source: trunk/PL0 original.txt

Last change on this file was 1, checked in by chronos, 5 years ago
  • Added: Modified PL/0 compiler and interpreter for better readability.
File size: 15.0 KB
1{ Source: }
3program pl0(input,output);
4{pl/0 compiler with code generation}
5label 99;
6const norw = 11; {no. of reserved words}
7 txmax = 100; {length of identifier table}
8 nmax = 14; {max. no. of digits in numbers}
9 al = 10; {length of identifiers}
10 amax = 2047; {maximum address}
11 levmax = 3; {maximum depth of block nesting}
12 cxmax = 200; {size of code array}
13type symbol =
14 (nul,ident,number,plus,minus,times,slash,oddsym,
15 eql,neq,lss,leq,gtr,geq,lparen,rparen,comma,semicolon,
16 period,becomes,beginsym,endsym,ifsym,thensym,
17 whilesym,dosym,callsym,constsym,varsym,procsym);
18 alfa = packed array [] of char;
19 object = (constant,varible,proc);
20 symset = set of symbol;
21 fct = (lit,opr,lod,sto,cal,int,jmp,jpc); {functions}
22 instruction = packed record
23 f: fct; {function code}
24 l: 0..levmax; {level}
25 a: 0..amax {displacement address}
26 end;
27{ lit 0,a : load constant a
28 opr 0,a : execute operation a
29 lod l,a : load varible l,a
30 sto l,a : store varible l,a
31 cal l,a : call procedure a at level l
32 int 0,a : increment t-register by a
33 jmp 0,a : jump to a
34 jpc 0,a : jump conditional to a }
35var ch: char; {last character read}
36 sym: symbol; {last symbol read}
37 id: alfa; {last identifier read}
38 num: integer; {last number read}
39 cc: integer; {character count}
40 ll: integer; {line length}
41 kk, err: integer;
42 cx: integer; {code allocation index}
43 line: array [1..81] of char;
44 a: alfa;
45 code: array [0..cxmax] of instruction;
46 word: array [1..norw] of alfa;
47 wsym: array [1..norw] of symbol;
48 ssym: array [char] of symbol;
49 mnemonic: array [fct] of
50 packed array [1..5] of char;
51 declbegsys, statbegsys, facbegsys: symset;
52 table: array [0..txmax] of
53 record name: alfa;
54 case kind: object of
55 constant: (val: integer);
56 varible, proc: (level, adr: integer)
57 end;
58procedure error(n: integer);
59begin writeln(' ****',' ': cc-1, '^',n: 2); err := err+1
60end {error};
62procedure getsym;
63 var i,j,k: integer;
65 procedure getch;
66 begin if cc = ll then
67 begin if eof(input) then
68 begin write(' program incomplete'); goto 99
69 end;
70 ll := 0; cc := 0; write(cx: 5,' ');
71 while not eoln(input) do
72 begin ll := ll+1; read(ch); write(ch); line[ll]:=ch
73 end;
74 writeln; readln; ll := ll + 1; line[ll] := ' ';
75 end;
76 cc := cc+1; ch := line[cc]
77 end {getch};
79begin {getsym}
80 while ch = ' ' do getch;
81 if ch in ['a'..'z'] then
82 begin {identifier or reserved word} k := 0;
83 repeat if k < al then begin k := k+1; a[k] := ch end; getch; until not(ch in ['a'..'z','0'..'9']); if k >= kk then kk := k else
84 repeat a[kk] := ' '; kk := kk-1
85 until kk = k;
86 id := a; i := 1; j := norw;
87 repeat k := (i+j) div 2;
88 if id <= word[k] then j := k-1; if id >= word[k] then i := k+1
89 until i > j;
90 if i-1 > j then sym := wsym[k] else sym := ident
91 end else
92 if ch in ['0'..'9'] then
93 begin {number} k := 0; num := 0; sym := number;
94 repeat num := 10*num + (ord(ch)-ord('0'));
95 k := k+1; getch
96 until not(ch in ['0'..'9']);
97 if k > nmax then error(30)
98 end else
99 if ch = ':' then
100 begin getch;
101 if ch = '=' then
102 begin sym := becomes; getch
103 end else sym := nul;
104 end else
