaxRoomLines write SetMaxRoomLines;
158 | // property OnNickChange: TClassMethod read FOnNickChange write FOnNickChange;
159 | property OnUserListUpdate: TClassMethod read FOnUserListUpdate write FOnUserListUpdate;
160 | property OnAddMessage: TAddMessageMethod read FOnAddMessage write FOnAddMessage;
161 | property OnChangeNetworkState: TClassMethod read FOnChangeNetworkState write FOnChangeNetworkState;
162 | // property OnPingResponse: TClassMethod read FOnPingResponse write FOnPingResponse;
163 | // property OnCallUp: TClassMethod read FOnCallUp write FOnCallUp;
164 | property OnRoomListChanged: TClassMethod read FOnRoomListChanged write FOnRoomListChanged;
165 | property OnSendCommand: TGetStrProc read FOnSendCommand write FOnSendCommand;
166 | end;
167 |
168 | procedure Register;
169 |
170 | implementation
171 |
172 | uses
173 | UProtocolMessageLog;
174 |
175 | procedure Register;
176 | begin
177 | RegisterComponents('Chronosoft', [TSunriseChatCore]);
178 | end;
179 |
180 | { TSunriseChatCore }
181 |
182 | constructor TSunriseChatCore.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
183 | var
184 | NewRoom: TRoom;
185 | begin
186 | inherited;
187 | RoomList := TList.Create;
188 | UserList := TList.Create;
189 | LastHour := HourOf(Now);
190 | LocalUser := TUser.Create(Self);
191 | with LocalUser do begin
192 | OSVersion := GetWindowsVersionStr;
193 | OSUser := GetUserName;
194 | Status := usOnline;
195 | HostName := LocalHostName;
196 | //HostName := LocalHostName;
197 | Uptime := Now;
198 | Id.Machine := Random(High(Integer));
199 | Id.User := Random(High(Integer));
200 | end;
201 | LocalUser.CoreVersion := CoreVersion;
202 | FMaxRoomLines := 100;
203 | NewRoom := TRoom.Create(Self);
204 | with NewRoom do begin
205 | Id := 0;
206 | Name := 'Public';
207 | Typ := rtPublic;
208 | end;
209 | ActiveRoom := NewRoom;
210 | RoomList.Add(NewRoom);
211 | FActive := False;
212 |
213 | // Initialise timer
214 | FTimer1 := TTimer.Create(Self);
215 | FCounter := 0;
216 | with FTimer1 do begin
217 | Interval := 1000; // 1 second
218 | OnTimer := FTimer1Timer;
219 | Enabled := False;
220 | end;
221 | FUseDefaultEventsText := True;
222 | FAutoAwayDelay := 5;
223 | end;
224 |
225 | destructor TSunriseChatCore.Destroy;
226 | var
227 | I: Integer;
228 | begin
229 | Active := False;
230 | for I := 0 to UserList.Count - 1 do TList(UserList[I]).Free;
231 | UserList.Free;
232 | LocalUser.Free;
233 | for I := 0 to RoomList.Count - 1 do TRoom(RoomList[I]).Free;
234 | RoomList.Free;
235 | inherited;
236 | end;
237 |
238 | function TSunriseChatCore.SameClientId(Id1, Id2: TClientIdentification): Boolean;
239 | begin
240 | Result := (Id1.Machine = Id2.Machine) and (Id1.User = Id2.User);
241 | end;
242 |
243 | procedure TSunriseChatCore.ProcessCommand(Text: string);
244 | var
245 | SourceUser: TUser;
246 | TargetUSer: TUser;
247 | ProtocolVersion: Integer;
248 | Seq: Integer;
249 | Command: TSystemCommand;
250 | // Data: string;
251 | Part: string;
252 | I: Integer;
253 | IdleTime2: Integer;
