1 | <?php
2 |
3 | include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../Common/Global.php');
4 |
5 | class PageSubjectOpenTime extends Page
6 | {
7 | public array $DaysOfWeek = array('Pondělí', 'Úterý', 'Středa', 'Čtvrtek', 'Pátek', 'Sobota', 'Neděle');
8 | public array $EventType = array('Žádný', 'Otevřeno', 'Zavřeno');
9 |
10 | function __construct(System $System)
11 | {
12 | parent::__construct($System);
13 | $this->Title = 'Otvírací doby';
14 | $this->Description = 'Otvírací doby místních subjektů';
15 | $this->ParentClass = 'PagePortal';
16 | }
17 |
18 | function ToHumanTime(float $Time): string
19 | {
20 | $Hours = floor($Time / 60);
21 | $Minutes = $Time - $Hours * 60;
22 | if ($Minutes < 10) $Minutes = '0'.$Minutes;
23 | $Hours = $Hours % 24;
24 | return $Hours.':'.$Minutes;
25 | }
26 |
27 | function ToHumanTime2(float $Time): string
28 | {
29 | $Days = floor($Time / 24 / 60);
30 | $Time = $Time - $Days * 24 * 60;
31 | $Hours = floor($Time / 60);
32 | $Time = $Time - $Hours * 60;
33 | $Minutes = $Time;
34 | $Output = '';
35 | if ($Days > 0) $Output .= $Days.' dnů, ';
36 | if ($Hours > 0) $Output .= $Hours.' hodin, ';
37 | if ($Minutes > 0) $Output .= $Minutes.' minut';
38 | return $Output;
39 | }
40 |
41 | function EditSubject(int $Id): string
42 | {
43 | if (ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User->CheckPermission('OpeningHours', 'Edit'))
44 | {
45 | $Output = '<div class="Centered">';
46 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Subject', 'Name', 'Id='.$Id);
47 | $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
48 | $Output .= '<form method="post" action="save?Subject='.$Id.'" enctype="multipart/form-data">'.
49 | '<strong>'.$DbRow['Name'].'</strong>'.
50 | '<table class="WideTable"><tr><th>Den</th><th>Od</th><th>Do</th><th>Od</th><th>Do</th></tr>';
51 | $Day = array();
52 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM SubjectOpenTimeDay WHERE Subject = '.$Id);
53 | while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
54 | $Day[$DbRow['Day']] = $DbRow;
55 | foreach ($this->DaysOfWeek as $Index => $Name)
56 | {
57 | if (!array_key_exists($Index, $Day)) $Day[$Index] = array('Open1' => 0, 'Close1' => 0, 'Open2' => 0, 'Close2' => 0);
58 | $Output .= '<tr><td>'.$Name.'</td>'.
59 | '<td><input type="text" name="day'.$Index.'_open1_h" value="'.floor($Day[$Index]['Open1'] / 60).'" size="2" />'.
60 | ':<input type="text" name="day'.$Index.'_open1_m" value="'.($Day[$Index]['Open1'] - floor($Day[$Index]['Open1'] / 60) * 60).'" size="2" /></td>'.
61 | '<td><input type="text" name="day'.$Index.'_close1_h" value="'.floor($Day[$Index]['Close1'] / 60).'" size="2" />'.
62 | ':<input type="text" name="day'.$Index.'_close1_m" value="'.($Day[$Index]['Close1'] - floor($Day[$Index]['Close1'] / 60) * 60).'" size="2" /></td>'.
63 | '<td><input type="text" name="day'.$Index.'_open2_h" value="'.floor($Day[$Index]['Open2'] / 60).'" size="2" />'.
64 | ':<input type="text" name="day'.$Index.'_open2_m" value="'.($Day[$Index]['Open2'] - floor($Day[$Index]['Open2'] / 60) * 60).'" size="2" /></td>'.
65 | '<td><input type="text" name="day'.$Index.'_close2_h" value="'.floor($Day[$Index]['Close2'] / 60).'" size="2" />'.
66 | ':<input type="text" name="day'.$Index.'_close2_m" value="'.($Day[$Index]['Close2'] - floor($Day[$Index]['Close2'] / 60) * 60).'" size="2" /></td>'.
67 | '</tr>';
68 | }
69 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('SubjectOpenTime', 'Notice', 'Subject='.$Id);
70 | $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
71 | $Output .= '</table>'.
72 | 'Poznámka: <input type="text" name="notice" value="'.$DbRow['Notice'].'" size="50" /><br />'.
73 | 'Fotka: <input type="file" name="photo" size="38" /><br />'.
74 | '<input type="submit" value="Uložit" />'.
