1 | <?php
2 |
3 | class SpeedLimit
4 | {
5 | public int $Min;
6 | public int $Max;
7 | public ?int $PacketMark;
8 |
9 | function __construct(int $Min, int $Max, int $PacketMark = null)
10 | {
11 | $this->Min = $Min;
12 | $this->Max = $Max;
13 | $this->PacketMark = $PacketMark;
14 | }
15 |
16 | function Print(): string
17 | {
18 | $Output = '(Min: '.$this->Min.' Max: '.$this->Max;
19 | if ($this->PacketMark != null) $Output .= ' PacketMark: '.$this->PacketMark;
20 | $Output .= ')';
21 | return $Output;
22 | }
23 | }
24 |
25 | class SpeedLimitItem
26 | {
27 | public string $Name;
28 | public ?SpeedLimitItem $Parent;
29 | public SpeedLimit $LimitIn;
30 | public SpeedLimit $LimitOut;
31 | public bool $FixedSpeed;
32 | public SpeedLimitItems $SubItems;
33 |
34 | function __construct(string $Name, SpeedLimitItem $Parent = null)
35 | {
36 | $this->Name = $Name;
37 | $this->Parent = $Parent;
38 | if ($Parent != null) $Parent->SubItems->Add($this);
39 | $this->SubItems = new SpeedLimitItems();
40 | $this->FixedSpeed = false;
41 | }
42 |
43 | function Print(int $Indent = 0): string
44 | {
45 | $Output = str_repeat(' ', $Indent * 2).$this->Name.' In:'.$this->LimitIn->Print().' Out:'.$this->LimitOut->Print()."\n";
46 | $Output .= $this->SubItems->Print($Indent + 1);
47 | return $Output;
48 | }
49 |
50 | function CheckName($Name, &$UsedNames): void
51 | {
52 | if (in_array($Name, $UsedNames)) die("\n".'Duplicate name: '.$Name);
53 | else $UsedNames[] = $Name;
54 | }
55 |
56 | function GetCommands(&$UsedNames = null): array
57 | {
58 | if ($UsedNames == null) $UsedNames = array();
59 |
60 | $this->CheckName($this->Name.'-out', $UsedNames);
61 | $Item = array('name' => $this->Name.'-out', 'limit-at' => $this->LimitOut->Min, 'max-limit' => $this->LimitOut->Max,
62 | 'parent' => $this->GetParentName('-out'), 'packet-mark' => $this->LimitOut->PacketMark);
63 | if ($this->LimitOut->PacketMark != null) $Item['packet-mark'] = $this->LimitOut->PacketMark;
64 | $Output[] = $Item;
65 |
66 | $this->CheckName($this->Name.'-in', $UsedNames);
67 | $Item = array('name' => $this->Name.'-in', 'limit-at' => $this->LimitIn->Min, 'max-limit' => $this->LimitIn->Max,
68 | 'parent' => $this->GetParentName('-in'));
69 | if ($this->LimitIn->PacketMark != null) $Item['packet-mark'] = $this->LimitIn->PacketMark;
70 | $Output[] = $Item;
71 |
72 | $Output = array_merge($Output, $this->SubItems->GetCommands($UsedNames));
73 | return $Output;
74 | }
75 |
76 | function GetParentName(string $Suffix): string
77 | {
78 | if ($this->Parent != null) return $this->Parent->Name.$Suffix;
79 | return 'global';
80 | }
81 |
82 | function UpdateMinSpeeds(): void
83 | {
84 | if (($this->LimitIn->Min == 0) or ($this->LimitOut->Min == 0))
85 | {
86 | $SpeedMinOut = 0;
87 | $SpeedMinIn = 0;
88 | foreach ($this->SubItems->Items as $Index => $Item)
89 | {
90 | $this->SubItems->Items[$Index]->UpdateMinSpeeds();
91 | $SpeedMinOut += $this->SubItems->Items[$Index]->LimitOut->Min;
92 | $SpeedMinIn += $this->SubItems->Items[$Index]->LimitIn->Min;
93 | }
94 | if ($SpeedMinOut > $this->LimitOut->Max) $SpeedMinOut = $this->LimitOut->Max;
95 | if ($SpeedMinIn > $this->LimitIn->Max) $SpeedMinIn = $this->LimitIn->Max;