254 | NewRoom: TRoom;
255 | UserListCount: Integer;
256 | Args: array of TVarRec;
257 | RoomId: Cardinal;
258 | RoomName: string;
259 | RoomType: TRoomType;
260 | TextMessage: string;
261 |
262 | function Parse: string;
263 | begin
264 | Result := Copy(Text, 1, Pos('|', Text)-1);
265 | Delete(Text, 1, Length(Result)+1);
266 | end;
267 |
268 | begin
269 | UserListCount := UserList.Count;
270 | SourceUser := TUser.Create(Self);
271 | TargetUSer := TUser.Create(Self);
272 | // OnAddMessage(Text,clSysMessage);
273 | //AddMessage(Command);
274 | with SourceUser do try
275 | ProtocolVersion := StrToInt(Parse);
276 | case ProtocolVersion of
277 | 3: begin
278 | SourceUser.Id.Machine := StrToInt64(Parse); // Source IP
279 | SourceUser.Id.User := StrToInt64(Parse); // Source ID
280 | TargetUser.Id.Machine := StrToInt64(Parse); // Destination IP
281 | TargetUser.Id.User := StrToInt64(Parse); // Destination ID
282 | Seq := StrToInt(Parse); // sequence command number
283 |
284 | ProtocolMessageLogForm.Memo1.Lines.Add('ProcessCommand: ' + Text);
285 | // Load source user data
286 | if SameClientId(TargetUser.Id, LocalUser.Id) then begin
287 | I := 0;
288 | while (I < UserList.Count) and not SameClientId(TUser(UserList[I]).Id, TargetUser.Id) do
289 | I := I + 1;
290 | if I < UserList.Count then
291 | TargetUser.Assign(UserList[I]);
292 | end;
293 |
294 | // Load source user data
295 | I := 0;
296 | while (I < UserList.Count) and not SameClientId(TUser(UserList[I]).Id, Id) do
297 | I := I + 1;
298 | if I < UserList.Count then begin
299 | SourceUser.Assign(UserList[I]);
300 | end else Sequence := Seq - 1;
301 | if Seq <> (SourceUser.Sequence + 1) then ErrorCount := ErrorCount + 1;
302 | Sequence := Seq;
303 | ProtocolMessageLogForm.Memo1.Lines.Add('ProcessCommand: UpdateUser ');
304 | UpdateUser(SourceUser);
305 |
306 | begin
307 | Command := TSystemCommand(StrToInt(Parse)); // Command
308 | case Command of
309 |
310 | scMessage: begin
311 | TextMessage := Parse;
312 | RoomId := StrToInt64(Parse);
313 | RoomName := Parse;
314 | RoomType := TRoomType(StrToInt(Parse));
315 |
316 | // Search room
317 | I := 0;
318 | while (I < RoomList.Count) and (TRoom(RoomList[I]).Id <> RoomId) do
319 | I := I + 1;
320 | if (RoomType = rtPublic) and (I = RoomList.Count) then begin
321 | NewRoom := TRoom.Create(Self);
322 | with NewRoom do begin
323 | Id := RoomId;
324 | Name := RoomName;
325 | Typ := RoomType;
326 | end;
327 | RoomList.Add(NewRoom);
328 | if Assigned(FOnRoomListChanged) then FOnRoomListChanged;
329 | end;
330 |
331 | UpdateUser(SourceUser);
332 | if (I < RoomList.Count) and not BlockMessages then begin
333 | if not SameClientId(TargetUser.Id, LocalUser.Id) then
334 | AddMessage(aeCommonMessage, TRoom(RoomList[I]), [Nick, TextMessage, Color])
335 | else AddMessage(aeOneUserMessage, TRoom(RoomList[I]), [Nick, TextMessage, Color, TargetUser.Nick]);
336 | end;
337 | end;
338 |
339 | scCreateRoom: begin
340 | RoomId := StrToInt64(Parse);
341 | RoomName := Parse;
342 | RoomType := TRoomType(StrToInt(Parse));