75 | '</form></div>';
76 | } else $Output = 'Nemáte oprávnění';
77 | return $Output;
78 | }
79 |
80 | function SaveSubject(int $Id): string
81 | {
82 | $Output = '';
83 | if (ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User->CheckPermission('OpeningHours', 'Edit'))
84 | {
85 | $this->Database->delete('SubjectOpenTimeDay', 'Subject='.$Id);
86 | foreach ($this->DaysOfWeek as $Index => $Name)
87 | {
88 | if ($_POST['day'.$Index.'_open1_h'] > 24) $_POST['day'.$Index.'_open1_h'] = 24;
89 | if ($_POST['day'.$Index.'_close1_h'] > 24) $_POST['day'.$Index.'_close1_h'] = 24;
90 | if ($_POST['day'.$Index.'_open2_h'] > 24) $_POST['day'.$Index.'_open2_h'] = 24;
91 | if ($_POST['day'.$Index.'_close2_h'] > 24) $_POST['day'.$Index.'_close2_h'] = 24;
92 | if ($_POST['day'.$Index.'_open1_m'] > 59) $_POST['day'.$Index.'_open1_m'] = 59;
93 | if ($_POST['day'.$Index.'_close1_m'] > 59) $_POST['day'.$Index.'_close1_m'] = 59;
94 | if ($_POST['day'.$Index.'_open2_m'] > 59) $_POST['day'.$Index.'_open2_m'] = 59;
95 | if ($_POST['day'.$Index.'_close2_m'] > 59) $_POST['day'.$Index.'_close2_m'] = 59;
96 | $Day = array('Subject' => $Id, 'Day' => $Index);
97 | $Day['Open1'] = $_POST['day'.$Index.'_open1_m'] + $_POST['day'.$Index.'_open1_h'] * 60;
98 | $Day['Close1'] = $_POST['day'.$Index.'_close1_m'] + $_POST['day'.$Index.'_close1_h'] * 60;
99 | $Day['Open2'] = $_POST['day'.$Index.'_open2_m'] + $_POST['day'.$Index.'_open2_h'] * 60;
100 | $Day['Close2'] = $_POST['day'.$Index.'_close2_m'] + $_POST['day'.$Index.'_close2_h'] * 60;
101 | $this->Database->insert('SubjectOpenTimeDay', $Day);
102 | }
103 | $Output .= 'Uloženo';
104 |
105 | $File = new File($this->System);
106 |
107 | // Delete old file
108 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('SubjectOpenTime', 'Photo', 'Subject='.$Id);
109 | $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
110 | $File->Delete($DbRow['Photo']);
111 |
112 | // Create new file
113 | $FileId = $File->CreateFromUpload('photo');
114 | $this->Database->update('SubjectOpenTime', 'Subject='.$Id, array('UpdateTime' => 'NOW()', 'Notice' => $_POST['notice'], 'Photo' => $FileId));
115 | } else $Output = 'Nemáte oprávnění';
116 | return $Output;
117 | }
118 |
119 | function ShowAll(): string
120 | {
121 | $Output = '<div class="Centered">';
122 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT SubjectOpenTime.*, DATE_FORMAT(SubjectOpenTime.UpdateTime, "%e.%c.%Y") as UpdateTime, '.
123 | 'Subject.Id, Subject.Name as Name FROM SubjectOpenTime '.
124 | 'JOIN Subject ON Subject.Id = SubjectOpenTime.Subject ORDER BY Name');
125 | while ($Subject = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
126 | {
127 | $Output .= '<strong>'.$Subject['Name'].':</strong><br />';
128 |
129 | // Load time event list
130 | $Events = array();
131 | $DbResult2 = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `SubjectOpenTimeDay` WHERE Subject='.$Subject['Subject'].' ORDER BY Day ASC');
132 | while ($DbRow = $DbResult2->fetch_assoc())
133 | {
134 | if (($DbRow['Open1'] != $DbRow['Close1']) and ($DbRow['Open1'] < $DbRow['Close1']))
135 | {
136 | $Events[] = array('Time' => $DbRow['Open1'] + $DbRow['Day'] * 24 * 60, 'Type' => 1);
137 | $Events[] = array('Time' => $DbRow['Close1'] + $DbRow['Day'] * 24 * 60, 'Type' => 2);
138 | }
139 | if (($DbRow['Open2'] != $DbRow['Close2']) and ($DbRow['Open2'] < $DbRow['Close2']) and ($DbRow['Close1'] < $DbRow['Open2']))
140 | {
141 | $Events[] = array('Time' => $DbRow['Open2'] + $DbRow['Day'] * 24 * 60, 'Type' => 1);
142 | $Events[] = array('Time' => $DbRow['Close2'] + $DbRow['Day'] * 24 * 60, 'Type' => 2);
143 | }
144 | }
145 |
146 | // Calculate time to next event
147 | if (count($Events) > 0)
148 | {
149 | $CurrentTime = ((date('w') + 6) % 7) * 24 * 60 + date('G') * 60 + date('i');
150 |
151 | $I = 0;
152 | while (($I < count($Events)) and ($Events[$I]['Time'] < $CurrentTime))
153 | $I++;
154 | if ($I < count($Events))
155 | {
156 | $NextTime = $Events[$I]['Time'];
157 | $NextEventType = $Events[$I]['Type'];
158 | } else
