1 | <html style="width: 398; height: 220">
2 |
3 | <head>
4 | <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
5 | <title>Insert Sound</title>
6 |
7 | <script type="text/javascript" src="popup.js"></script>
8 |
9 | <script type="text/javascript">
10 | var preview_window = null;
11 |
12 | function Init() {
13 | __dlg_init();
14 | document.getElementById("f_url").focus();
15 | };
16 |
17 | function onOK() {
18 | var required = {
19 | "f_url": "You must enter the URL",
20 | "f_alt": "Please enter the alternate text"
21 | };
22 | for (var i in required) {
23 | var el = document.getElementById(i);
24 | if (!el.value) {
25 | alert(required[i]);
26 | el.focus();
27 | return false;
28 | }
29 | }
30 | // pass data back to the calling window
31 | var fields = ["f_url", "f_alt", "f_type", "f_autoplay", "f_hidden", "f_loop"];
32 | var param = new Object();
33 | for (var i in fields) {
34 | var id = fields[i];
35 | var el = document.getElementById(id);
36 | if (id == "f_autoplay" || id == "f_hidden") {
37 | if (el.checked) {
38 | param[id] = "true";
39 | } else {
40 | param[id] = "false";
41 | }
42 | } else {
43 | param[id] = el.value;
44 | }
45 | }
46 |
47 | if (preview_window) {
48 | preview_window.close();
49 | }
50 | __dlg_close(param);
51 | return false;
52 | };
53 |
54 | function onCancel() {
55 | if (preview_window) {
56 | preview_window.close();
57 | }
58 | __dlg_close(null);
59 | return false;
60 | };
61 |
62 | function onTestsound() {
63 | var f_url = document.getElementById("f_url");
64 | var url = f_url.value;
65 | if (!url) {
66 | alert("You have to enter an URL first");
67 | f_url.focus();
68 | return false;
69 | }
70 | var win = null;
71 | if (!document.all) {
72 | win = window.open(url, "ha_testsound", "width=100,height=100,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,personalbar=no,");
73 | } else {
74 | win = window.open(url, "ha_testsound", "width=100,height=100,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,location=no,channelmode=no,directories=no,");
75 | }
76 | return false;
77 | };
78 |
79 | function onChange() {
80 | var f_attlist = document.getElementById('f_attlist');
81 | var f_url = document.getElementById('f_url');
82 | var f_alt = document.getElementById('f_alt');
83 | var f_type = document.getElementById('f_type');
84 |
85 | var i=f_attlist.options.selectedIndex;
86 |
87 | f_url.value=f_attlist.options[i].value;
88 | if (f_url.value == "") {
89 | f_alt.value="";
90 | f_type.value="";
91 | } else {
92 | f_alt.value=f_attlist.options[i].text;
93 | var type=f_alt.value.replace(/^.*\./, "");
94 | if ( type != '' ) {
95 | f_type.value="audio/x-"+type;
96 | } else {
97 | f_type.value="audio/x-wav";
98 | }
99 | }
100 | return true;
101 | };
102 | </script>
103 |
104 | <style type="text/css">
105 | html, body {
106 | background: ButtonFace;
107 | color: ButtonText;
108 | font: 11px Tahoma,Verdana,sans-serif;
109 | margin: 0px;
110 | padding: 0px;
111 | }
112 | body { padding: 5px; }
113 | table {
114 | font: 11px Tahoma,Verdana,sans-serif;
115 | }
116 | form p {
117 | margin-top: 5px;
118 | margin-bottom: 5px;
119 | }
120 | .fl { width: 6em; float: left; padding: 2px 2px; text-align: right; }
121 | .fr { width: 7em; float: left; padding: 2px 2px; text-align: right; }
122 | fieldset { padding: 0px 10px 5px 5px; }
123 | select, input, button { font: 11px Tahoma,Verdana,sans-serif; }
124 | button { width: 70px; }
125 | .space { padding: 2px; }
126 |
127 | .title { background: #ddf; color: #000; font-weight: bold; font-size: 120%; padding: 3px 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;
128 | border-bottom: 1px solid black; letter-spacing: 2px;
129 | }
130 | form { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; }
131 | </style>
132 |
133 | </head>
134 |
135 | <body onload="Init()">
136 |
137 | <div class="title">Insert Sound</div>
138 |
139 | <form action="" method="get">
140 | <table border="0" width="100%" style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px">
141 | <tbody>
142 |
143 | <tr>
144 | <td style="width: 7em; text-align: right">Attachments:</td>
145 | <td><select name="attlist" id="f_attlist"
146 | onchange="return onChange();" style="witdth:100%">
147 | <option selected value="">-- Not selected --
148 | </select>
149 | </td>
150 | </tr>
151 | <tr>
152 | <td style="width: 7em; text-align: right">Sound URL:</td>
153 | <td><input type="text" name="url" id="f_url" style="width:75%"
154 | title="Enter the sound URL here" />
155 | <button name="testsound" onclick="return onTestsound();"
156 | title="Test the sound in a new window">TestSound</button>
157 | </td>
158 | </tr>
159 | <tr>
160 | <td style="width: 7em; text-align: right">Alternate text:</td>
161 | <td><input type="text" name="alt" id="f_alt" style="width:100%"
162 | title="For browsers that don't support embed tags" /></td>
163 | <input type="hidden" name="type" id="f_type">
164 | </tr>
165 | </tbody>
166 | </table>
167 |
168 | <p />
169 |
170 | <fieldset style="float:center; margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;">
171 | <legend>Attribute</legend>
172 | <table align="center" width="100%"><tr>
173 | <td nowrap>
174 | <div class="fl">Auto Play:</div>
175 | <input type="checkbox" name="autoplay" id="f_autoplay" value="1"
176 | title="start automatically after page loading" />
177 | </td>
178 | <td nowrap>
179 | <div class="fr">Hidden Control:</div>
180 | <input type="checkbox" name="hidden" id="f_hidden" value="1"
181 | title="Hide the sound control" />
182 | </td>
183 | <td nowrap>
184 | <div class="fr">Loop:</div>
185 | <input type="textfield" name="loop" id="f_loop" value="1" size="3"
186 | title="Repeat count" />
187 | </td>
188 | </tr></table>
189 | </fieldset>
190 |
191 | <div style="margin-top: 5px; text-align: right;">
192 | <hr />
193 | <button type="button" name="ok" onclick="return onOK();">OK</button>
194 | <button type="button" name="cancel" onclick="return onCancel();">Cancel</button>
195 | </div>
196 |
197 | </form>
198 |
199 | <script type="text/javascript">
200 | var tid;
201 | function init_attlist () {
202 | var options=window.dialogArguments;
203 | var sel=document.getElementById("f_attlist");
204 | if (options) {
205 | for (var i in options) {
206 | if ( i.match(/\.(mid|midi|wav|mp3|ra|au|snd)$/i) ) {
207 | var op = document.createElement("option");
208 | op.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i));
209 | op.value = options[i];
210 | sel.appendChild(op);
211 | }
212 | }
213 | }
214 | clearTimeout(tid);
215 | }
216 | // delay 0.1 sec to ensure attlist has been loaded by Init at body onload
217 | tid=setTimeout("init_attlist()", 100);
218 | </script>
219 | </body>
220 | </html>