1 | unit UInfoWindow;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
7 | Dialogs, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls;
8 |
9 | type
10 | TInfoWindow = class(TForm)
11 | Timer1: TTimer;
12 | Panel1: TPanel;
13 | Button2: TButton;
14 | Button1: TButton;
15 | ListView1: TListView;
16 | CheckBox1: TCheckBox;
17 | procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
18 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
19 | procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
20 | procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
21 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
22 | procedure CheckBox1Click(Sender: TObject);
23 | private
24 | { Private declarations }
25 | public
26 | { Public declarations }
27 | end;
28 |
29 | var
30 | InfoWindow: TInfoWindow;
31 |
32 | implementation
33 |
34 | uses UMainWindow, USunriseChatCore, DateUtils, ULocalization, Math;
35 |
36 | {$R *.dfm}
37 |
38 | procedure TInfoWindow.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
39 | begin
40 | Close;
41 | end;
42 |
43 | procedure TInfoWindow.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
44 | begin
45 | Button2Click(Self);
46 | with Localization do begin
47 | ListView1.Columns[0].Caption:= Item('Name');
48 | ListView1.Columns[1].Caption:= Item('LoggedUser');
49 | ListView1.Columns[2].Caption:= Item('UserDescription');
50 | ListView1.Columns[3].Caption:= Item('ComputerName');
51 | ListView1.Columns[4].Caption:= Item('IPAddress');
52 | ListView1.Columns[5].Caption:= Item('Status');
53 | ListView1.Columns[6].Caption:= Item('PresenceTime');
54 | ListView1.Columns[7].Caption:= Item('ApplicationName');
55 | ListView1.Columns[8].Caption:= Item('OSIndication');
56 | Button1.Caption:= Item('Ok');
57 | Button2.Caption:= Item('Restore');
58 | InfoWindow.Caption:= Item('Information');
59 | end;
60 | end;
61 |
62 | procedure TInfoWindow.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
63 | var
64 | I: Integer;
65 | Node: TListItem;
66 | Col: TListColumn;
67 | TextStatus: string;
68 | LinesCount: Integer;
69 | begin
70 | ListView1.Items.BeginUpdate;
71 | ListView1.Items.Clear;
72 | if MainWindow.ServiceFunction then
73 | with Localization, ListView1.Columns do begin
74 | if Count<10 then begin
75 | Col:= Add;
76 | Col.Caption:= Item('CoreVersion');
77 | Col.Width:= 60;
78 | Col:= Add;
79 | Col.Caption:= Item('TransferErrorCount');
80 | Col.Width:= 80;
81 | Col:= Add;
82 | Col.Caption:= Item('PacketSequenceNumber');
83 | Col.Width:= 80;
84 | Col:= Add;
85 | Col.Caption:= Item('IdleTime');
86 | Col.Width:= 60;
87 | Col:= Add;
88 | Col.Caption:= Item('LocalTime');
89 | Col.Width:= 80;
90 | //Width:= 690+300+60;
91 | end;
92 | end else begin
93 | for I:= ListView1.Columns.Count-1 downto 9 do
94 | ListView1.Columns.Delete(I);
95 | //Width:= 690;
96 | end;
97 | with MainWindow, SunriseChatCore do
98 | for I:= 0 to High(UserList) do with UserList[I] do begin
99 | Node:= InfoWindow.ListView1.Items.Add;
100 | Node.Caption:= Nick;
101 | with Node.SubItems do begin
102 | Add(OSUser);
103 | Add(DetailInfo);
104 | Add(HostName);
105 | Add(IP);
106 | TextStatus:= Status;
107 | if Status = usAway then TextStatus:= Localization.Item('AwayMode');;
108 | if Status = usWritting then TextStatus:= Localization.Item('WrittingMode');;
109 | Add(TextStatus);
110 | Add(TimeToStr((LocalSystemTime-UpTime)+(Now-UserInfoTime)));
111 | Add(Client+' '+ClientVersion);
112 | Add(OSVersion);
113 | if ServiceFunction then begin
114 | Add(CoreVersion);
115 | Add(IntToStr(ErrorCount));
116 | Add(IntToStr(Sequence));
117 | Add(TimeToStr(Delay));
118 | Add(TimeToStr(LocalSystemTime+(Now-UserInfoTime)));
119 | end;
120 | end;
121 | end;
122 | ListView1.Items.EndUpdate;
123 | if CheckBox1.Checked then begin
124 | // Change window height across list item count
125 | LinesCount := ListView1.Items.Count;
126 | if LinesCount < 5 then LinesCount := 4;
127 | Height := Height + (LinesCount*15 - ListView1.Height) + 36;
128 | if Height > (Screen.Height-50) then Height:= (Screen.Height-50);
129 | end;
130 | end;
131 |
132 | procedure TInfoWindow.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
133 | begin
134 | Button2Click(Self);
135 | end;
136 |
137 | procedure TInfoWindow.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
138 | begin
139 | if MainWindow.OnTop then FormStyle:= fsStayOnTop else FormStyle:= fsNormal;
140 | CheckBox1.Checked:= MainWindow.AutoChangeInfoWindowHeight;
141 | end;
142 |
143 | procedure TInfoWindow.CheckBox1Click(Sender: TObject);
144 | begin
145 | MainWindow.AutoChangeInfoWindowHeight:= CheckBox1.Checked;
146 | end;
147 |
148 | end.