1 | <?php
2 | ###############################################################################
3 | ## Fancy Speed Test - Easily measure your upload and download speeds
4 | ## Home Page: http://www.brandonchecketts.com/speedtest/
5 | ## Author: Brandon Checketts
6 | ## File: download.php
7 | ## Version: 1.0
8 | ## Date: 2006-02-06
9 | ## Purpose: Download the data, display graphs that move as the download
10 | ## progresses. Use JavaScript to get the dynamic content.
11 | ###############################################################################
12 |
13 | require("common.php");
14 | ReadConfig(dirname(__FILE__)."/speedtest.cfg");
15 |
16 |
17 | ## Make sure this user is allowed to use the test
18 | $remote_addr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
19 | $disallow = $config->{'general'}->{'disallow'};
20 | $allow = $config->{'general'}->{'allow'};
21 | if ( $allow && (! preg_match("/$allow/",$remote_addr)) ) {
22 | include("unallowed.html");
23 | exit;
24 | } elseif ( $disallow && preg_match("/$disallow/", $remote_addr) ) {
25 | include("unallowed.html");
26 | exit;
27 | }
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 | ## Figure out how many bytes to download/upload depending on if we are using
32 | ## auto_size or not. If using auto_size, then determine sizes based
33 | ## on initial results
34 | $config_auto_size = $config->{'general'}->{'auto_size'};
35 | if ($config_auto_size) {
36 | ## We're using the auto_size functionality
37 | if ( isset($_GET['auto_size']) && $_GET['auto_size']) {
38 | ## Intial test is done. Set down/upload sizes to the same as
39 | ## our initial measured speeds. That way the test should take
40 | ## about 8 seconds for each test (up/down) making it about a
41 | ## 16 second test
42 | $down_kbytes = $_GET['downspeed'];
43 | $up_kbytes = $_GET['upspeed'];
44 | } else {
45 | ## Initial test using auto_size
46 | $down_kbytes = $config->{'download'}->{'initial_kbytes'};
47 | $up_kbytes = $config->{'upload'}->{'initial_kbytes'};
48 | }
49 | } else {
50 | ## auto_size is off. Just to the default sizes
51 | $down_kbytes = $config->{'download'}->{'default_kbytes'};
52 | $up_kbytes = $config->{'upload'}->{'default_kbytes'};
53 | }
54 |
55 |
56 | ## Make sure sizes are below our configured limits
57 | if ($down_kbytes > $config->{'download'}->{'max_kbytes'}) {
58 | $down_kbytes = $config->{'download'}->{'max_kbytes'};
59 | }
60 | if ($up_kbytes > $config->{'upload'}->{'max_kbytes'}) {
61 | $up_kbytes = $config->{'upload'}->{'max_kbytes'};
62 | }
63 |
64 | if ($config->{'upload'}->{'skip_upload'}) {
65 | $up_kbytes = 0;
66 | }
67 |
68 | ## Calculate number of loops for up/down, etc
69 | $each_chunk = 50;
70 | $progress_bar_width="400";
71 | $reloads = $down_kbytes / $each_chunk;
72 | $increment = $progress_bar_width / $reloads;
73 | $download_progress_bar_increment = $increment;
74 |
75 | $reloads = $up_kbytes / $each_chunk;
76 | $increment = $progress_bar_width / $reloads;
77 | $upload_progress_bar_increment = $increment / 5;
78 |
79 |
80 | $pretty_version = $config->{'general'}->{'pretty_version'};
81 | ?>
82 |
83 | <html>
84 | <head>
85 | <title><?php print $config->{'general'}->{'page_title'}; ?> - Fancy Speed Test</title>
86 | <meta http-equiv="Expires" CONTENT="Fri, Jan 1 1980 00:00:00 GMT" />
87 | <meta http-equiv="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache" />
88 | <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no-cache" />
89 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
90 | </head>
91 | <body>
92 |
93 | <?php