96 | $this->LimitOut->Min = $SpeedMinOut;
97 | $this->LimitIn->Min = $SpeedMinIn;
98 | }
99 | }
100 |
101 | function AdjustMinSpeedsToMax(float $MultiplierIn, float $MultiplierOut): void
102 | {
103 | foreach ($this->SubItems->Items as $Index => $Item)
104 | {
105 | $this->SubItems->Items[$Index]->AdjustMinSpeedsToMax($MultiplierIn, $MultiplierOut);
106 | }
107 | if ($this->FixedSpeed == false)
108 | {
109 | $this->LimitOut->Min = round($this->LimitOut->Min * $MultiplierOut);
110 | if ($this->LimitOut->Min > $this->LimitOut->Max)
111 | {
112 | echo($this->Name.': '.$this->LimitOut->Min.' > '.$this->LimitOut->Max."\n");
113 | $this->LimitOut->Min = $this->LimitOut->Max;
114 | }
115 | $this->LimitIn->Min = round($this->LimitIn->Min * $MultiplierIn);
116 | if ($this->LimitIn->Min > $this->LimitIn->Max)
117 | {
118 | echo($this->Name.': '.$this->LimitIn->Min.' > '.$this->LimitIn->Max."\n");
119 | $this->LimitIn->Min = $this->LimitIn->Max;
120 | }
121 | }
122 | }
123 | }
124 |
125 | class SpeedLimitItems extends GenericList
126 | {
127 | function AddNew(string $Name, SpeedLimitItem $Parent = null): SpeedLimitItem
128 | {
129 | $Item = new SpeedLimitItem($Name, $Parent);
130 | $Item->LimitIn = new SpeedLimit(0, 0);
131 | $Item->LimitOut = new SpeedLimit(0, 0);
132 | $this->Items[] = $Item;
133 | return $Item;
134 | }
135 |
136 | function Print(int $Indent = 0): string
137 | {
138 | $Output = '';
139 | foreach ($this->Items as $SubItem)
140 | {
141 | $Output .= $SubItem->Print($Indent);
142 | }
143 | return $Output;
144 | }
145 |
146 | function GetCommands(&$UsedNames): array
147 | {
148 | $Output = array();
149 | foreach ($this->Items as $SubItem)
150 | {
151 | $Output = array_merge($Output, $SubItem->GetCommands($UsedNames));
152 | }
153 | return $Output;
154 | }
155 | }
156 |
157 | class ConfigRouterOSQueue extends NetworkConfigItem
158 | {
159 | var $UsedNames;
160 | var $Devices;
161 | var $QueueItems;
162 | var $SpeedLimits;
163 |
164 | function Run(): void
165 | {
166 | $PathQueue = array('queue', 'tree');
167 |
168 | $Routerboard = new Routerboard();
169 | $Routerboard->UserName = $this->System->Config['MainRouter']['UserName'];
170 | $Routerboard->Timeout = $this->System->Config['MainRouter']['ConnectTimeout'];
171 | $Routerboard->HostName = $this->System->Config['MainRouter']['HostName'];
172 | $Routerboard->Debug = true;
173 |
174 | $this->UsedNames = array();
175 |
176 | $Finance = &ModuleFinance::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Finance'))->Finance;
177 | $Finance->LoadMonthParameters(0);
178 |
179 | // Generate traffic shaping rules
180 | $InDivider = 1;
181 | $OutDivider = 1;
182 | $TotalMaxSpeedIn = round($Finance->RealMaxSpeed / $InDivider) * 1000;
183 | $TotalMaxSpeedOut = round($Finance->RealMaxSpeed / $OutDivider) * 1000;
184 | $UsersMaxSpeedIn = round($Finance->MaxSpeed / $InDivider) * 1000;
185 | $UsersMaxSpeedOut = round($Finance->MaxSpeed / $OutDivider) * 1000;
186 | $OutInterface = 'eth1';
187 | $InInterface = 'ifb0';
188 | $InetInterface = $this->System->Config['MainRouter']['InetInterface'];
189 |
190 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Service', '*', '(`ChangeAction` IS NULL) AND (`Id`='.TARIFF_FREE.')');
