1 | <?php
2 |
3 | function GetTextBetween(string &$Text, string $Start, string $End): string
4 | {
5 | $Result = '';
6 | if (($Start == '') && ($End == ''))
7 | {
8 | $Result = $Text;
9 | $Text = '';
10 | } else
11 | if (($Start == '') && ($End != ''))
12 | {
13 | if (strpos($Text, $End) !== false)
14 | {
15 | $Result = substr($Text, 0, strpos($Text, $End));
16 | $Text = substr($Text, strpos($Text, $End) + strlen($End));
17 | }
18 | } else
19 | if (($Start != '') && ($End == ''))
20 | {
21 | if (strpos($Text, $Start) !== false)
22 | {
23 | $Result = substr($Text, strpos($Text, $Start) + strlen($Start));
24 | $Text = '';
25 | }
26 | } else
27 | if ((strpos($Text, $Start) !== false) and (strpos($Text, $End) !== false))
28 | {
29 | $Text = substr($Text, strpos($Text, $Start) + strlen($Start));
30 | $Result = substr($Text, 0, strpos($Text, $End));
31 | $Text = substr($Text, strpos($Text, $End) + strlen($End));
32 | }
33 | return $Result;
34 | }
35 |
36 | function HumanDateTimeToTime(string $DateTime): int
37 | {
38 | if ($DateTime == '') return NULL;
39 | $DateTime = str_replace('. ', '.', $DateTime);
40 | $Parts = explode(' ', $DateTime);
41 | $DateParts = explode('.', $Parts[0]);
42 | if (count($Parts) > 1) {
43 | $TimeParts = explode(':', $Parts[1]);
44 | if (count($TimeParts) == 1) $TimeParts[1] = '0';
45 | if (count($TimeParts) == 2) $TimeParts[2] = '0';
46 | } else $TimeParts = array(0, 0, 0);
47 | $Result = mktime($TimeParts[0], $TimeParts[1], $TimeParts[2], $DateParts[1], $DateParts[0], $DateParts[2]);
48 | return $Result;
49 | }
50 |
51 | function HumanDateToTime(string $Date): int
52 | {
53 | if ($Date == '') return NULL;
54 | return HumanDateTimeToTime($Date.' 0:0:0');
55 | }
56 |
57 | function GetUrlBase(string $Url): string
58 | {
59 | $Result = parse_url($Url);
60 | return $Result['scheme']."://".$Result['host'];
61 | }
62 |
63 | class NewsSources
64 | {
65 | public Database $Database;
66 | public array $Items;
67 |
68 | function Parse($Id = null)
69 | {
70 | $Output = '';
71 | $Where = '(Enabled=1)';
72 | if (($Id != null) and is_numeric($Id)) $Where .= ' AND (Id='.$Id.')';
73 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('NewsImport', '*', $Where);
74 | while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
75 | {
76 | $Method = $DbRow['Method'];
77 | if ($Method == 'vismo') $Source = new NewsSourceVismo();
78 | else if ($Method == 'zdechovnet') $Source = new NewsSourceZdechovNET();
79 | else {
80 | $Output .= 'Unsupported parse method: '.$Method.'<br/>';
81 | continue;
82 | }
83 | $Source->Database = $this->Database;
84 | $Source->Id = $DbRow['Id'];
85 | $Source->URL = $DbRow['Source'];
86 | $Source->Method = $Method;
87 | $Source->Category = $DbRow['Category'];
88 | $Source->Name = $DbRow['Name'];
89 | $this->Items[] = $Source;
90 | $Output .= $Source->DoImport();
91 | }
92 | return $Output;
93 | }
94 | }
95 |
96 | class NewsSource
97 | {
98 | public string $Name;
99 | public string $URL;
100 | public $Method;
101 | public int $Id;
102 | public Database $Database;
103 | public array $NewsItems;
104 | public int $AddedCount;
105 | public $Category;
106 |
107 | function __construct()
108 | {
109 | $this->NewsItems = array();
110 | $this->AddedCount = 0;
111 | }
112 |
113 | function Import(): string
114 | {
115 | return '';
116 | }
117 |
118 | function DoImport(): string
119 | {
120 | $this->NewsItems = array();
121 | $this->AddedCount = 0;
122 | $Output = 'Parsing '.$this->Name.' (#'.$this->Id.')...';
123 | $Output .= $this->Import();
124 | $Output .= ' parsed: '.count($this->NewsItems);
125 | foreach ($this->NewsItems as $NewsItem)
126 | {
127 | $this->AddedCount += $NewsItem->AddIfNotExist();
128 | }
129 | $Output .= ', new added: '.$this->AddedCount;
130 | $Output .= '</br>'."\n";
131 | return $Output;
132 | }
133 | }
134 |
135 | class NewsItem
136 | {
137 | public Database $Database;
138 | public string $Title = '';
139 | public string $Content = '';
140 | public int $Date = 0;
141 | public string $Link = '';
142 | public string $Category = '';
143 | public string $Author = '';
144 | public string $IP = '';
145 | public string $Enclosure = '';
146 |
147 | function AddIfNotExist(): int
148 | {
149 | $Where = '(`Title` = "'.$this->Database->real_escape_string($this->Title).'") AND '.
150 | '(`Category` = "'.$this->Category.'") AND '.
151 | '(`Date` = "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($this->Date).'")';
152 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('News', '*', $Where);
153 | if ($DbResult->num_rows == 0)
154 | {
155 | $this->Database->insert('News', array(
156 | 'Content' => $this->Content,
157 | 'Date' => TimeToMysqlDateTime($this->Date),
158 | 'Title' => $this->Title,
159 | 'Link' => $this->Link,
160 | 'Category' => $this->Category,
161 | 'Author' => $this->Author,
162 | 'IP' => $this->IP,
163 | 'Enclosure' => $this->Enclosure,
164 | ));
165 | $Result = 1;
166 | } else $Result = 0;
167 | return $Result;
168 | }
169 | }