343 | //ShowMessage(LocalUser.IP+','+IP+' '+IntToStr(LocalUser.ID)+','+IntToStr(ID));
344 | if (RoomType = rtPublic) or ((RoomType = rtPrivate) and
345 | SameClientId(LocalUser.Id, TargetUser.Id)) then begin
346 | // Search room
347 | I := 0;
348 | while (I < RoomList.Count) and (TRoom(RoomList[I]).Id <> RoomId) do
349 | I := I + 1;
350 | if I < RoomList.Count then
351 | else begin
352 | NewRoom := TRoom.Create(Self);
353 | with NewRoom do begin
354 | Id := RoomId;
355 | Name := RoomName;
356 | Typ := RoomType;
357 | end;
358 | RoomList.Add(NewRoom);
359 | end;
360 | if Assigned(FOnRoomListChanged) then FOnRoomListChanged;
361 | AddMessage(aeCreateRoom, TRoom(RoomList[I]), [SourceUser.Nick, RoomName]);
362 | end;
363 | end;
364 |
365 | scLeaveRoom: begin
366 | RoomId := StrToInt64(Parse);
367 | RoomName := Parse;
368 |
369 | // Search room
370 | I := 0;
371 | while (I < RoomList.Count) and (TRoom(RoomList[I]).Id <> RoomId) do
372 | I := I + 1;
373 | if I < RoomList.Count then begin
374 | if Assigned(FOnRoomListChanged) then FOnRoomListChanged;
375 | AddMessage(aeLeaveRoom, TRoom(RoomList[I]), [Nick, RoomName]);
376 | end;
377 | end;
378 |
379 | scConnect: begin
380 | Nick := Parse;
381 | NickTime := StrToDateTime(Parse);
382 | if not SameClientId(LocalUser.Id, Id) then
383 | AddMessage(aeUserConnect, nil, [Nick, HostName])
384 | else AddMessage(aeStart, nil , [Nick]);
385 | SendCommand(scUserInfo);
386 | UpdateUser(SourceUser);
387 | end;
388 |
389 | scDisconnect: begin
390 | if not SameClientId(LocalUser.Id, Id) then
391 | AddMessage(aeUserDisconnect, nil, [Nick])
392 | else AddMessage(aeEnd, nil , [Nick]);
393 |
394 | // Delete disconnected user
395 | I := 0;
396 | while (I < UserList.Count) and not SameClientId(TUser(UserList[I]).Id, Id) do
397 | I := I + 1;
398 | if I < UserList.Count then begin
399 | TUser(UserList[I]).Free;
400 | UserList.Delete(I);
401 | end;
402 | if Assigned(OnUserListUpdate) then OnUserListUpdate;
403 | end;
404 |
405 | scCallUp: begin
406 | if (not BlockMessages) and SameClientId(LocalUser.Id, TargetUser.Id) then AddMessage(aeReceiveCallUp, nil, [Nick]);
407 | end;
408 |
409 | scPing: begin
410 | if SameClientId(LocalUser.Id, TargetUser.Id) then SendCommand(scPingResponse, Parse, TargetUser.Id.Machine, TargetUSer.Id.User);
411 | end;
412 |
413 | scPingResponse: begin
414 | if SameClientId(LocalUser.Id, TargetUser.Id) then AddMessage(aePingResponse, nil, [Nick,TimeToStr(Now - StrToTime(Parse))]);
415 | end;
416 |
417 | scAlive: begin
418 | Delay := Now - LastTime;
419 | LastTime := Now;
420 | if not TryStrToInt(Parse, IdleTime2) then IdleTime2 := 0;
421 | if (IdleTime2 > AutoAwayDelay * 60) and (IdleTime < AutoAwayDelay * 60) and (Status = usOnline) then begin
422 | AddMessage(aeUserGoAway, nil, [Nick, IntToStr(AutoAwayDelay)]);
423 | end;
424 | if (IdleTime > AutoAwayDelay * 60) and (IdleTime2 < AutoAwayDelay * 60) and (Status = usOnline) then begin
425 | AddMessage(aeUserAutoGoBack, nil, [Nick, IntToStr(IdleTime div 60)]);
426 | end;
