
(PHP 3>= 3.0.6, PHP 4 )

odbc_fetch_into -- Fetch one result row into array


bool odbc_fetch_into ( resource result_id [, int rownumber, array result_array])

resource odbc_fetch_into ( resource result_id, array result_array [, int rownumber])

Returns the number of columns in the result; FALSE on error. result_array must be passed by reference, but it can be of any type since it will be converted to type array. The array will contain the column values starting at array index 0.

As of PHP 4.0.5 the result_array does not need to be passed by reference any longer.

As of PHP 4.0.6 the rownumber cannot be passed as a constant, but rather as a variable.

As of PHP 4.2.0 the result_array and rownumber have been swapped. This allows the rownumber to be a constant again. This change will also be the last one to this function.

Příklad 1. odbc_fetch_into() pre 4.0.6 example

$rc = odbc_fetch_into($res_id, $my_array);


$rc = odbc_fetch_into($res_id, $row, $my_array);
$rc = odbc_fetch_into($res_id, 1, $my_array);

Příklad 2. odbc_fetch_into() 4.0.6 example

$rc = odbc_fetch_into($res_id, $my_array);


$row = 1;
$rc = odbc_fetch_into($res_id, $row, $my_array);

Příklad 3. odbc_fetch_into() 4.2.0 example

$rc = odbc_fetch_into($res_id, $my_array);


$rc = odbc_fetch_into($res_id,$my_array, 2);