1 | <?php
2 |
3 | class ConfigRouterOSFirewallMangle extends NetworkConfigItem
4 | {
5 | function ProcessNode($Node): void
6 | {
7 | global $InetInterface, $ItemsFirewall;
8 |
9 | foreach ($Node['Items'] as $Item)
10 | {
11 | if (count($Item['Items']) == 0)
12 | {
13 | // Hosts
14 | $ParentSubnetId = GetSubgroupByRange($Node['Address']->AddressToString().'/'.$Node['Address']->Prefix);
15 | $Address = $Item['Address']->AddressToString();
16 | if ($Item['Address']->Prefix != 32) $Address .= '/'.$Item['Address']->Prefix;
17 |
18 | $PacketMark = GetMarkByComment($Item['Name'].'-out');
19 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'inet-'.$ParentSubnetId.'-out', 'src-address' => $Address, 'out-interface' => $InetInterface, 'action' => 'mark-packet', 'new-packet-mark' => $PacketMark, 'passthrough' => 'no', 'comment' => $Item['Name'].'-out');
20 | $PacketMark = GetMarkByComment($Item['Name'].'-in');
21 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'inet-'.$ParentSubnetId.'-in', 'dst-address' => $Address, 'in-interface' => $InetInterface, 'action' => 'mark-packet', 'new-packet-mark' => $PacketMark, 'passthrough' => 'no', 'comment' => $Item['Name'].'-in');
22 | } else
23 | {
24 | // Subnets
25 | $ParentSubnetId = GetSubgroupByRange($Node['Address']->AddressToString().'/'.$Node['Address']->Prefix);
26 | $SubnetId = GetSubgroupByRange($Item['Address']->AddressToString().'/'.$Item['Address']->Prefix);
27 | $PacketMark = GetMarkByComment($Item['Name'].'-out');
28 |
29 | $Address = $Item['Address']->AddressToString();
30 | if ($Item['Address']->Prefix != 32) $Address .= '/'.$Item['Address']->Prefix;
31 |
32 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'inet-'.$ParentSubnetId.'-out', 'src-address' => $Address, 'out-interface' => $InetInterface, 'action' => 'jump', 'jump-target' => 'inet-'.$SubnetId.'-out', 'comment' => $Item['Name'].'-out');
33 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'inet-'.$ParentSubnetId.'-in', 'dst-address' => $Address, 'in-interface' => $InetInterface, 'action' => 'jump', 'jump-target' => 'inet-'.$SubnetId.'-in', 'comment' => $Item['Name'].'-in');
34 |
35 | $this->ProcessNode($Item);
36 | }
37 | }
38 | if ($Node['ForceMark'] == true)
39 | {
40 | // Mark member subnets
41 | $ParentSubnetId = GetSubgroupByRange($Node['Address']->AddressToString().'/'.$Node['Address']->Prefix);
42 | $PacketMark = GetMarkByComment($Node['Name'].'-out');
43 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'inet-'.$ParentSubnetId.'-out', 'src-address' => '', 'out-interface' => $InetInterface, 'action' => 'mark-packet', 'new-packet-mark' => $PacketMark, 'passthrough' => 'no', 'comment' => $Node['Name'].'-all-out');
44 | $PacketMark = GetMarkByComment($Node['Name'].'-in');
45 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'inet-'.$ParentSubnetId.'-in', 'dst-address' => '', 'in-interface' => $InetInterface, 'action' => 'mark-packet', 'new-packet-mark' => $PacketMark, 'passthrough' => 'no', 'comment' => $Node['Name'].'-all-in');
46 | }
47 | }
48 |
49 | function Run(): void
50 | {
51 | $this->RunIPv4();
52 | $this->RunIPv6();
53 | }
54 |
55 | function RunIPv4(): void
56 | {
57 | global $ItemsFirewall;
58 |
59 | $PathFirewall = array('ip', 'firewall', 'mangle');
60 |
61 | $Routerboard = new Routerboard();
62 | $Routerboard->UserName = $this->System->Config['MainRouter']['UserName'];
63 | $Routerboard->Timeout = $this->System->Config['MainRouter']['ConnectTimeout'];
64 | $Routerboard->HostName = $this->System->Config['MainRouter']['HostName'];
65 | $Routerboard->Debug = true;
66 |
67 | $InetInterface = $this->System->Config['MainRouter']['InetInterface'];
68 |
69 | // Generate address tree
70 | $AddressTree = array('Address' => new NetworkAddressIPv4(), 'Name' => 'main', 'Items' => array(), 'ForceMark' => false);
71 |
72 | // Divide rules by subnet number
73 | $DbResult = $this->System->Database->query('SELECT `Id`, `Name`, `AddressRange`, `Mask` FROM `NetworkSubnet` WHERE `Member` IS NULL');
74 | while ($Subnet = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
75 | {
76 | $NewAddress = new NetworkAddressIPv4();
77 | $NewAddress->AddressFromString($Subnet['AddressRange']);
78 | $NewAddress->Prefix = $Subnet['Mask'];
79 | InsertToAddressTreeIPv4($AddressTree, $NewAddress, 'subnet-'.RouterOSIdent($Subnet['Name']));
80 | }
81 |
82 | // Process users
83 | $DbResult = $this->System->Database->query('SELECT `Member`.*, `Subject`.`Name` FROM `Member` '.