191 | if ($DbResult->num_rows == 1)
192 | {
193 | $Service = $DbResult->fetch_array();
194 | $FreeInetSpeed = $Service['InternetSpeedMax'];
195 | } else $FreeInetSpeed = 0;
196 |
197 | // Root of tree and main limit
198 | $Main = new SpeedLimitItem('main');
199 | $Main->LimitIn = new SpeedLimit(0, $UsersMaxSpeedIn);
200 | $Main->LimitOut = new SpeedLimit(0, $UsersMaxSpeedOut);
201 |
202 | $this->LoadSpeedLimits($Main);
203 |
204 | // Free internet
205 | $Free = new SpeedLimitItem('free', $Main);
206 | $Free->LimitIn = new SpeedLimit($FreeInetSpeed, $FreeInetSpeed, GetMarkByComment('free-in'));
207 | $Free->LimitOut = new SpeedLimit($FreeInetSpeed, $FreeInetSpeed, GetMarkByComment('free-out'));
208 | $Free->FixedSpeed = true;
209 |
210 | // Process users
211 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT `Member`.*, `Subject`.`Name` FROM `Member` '.
212 | 'LEFT JOIN `Subject` ON `Subject`.`Id` = `Member`.`Subject` WHERE `Member`.`Blocked`=0');
213 | while ($Member = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
214 | {
215 | $ServiceIndex = 1;
216 | echo('Zákazník '.$Member['Name']."\n");
217 | $DbResult4 = $this->Database->query('SELECT `Service`.*, `ServiceCustomerRel`.`Id` AS `RelId`, '.
218 | '`ServiceCustomerRel`.`SpeedLimit` AS `SpeedLimit` FROM `ServiceCustomerRel` '.
219 | 'JOIN `Service` ON `Service`.`Id` = `ServiceCustomerRel`.`Service` '.
220 | 'WHERE (`ServiceCustomerRel`.`Customer` = '.$Member['Id'].') AND (`ServiceCustomerRel`.`ChangeAction` IS NULL) '.
221 | 'AND (`Service`.`InternetSpeedMax` > 0) AND (`Service`.`InternetSpeedMin` > 0)');
222 | while ($Service = $DbResult4->fetch_assoc())
223 | {
224 | $MinSpeed = $Service['InternetSpeedMin'];
225 | $MaxSpeed = $Service['InternetSpeedMax'];
226 | if ($Service['InternetSpeedBonus'] > $MaxSpeed) $MaxSpeed = $Service['InternetSpeedBonus'];
227 |
228 | echo('Služba '.$Service['Name'].': ');
229 | $MemberName = RouterOSIdent($Member['Name'].'-'.$Member['Id'].'-'.$ServiceIndex);
230 | $MinReduction = 100;
231 | $SpeedIn = round($MinSpeed / $InDivider / $MinReduction);
232 | $SpeedOut = round($MinSpeed / $OutDivider / $MinReduction);
233 | $UserMaxSpeedIn = round($MaxSpeed / $InDivider);
234 | $UserMaxSpeedOut = round($MaxSpeed / $OutDivider);
235 |
236 | // Reduce max speed by speed limits
237 | $SpeedLimitItem = $Main;
238 | if ($Service['SpeedLimit'] != null)
239 | {
240 | $SpeedLimit = $this->SpeedLimits[$Service['SpeedLimit']];
241 | $SpeedLimitItem = $SpeedLimit['SpeedLimitItem'];
242 | if ($UserMaxSpeedIn > $SpeedLimit['SpeedMaxIn']) $UserMaxSpeedIn = $SpeedLimit['SpeedMaxIn'];
243 | if ($UserMaxSpeedOut > $SpeedLimit['SpeedMaxOut']) $UserMaxSpeedOut = $SpeedLimit['SpeedMaxOut'];
244 | while ($SpeedLimit['Parent'] != null)
245 | {
246 | $SpeedLimit = $this->SpeedLimits[$SpeedLimit['Parent']];
247 | if ($UserMaxSpeedIn > $SpeedLimit['SpeedMaxIn']) $UserMaxSpeedIn = $SpeedLimit['SpeedMaxIn'];
248 | if ($UserMaxSpeedOut > $SpeedLimit['SpeedMaxOut']) $UserMaxSpeedOut = $SpeedLimit['SpeedMaxOut'];
249 | }
250 | }
251 |
252 | $LimitMember = new SpeedLimitItem($MemberName, $SpeedLimitItem);
