1 | <?php
2 |
3 | /* Manage installed modules */
4 | class ModuleManager
5 | {
6 | public array $Modules; // Module
7 | public System $System;
8 | public string $FileName;
9 | public string $ModulesDir;
10 | public $OnLoadModules;
11 | public $OnInstallModel;
12 | public $OnUninstallModel;
13 | public $OnInstallModule;
14 | public $OnUninstallModule;
15 | public $OnModuleChange;
16 | private int $NewModuleId;
17 |
18 | function __construct(System $System)
19 | {
20 | $this->Modules = array();
21 | $this->System = &$System;
22 | $this->FileName = dirname(__FILE__).'/../../Config/ModulesConfig.php';
23 | $this->ModulesDir = dirname(__FILE__).'/../../Modules';
24 | $this->OnInstallModel = null;
25 | $this->OnUninstallModel = null;
26 | $this->OnInstallModule = null;
27 | $this->OnUninstallModule = null;
28 | $this->OnModuleChange = null;
29 | $this->NewModuleId = 1;
30 | }
31 |
32 | function Perform(array $Actions, array $Conditions = array(ModuleCondition::All)): void
33 | {
34 | $this->PerformList($this->Modules, $Actions, $Conditions);
35 | }
36 |
37 | function PerformList(array $List, array $Actions, array $Conditions = array(ModuleCondition::All)): void
38 | {
39 | foreach ($List as $Module)
40 | {
41 | if (in_array(ModuleCondition::All, $Conditions) or
42 | ($Module->Running and in_array(ModuleCondition::Running, $Conditions)) or
43 | (!$Module->Running and in_array(ModuleCondition::NotRunning, $Conditions)) or
44 | ($Module->Installed and in_array(ModuleCondition::Installed, $Conditions)) or
45 | (!$Module->Installed and in_array(ModuleCondition::NotInstalled, $Conditions)) or
46 | ($Module->Enabled and in_array(ModuleCondition::Enabled, $Conditions)) or
47 | (!$Module->Enabled and in_array(ModuleCondition::NotEnabled, $Conditions)) or
48 | (($Module->Type == ModuleType::System) and in_array(ModuleCondition::System, $Conditions)) or
49 | (($Module->Type == ModuleType::Application) and in_array(ModuleCondition::Application, $Conditions)) or
50 | (($Module->Type == ModuleType::Library) and in_array(ModuleCondition::Library, $Conditions)))
51 | {
52 | foreach ($Actions as $Action)
53 | {
54 | if ($Action == ModuleAction::Start) $Module->Start();
55 | if ($Action == ModuleAction::Stop) $Module->Stop();
56 | if ($Action == ModuleAction::Install) $Module->Install();
57 | if ($Action == ModuleAction::Uninstall) $Module->Uninstall();
58 | if ($Action == ModuleAction::Enable) $Module->Enable();
59 | if ($Action == ModuleAction::Disable) $Module->Disable();
60 | if ($Action == ModuleAction::Upgrade) $Module->Upgrade();
61 | if ($Action == ModuleAction::InsertSampleData) $Module->InsertSampleData();
62 | }
63 | }
64 | }
65 | }
66 |
67 | function EnumDependenciesCascade(Module $Module, array &$List, array $Conditions = array(ModuleCondition::All))
68 | {
69 | foreach ($Module->Dependencies as $Dependency)
70 | {
71 | if (!array_key_exists($Dependency, $this->Modules))
72 | throw new Exception(sprintf(T('Module "%s" dependency "%s" not found'), $Module->Name, $Dependency));
73 | $DepModule = $this->Modules[$Dependency];
74 | if (in_array(ModuleCondition::All, $Conditions) or
75 | ($DepModule->Running and in_array(ModuleCondition::Running, $Conditions)) or
76 | (!$DepModule->Running and in_array(ModuleCondition::NotRunning, $Conditions)) or
77 | ($DepModule->Enabled and in_array(ModuleCondition::Enabled, $Conditions)) or
78 | (!$DepModule->Enabled and in_array(ModuleCondition::NotEnabled, $Conditions)) or
79 | ($DepModule->Installed and in_array(ModuleCondition::Installed, $Conditions)) or
