source: trunk/compiler.lpi

Last change on this file was 1, checked in by chronos, 5 years ago
  • Added: Modified PL/0 compiler and interpreter for better readability.
File size: 1.6 KB
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3 <ProjectOptions>
4 <Version Value="11"/>
5 <General>
6 <Flags>
7 <MainUnitHasCreateFormStatements Value="False"/>
8 <MainUnitHasTitleStatement Value="False"/>
9 <MainUnitHasScaledStatement Value="False"/>
10 </Flags>
11 <SessionStorage Value="InProjectDir"/>
12 <MainUnit Value="0"/>
13 <Title Value="compiler"/>
14 <UseAppBundle Value="False"/>
15 <ResourceType Value="res"/>
16 </General>
17 <BuildModes Count="1">
18 <Item1 Name="Default" Default="True"/>
19 </BuildModes>
20 <PublishOptions>
21 <Version Value="2"/>
22 <UseFileFilters Value="True"/>
23 </PublishOptions>
24 <RunParams>
25 <FormatVersion Value="2"/>
26 <Modes Count="0"/>
27 </RunParams>
28 <Units Count="1">
29 <Unit0>
30 <Filename Value="compiler.pas"/>
31 <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
32 </Unit0>
33 </Units>
34 </ProjectOptions>
35 <CompilerOptions>
36 <Version Value="11"/>
37 <Target>
38 <Filename Value="compiler"/>
39 </Target>
40 <SearchPaths>
41 <IncludeFiles Value="$(ProjOutDir)"/>
42 <UnitOutputDirectory Value="lib/$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS)"/>
43 </SearchPaths>
44 <Parsing>
45 <SyntaxOptions>
46 <SyntaxMode Value="iso"/>
47 </SyntaxOptions>
48 </Parsing>
49 </CompilerOptions>
50 <Debugging>
51 <Exceptions Count="3">
52 <Item1>
53 <Name Value="EAbort"/>
54 </Item1>
55 <Item2>
56 <Name Value="ECodetoolError"/>
57 </Item2>
58 <Item3>
59 <Name Value="EFOpenError"/>
60 </Item3>
61 </Exceptions>
62 </Debugging>
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