253 | $LimitMember->LimitIn = new SpeedLimit($SpeedIn, $UserMaxSpeedIn);
254 | $LimitMember->LimitOut = new SpeedLimit($SpeedOut, $UserMaxSpeedOut);
255 |
256 | $Filter = '(`Used` = 1) AND (`Service` = '.$Service['RelId'].')';
257 | $DbResult2 = $this->Database->select('NetworkDevice', 'COUNT(*)', $Filter);
258 | $Row = $DbResult2->fetch_row();
259 | $HostCount = $Row[0];
260 | if ($HostCount > 0)
261 | {
262 | $HostSpeedIn = round($SpeedIn / $HostCount);
263 | $HostSpeedOut = round($SpeedOut / $HostCount);
264 | } else
265 | {
266 | $HostSpeedIn = $SpeedIn;
267 | $HostSpeedOut = $SpeedOut;
268 | }
269 |
270 | $DbResult2 = $this->Database->select('NetworkDevice', '*', $Filter);
271 | while ($Device = $DbResult2->fetch_assoc())
272 | {
273 | $DbResult3 = $this->Database->select('NetworkInterface', '*', '`Device` = '.$Device['Id'].' AND `LocalIP` != ""');
274 | while ($Interface = $DbResult3->fetch_assoc())
275 | {
276 | $DeviceName = $Device['Name'];
277 | if ($Interface['Name'] != '') $DeviceName .= '-'.$Interface['Name'];
278 | $DeviceName = RouterOSIdent($DeviceName);
279 | echo($DeviceName.', ');
280 | $LimitDevice = new SpeedLimitItem($DeviceName, $LimitMember);
281 | $LimitDevice->LimitIn = new SpeedLimit($HostSpeedIn, $UserMaxSpeedIn, GetMarkByComment($DeviceName.'-in'));
282 | $LimitDevice->LimitOut = new SpeedLimit($HostSpeedOut, $UserMaxSpeedOut, GetMarkByComment($DeviceName.'-out'));
283 | }
284 | }
285 |
286 | $DbResult2 = $this->Database->select('NetworkSubnet', '*', '`Service`='.$Service['RelId']);
287 | while ($Subnet = $DbResult2->fetch_assoc())
288 | {
289 | $SubnetName = RouterOSIdent('subnet-'.$Subnet['Name']);
290 | echo($SubnetName.', ');
291 | $LimitSubnet = new SpeedLimitItem($SubnetName, $LimitMember);
292 | $LimitSubnet->LimitIn = new SpeedLimit($HostSpeedIn, $UserMaxSpeedIn, GetMarkByComment($SubnetName.'-in'));
293 | $LimitSubnet->LimitOut = new SpeedLimit($HostSpeedOut, $UserMaxSpeedOut, GetMarkByComment($SubnetName.'-out'));
294 | }
295 | echo("\n");
296 | $ServiceIndex++;
297 | }
298 | }
299 | $Main->UpdateMinSpeeds();
300 | $Main->AdjustMinSpeedsToMax($Main->LimitIn->Max / $Main->LimitIn->Min,
301 | $Main->LimitOut->Max / $Main->LimitOut->Min);
302 |
303 | echo($Main->Print());
304 | $ItemsQueue = $Main->GetCommands();
305 | $Routerboard->ListUpdate($PathQueue, array('name', 'limit-at', 'max-limit', 'parent', 'packet-mark'), $ItemsQueue, array(), true);
306 | }
307 |
308 | function BuildSpeedLimit(&$SpeedLimit, $TopSpeedLimitItem): void
309 | {
310 | $SpeedLimitName = $SpeedLimit['Name'].'-grp';
311 | $SpeedLimitName = RouterOSIdent($SpeedLimitName);
312 | echo($SpeedLimitName.', ');
313 |
314 | $SpeedLimitItem = new SpeedLimitItem($SpeedLimitName, $TopSpeedLimitItem);
315 | $SpeedLimitItem->LimitIn = new SpeedLimit(0, $SpeedLimit['SpeedMaxIn']);
316 | $SpeedLimitItem->LimitOut = new SpeedLimit(0, $SpeedLimit['SpeedMaxOut']);
317 | $SpeedLimit['SpeedLimitItem'] = $SpeedLimitItem;
318 |
319 | foreach ($SpeedLimit['Childs'] as $ChildId)
320 | {
321 | $this->BuildSpeedLimit($this->SpeedLimits[$ChildId], $SpeedLimitItem);
322 | }
323 | }
324 |
325 | function LoadSpeedLimits($SpeedLimitItem): void
326 | {
327 | echo('Limit groups: ');