80 | (!$DepModule->Installed and in_array(ModuleCondition::NotInstalled, $Conditions)) or
81 | (($DepModule->Type == ModuleType::System) and in_array(ModuleCondition::System, $Conditions)) or
82 | (($DepModule->Type == ModuleType::Application) and in_array(ModuleCondition::Application, $Conditions)) or
83 | (($DepModule->Type == ModuleType::Library) and in_array(ModuleCondition::Library, $Conditions)))
84 | {
85 | array_push($List, $DepModule);
86 | $this->EnumDependenciesCascade($DepModule, $List, $Conditions);
87 | }
88 | }
89 | }
90 |
91 | function EnumSuperiorDependenciesCascade(Module $Module, array &$List, array $Conditions = array(ModuleCondition::All))
92 | {
93 | foreach ($this->Modules as $RefModule)
94 | {
95 | if (in_array($Module->Name, $RefModule->Dependencies) and
96 | (in_array(ModuleCondition::All, $Conditions) or
97 | ($RefModule->Running and in_array(ModuleCondition::Running, $Conditions)) or
98 | (!$RefModule->Running and in_array(ModuleCondition::NotRunning, $Conditions)) or
99 | ($RefModule->Enabled and in_array(ModuleCondition::Enabled, $Conditions)) or
100 | (!$RefModule->Enabled and in_array(ModuleCondition::NotEnabled, $Conditions)) or
101 | ($RefModule->Installed and in_array(ModuleCondition::Installed, $Conditions)) or
102 | (!$RefModule->Installed and in_array(ModuleCondition::NotInstalled, $Conditions)) or
103 | (($RefModule->Type == ModuleType::System) and in_array(ModuleCondition::System, $Conditions)) or
104 | (($RefModule->Type == ModuleType::Application) and in_array(ModuleCondition::Application, $Conditions)) or
105 | (($RefModule->Type == ModuleType::Library) and in_array(ModuleCondition::Library, $Conditions))))
106 | {
107 | array_push($List, $RefModule);
108 | $this->EnumSuperiorDependenciesCascade($RefModule, $List, $Conditions);
109 | }
110 | }
111 | }
112 |
113 | function StartAll(array $Conditions = array(ModuleCondition::All)): void
114 | {
115 | $this->Perform(array(ModuleAction::Start), $Conditions);
116 | }
117 |
118 | function StopAll(array $Conditions = array(ModuleCondition::All)): void
119 | {
120 | $this->Perform(array(ModuleAction::Stop), $Conditions);
121 | }
122 |
123 | function InstallAll(array $Conditions = array(ModuleCondition::All)): void
124 | {
125 | $this->Perform(array(ModuleAction::Install), $Conditions);
126 | $this->SaveState();
127 | }
128 |
129 | function UninstallAll(array $Conditions = array(ModuleCondition::All)): void
130 | {
131 | $this->Perform(array(ModuleAction::Uninstall), $Conditions);
132 | $this->SaveState();
133 | }
134 |
135 | function EnableAll(array $Conditions = array(ModuleCondition::All)): void
136 | {
137 | $this->Perform(array(ModuleAction::Enable), $Conditions);
138 | $this->SaveState();
139 | }
140 |
141 | function DisableAll(array $Conditions = array(ModuleCondition::All)): void
142 | {
143 | $this->Perform(array(ModuleAction::Disable), $Conditions);
144 | $this->SaveState();
145 | }
146 |
147 | function UpgradeAll(array $Conditions = array(ModuleCondition::All)): void
148 | {
149 | $this->Perform(array(ModuleAction::Upgrade), $Conditions);
150 | $this->SaveState();
151 | }
152 |
153 | function ModulePresent(string $Name): bool
154 | {
155 | return array_key_exists($Name, $this->Modules);
156 | }
157 |
158 | function ModuleEnabled(string $Name): bool
159 | {
160 | return array_key_exists($Name, $this->Modules) and $this->Modules[$Name]->Enabled;
161 | }
162 |
163 | function ModuleRunning(string $Name): bool
164 | {
165 | return array_key_exists($Name, $this->Modules) and $this->Modules[$Name]->Running;
166 | }
167 |