84 | 'LEFT JOIN `Subject` ON `Subject`.`Id` = `Member`.`Subject` '.
85 | 'WHERE `Member`.`Blocked` = 0');
86 | while ($Member = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
87 | {
88 | $Member['Name'] = RouterOSIdent($Member['Name'].'-'.$Member['Id'] );
89 | echo('Uživatel '.$Member['Name'].': ');
90 |
91 | $DbResult2 = $this->System->Database->select('NetworkDevice', '*', '`Used` = 1 AND `Member` = '.$Member['Id']);
92 | while ($Device = $DbResult2->fetch_assoc())
93 | {
94 | $DbResult3 = $this->Database->select('NetworkInterface', '*', '`Device` = '.$Device['Id'].' AND `LocalIP` != ""');
95 | while ($Interface = $DbResult3->fetch_assoc())
96 | {
97 | $Name = $Device['Name'];
98 | if ($Interface['Name'] != '') $Name .= '-'.$Interface['Name'];
99 | $Name = RouterOSIdent($Name);
100 | echo($Name.', ');
101 | $NewAddress = new NetworkAddressIPv4();
102 | $NewAddress->AddressFromString($Interface['LocalIP']);
103 | $NewAddress->Prefix = IPV4_BIT_WIDTH;
104 | InsertToAddressTreeIPv4($AddressTree, $NewAddress, $Name);
105 | }
106 | }
107 |
108 | $DbResult2 = $this->Database->select('NetworkSubnet', '*', '(`Member`='.$Member['Id'].') AND (AddressRange != "")');
109 | while ($Subnet = $DbResult2->fetch_assoc())
110 | {
111 | $Subnet['Name'] = RouterOSIdent('subnet-'.$Subnet['Name']);
112 | echo($Subnet['Name'].', ');
113 | $NewAddress = new NetworkAddressIPv4();
114 | $NewAddress->AddressFromString($Subnet['AddressRange']);
115 | $NewAddress->Prefix = $Subnet['Mask'];
116 | if ($Subnet['Member'] != 0) $ForceMark = true;
117 | else $ForceMark = false;
118 | echo($ForceMark.', ');
119 | InsertToAddressTreeIPv4($AddressTree, $NewAddress, $Subnet['Name'], false, $ForceMark);
120 | }
121 | echo("\n");
122 | }
123 |
124 | ShowSubnetNode($AddressTree);
125 |
126 | // Generate firewall rules
127 | $ItemsFirewall = array();
128 |
129 | // Root of tree and main limit
130 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'forward', 'out-interface' => $InetInterface, 'dst-address' => '!', 'action' => 'jump', 'jump-target' => 'inet-1-out', 'comment' => 'main-out');
131 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'forward', 'in-interface' => $InetInterface, 'src-address' => '!', 'action' => 'jump', 'jump-target' => 'inet-1-in', 'comment' => 'main-in');
132 |
133 | $this->ProcessNode($AddressTree);
134 |
135 | // Limit direct input/output traffic to gateway
136 | $PacketMark = GetMarkByComment('rt-gateway-3-out');
137 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'output', 'out-interface' => $InetInterface, 'action' => 'mark-packet', 'new-packet-mark' => $PacketMark, 'comment' => 'local-out',);
138 | $PacketMark = GetMarkByComment('rt-gateway-3-in');
139 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'input', 'in-interface' => $InetInterface, 'action' => 'mark-packet', 'new-packet-mark' => $PacketMark, 'comment' => 'local-in',);
140 |
141 | // Limited free internet
142 | $PacketMark = GetMarkByComment('free-out');
143 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'inet-1-out', 'out-interface' => $InetInterface,
144 | 'action' => 'mark-packet', 'new-packet-mark' => $PacketMark, 'comment' => 'free-out', 'passthrough' => 'yes');
145 | $PacketMark = GetMarkByComment('free-in');
146 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'inet-1-in', 'in-interface' => $InetInterface,
147 | 'action' => 'mark-packet', 'new-packet-mark' => $PacketMark, 'comment' => 'free-in', 'passthrough' => 'no');
148 | // Unregistred clients add to address list
149 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'inet-1-out', 'out-interface' => $InetInterface, 'src-address' => '',
150 | 'action' => 'add-src-to-address-list', 'address-list' => 'unregistred', 'address-list-timeout' => '1d',
151 | 'comment' => 'unregistred-clients');
152 |
153 | $Routerboard->ListUpdate($PathFirewall, array('chain', 'dst-address', 'in-interface', 'action', 'new-packet-mark', 'passthrough', 'comment', 'out-interface', 'src-address', 'jump-target'), $ItemsFirewall, array(), true);
154 | }
155 |
156 | function RunIPv6(): void
157 | {
158 | global $ItemsFirewall;
159 |
160 | $PathFirewall = array('ipv6', 'firewall', 'mangle');
161 |
162 | $Routerboard = new Routerboard();
163 | $Routerboard->UserName = $this->System->Config['MainRouter']['UserName'];
164 | $Routerboard->Timeout = $this->System->Config['MainRouter']['ConnectTimeout'];
165 | $Routerboard->HostName = $this->System->Config['MainRouter']['HostName'];
166 | $Routerboard->Debug = true;
167 |
168 | $InetInterface = $this->System->Config['MainRouter']['InetInterface'];
169 |
170 | // Generate address tree
171 | $AddressTree = array('Address' => new NetworkAddressIPv4(), 'Name' => 'main', 'Items' => array(), 'ForceMark' => false);
172 |
173 | // Divide rules by subnet number
174 | $DbResult = $this->System->Database->query('SELECT `Id`, `Name`, `AddressRangeIPv6`, `MaskIPv6` FROM `NetworkSubnet` '.
