1 | <?php
2 |
3 | include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/NewsPage.php');
4 | include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/NewsSource.php');
5 | include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/Import/Vismo.php');
6 | include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/Import/ZdechovNET.php');
7 |
8 | function CategoryItemCompare($Item1, $Item2)
9 | {
10 | if ($Item1['Index'] == $Item2['Index']) return 0;
11 | return $Item1['Index'] > $Item2['Index'] ? -1 : 1;
12 | }
13 |
14 | class ModuleNews extends Module
15 | {
16 | public int $NewsCountPerCategory = 3;
17 | public string $UploadedFilesFolder = 'files/news/';
18 | public array $NewsSetting;
19 |
20 | function __construct(System $System)
21 | {
22 | parent::__construct($System);
23 | $this->Name = 'News';
24 | $this->Version = '1.0';
25 | $this->Creator = 'Chronos';
26 | $this->License = 'GNU/GPLv3';
27 | $this->Description = 'News and news groups management';
28 | $this->Dependencies = array(ModuleUser::GetName(), ModuleLog::GetName(), ModuleFile::GetName());
29 | $this->Models = array(NewsCategory::GetClassName(), News::GetClassName());
30 | }
31 |
32 | function DoStart(): void
33 | {
34 | $this->System->RegisterPage(['aktuality'], 'PageNews');
35 | $this->System->RegisterPage(['aktuality', 'subscription'], 'PageNewsSubscription');
36 | $this->System->RegisterPage(['aktuality', 'rss'], 'PageNewsRss');
37 | $this->System->RegisterPage(['aktuality', 'aktualizace'], 'PageNewsUpdate');
38 | Core::Cast($this->System)->FormManager->RegisterClass('News', array(
39 | 'Title' => 'Aktualita',
40 | 'Table' => 'News',
41 | 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Date',
42 | 'DefaultSortOrder' => 1,
43 | 'Items' => array(
44 | 'Category' => array('Type' => 'TNewsCategory', 'Caption' => 'Kategorie', 'Default' => 0),
45 | 'Title' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Nadpis', 'Default' => ''),
46 | 'Content' => array('Type' => 'Text', 'Caption' => 'Obsah', 'Default' => ''),
47 | 'Date' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Datum', 'Default' => ''),
48 | 'Author' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Autor', 'Default' => ''),
49 | 'Enclosure' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Přílohy', 'Default' => ''),
50 | 'User' => array('Type' => 'TUser', 'Caption' => 'Uživatel', 'Default' => ''),
51 | 'IP' => array('Type' => 'IPv4Address', 'Caption' => 'IP adresa', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true),
52 | 'Link' => array('Type' => 'Hyperlink', 'Caption' => 'Odkaz', 'Default' => ''),
53 | ),
54 | ));
55 | Core::Cast($this->System)->FormManager->RegisterClass('NewsCategory', array(
56 | 'Title' => 'Kategorie aktualit',
57 | 'Table' => 'NewsCategory',
58 | 'Items' => array(
59 | 'Caption' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Titulek', 'Default' => ''),
60 | 'RSS' => array('Type' => 'Hyperlink', 'Caption' => 'Zdroj RSS', 'Default' => ''),
61 | 'Permission' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'Veřejné upravitelné', 'Default' => ''),
62 | 'Sequence' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Pořadí', 'Default' => ''),
63 | 'Group' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Skupina', 'Default' => ''),
64 | 'News' => array('Type' => 'TNewsList', 'Caption' => 'Aktuality', 'Default' => ''),
65 | ),
66 | ));
67 | Core::Cast($this->System)->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNewsCategory', array(
68 | 'Type' => 'Reference',
69 | 'Table' => 'NewsCategory',
70 | 'Id' => 'Id',
71 | 'Name' => 'Caption',
72 | 'Filter' => '1',
73 | ));
74 | Core::Cast($this->System)->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNewsList', array(
75 | 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
76 | 'Table' => 'News',
77 | 'Id' => 'Id',
78 | 'Ref' => 'Category',
79 | 'Filter' => '1',
80 | ));
81 |
82 | if ($this->System->ModuleManager->ModulePresent('Search'))
83 | {
84 | ModuleSearch::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Search'))->RegisterSearch('Novinky', 'News', array('Title', 'Content'));
85 | }
86 | }
87 |
88 | function GetIntranetCondition(): string
89 | {
90 | if (IsInternetAddr()) return ' AND (`Intranet`=0)';
91 | else return '';
92 | }
93 |
94 | function ShowNews(string $Category, int $ItemCount, int $DaysAgo): string
95 | {
96 | $ItemCount = abs($ItemCount);
97 | $DaysAgo = abs($DaysAgo);
98 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('NewsCategory', '*', 'Id='.$Category);
99 | $Row = $DbResult->fetch_array();
100 | $Output = '<div class="NewsPanel"><div class="Title">'.$Row['Caption'];
101 | $Output .= '<div class="Action"><a href="aktuality/?category='.$Category.'">Zobrazit</a>';
102 | if (ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User->CheckPermission('News', 'Insert', 'Group', $Category))
103 | $Output .= ' <a href="aktuality/?action=add&category='.$Category.'">Přidat</a>';
104 | $Output .= '</div></div><div class="Content">';
105 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT `News`.*, `User`.`Name` FROM `News` LEFT JOIN `User` ON `User`.`Id`=`News`.`User`'.