168 | function GetModule(string $Name): Module
169 | {
170 | return $this->Modules[$Name];
171 | }
172 |
173 | function SearchModuleById(int $Id): string
174 | {
175 | foreach ($this->Modules as $Module)
176 | {
177 | if ($Module->Id == $Id) return $Module->Name;
178 | }
179 | return '';
180 | }
181 |
182 | function LoadState(): void
183 | {
184 | $ConfigModules = array();
185 | include $this->FileName;
186 | foreach ($ConfigModules as $Mod)
187 | {
188 | $ModuleName = $Mod['Name'];
189 | if (array_key_exists($ModuleName, $this->Modules))
190 | {
191 | if (array_key_exists('Id', $Mod))
192 | {
193 | $this->Modules[$ModuleName]->Id = $Mod['Id'];
194 | }
195 | if (array_key_exists('Enabled', $Mod))
196 | {
197 | $this->Modules[$ModuleName]->Enabled = $Mod['Enabled'];
198 | }
199 | if (array_key_exists('Installed', $Mod))
200 | {
201 | $this->Modules[$ModuleName]->Installed = $Mod['Installed'];
202 | }
203 | if (array_key_exists('InstalledVersion', $Mod))
204 | {
205 | $this->Modules[$ModuleName]->InstalledVersion = $Mod['InstalledVersion'];
206 | }
207 | }
208 | }
209 | }
210 |
211 | function SaveState(): void
212 | {
213 | $Data = array();
214 | foreach ($this->Modules as $Module)
215 | {
216 | $Data[] = array(
217 | 'Id' => $Module->Id,
218 | 'Name' => $Module->Name,
219 | 'Enabled' => $Module->Enabled,
220 | 'InstalledVersion' => $Module->InstalledVersion,
221 | 'Installed' => $Module->Installed
222 | );
223 | }
224 | if (file_put_contents($this->FileName, "<?php \n\n\$ConfigModules = ".var_export($Data, true).";\n") === FALSE)
225 | {
226 | echo($this->FileName.' is not writeable.');
227 | }
228 | }
229 |
230 | function RegisterModule(Module $Module): void
231 | {
232 | if (array_key_exists($Module->Name, $this->Modules))
233 | die('Can\'t register module '.$Module->Name.' because it already exists.');
234 | $this->Modules[$Module->Name] = &$Module;
235 | $Module->Manager = &$this;
236 | $Module->OnChange = &$this->OnModuleChange;
237 | }
238 |
239 | function UnregisterModule(Module $Module): void
240 | {
241 | unset($this->Modules[array_search($Module, $this->Modules)]);
242 | }
243 |
244 | function GetUniqueModuleId()
245 | {
246 | $this->NewModuleId++;
247 | return $this->NewModuleId - 1;
248 | }
249 |
250 | function LoadModule(string $FileName): Module
251 | {
252 | $ClassName = 'Module'.pathinfo($FileName, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
253 | if (!array_key_exists($ClassName::GetName(), $this->Modules))
254 | {
255 | $Module = new $ClassName($this->System);
256 | $Module->Id = $this->GetUniqueModuleId();
257 | $this->RegisterModule($Module);
258 | return $Module;
259 | } else
260 | {
261 | $Module = $this->Modules[$ClassName::GetName()];
262 | return $Module;
263 | }
264 | }
265 |
266 | function LoadModulesFromDir(string $Directory): void
267 | {
268 | $FileNames = array();
269 | $List = scandir($Directory);
270 | foreach ($List as $Item)
271 | {
272 | if (is_dir($Directory.'/'.$Item) and ($Item != '.') and ($Item != '..') and ($Item != '.svn'))
273 | {
274 | $FileName = $Directory.'/'.$Item.'/'.$Item.'.php';
275 | $FileNames[] = $FileName;
276 | include_once($FileName);
277 | }
278 | }
279 | foreach ($FileNames as $FileName)
280 | {
281 | $this->LoadModule($FileName);
282 | }
283 | }
284 |
285 | function LoadModules(): void
286 | {
287 | if (is_array($this->OnLoadModules) and (count($this->OnLoadModules) == 2) and method_exists($this->OnLoadModules[0], $this->OnLoadModules[1]))
288 | call_user_func($this->OnLoadModules);
289 | else $this->LoadModulesFromDir($this->ModulesDir);
290 | }
291 | }