427 | IdleTime := IdleTime2;
428 | UpdateUser(SourceUser);
429 | end;
430 |
431 | scWhoIs: begin
432 | //if SameClientId(LocalUser.Id, TargetUser.Id) then
433 | SendCommand(scUserInfo);
434 | end;
435 |
436 | scCustomCommand: begin
437 | while Length(Text) > 0 do begin
438 | SetLength(Args, Length(Args)+1);
439 | Args[High(Args)].VPChar := PChar(Parse);
440 | end;
441 | AddMessage(aeCustomEvent, nil, Args);
442 | end;
443 |
444 | scUserInfo: begin
445 | Part := Parse;
446 | if (Part <> Nick) and (NickTime <> 0) then AddMessage(aeUserChangeNick, nil, [Nick, Part]);
447 | FNick := Part;
448 | ProtocolMessageLogForm.Memo1.Lines.Add('ProcessCommand: UserInfo ' + FNick);
449 | NickTime := StrToDateTime(Parse);
450 | Color := StrToInt(Parse);
451 | Reason := Parse;
452 | Part := Parse;
453 | if TUserStatusMode(StrToInt(Part)) <> Status then
454 | case TUserStatusMode(StrToInt(Part)) of
455 | usAway: begin
456 | AddMessage(aeUserGoAway, nil, [Nick, Reason]);
457 | UpdateUser(SourceUser);
458 | end;
459 | usOnline: begin
460 | AddMessage(aeUserGoBack, nil, [Nick]);
461 | UpdateUser(SourceUser);
462 | end;
463 | end;
464 | Status := TUserStatusMode(StrToInt(Part));
465 | HostName := Parse;
466 | OSVersion := Parse;
467 | OSUser := Parse;
468 | Uptime := StrToDateTime(Parse);
469 | Client := Parse;
470 | ClientVersion := Parse;
471 | CoreVersion := Parse;
472 | LocalSystemTime := StrToDateTime(Parse);
473 | DetailInfo := Parse;
474 | UserInfoTime := Now;
475 |
476 | // Nick conflict test
477 | if (LocalUser.Nick = Nick) and not SameClientId(LocalUser.Id, Id) then begin
478 | if LocalUser.NickTime > NickTime then begin
479 | // Set nick to Host(Guest) n
480 | if Copy(LocalUser.Nick, 1, 4) = 'Host' then begin
481 | if TryStrToInt(Copy(LocalUser.Nick, 5, 255), I) then I := I + 1 else I := 1;
482 | end else I := 1;
483 | LocalUser.Nick := 'Host' + IntToStr(I);
484 | AddMessage(aeUserChangeNickConflict, nil, [LocalUser.Nick]);
485 | end else SendCommand(scUserInfo);
486 | end;
487 | UpdateUser(SourceUser);
488 | end;
489 | end;
490 | if (UserListCount <> UserList.Count) and (Command <> scConnect) and
491 | (Command <> scUserInfo) then
492 | AddMessage(aeUserRestore, nil, [SourceUser.Nick]);
493 | if Nick = '' then SendCommand(scWhoIs, '', Id.Machine, Id.User);
494 | end;
495 | end;
496 | end;
497 | except
498 | end;
499 | SourceUser.Free;
500 | TargetUSer.Free;
501 | end;
502 |
503 | procedure TSunriseChatCore.SendCommand(Command: TSystemCommand;
504 | Text: string = '';
505 | DestinationMachineId: Cardinal = 0; DestinationUserId: Cardinal = 0);
506 | var
507 | Data: string;
508 |
509 | procedure AddPart(Part: string);
510 | begin
511 | Data := Data + Part + '|';
512 | end;
513 |
514 | begin
515 | if LocalUser.Status <> usInvisible then begin
516 | //if not NoResloveHostName then
517 | Data := '';
518 | with LocalUser do begin
519 | AddPart(IntToStr(ProtocolVersion)); // Version of protocol
520 | AddPart(IntToStr(Int64(Id.Machine))); // Source machine id
521 | AddPart(IntToStr(Int64(Id.User))); // Source user id