105 begin sym := ssym[ch]; getch
106 end
107end {getsym};
109procedure gen(x: fct; y,z: integer);
110begin if cx > cxmax then
111 begin write(' program too long'); goto 99
112 end;
113 with code[cx] do
114 begin f := x; l := y; a := z
115 end;
116 cx := cx + 1
117end {gen};
119procedure test(s1,s2: symset; n: integer);
120begin if not(sym in s1) then
121 begin error(n); s1 := s1 + s2;
122 while not(sym in s1) do getsym
123 end
124end {test};
126procedure block(lev,tx: integer; fsys: symset);
127 var dx: integer; {data allocation index}
128 tx0: integer; {initial table index}
129 cx0: integer; {initial code index}
130 procedure enter(k: object);
131 begin {enter object into table}
132 tx := tx + 1;
133 with table[tx] do
134 begin name := id; kind := k;
135 case k of
136 constant: begin if num > amax then
137 begin error(30); num :=0 end;
138 val := num
139 end;
140 varible: begin level := lev; adr := dx; dx := dx + 1;
141 end;
142 proc: level := lev
143 end
144 end
145 end {enter};
147 function position(id: alfa): integer;
148 var i: integer;
149 begin {find indentifier id in table}
150 table[0].name := id; i := tx;
151 while table[i].name <> id do i := i-1;
152 position := i
153 end {position};
155 procedure constdeclaration;
156 begin if sym = ident then
157 begin getsym;
158 if sym in [eql, becomes] then
159 begin if sym = becomes then error(1);
160 getsym;
161 if sym = number then
162 begin enter(constant); getsym
163 end
164 else error(2)
165 end else error(3)
166 end else error(4)
167 end {constdeclaration};
169 procedure vardeclaration;
170 begin if sym = ident then
171 begin enter(varible); getsym
172 end else error(4)
173 end {vardeclaration};
175 procedure listcode;
176 var i: integer;
177 begin {list code generated for this block}
178 for i := cx0 to cx-1 do
179 with code[i] do
180 writeln(i:5, mnemonic[f]:5, 1:3, a:5)
181 end {listcode};
183 procedure statement(fsys: symset);
184 var i, cx1, cx2: integer;
185 procedure expression(fsys: symset);
186 var addop: symbol;
187 procedure term(fsys: symset);
188 var mulop: symbol;
189 procedure factor(fsys: symset);
190 var i: integer;
191 begin test(facbegsys, fsys, 24);
192 while sym in facbegsys do
193 begin
194 if sym = ident then
195 begin i:= position(id);
196 if i = 0 then error(11) else
197 with table[i] do
198 case kind of
199 constant: gen(lit, 0, val);
200 varible: gen(lod, lev-level, adr);
201 proc: error(21)
202 end;
203 getsym
204 end else
205 if sym = number then
206 begin if num > amax then
207 begin error(30); num := 0
208 end;
209 gen(lit, 0, num); getsym
210 end else
211 if sym = lparen then
212 begin getsym; expression([rparen]+fsys);
213 if sym = rparen then getsym else error(22)
214 end;
215 test(fsys, [lparen], 23)
216 end
217 end {factor};
219 begin {term} factor(fsys+[times, slash]);
220 while sym in [times, slash] do
221 begin mulop:=sym;getsym;factor(fsys+[times,slash]);
222 if mulop=times then gen(opr,0,4) else gen(opr,0,5)
223 end
224 end {term};
225 begin {expression}
226 if sym in [plus, minus] then
227 begin addop := sym; getsym; term(fsys+[plus,minus]);
228 if addop = minus then gen(opr, 0,1)
229 end else term(fsys+[plus, minus]);
230 while sym in [plus, minus] do
231 begin addop := sym; getsym; term(fsys+[plus,minus]);
232 if addop=plus then gen(opr,0,2) else gen(opr,0,3)
233 end
234 end {expression};
236 procedure condition(fsys: symset);
237 var relop: symbol;
238 begin
