1 | program compiler;
2 |
4 |
5 | {$R *.res}
6 |
7 | uses
8 | System.SysUtils, System.Classes, System.Generics.Collections;
9 |
10 | const
11 | NewLine = #13#10;
12 |
13 | type
14 | TStatement = class
15 | end;
16 |
17 | TBeginEnd = class(TStatement)
18 | Items: TObjectList<TStatement>;
19 | constructor Create;
20 | destructor Destroy; override;
21 | end;
22 |
23 | TFunctionCall = class(TStatement)
24 | Name: string;
25 | end;
26 |
27 | TProgram = class
28 | Main: TBeginEnd;
29 | procedure Clear;
30 | constructor Create;
31 | destructor Destroy; override;
32 | end;
33 |
34 | TCompiler = class
35 | private
36 | Functions: TStringList;
37 | SourcePos: Integer;
38 | Indentation: Integer;
39 | function IsAlphaNumeric(C: Char): Boolean;
40 | function IsSpecialSymbol(C: Char): Boolean;
41 | function IsWhiteSpace(C: Char): Boolean;
42 | function ReadNext: string;
43 | function CheckNext(Text: string): Boolean;
44 | function Expect(Text: string): Boolean;
45 | function ParseBeginEnd(var Block: TBeginEnd): Boolean;
46 | function ParseProgram(var Prog: TProgram): Boolean;
47 | function ParseStatement(var Statement: TStatement): Boolean;
48 | function ParseFunctionCall(var FuncCall: TFunctionCall): Boolean;
49 | procedure ErrorMsg(Text: string);
50 | procedure Emit(Text: string);
51 |
52 | procedure GenerateProgram(Prog: TProgram);
53 | procedure GenerateBeginEnd(BeginEnd: TBeginEnd);
54 | procedure GenerateStatement(Statement: TStatement);
55 | procedure GenerateFunctionCall(FuncCall: TFunctionCall);
56 | function GetInd: string;
57 | public
58 | Prog: TProgram;
59 | Source: string;
60 | Destination: string;
61 | procedure Compile;
62 | constructor Create;
63 | destructor Destroy; override;
64 | end;
65 |
66 | { TCompiler }
67 |
68 | function TCompiler.CheckNext(Text: string): Boolean;
69 | var
70 | P: Integer;
71 | Token: string;
72 | begin
73 | P := SourcePos;
74 | Token := ReadNext;
75 | Result := Token = Text;
76 | SourcePos := P;
77 | end;
78 |
79 | procedure TCompiler.Compile;
80 | begin
81 | SourcePos := 1;
82 | Destination := '';
83 | if Assigned(Prog) then
84 | FreeAndNil(Prog);
85 | ParseProgram(Prog);
86 | GenerateProgram(Prog);
87 | end;
88 |
89 | constructor TCompiler.Create;
90 | begin
91 | Prog := TProgram.Create;
92 | Functions := TStringList.Create;
93 | Functions.Add('WriteLn');
94 | end;
95 |
96 | destructor TCompiler.Destroy;
97 | begin
98 | FreeAndNil(Prog);
99 | FreeAndNil(Functions);
100 | inherited;
101 | end;
102 |
103 | procedure TCompiler.Emit(Text: string);
104 | begin
105 | Destination := Destination + Text;
106 | end;
107 |
108 | procedure TCompiler.ErrorMsg(Text: string);
109 | begin
110 | WriteLn('Error: ' + Text);
111 | end;
112 |
113 | function TCompiler.Expect(Text: string): Boolean;
114 | var
115 | Token: string;
116 | begin
117 | Token := ReadNext;
118 | if Token <> Text then
119 | ErrorMsg('Expected ' + Text + ' but ' + Token + ' found');
120 | Result := Token = Text;
121 | end;
122 |
123 | procedure TCompiler.GenerateBeginEnd(BeginEnd: TBeginEnd);
124 | var
125 | I: Integer;
126 | begin
127 | Emit(GetInd + 'begin' + NewLine);
128 | Inc(Indentation);
129 | for I := 0 to BeginEnd.Items.Count - 1 do begin
130 | GenerateStatement(BeginEnd.Items[I]);
131 | Emit(';' + NewLine);
132 | end;
133 | Dec(Indentation);
134 | Emit(GetInd + 'end');
135 | end;
136 |
137 | procedure TCompiler.GenerateFunctionCall(FuncCall: TFunctionCall);
138 | begin
139 | Emit(GetInd + FuncCall.Name);
140 | end;
141 |
142 | procedure TCompiler.GenerateProgram(Prog: TProgram);
143 | begin
144 | Indentation := 0;
145 | GenerateBeginEnd(Prog.Main);
146 | Emit('.' + NewLine);
147 | end;
148 |
149 | procedure TCompiler.GenerateStatement(Statement: TStatement);
150 | begin
151 | if Statement is TBeginEnd then GenerateBeginEnd(Statement as TBeginEnd)
152 | else if Statement is TFunctionCall then GenerateFunctionCall(Statement as TFunctionCall)
153 | else ErrorMsg('Unsuported statement type');
154 | end;
155 |
