1 | #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 | ###############################################################################
3 | ## Fancy Speed Test - Easily measure your upload and download speeds
4 | ## Home Page: http://www.brandonchecketts.com/speedtest/
5 | ## Author: Brandon Checketts
6 | ## File: upload.cgi
7 | ## Version: 1.1
8 | ## Date: 2006-02-06
9 | ## Purpose: Time the upload progress, forward to results.php (or back to
10 | ## download.php if using auto_size)
11 | ###############################################################################
12 |
13 | use strict;
14 | use File::Basename; ## for dirname();
15 | use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
16 | ## Time::HiRes should be included with most Perl distributions
17 | ## use "perl -MCPAN -e install Time::HiRes" if it isn't installed
18 |
19 | my $dirname = dirname($0);
20 | my $config_file = "$dirname/speedtest.cfg";
21 | ## NOTE:
22 | ## If you have to move upload.cgi to another directory (ie: /cgi-bin) then
23 | ## you will have to change the path for $config_file to point to the
24 | ## correct directory.
25 | # my $config_file = "/home/brandonchecketts.com/speedtest/speedtest.cfg";
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 | ## Make sure we read in the config file
30 | my $config = &ReadConfig($config_file);
31 | DieNicely("Unable to read configuration settings") if(! $config);
32 |
33 | ## This is what PHP can't do .......
34 | my $content_length = $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} ? $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} : 1;
35 |
36 | ## Don't buffer output
37 | $|=1;
38 |
39 | ## Start the timer
40 | Debug("Starting to read");
41 | Debug("len is $content_length");
42 | my $t0 = [gettimeofday];
43 |
44 | ## Read all of the STDIN (HTTP POST data)
45 | my $bytes_read = 0;
46 | while (read (STDIN ,my $line, 4096) && $bytes_read < $content_length ) {
47 | $bytes_read += length($line);
48 | }
49 | ## Stop the timer
50 | my $t1 = [gettimeofday];
51 | Debug("Done reading");
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 | ## Calculate the speed
56 | my $elapsed = sprintf("%.2f",tv_interval ( $t0, $t1 ));
57 |
58 | my $upload_speed;
59 | if($elapsed != 0) {
60 | $upload_speed = sprintf("%.2f",$bytes_read / $elapsed * 8 / 1024);
61 | } else {
62 | $upload_speed="undefined";
63 | }
64 | my $uploadsize = $bytes_read / 1024;
65 |
66 | Debug("\$upload_size is $uploadsize");
67 | Debug("\$bytes_read is $bytes_read");
68 | Debug("\$elapsed is $elapsed");
69 | Debug("\$upload_speed is $upload_speed");
70 |
71 |
72 | ## If we're using auto_size, then forward back to download.php with the
73 | ## speed values from out initial test.
74 | ## Otherwise forward to result.php to display the results
75 |
76 | my $url;
77 | if( $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ m/auto_size=1/) {
78 | $url = $config->{'general'}->{'base_url'} . "download.php?".$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}."&uptime=$elapsed&upsize=$uploadsize&upspeed=$upload_speed";
79 | } else {
80 | $url = $config->{'general'}->{'base_url'} . "results.php?".$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}."&uploadtime=$elapsed&uploadsize=$uploadsize&upspeed=$upload_speed";
81 | }
82 |
83 | Log("Redirecting to $url");
84 | print "Location: $url\n\n";
85 |
86 |
87 | ## My standard Log() function
88 | sub Log {
89 | my $message = shift;
90 | my $logfile = $config->{'general'}->{'logfile'};
91 | return if(! $logfile);
92 |
93 | (my $sec, my $min, my $hour, my $year, my $jdate)=(localtime())[0,1,2,5,7];
94 | if($sec < 10) {
95 | $sec="0$sec";
96 | }
97 | if($min < 10) {
98 | $min="0$min";
99 | }
100 | if($hour < 10) {
101 | $hour="0$hour";
102 | }
103 |
104 | if($jdate < 100) {
105 | if($jdate < 10) {
106 | $jdate="0$jdate";
107 | }
108 | $jdate="0$jdate";
109 | }
110 |
111 | $year=$year+1900;
112 | if($jdate == "365" || ($jdate == "364" && ($year % 4 == 0))) {
113 | $jdate++;
114 | }
115 | open(LOGFILE,">> $logfile") ||
116 | DieNicely("Couldn't open $logfile");
117 | print LOGFILE "$year $jdate $hour:$min:$sec $message\n";
118 | close(LOGFILE);
119 | }
120 |
121 | ## Display a nice error message if we have to die
122 | sub DieNicely {
123 | my $message = shift();
124 | print "Content-type: text/html\n\n<h1>A critical error occurred: $message</h1>\n";
125 | Log("Dying: $message");
126 | exit 1;
127 | }
128 |
129 | ## Debug to the log file if the config file says to
130 | sub Debug {
131 | Log(@_) if($config->{'general'}->{'debug'});
132 | }
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 | ## Read in the configuration file into our $config variable
137 | sub ReadConfig() {
138 | my $config;
139 | $config_file = shift;
140 | open(CONF,"<$config_file") ||
141 | DieNicely("Unable to read configuration file: $config_file\n\n");
142 | my $section;
143 | while(<CONF>) {
144 | chomp($_);
145 | s/\r//g; ## Remove DOS EOL Symbols
146 | s/\#.*//g; ## Remove comments
147 | next if(! $_);
148 |
149 | if (substr($_,0,1) eq "[") {
150 | $section = $_;
151 | $section =~ s/\[//g;
152 | $section =~ s/\]//g;
153 | next;
154 | }
155 | next if($_ !~ m/=/);
156 |
157 | if($section) {
158 | my ($item,$value) = split('=',$_);
159 | ## Remove un-necessary speces
160 | $item =~ s/ +$//g;
161 | $value =~ s/^ $//g;
162 | $config->{$section}->{$item} = $value;
163 | }
164 | }
165 | close(CONF);
166 | return $config;
167 | }
168 |
169 |
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 |