239 if sym = oddsym then
240 begin getsym; expression(fsys); gen(opr, 0, 6)
241 end else
242 begin expression([eql, neq, lss, gtr, leq, geq]+fsys);
243 if not(sym in [eql, neq, lss, leq, gtr, geq]) then
244 error(20) else
245 begin relop := sym; getsym; expression(fsys);
246 case relop of
247 eql: gen(opr, 0, 8);
248 neq: gen(opr, 0, 9);
249 lss: gen(opr, 0, 10);
250 geq: gen(opr, 0, 11);
251 gtr: gen(opr, 0, 12);
252 leq: gen(opr, 0, 13);
253 end
254 end
255 end
256 end {condition};
258 begin {statement}
259 if sym = ident then
260 begin i := position(id);
261 if i = 0 then error(11) else
262 if table[i].kind <> varible then
263 begin {assignment to non-varible} error(12); i := 0
264 end;
265 getsym; if sym = becomes then getsym else error(13);
266 expression(fsys);
267 if i <> 0 then
268 with table[i] do gen(sto, lev-level, adr)
269 end else
270 if sym = callsym then
271 begin getsym;
272 if sym <> ident then error(14) else
273 begin i := position(id);
274 if i = 0 then error(11) else
275 with table[i] do
276 if kind=proc then gen(cal, lev-level, adr)
277 else error(15);
278 getsym
279 end
280 end else
281 if sym = ifsym then
282 begin getsym; condition([thensym, dosym]+fsys);
283 if sym = thensym then getsym else error(16);
284 cx1 := cx; gen(jpc, 0, 0);
285 statement(fsys); code[cx1].a := cx
286 end else
287 if sym = beginsym then
288 begin getsym; statement([semicolon, endsym]+fsys);
289 while sym in [semicolon]+statbegsys do
290 begin
291 if sym = semicolon then getsym else error(10);
292 statement([semicolon, endsym]+fsys)
293 end;
294 if sym = endsym then getsym else error(17)
295 end else
296 if sym = whilesym then
297 begin cx1 := cx; getsym; condition([dosym]+fsys);
298 cx2 := cx; gen(jpc, 0, 0);
299 if sym = dosym then getsym else error(18);
300 statement(fsys); gen(jmp, 0, cx1); code[cx2].a := cx
301 end;
302 test(fsys, [], 19)
303 end {statement};
305begin {block} dx:=3; tx0:=tx; table[tx].adr:=cx; gen(jmp,0,0);
306 if lev > levmax then error(32);
307 repeat
308 if sym = constsym then
309 begin getsym;
310 repeat constdeclaration;
311 while sym = comma do
312 begin getsym; constdeclaration
313 end;
314 if sym = semicolon then getsym else error(5)
315 until sym <> ident
316 end;
317 if sym = varsym then
318 begin getsym;
319 repeat vardeclaration;
320 while sym = comma do
321 begin getsym; vardeclaration
322 end;
323 if sym = semicolon then getsym else error(5)
324 until sym <> ident;
325 end;
326 while sym = procsym do
327 begin getsym;
328 if sym = ident then
329 begin enter(proc); getsym
330 end
331 else error(4);
332 if sym = semicolon then getsym else error(5);
333 block(lev+1, tx, [semicolon]+fsys);
334 if sym = semicolon then
335 begin getsym;test(statbegsys+[ident,procsym],fsys,6)
336 end
337 else error(5)
338 end;
339 test(statbegsys+[ident], declbegsys, 7)
340 until not(sym in declbegsys);
341 code[table[tx0].adr].a := cx;
342 with table[tx0] do
343 begin adr := cx; {start adr of code}
344 end;
345 cx0 := 0{cx}; gen(int, 0, dx);
346 statement([semicolon, endsym]+fsys);
347 gen(opr, 0, 0); {return}
348 test(fsys, [], 8);
349 listcode;
350end {block};
352procedure interpret;
353 const stacksize = 500;
354 var p,b,t: integer; {program-, base-, topstack-registers}
355 i: instruction; {instruction register}
356 s: array [1..stacksize] of integer; {datastore}
357 function base(l: integer): integer;
358 var b1: integer;
359 begin b1 := b; {find base l levels down}