522 | AddPart(IntToStr(Int64(DestinationMachineId))); // Destination machine id
523 | AddPart(IntToStr(Int64(DestinationUserId))); // Destination user id
524 | Sequence := Sequence + 1;
525 | AddPart(IntToStr(Sequence)); // Command sequence number
526 | AddPart(IntToStr(Integer(Command))); // Command
527 | case Command of
528 |
529 | scMessage: begin
530 | AddPart(Text); // Text
531 | AddPart(IntToStr(ActiveRoom.Id)); // Room name
532 | AddPart(ActiveRoom.Name); // Room name
533 | AddPart(IntToStr(Integer(ActiveRoom.Typ))); // Public or private room
534 | end;
535 |
536 | scConnect: begin
537 | AddPart(Nick);
538 | AddPart(DateTimeToStr(NickTime));
539 | end;
540 |
541 | scDisconnect: begin
542 | end;
543 |
544 | scCallUp: begin
545 | end;
546 |
547 | scCallUpResponse: begin
548 | end;
549 |
550 | scPing: begin
551 | AddPart(TimeToStr(Now)); // Send time
552 | end;
553 |
554 | scPingResponse: begin
555 | AddPart(Text); // Send time
556 | end;
557 |
558 | scAlive: begin
559 | AddPart(IntToStr(SecondsIdle));
560 | end;
561 |
562 | scWhoIs: begin
563 | end;
564 |
565 | scCreateRoom: begin
566 | AddPart(IntToStr(Int64(ActiveRoom.Id))); // Room Id
567 | AddPart(ActiveRoom.Name); // Room name
568 | AddPart(IntToStr(Integer(ActiveRoom.Typ))); // Public or private room
569 | end;
570 |
571 | scLeaveRoom: begin
572 | AddPart(IntToStr(Int64(Id))); // Room Id
573 | AddPart(ActiveRoom.Name); // Room name
574 | end;
575 |
576 | scUserInfo: begin
577 | AddPart(Nick); // User name
578 | AddPart(DateTimeToStr(NickTime)); // User name time
579 | AddPart(IntToStr(Color)); // Text color
580 | AddPart(Reason); // Away mode reason
581 | AddPart(IntToStr(Integer(Status))); // User status
582 | AddPart(HostName); // Local host name
583 | AddPart(OSVersion); // OS version
584 | AddPart(OSUser); // Logged user
585 | AddPart(DateTimeToStr(Uptime)); // Application uptime
586 | AddPart(Client); // Name of client application
587 | AddPart(ClientVersion); // Version of application
588 | AddPart(CoreVersion); // SunriseChatCoreVersion
589 | AddPart(DateTimeToStr(Now)); // Local system time
590 | AddPart(DetailInfo); // Detailed info about user
591 | end;
592 | end;
593 | end;
594 | if Assigned(ProtocolMessageLogForm) then
595 | ProtocolMessageLogForm.Memo1.Lines.Add('SendCommand: ' + Data);
596 | if Assigned(FOnSendCommand) then FOnSendCommand(Data + #13);
597 | end;
598 | end;
599 |
600 | procedure TSunriseChatCore.FTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
601 | begin
602 | if (FCounter mod AliveCommandSendingPeriod) = 0 then SendCommand(scAlive);
603 | DeleteOfflineUsers;
604 | if HourOf(Now) <> LastHour then begin
605 | LastHour := HourOf(Now);
606 | AddMessage(aeShowHours, nil, [HourOf(Now), MinuteOf(Now)]);
607 | end;
608 | FCounter := FCounter + 1;
609 | end;
610 |
611 | procedure TSunriseChatCore.DeleteOfflineUsers;
612 | var
613 | I: Integer;
614 | Changed: Boolean;
615 | begin
616 | I := 0;
617 | Changed := False;
618 | while (I < UserList.Count) do begin