328 | // Load all speed limits
329 | $this->SpeedLimits = array();
330 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `NetworkSpeedLimit`');
331 | while ($SpeedLimit = $DbResult->fetch_array())
332 | {
333 | $SpeedLimit['Childs'] = array();
334 | $this->SpeedLimits[$SpeedLimit['Id']] = $SpeedLimit;
335 | }
336 |
337 | // Calculate childs from parent
338 | foreach ($this->SpeedLimits as $Index => $SpeedLimit)
339 | {
340 | if ($SpeedLimit['Parent'] != null) $this->SpeedLimits[$SpeedLimit['Parent']]['Childs'][] = $Index;
341 | }
342 |
343 | // Build speed limits from top
344 | foreach ($this->SpeedLimits as $Index => $SpeedLimit)
345 | {
346 | if ($SpeedLimit['Parent'] == null)
347 | {
348 | $this->BuildSpeedLimit($this->SpeedLimits[$Index], $SpeedLimitItem);
349 | }
350 | }
351 | echo("\n");
352 | }
353 |
354 | function UpdateMinSpeed($DeviceId): void
355 | {
356 | $MinSpeed = 0;
357 | foreach ($this->Devices[$DeviceId]['Childs'] as $DeviceChild)
358 | {
359 | $this->UpdateMinSpeed($DeviceChild);
360 | $MinSpeed += $this->Devices[$DeviceChild]['MinSpeed'];
361 | }
362 | $this->Devices[$DeviceId]['MinSpeed'] = $MinSpeed;
363 | if ($this->Devices[$DeviceId]['DeviceCount'] > 0)
364 | $this->Devices[$DeviceId]['MinSpeed'] += round($this->Devices[$DeviceId]['InternetSpeedMin'] / $this->Devices[$DeviceId]['DeviceCount']);
365 | }
366 |
367 | // Calculate maximum real speed available for each network device Start with main router and continue with adjecement nodes.
368 | function BuildTree($RootDeviceId, $BaseSpeed): void
369 | {
370 | // Load network devices
371 | $this->Devices = array();
372 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT `NetworkDevice`.`Name`,`NetworkDevice`.`Id`, '.
373 | '`Service`.`InternetSpeedMin`, `Service`.`InternetSpeedMax`, '.
374 | '(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `NetworkDevice` AS `T` WHERE `T`.`Service` = `NetworkDevice`.`Service`) AS `DeviceCount` FROM `NetworkDevice` '.
375 | 'LEFT JOIN `ServiceCustomerRel` ON `ServiceCustomerRel`.`Id`=`NetworkDevice`.`Service` '.
376 | 'LEFT JOIN `Service` ON `Service`.`Id` = `ServiceCustomerRel`.`Service`');
377 | while ($Device = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
378 | {
379 | $Device['Interfaces'] = array();
380 | $Device['Calculated'] = false;
381 | $Device['MaxSpeed'] = 0;
382 | $Device['MinSpeed'] = 0;
383 | $Device['Childs'] = array();
384 | $Device['Parent'] = 0;
385 | $Device['QueueName'] = '';
386 | $this->Devices[$Device['Id']] = $Device;
387 | }
388 |
389 | // Load network interfaces and assign them to device
390 | $Interfaces = array();
391 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT `Device`,`Name`,`Id` FROM `NetworkInterface`');
392 | while ($Interface = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
393 | {
394 | $Interface['Links'] = array();
395 | $Interfaces[$Interface['Id']] = $Interface;
396 | $this->Devices[$Interface['Device']]['Interfaces'][] = $Interface['Id'];
397 | }
398 |
399 | // Load network links and assign them to interfaces
400 | $Links = array();
401 | $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT `NetworkLink`.`Id`,`NetworkLink`.`Interface1`,'.
