1 | <?php
2 | ###############################################################################
3 | ## Fancy Speed Test - Easily measure your upload and download speeds
4 | ## Home Page: http://www.brandonchecketts.com/speedtest/
5 | ## Author: Brandon Checketts
6 | ## File: common.php
7 | ## Version: 1.1
8 | ## Date: 2006-02-06
9 | ## Purpose: Common functions for this application
10 | ###############################################################################
11 |
12 |
13 | ## Read through the config file and assign items to the global $config variable
14 | function ReadConfig($config_file) {
15 | global $config;
16 | $config = (object)array();
17 | $lines = file($config_file);
18 | foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) {
19 | $line = rtrim(preg_replace("/#.*/","",$line));
20 | if (preg_match("/\[.*\]/", $line, $parts)) {
21 | $section = $parts[0];
22 | $section = preg_replace("/[\[\]]/","",$section);
23 | $config->{$section} = (object)array();
24 | } elseif (preg_match("/=/",$line)) {
25 | list($var,$value) = explode('=',$line);
26 | $var = preg_replace('/ $/','',$var);
27 | $value = preg_replace('/^ +/','',$value);
28 | $config->{$section}->{$var} = $value;
29 | }
30 | }
31 | }
32 |
33 | ## Write to log if debugging is on
34 | function Debug($message) {
35 | global $config;
36 | if ($config->{'general'}->{'debug'}) {
37 | BCLog($message);
38 | }
39 | }
40 |
41 | ## Write to the log file
42 | function BCLog($message) {
43 | global $config;
44 | $logfile = $config->{'general'}->{'logfile'};
45 | if (! $logfile) {
46 | return;
47 | }
48 | $timestamp = date("Y z H:i:s");
49 |
50 | $LOG=fopen($logfile,"a");
51 | $string="$timestamp $message\n";
52 | fwrite($LOG,$string);
53 | fclose($LOG);
54 | }