156 | function TCompiler.GetInd: string;
157 | begin
158 | REsult := StringOfChar(' ', Indentation * 2);
159 | end;
160 |
161 | function TCompiler.IsAlphaNumeric(C: Char): Boolean;
162 | begin
163 | Result := (C in ['a'..'z']) or (C in ['A'..'Z']) or (C in ['0'..'9'])
164 | end;
165 |
166 | function TCompiler.IsSpecialSymbol(C: Char): Boolean;
167 | begin
168 | Result := (C = ';') or (C = '.');
169 | end;
170 |
171 | function TCompiler.IsWhiteSpace(C: Char): Boolean;
172 | begin
173 | Result := (C = ' ') or (C = #9) or (C = #10) or (C = #13);
174 | end;
175 |
176 | function TCompiler.ParseBeginEnd(var Block: TBeginEnd): Boolean;
177 | var
178 | Statement: TStatement;
179 | begin
180 | Block := nil;
181 | Result := False;
182 | if CheckNext('begin') then begin
183 | Block := TBeginEnd.Create;
184 | Expect('begin');
185 | while not CheckNext('end') do begin
186 | Statement := nil;
187 | if not ParseStatement(Statement) then ErrorMsg('');
188 | if Assigned(Statement) then
189 | Block.Items.Add(Statement);
190 | end;
191 | Expect('end');
192 | Result := True;
193 | end;
194 | end;
195 |
196 | function TCompiler.ParseProgram(var Prog: TProgram): Boolean;
197 | begin
198 | Prog := TProgram.Create;
199 | Result := False;
200 | if not ParseBeginEnd(Prog.Main) then ErrorMsg('');
201 | Expect('.');
202 | Result := True;
203 | end;
204 |
205 | function TCompiler.ParseFunctionCall(var FuncCall: TFunctionCall): Boolean;
206 | var
207 | Token: string;
208 | I: Integer;
209 | begin
210 | FuncCall := nil;
211 | Result := False;
212 | Token := ReadNext;
213 | I := Functions.IndexOf(Token);
214 | if I <> -1 then begin
215 | FuncCall := TFunctionCall.Create;
216 | FuncCall.Name := Token;
217 | Result := True;
218 | end else ErrorMsg('Unknown command ' + Token);
219 | end;
220 |
221 | function TCompiler.ParseStatement(var Statement: TStatement): Boolean;
222 | begin
223 | Statement := nil;
224 | Result := False;
225 | if ParseBeginEnd(TBeginEnd(Statement)) then begin
226 | Expect(';');
227 | Result := True;
228 | end else if not CheckNext('end') then begin
229 | ParseFunctionCall(TFunctionCall(Statement));
230 | Expect(';');
231 | end;
232 | end;
233 |
234 | function TCompiler.ReadNext: string;
235 | var
236 | C: Char;
237 | begin
238 | Result := '';
239 | while SourcePos < Length(Source) do begin
240 | C := Source[SourcePos];
241 | Inc(SourcePos);
242 | if (Length(Result) = 0) and IsWhiteSpace(C) then Continue;
243 | if IsAlphaNumeric(C) then Result := Result + C
244 | else if IsSpecialSymbol(C) then begin
245 | if Length(Result) > 0 then begin
246 | Dec(SourcePos);
247 | Break;
248 | end else begin
249 | Result := Result + C;
250 | Break;
251 | end;
252 | end else begin
253 | Dec(SourcePos);
254 | Break;
255 | end;
256 | end;
257 | end;
258 |
259 | var
260 | Compiler: TCompiler;
261 | Lines: TStringList;
262 | { TBeginEnd }
263 |
264 | constructor TBeginEnd.Create;
265 | begin
266 | Items := TObjectList<TStatement>.Create;
267 | end;
268 |
269 | destructor TBeginEnd.Destroy;
270 | begin
271 | FreeAndNil(Items);
272 | inherited;
273 | end;
274 |
275 | { TProgram }
276 |
277 | procedure TProgram.Clear;
278 | begin
279 | if Assigned(Main) then FreeAndNil(Main);
280 | end;
281 |
282 | constructor TProgram.Create;
283 | begin
284 | Main := TBeginEnd.Create;
285 | end;
286 |
287 | destructor TProgram.Destroy;
288 | begin
289 | FreeAndNil(Main);
290 | inherited;
291 | end;
292 |
293 | begin
294 | try
295 | { TODO -oUser -cConsole Main : Insert code here }
296 | Compiler := TCompiler.Create;
297 | Lines := TStringList.Create;
298 | Lines.LoadFromFile('../../Example.pas');
299 | Compiler.Source := Lines.Text;
300 | Lines.Free;
301 | Compiler.Compile;
302 | WriteLn(Compiler.Destination);
303 | Lines := TStringList.Create;
304 | Lines.Text := Compiler.Destination;
305 | Lines.SaveToFile('../../Example.out');
306 | Lines.Free;
307 | Compiler.Free;
308 | except
309 | on E: Exception do
310 | Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);
311 | end;
312 | end.