106 | ' WHERE (`News`.`Category`='.$Category.') AND (DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL '.$DaysAgo.' DAY) < `News`.`Date`)'.$this->GetIntranetCondition().
107 | ' ORDER BY `News`.`Date` DESC LIMIT 0,'.$ItemCount);
108 |
109 | $Index = 0;
110 | $FontSize = 12;
111 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
112 | {
113 | $Output .= '<table class="NewsTable">';
114 | while ($Row = $DbResult->fetch_array())
115 | {
116 | if ($Row['Name'] == '') $Author = $Row['Author'];
117 | else $Author = $Row['Name'];
118 | $Output .= '<tr><td onclick="window.location=\'aktuality/?action=view&id='.$Row['Id'].
119 | '\'" onmouseover="zobraz('."'new".$Category.$Index."'".')" style="cursor: pointer; margin: 0px;">'.
120 | '<table class="NewsItemFrame"><tr><td style="font-size: '.$FontSize.'pt"><strong>'.$Row['Title'].'</strong></td>'.
121 | '<td align="right" style="font-size: '.$FontSize.'pt">'.$Author.' ('.HumanDate($Row['Date']).')</td></tr></table>';
122 | $Output .= '<div id="new'.$Category.$Index.'" class="NewsTableItem">'.$this->ModifyContent($Row['Content']);
123 | if ($Row['Link'] != '') $Output .= '<br/><a href="'.$Row['Link'].'">Odkaz</a>';
124 |
125 | if ($Row['Enclosure'] != '')
126 | {
127 | $Output .= '<br />Přílohy: ';
128 | $Enclosures = explode(';', $Row['Enclosure']);
129 | foreach ($Enclosures as $Enclosure)
130 | {
131 | if (file_exists($this->UploadedFilesFolder.$Enclosure))
132 | $Output .= ' <a href="'.$this->UploadedFilesFolder.$Enclosure.'">'.$Enclosure.'</a>';
133 | }
134 | }
135 | $Output .= '</div></td></tr>';
136 | $Index = $Index + 1;
137 | $FontSize = $FontSize - 1;
138 | }
139 | $Output .= '</table>';
140 | }
141 | $Output .= '</div></div>';
142 | return $Output;
143 | }
144 |
145 | function LoadSettingsFromCookies(): void
146 | {
147 | // Initialize default news setting
148 | $this->NewsSetting = array();
149 | $I = 1;
150 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('NewsCategory', '*', '1 ORDER BY Sequence');
151 | while ($NewsCategory = $DbResult->fetch_array())
152 | {
153 | $this->NewsSetting[] = array('CategoryId' => $NewsCategory['Id'], 'Index' => $I, 'Enabled' => 1,
154 | 'ItemCount' => Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['Web']['News']['Count'], 'DaysAgo' =>
155 | Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['Web']['News']['DaysAgo'], 'Group' => $NewsCategory['Group']);
156 | $I++;
157 | }
158 | // Merge defaults with user setting
159 | if (array_key_exists('NewsSetting', $_COOKIE))
160 | {
161 | $NewsSettingCookie = unserialize($_COOKIE['NewsSetting']);
162 | foreach ($this->NewsSetting as $Index => $this->NewsSetting)
163 | {
164 | if (array_key_exists($Index, $NewsSettingCookie))