360 while l > 0 do
361 begin b1 := s[b1]; l := l - 1
362 end;
363 base := b1
364 end {base};
366begin writeln(' start pl/0');
367 t := 0; b := 1; p := 0;
368 s[1] := 0; s[2] := 0; s[3] := 0;
369 repeat i := code[p]; p := p + 1;
370 with i do
371 case f of
372 lit: begin t := t + 1; s[t] := a
373 end;
374 opr: case a of {operator}
375 0: begin {return}
376 t := b - 1; p := s[t + 3]; b := s[t + 2];
377 end;
378 1: s[t] := -s[t];
379 2: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := s[t] + s[t + 1]
380 end;
381 3: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := s[t] - s[t + 1]
382 end;
383 4: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := s[t] * s[t + 1]
384 end;
385 5: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := s[t] div s[t + 1]
386 end;
387 6: s[t] := ord(odd(s[t]));
388 8: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := ord(s[t] = s[t + 1])
389 end;
390 9: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := ord(s[t] <> s[t + 1])
391 end;
392 10: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := ord(s[t] < s[t + 1]) end; 11: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := ord(s[t] >= s[t + 1])
393 end;
394 12: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := ord(s[t] > s[t + 1])
395 end;
396 13: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := ord(s[t] <= s[t + 1])
397 end;
398 end;
399 lod: begin t := t + 1; s[t] := s[base(l) + a]
400 end;
401 sto: begin s[base(l)+a] := s[t]; writeln(s[t]); t := t - 1
402 end;
403 cal: begin {generate new block mark}
404 s[t + 1] := base(l); s[t + 2] := b; s[t + 3] := p;
405 b := t + 1; p := a
406 end;
407 int: t := t + a;
408 jmp: p := a;
409 jpc: begin if s[t] = 0 then p := a; t := t - 1
410 end
411 end {with, case}
412 until p = 0;
413 write(' end pl/0');
414end {interpret};
416begin {main program}
417 for ch := chr(0) to chr(255) do ssym[ch] := nul;
418 word[ 1] := 'begin '; word[ 2] := 'call ';
419 word[ 3] := 'const '; word[ 4] := 'do ';
420 word[ 5] := 'end '; word[ 6] := 'if ';
421 word[ 7] := 'odd '; word[ 8] := 'procedure ';
422 word[ 9] := 'then '; word[10] := 'var ';
423 word[11] := 'while ';
424 wsym[ 1] := beginsym; wsym[ 2] := callsym;
425 wsym[ 3] := constsym; wsym[ 4] := dosym;
426 wsym[ 5] := endsym; wsym[ 6] := ifsym;
427 wsym[ 7] := oddsym; wsym[ 8] := procsym;
428 wsym[ 9] := thensym; wsym[10] := varsym;
429 wsym[11] := whilesym;
430 ssym[ '+'] := plus; ssym[ '-'] := minus;
431 ssym[ '*'] := times; ssym[ '/'] := slash;
432 ssym[ '('] := lparen; ssym[ ')'] := rparen;
433 ssym[ '='] := eql; ssym[ ','] := comma;
434 ssym[ '.'] := period; ssym[ '#'] := neq;
435 ssym[ '<'] := lss; ssym[ '>'] := gtr;
436 ssym[ '['] := leq; ssym[ ']'] := geq;
437 ssym[ ';'] := semicolon;
438 mnemonic[lit] := ' lit'; mnemonic[opr] := ' opr';
439 mnemonic[lod] := ' lod'; mnemonic[sto] := ' sto';
440 mnemonic[cal] := ' cal'; mnemonic[int] := ' int';
441 mnemonic[jmp] := ' jmp'; mnemonic[jpc] := ' jpc';
442 declbegsys := [constsym, varsym, procsym];
443 statbegsys := [beginsym, callsym, ifsym, whilesym];
444 facbegsys := [ident, number, lparen];
445 page(output); err := 0;
446 cc := 0; cx := 0; ll := 0; ch := ' '; kk := al; getsym;
447 block(0, 0, [period]+declbegsys+statbegsys);
448 if sym <> period then error(9);
449 if err=0 then interpret else write(' errors in pl/0 program');
45099: writeln
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