619 | if (Now - TUser(UserList[I]).LastTime) > RemoveTimeout then begin
620 | AddMessage(aeUserTimeout, nil, [TUser(UserList[I]).Nick]);
621 | TUser(UserList[I]).Free;
622 | UserList.Delete(I);
623 | Changed := True;
624 | end else I := I + 1;
625 | end;
626 | if Changed and Assigned(FOnUserListUpdate) then FOnUserListUpdate;
627 | end;
628 |
629 | procedure TSunriseChatCore.UpdateUser(User: TUser);
630 | var
631 | I: Integer;
632 | NewUser: TUser;
633 | begin
634 | I := 0;
635 | while (I < UserList.Count) and not SameClientId(TUser(UserList[I]).Id, User.Id) do
636 | I := I + 1;
637 | if I = UserList.Count then begin
638 | NewUser := TUser.Create(Self);
639 | UserList.Add(NewUser);
640 | end;
641 | User.LastTime := Now;
642 | TUser(UserList[I]).Assign(User);
643 | if Assigned(FOnUserListUpdate) then FOnUserListUpdate;
644 | end;
645 |
646 | procedure TSunriseChatCore.AddMessage(MessageEventType: TAppEventType;
647 | Room: TRoom; const Args: array of const);
648 | var
649 | NewRoomLine: TRoomLine;
650 | RoomIndex: Integer;
651 | I: Integer;
652 | RoomListStartIndex: Integer;
653 | RoomListEndIndex: Integer;
654 | begin
655 | //if (StrPas(PChar(Args[0].VString)) <> '') then
656 | begin
657 | // Create new room line
658 | NewRoomLine := TRoomLine.Create;
659 | with NewRoomLine do begin
660 | if UseDefaultEventsText then try
661 | Text := Format(DefaultEventsFormat[Integer(MessageEventType)], Args);
662 | except
663 | raise Exception.Create('Default event text format error');
664 | end else Text := '';
665 | Time := Now;
666 | if MessageEventType in [aeOneUserMessage, aeCommonMessage] then begin
667 | Font.Color := Args[2].VInteger;
668 | end;
669 | end;
670 | NewRoomLine.EventType := MessageEventType;
671 |
672 | if Assigned(OnAddMessage) then OnAddMessage(MessageEventType, Room, Args, NewRoomLine);
673 |
674 | // Select target rooms
675 | if not Assigned(Room) then begin // nil = add to all rooms
676 | RoomListStartIndex := 0;
677 | RoomListEndIndex := RoomList.Count - 1;
678 | end else begin
679 | RoomListStartIndex := RoomList.IndexOf(Room);
680 | RoomListEndIndex := RoomList.IndexOf(Room);
681 | end;
682 |
683 | // Add new line
684 | for RoomIndex := RoomListStartIndex to RoomListEndIndex do
685 | if (RoomIndex < RoomList.Count) and (RoomIndex >= 0) then
686 | with TRoom(RoomList[RoomIndex]) do begin
687 | Count := Count + 1;
688 | if Count > FMaxRoomLines then begin
689 | StartLine := (StartLine + 1) mod FMaxRoomLines;
690 | Count := FMaxRoomLines;
691 | end;
692 | I := (StartLine + Count - 1) mod FMaxRoomLines;
693 | TRoomLine(Lines[I]).Assign(NewRoomLine);
694 | end;
695 | NewRoomLine.Free;
696 | end;
697 | end;
698 |
699 | procedure TSunriseChatCore.DeleteRoom(RoomIndex: Integer);
700 | begin
701 | TRoom(RoomList[RoomIndex]).Free;
702 | RoomList.Delete(RoomIndex);
703 | if Assigned(FOnRoomListChanged) then FOnRoomListChanged;
704 | end;
705 |
706 | procedure TSunriseChatCore.SetMaxRoomLines(Number: Integer);
707 | var
708 | I, II: Integer;
709 | begin
710 | FMaxRoomLines := Number;