402 | '`NetworkLink`.`Interface2`,`NetworkLinkType`.`MaxRealSpeed` FROM `NetworkLink` '.
403 | 'LEFT JOIN `NetworkLinkType` ON `NetworkLinkType`.`Id`=`NetworkLink`.`Type`');
404 | while ($Link = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
405 | {
406 | $Links[$Link['Id']] = $Link;
407 | $Interfaces[$Link['Interface1']]['Links'][] = $Link['Id'];
408 | $Interfaces[$Link['Interface2']]['Links'][] = $Link['Id'];
409 | }
410 |
411 | // Calculate maximum speed for network devices
412 | $DevicesToCheck = array($RootDeviceId);
413 | $this->Devices[$RootDeviceId]['MaxSpeed'] = $BaseSpeed;
414 | $this->Devices[$RootDeviceId]['Calculated'] = true;
415 |
416 | while (count($DevicesToCheck) > 0)
417 | {
418 | $NewDevicesToCheck = array();
419 | foreach ($DevicesToCheck as $DeviceId)
420 | {
421 | foreach ($this->Devices[$DeviceId]['Interfaces'] as $InterfaceId)
422 | {
423 | foreach ($Interfaces[$InterfaceId]['Links'] as $LinkId)
424 | {
425 | $Link = $Links[$LinkId];
426 | $Interface2Id = $Link['Interface1'];
427 | if ($Interface2Id == $InterfaceId) $Interface2Id = $Links[$LinkId]['Interface2'];
428 |
429 | $Device2Id = $Interfaces[$Interface2Id]['Device'];
430 | if ($this->Devices[$Device2Id]['Calculated'] == false)
431 | {
432 | $this->Devices[$Device2Id]['Calculated'] = true;
433 | $NewMaxSpeed = $this->Devices[$DeviceId]['MaxSpeed'];
434 | if ($NewMaxSpeed > $Link['MaxRealSpeed'])
435 | $NewMaxSpeed = $Link['MaxRealSpeed'];
436 | $this->Devices[$Device2Id]['MaxSpeed'] = $NewMaxSpeed;
437 | // Set nodes tree relation
438 | $this->Devices[$Device2Id]['Parent'] = $DeviceId;
439 | $this->Devices[$DeviceId]['Childs'][] = $Device2Id;
440 | $NewDevicesToCheck[] = $Device2Id;
441 | }
442 | }
443 | }
444 | }
445 | $DevicesToCheck = $NewDevicesToCheck;
446 | }
447 |
448 | // Calculate maximum speed for network devices
449 | $this->UpdateMinSpeed($RootDeviceId);
450 |
451 | echo('Not linked network devices: ');
452 | foreach ($this->Devices as $Device)
453 | {
454 | if ($Device['MaxSpeed'] == 0) echo($Device['Name'].', ');
455 | }
456 | echo("\n");
457 | }
458 |
459 | function BuildQueueItems($DeviceId, $SpeedLimitParent): void
460 | {
461 | $Device = $this->Devices[$DeviceId];
462 |
463 | // Device
464 | $DeviceName = $Device['Name'];
465 | $DeviceName = RouterOSIdent($DeviceName);
466 | $this->Devices[$DeviceId]['QueueName'] = $DeviceName;
467 | echo($DeviceName.', ');
468 |
469 | $LimitDevice = new SpeedLimitItem($DeviceName, $SpeedLimitParent);
470 | $LimitDevice->LimitIn = new SpeedLimit($Device['MinSpeed'], $Device['MaxSpeed'], GetMarkByComment($DeviceName.'-in'));
471 | $LimitDevice->LimitOut = new SpeedLimit($Device['MinSpeed'], $Device['MaxSpeed'], GetMarkByComment($DeviceName.'-out'));
472 |
473 | // Interfaces
474 | $DbResult3 = $this->Database->select('NetworkInterface', '*', '`Device` = '.$DeviceId.' AND `LocalIP` != ""');
475 | $IntCount = $DbResult3->num_rows;