165 | $this->NewsSetting[$Index] = array_merge($this->NewsSetting, $NewsSettingCookie[$Index]);
166 | }
167 | }
168 | }
169 |
170 | function Show(): string
171 | {
172 | $Output = '';
173 |
174 | $this->LoadSettingsFromCookies();
175 |
176 | if (array_key_exists('Action', $_GET))
177 | {
178 | // Show news customize menu
179 | if ($_GET['Action'] == 'CustomizeNews')
180 | {
181 | $Output .= $this->ShowCustomizeMenu();
182 | }
183 | }
184 |
185 | $Output .= '<div onmouseout="skryj(predchozi)">';
186 |
187 | $ColumnCount = 2;
188 | $Output .= '<table style="width: 100%"><tr>';
189 | for ($Column = 1; $Column <= $ColumnCount; $Column++)
190 | {
191 | $Output .= '<td style="vertical-align: top; width: '.round(100 / $ColumnCount).'%;">';
192 | foreach ($this->NewsSetting as $SettingItem)
193 | if (($SettingItem['Enabled'] == 1) and ($SettingItem['Group'] == $Column))
194 | $Output .= $this->ShowNews($SettingItem['CategoryId'], $SettingItem['ItemCount'], $SettingItem['DaysAgo']);
195 | $Output .= '</td>';
196 | }
197 | $Output .= '</tr></table>';
198 |
199 | $Output .= '<a href="aktuality/subscription"><img class="RSSIcon" src="images/rss20.png" alt="Aktuality přes RSS" /></a> <a href="aktuality/subscription">Automatické sledování novinek</a>';
200 | $Output .= '</div>';
201 | return $Output;
202 | }
203 |
204 | function ShowCustomizeMenu(): string
205 | {
206 | $Output = '<form action="?Action=CustomizeNewsSave" method="post">';
207 | $Output .= '<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" border="1"><tr><td><table cellspacing="0" width="100%">';
208 | $Output .= '<tr><th>Kategorie</th><th>Pozice</th><th>Zobrazit</th><th>Max. počet</th><th>Posledních dnů</th><th>Sloupec</th></tr>';
209 | $I = 0;
210 | foreach ($this->NewsSetting as $SettingItem)
211 | {
212 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('NewsCategory', '*', 'Id='.$SettingItem['CategoryId']);
213 | $NewsCategory = $DbResult->fetch_array();
214 | $Output .= '<tr><td>'.$NewsCategory['Caption'].'</td><td align="center"><input type="text" size="2" name="NewsCategoryIndex'.$I.'" value="'.$SettingItem['Index'].'" /></td><td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="NewsCategoryEnabled'.$I.'"';
215 | if ($SettingItem['Enabled'] == 1) $Output .= ' checked="checked"';
216 | $Output .= ' /></td>'.
217 | '<td align="center"><input type="text" size="2" name="NewsCategoryCount'.$I.'" value="'.$SettingItem['ItemCount'].'" />'.
218 | '<input type="hidden" name="NewsCategoryId'.$I.'" value="'.$SettingItem['CategoryId'].'" /></td>'.
219 | '<td align="center"><input type="text" size="3" name="NewsCategoryDaysAgo'.$I.'" value="'.$SettingItem['DaysAgo'].'" /></td>'.