711 | for I := 0 to RoomList.Count-1 do with TRoom(RoomList[I]) do begin
712 | for II := 0 to Lines.Count-1 do TRoomLine(Lines[II]).Free;
713 | Lines.Count := Number;
714 | for II := 0 to Lines.Count-1 do Lines[II] := TRoomLine.Create;
715 | end;
716 | end;
717 |
718 | procedure TSunriseChatCore.SetActive(const Value: Boolean);
719 | begin
720 | FTimer1.Enabled := Value;
721 | FActive := Value;
722 | end;
723 |
724 | { TRoom }
725 |
726 | constructor TRoom.Create(Parent: TSunriseChatCore);
727 | var
728 | I: Integer;
729 | begin
730 | FParent := Parent;
731 | ID := Random(High(Integer));
732 | Lines := TList.Create;
733 | Lines.Count := FParent.FMaxRoomLines;
734 | for I := 0 to Lines.Count-1 do begin
735 | Lines[I] := TRoomLine.Create;
736 | end;
737 | StartLine := 0;
738 | Count := 0;
739 | end;
740 |
741 | destructor TRoom.Destroy;
742 | var
743 | I: Integer;
744 | begin
745 | for I := 0 to Lines.Count-1 do TRoomLine(Lines[I]).Free;
746 | Lines.Free;
747 | inherited;
748 | end;
749 |
750 | procedure TRoom.Remove;
751 | begin
752 | with FParent.RoomList do
753 | if Id <> 0 then Delete(IndexOf(Self));
754 | end;
755 |
756 | procedure TRoom.Select;
757 | begin
758 | FParent.ActiveRoom := Self;
759 | end;
760 |
761 | { TUser }
762 |
763 | procedure TUser.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
764 | begin
765 | if Source is TUser then
766 | with TUser(Source) do begin
767 | Self.FNick := FNick;
768 | Self.HostName := HostName;
769 | Self.Id := Id;
770 | Self.Female := Female;
771 | Self.Color := Color;
772 | Self.Client := Client;
773 | Self.ClientVersion := ClientVersion;
774 | Self.CoreVersion := CoreVersion;
775 | Self.OSVersion := OSVersion;
776 | Self.OSUser := OSUser;
777 | Self.Status := Status;
778 | Self.LastTime := LastTime;
779 | Self.UpTime := UpTime;
780 | Self.LocalSystemTime := LocalSystemTime;
781 | Self.UserInfoTime := UserInfoTime;
782 | Self.NickTime := NickTime;
783 | Self.Reason := Reason;
784 | Self.Sequence := Sequence;
785 | Self.ErrorCount := ErrorCount;
786 | Self.BlockMessages := BlockMessages;
787 | Self.Delay := Delay;
788 | Self.DetailInfo := DetailInfo;
789 | Self.IdleTime := IdleTime;
790 | end else inherited;
791 | end;
792 |
793 | constructor TUser.Create(Parent: TSunriseChatCore);
794 | begin
795 | FParent := Parent;
796 | end;
797 |
798 | procedure TUser.SetNick(const Value: string);
799 | begin
800 | NickTime := Now;
801 | FNick := Value;
802 | FParent.SendCommand(scUserInfo);
803 | end;
804 |
805 | { TRoomLine }
806 |
807 | procedure TRoomLine.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
808 | begin
809 | if Source is TRoomLine then
810 | with TRoomLine(Source) do begin
811 | Self.Text := Text;
812 | Self.Font.Assign(Font);
813 | Self.Time := Time;
814 | Self.EventType := EventType;
815 | end else inherited;
816 | end;
817 |
818 | constructor TRoomLine.Create;
819 | begin
820 | Font := TFont.Create;
821 | end;
822 |
823 | destructor TRoomLine.Destroy;
824 | begin
825 | Font.Free;
826 | inherited;
827 | end;
828 |
829 | end.