94 | if (file_exists("header.html")) {
95 | ## Include "header.html" for a custom header, if the file exists
96 | include("header.html");
97 | } else {
98 | ## Else just print a plain header
99 | print "<br /><br /><br /><br />\n";
100 | }
101 | ?>
102 | <div id="speedtest_contents">
103 |
104 | <?php
105 | if ( ($config_auto_size) && (! isset($_GET['auto_size'])) ) {
106 | ## auto_size is performing the initial, small test
107 | print "<div>Calculating appropriate file sizes for testing</div>\n";
108 | ob_flush();
109 | } else {
110 | ?>
111 |
112 | <div id="download_message">
113 | <center>
114 | Conducting Download Test (<?php echo $down_kbytes; ?> kb)
115 | <div style="border: 1px solid black; width: <?php echo $progress_bar_width; ?>" align="left" id="download_bar_div">
116 | <img src="<?php echo $config->{'general'}->{'image_path'}; ?>bar.gif" width="0;" height="20px;" id="download_bar" />
117 | </div>
118 | </center>
119 | </div>
120 |
121 | <div id="upload_message" style="visibility: hidden; display:none;">
122 | <center>
123 | <br /><br />
124 | Conducting Upload Test (<?php echo $up_kbytes; ?> kb)
125 | <div style="border: 1px solid black; width: <?php echo $progress_bar_width; ?>" align="left" id="upload_bar_div">
126 | <img src="<?php echo $config->{'general'}->{'image_path'}; ?>bar.gif" width="0;" height="20px;" id="upload_bar" />
127 | </div>
128 | </center>
129 | </div>
130 | </center>
131 | <?php } ?>
132 |
133 | <div id="speedtest_credits">
134 | Powered by <a title="Brandon Checketts Fancy Source Speedtest" href="http://www.brandonchecketts.com/speedtest/" target="_new">Fancy Speed Test</a>
135 | </div>
136 |
137 | </div>
138 |
139 | <?php if (file_exists("footer.html")) { include("footer.html"); } ?>
140 |
141 | <?php /* Begin JavaScript functions that we'll need */ ?>
142 | <script language="javascript">
143 | <!--
144 | function StartUpload() {
145 | uploadDiv = document.getElementById('upload_message');
146 | if (uploadDiv) {
147 | uploadDiv.style.visibility='visible';
148 | uploadDiv.style.display='block';
149 | <?php if ($pretty_version) { ?>
150 | setInterval("IncrementUploadBar()",200);
151 | <?php } ?>
152 | }
153 | }
154 |
155 | download_bar_current_width=0;
156 |
157 |
158 | function IncrementDownloadBar() {
159 | download_barElement = document.getElementById('download_bar');
160 | if (download_barElement) {
161 | download_bar_current_width += <?php echo $download_progress_bar_increment; ?>;
162 | if (download_bar_current_width <= <?php echo $progress_bar_width; ?>) {
163 | download_barElement.style.width = download_bar_current_width +"px";
164 | }
165 | }
166 | }
167 |
168 | <?php
169 | ## This doesn't really measure anything to do with the upload
170 | ## It just increments the bar every second to give it some interactivity
171 | ## I've considered actually querying the server to figure out the status
172 | ## but that would just add extra overhead and make the test less accurate
173 | ## So this appears to be the best way for now
174 | ?>
175 | upload_bar_current_width=0;
176 | function IncrementUploadBar() {
177 | upload_barElement = document.getElementById('upload_bar');
178 | if (upload_barElement) {
179 | upload_bar_current_width += <?php echo $upload_progress_bar_increment; ?>;
180 | if (upload_bar_current_width < <?php echo $progress_bar_width; ?>) {
181 | upload_barElement.style.width = upload_bar_current_width +"px";
182 | }
183 | }
184 | }
185 |
186 | function CompleteDownloadBar() {
187 | download_barElement = document.getElementById('download_bar');