159 | {
160 | $NextTime = $Events[0]['Time'] + 7 * 24 * 60;
161 | $NextEventType = $Events[0]['Type'];
162 | }
163 |
164 | $TimeDelta = $NextTime - $CurrentTime;
165 | //$Output .= $CurrentTime.' '.$NextTime;
166 | if ($NextEventType == 2) $Output .= 'Zavírá za '.$this->ToHumanTime2($TimeDelta);
167 | else $Output .= 'Otevírá za '.$this->ToHumanTime2($TimeDelta);
168 | }
169 |
170 | // Show time inteval table
171 | $Output .= '<table class="WideTable"><tr><th>Den</th><th>Čas</th></tr>';
172 | foreach ($this->DaysOfWeek as $DayIndex => $DayOfWeek)
173 | {
174 | $DbResult2 = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM SubjectOpenTimeDay WHERE Subject = '.$Subject['Subject'].' AND Day='.$DayIndex);
175 | $Output .= '<tr><td>'.$DayOfWeek.'</td><td align="center">';
176 | if ($DbResult2->num_rows)
177 | {
178 | $DbRow = $DbResult2->fetch_assoc();
179 | if (($DbRow['Open1'] != $DbRow['Close1']) and ($DbRow['Open1'] < $DbRow['Close1']))
180 | {
181 | $Output .= $this->ToHumanTime($DbRow['Open1']).' - '.$this->ToHumanTime($DbRow['Close1']).' ';
182 | }
183 | if (($DbRow['Open2'] != $DbRow['Close2']) and ($DbRow['Open2'] < $DbRow['Close2']) and ($DbRow['Close1'] < $DbRow['Open2']))
184 | {
185 | $Output .= $this->ToHumanTime($DbRow['Open2']).' - '.$this->ToHumanTime($DbRow['Close2']).'';
186 | }
187 | } else
188 | $Output .= ' ';
189 | $Output .= '</td></tr>';
190 | }
191 | $Output .= '</table>Aktualizováno: '.$Subject['UpdateTime'].'<br />';
192 | if ($Subject['Notice'] != '') $Output .= 'Poznámka: '.$Subject['Notice'].'<br />';
193 |
194 | if ($Subject['Photo'] != 0) $Output .= '<a href="file?i='.$Subject['Photo'].'">Fotka</a> ';
195 |
196 | if (ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User->CheckPermission('SubjectOpenTime', 'Edit'))
197 | $Output .= '<a href="edit?Subject='.$Subject['Id'].'">Editovat</a><br />';
198 | $Output .= '<br />';
199 | }
200 | $Output .= '</div>';
201 | return $Output;
202 | }
203 |
204 | function Show(): string
205 | {
206 | if (count($this->System->PathItems) > 1)
207 | {
208 | if ($this->System->PathItems[1] == 'edit') $Output = $this->EditSubject($_GET['Subject']);
209 | else if ($this->System->PathItems[1] == 'save')
210 | {
211 | $Output = $this->SaveSubject($_GET['Subject']);
212 | $Output .= $this->ShowAll();
213 | } else $Output = PAGE_NOT_FOUND;
214 | } else $Output = $this->ShowAll();
215 | return $Output;
216 | }
217 | }
218 |
219 | class ModuleOpeningHours extends Module
220 | {
221 | function __construct(System $System)
222 | {
223 | parent::__construct($System);
224 | $this->Name = 'OpeningHours';
225 | $this->Version = '1.0';
226 | $this->Creator = 'Chronos';
227 | $this->License = 'GNU/GPLv3';
228 | $this->Description = 'Show subject opening hours with time to open or time to close';
229 | $this->Models = array(SubjectOpenTime::GetClassName(), SubjectOpenTimeDay::GetClassName());
230 | }
231 |
232 | function DoStart(): void
233 | {
234 | $this->System->RegisterPage(['otviraci-doby'], 'PageSubjectOpenTime');
235 | }
236 |
237 | function DoStop(): void
238 | {
239 | $this->System->UnregisterPage(['otviraci-doby']);
240 | }
241 | }
242 |
243 | class SubjectOpenTime extends Model
244 | {
245 | static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc
246 | {
247 | $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
248 | $Desc->AddReference('Subject', Subject::GetClassName());
249 | $Desc->AddDateTime('UpdateTime');
250 | $Desc->AddString('Notice');
251 | $Desc->AddString('Photo', File::GetClassName());
252 | return $Desc;
253 | }
254 | }
255 |
256 | class SubjectOpenTimeDay extends Model
257 | {
258 | static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc
259 | {
260 | $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
261 | $Desc->AddReference('Subject', Subject::GetClassName());
262 | $Desc->AddInteger('Day');
263 | $Desc->AddInteger('Open1');
264 | $Desc->AddInteger('Close1');
265 | $Desc->AddInteger('Open2');
266 | $Desc->AddInteger('Close2');
267 | return $Desc;
268 | }
269 | }