476 | while ($Interface = $DbResult3->fetch_assoc())
477 | {
478 | $InterfaceName = $Device['Name'];
479 | if ($Interface['Name'] != '') $InterfaceName .= '-'.$Interface['Name'];
480 | else $InterfaceName .= '-';
481 | $InterfaceName = RouterOSIdent($InterfaceName);
482 | echo($InterfaceName.', ');
483 |
484 | $LimitInterface = new SpeedLimitItem($InterfaceName, $LimitDevice);
485 | $LimitInterface->LimitIn = new SpeedLimit(round($Device['MinSpeed'] / $IntCount), $Device['MaxSpeed'], GetMarkByComment($InterfaceName.'-in'));
486 | $LimitInterface->LimitOut = new SpeedLimit(round($Device['MinSpeed'] / $IntCount), $Device['MaxSpeed'], GetMarkByComment($InterfaceName.'-out'));
487 | }
488 |
489 | // Process childs
490 | foreach ($Device['Childs'] as $DeviceChild)
491 | {
492 | $this->BuildQueueItems($DeviceChild, $LimitDevice);
493 | }
494 | }
495 |
496 | function RunTopology(): void
497 | {
498 | $PathQueue = array('queue', 'tree');
499 |
500 | $Routerboard = new Routerboard();
501 | $Routerboard->UserName = $this->System->Config['MainRouter']['UserName'];
502 | $Routerboard->Timeout = $this->System->Config['MainRouter']['ConnectTimeout'];
503 | $Routerboard->HostName = $this->System->Config['MainRouter']['HostName'];
504 | $Routerboard->Debug = true;
505 |
506 | $this->UsedNames = array();
507 |
508 | $Finance = &ModuleFinance::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Finance'))->Finance;
509 | $Finance->LoadMonthParameters(0);
510 |
511 | $InDivider = 1;
512 | $OutDivider = 1;
513 | $UsersMaxSpeedIn = round($Finance->MaxSpeed / $InDivider) * 1000;
514 | $UsersMaxSpeedOut = round($Finance->MaxSpeed / $OutDivider) * 1000;
515 |
516 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Service', '*', '(`ChangeAction` IS NULL) AND (`Id`='.TARIFF_FREE.')');
517 | if ($DbResult->num_rows == 1)
518 | {
519 | $Service = $DbResult->fetch_array();
520 | $FreeInetSpeed = $Service['InternetSpeedMax'];
521 | } else $FreeInetSpeed = 0;
522 |
523 | $this->ItemsQueue = array();
524 |
525 | // Root of tree and main limit
526 | $Main = new SpeedLimitItem('main');
527 | $Main->LimitIn = new SpeedLimit($UsersMaxSpeedIn, $UsersMaxSpeedIn);
528 | $Main->LimitOut = new SpeedLimit($UsersMaxSpeedOut, $UsersMaxSpeedOut);
529 |
530 | // Slow free internet
531 | $Free = new SpeedLimitItem('free', $Main);
532 | $Free->LimitIn = new SpeedLimit($FreeInetSpeed, $FreeInetSpeed, GetMarkByComment('free-in'));
533 | $Free->LimitOut = new SpeedLimit($FreeInetSpeed, $FreeInetSpeed, GetMarkByComment('free-out'));
534 |
535 | $this->BuildTree($this->System->Config['MainRouter']['DeviceId'], $UsersMaxSpeedIn);
536 | $this->BuildQueueItems($this->System->Config['MainRouter']['DeviceId'], $Main);
537 |
538 | echo($Main->Print());
539 | die();
540 |
541 | print_r($this->ItemsQueue);
542 | //$Routerboard->ListUpdate($PathQueue, array('name', 'limit-at', 'max-limit',
543 | // 'parent', 'packet-mark'), $this->ItemsQueue, array(), true);
544 | }
545 | }