188 | if (download_barElement) {
189 | download_barElement.style.width = "100%";
190 | }
191 | }
192 |
193 |
194 | // -->
195 | </script>
196 |
197 |
198 | <form id="upload_test_form" name="upload_test" method="POST" action="<?php echo $config->{'general'}->{'upload_url'}; ?>">
199 | <input type="hidden" id="upload_data" name="upload_data" value="" />
200 |
201 | <script language="javascript">
202 | <!--
203 | dataElement = document.getElementById('upload_data');
204 |
205 | <?php /* Start the timer */ ?>
206 | time = new Date();
207 | starttime = time.getTime();
208 |
209 | <?php
210 |
211 | if ($pretty_version) {
212 | print "
213 | //-->
214 | </script>
215 | ";
216 | }
217 |
218 |
219 | ## Read some stuff from our payload file
220 | $data_file = "payload.js";
221 | $fd = fopen ($data_file, "r");
222 | $data = fread ($fd, $each_chunk * 1024);
223 |
224 | ## Download $extra_down_kbytes first as junk
225 | $extra_down_kbytes = $down_kbytes - $up_kbytes;
226 | $total_kbytes = 0;
227 | while ($total_kbytes <= $extra_down_kbytes) {
228 | if ($pretty_version) {
229 | print "
230 | <script language=\"javascript\">
231 | <!--
232 | dataElement.value=\"$data\";
233 | IncrementDownloadBar();
234 | //-->
235 | </script>
236 | ";
237 | } else {
238 | print "dataElement.value=\"$data\";\n";
239 | }
240 | $total_kbytes += $each_chunk;
241 | }
242 | if (!$pretty_version) {
243 | print "dataElement.value=\"$data\";";
244 | print "CompleteDownloadBar();\n";
245 | } else {
246 | print "
247 | <script language=\"javascript\">
248 | <!--
249 | //-->
250 | </script>
251 | ";
252 | }
253 |
254 | ## Now, download the remaining bytes ($up_kbytes) and save it into a
255 | ## form variable that we will post back to test the upload speed
256 | while ($total_kbytes <= $down_kbytes) {
257 | if ($pretty_version) {
258 | print "
259 | <script language=\"javascript\">
260 | <!--
261 | dataElement.value = dataElement.value + \"$data\";
262 | IncrementDownloadBar();
263 | //-->
264 | </script>
265 | ";
266 | } else {
267 | print "dataElement.value = dataElement.value + \"$data\";\n";
268 | }
269 | $total_kbytes += $each_chunk;
270 | }
271 |
272 | if (!$pretty_version) {
273 | #print "\";";
274 | } else {
275 | print "
276 | <script language=\"javascript\">
277 | <!--
278 | ";
279 | }
280 | ?>
281 | CompleteDownloadBar();
282 |
283 | time = new Date();
284 | endtime = time.getTime();
285 | if (endtime == starttime)
286 | {downloadtime = 0
287 | } else {
288 | downloadtime = (endtime - starttime)/1000;
289 | }
290 | <?php if (! $config->{'upload'}->{'skip_upload'}){ ?> StartUpload(); <?php } ?>
291 |
292 | down_size = <?php echo $total_kbytes; ?>;
293 | downspeed = down_size/downloadtime;
294 | downspeed = (Math.round((downspeed*8)*10*1.024))/10;
295 |
296 | formElement = document.getElementById('upload_test_form');
297 |
298 | <?php
299 | if ($config_auto_size && (! isset($_GET['auto_size'])) ) {
300 | $params_auto_size = "&auto_size=1";
301 | } else {
302 | $params_auto_size = "";
303 | }
304 | if ($config->{'upload'}->{'skip_upload'} && (! $params_auto_size)) {
305 | $next_url = $config->{'general'}->{'base_url'}."results.php";
306 | } else {
307 | $next_url = $config->{'general'}->{'upload_url'};
308 | }
309 |
310 | ?>
311 | formElement.action = '<?php echo $next_url; ?>?downspeed=' + downspeed + '&downtime=' + downloadtime + '&downsize=' + down_size + '<?php echo $params_auto_size; ?>';
312 |
313 | document.forms[0].submit();
314 |
315 | // -->
316 | </script>
317 |
318 | </form>
319 | </body>
320 | </html>