220 | '<td><input type="text" size="3" name="NewsColumn'.$I.'" value="'.$SettingItem['Group'].'"/></td></tr>';
221 | $I++;
222 | }
223 | $Output .= '</table><input type="hidden" name="NewsCategoryCount" value="'.count($this->NewsSetting).'" /><input type="submit" value="Uložit" /></form></td></tr></table><br>';
224 | return $Output;
225 | }
226 |
227 | function CustomizeSave(): void
228 | {
229 | $Checkbox = array('' => 0, 'on' => 1);
230 | $Setting = array();
231 | for ($I = 0; $I < $_POST['NewsCategoryCount']; $I++)
232 | {
233 | if (($_POST['NewsCategoryDaysAgo'.$I] * 1) < 0) $_POST['NewsCategoryIndex'.$I] = 0;
234 | if (($_POST['NewsCategoryCount'.$I] * 1) < 0) $_POST['NewsCategoryCount'.$I] = 0;
235 | if (($_POST['NewsColumn'.$I] * 1) < 1) $_POST['NewsColumn'.$I] = 1;
236 | if (!array_key_exists('NewsCategoryEnabled'.$I, $_POST)) $_POST['NewsCategoryEnabled'.$I] = '';
237 | $Setting[] = array('CategoryId' => $_POST['NewsCategoryId'.$I], 'Enabled' => $Checkbox[$_POST['NewsCategoryEnabled'.$I]], 'ItemCount' => ($_POST['NewsCategoryCount'.$I]*1), 'DaysAgo' => ($_POST['NewsCategoryDaysAgo'.$I]*1), 'Index' => ($_POST['NewsCategoryIndex'.$I]*1),
238 | 'Group' => $_POST['NewsColumn'.$I]);
239 | }
240 | // Sort indexes
241 | usort($Setting, 'CategoryItemCompare');
242 | $Setting = array_reverse($Setting);
243 | // Normalize indexes
244 | foreach ($Setting as $Index => $Item)
245 | $Setting[$Index]['Index'] = $Index + 1;
246 |
247 | // Store new cookie value
248 | $_COOKIE['NewsSetting'] = serialize($Setting);
249 | setcookie('NewsSetting', $_COOKIE['NewsSetting'], time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365);
250 | }
251 |
252 | function ModifyContentPrefix(string $Content, string $Prefix): string
253 | {
254 | $Result = '';
255 |
256 | // Make HTML link from URL
257 | $I = 0;
258 | while (strpos($Content, $Prefix) !== false)
259 | {
260 | $I = strpos($Content, $Prefix);
261 | if (($I > 0) and ($Content[$I - 1] != '"'))
262 | {
263 | $Result .= substr($Content, 0, $I);
264 | $Content = substr($Content, $I);
265 | if (strpos($Content, ' ') !== false)
266 | $URL = substr($Content, 0, strpos($Content, ' '));
267 | else $URL = substr($Content, 0);
268 | $Result .= '<a href="'.$URL.'">'.$URL.'</a>';
269 | $Content = substr($Content, strlen($URL));
270 | } else
271 | {
272 | $Result .= substr($Content, 0, $I + 1);
273 | $Content = substr($Content, $I + 1);
274 | }
275 | }
276 | $Result .= $Content;
277 | return $Result;
278 | }
279 |
280 | function ModifyContent(string $Content): string
281 | {
282 | return $this->ModifyContentPrefix($this->ModifyContentPrefix($Content, 'http://'), 'https://');
283 | }
284 |
285 | static function Cast(Module $Module): ModuleNews
286 | {
287 | if ($Module instanceof ModuleNews)
288 | {
289 | return $Module;
290 | }
291 | throw new Exception('Expected ModuleNews type but got '.gettype($Module));
292 | }
293 | }
294 |
295 | class News extends Model
296 | {
297 | static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc
298 | {
299 | $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
300 | $Desc->AddReference('Category', NewsCategory::GetClassName(), true);
301 | $Desc->AddString('Title');
302 | $Desc->AddText('Content');
303 | $Desc->AddDate('Date');
304 | $Desc->AddString('Author');
305 | $Desc->AddString('Enclosure');
306 | $Desc->AddReference('User', User::GetClassName());
307 | $Desc->AddString('IP');
308 | $Desc->AddString('Link');
309 | return $Desc;
310 | }
311 | }
312 |
313 | class NewsCategory extends Model
314 | {
315 | static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc
316 | {
317 | $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
318 | $Desc->AddString('Caption');
319 | $Desc->AddString('RSS');
320 | $Desc->AddBoolean('Permission');
321 | $Desc->AddInteger('Sequence');
322 | $Desc->AddInteger('Group');
323 | return $Desc;
324 | }
325 | }