175 | 'WHERE (`Member` IS NULL) AND (`AddressRangeIPv6` != "")');
176 | while ($Subnet = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
177 | {
178 | $NewAddress = new NetworkAddressIPv6();
179 | $NewAddress->AddressFromString($Subnet['AddressRangeIPv6']);
180 | $NewAddress->Prefix = $Subnet['MaskIPv6'];
181 | InsertToAddressTreeIPv6($AddressTree, $NewAddress, 'subnet-'.RouterOSIdent($Subnet['Name']));
182 | }
183 |
184 | // Process users
185 | $DbResult = $this->System->Database->query('SELECT `Member`.*, `Subject`.`Name` FROM `Member` '.
186 | 'LEFT JOIN `Subject` ON `Subject`.`Id` = `Member`.`Subject` '.
187 | 'WHERE `Member`.`Blocked` = 0');
188 | while ($Member = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
189 | {
190 | $Member['Name'] = RouterOSIdent($Member['Name'].'-'.$Member['Id'] );
191 | echo('Uživatel '.$Member['Name'].': ');
192 |
193 | $DbResult2 = $this->System->Database->select('NetworkDevice', '*', '`Used` = 1 AND `Member` = '.$Member['Id']);
194 | while ($Device = $DbResult2->fetch_assoc())
195 | {
196 | $DbResult3 = $this->Database->select('NetworkInterface', '*', '`Device` = '.$Device['Id'].' AND `IPv6` != ""');
197 | while ($Interface = $DbResult3->fetch_assoc())
198 | {
199 | $Name = $Device['Name'];
200 | if ($Interface['Name'] != '') $Name .= '-'.$Interface['Name'];
201 | $Name = RouterOSIdent($Name);
202 | echo($Name.', ');
203 | $NewAddress = new NetworkAddressIPv6();
204 | $NewAddress->AddressFromString($Interface['IPv6']);
205 | $NewAddress->Prefix = IPV6_BIT_WIDTH;
206 | InsertToAddressTreeIPv6($AddressTree, $NewAddress, $Name);
207 | }
208 | }
209 |
210 | $DbResult2 = $this->Database->select('NetworkSubnet', '*', '(`Member`='.$Member['Id'].') AND (AddressRangeIPv6 != "")');
211 | while ($Subnet = $DbResult2->fetch_assoc())
212 | {
213 | $Subnet['Name'] = RouterOSIdent('subnet-'.$Subnet['Name']);
214 | echo($Subnet['Name'].', ');
215 | $NewAddress = new NetworkAddressIPv6();
216 | $NewAddress->AddressFromString($Subnet['AddressRangeIPv6']);
217 | $NewAddress->Prefix = $Subnet['MaskIPv6'];
218 | if ($Subnet['Member'] != 0) $ForceMark = true;
219 | else $ForceMark = false;
220 | echo($ForceMark.', ');
221 | InsertToAddressTreeIPv6($AddressTree, $NewAddress, $Subnet['Name'], false, $ForceMark);
222 | }
223 | echo("\n");
224 | }
225 |
226 | ShowSubnetNode($AddressTree);
227 |
228 | // Generate firewall rules
229 | $ItemsFirewall = array();
230 |
231 | // Root of tree and main limit
232 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'forward', 'out-interface' => $InetInterface, 'dst-address' => '!2a00:e580:244::/48',
233 | 'action' => 'jump', 'jump-target' => 'inet-1-out', 'comment' => 'main-out');
234 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'forward', 'in-interface' => $InetInterface, 'src-address' => '!2a00:e580:244::/48',
235 | 'action' => 'jump', 'jump-target' => 'inet-1-in', 'comment' => 'main-in');
236 |
237 | $this->ProcessNode($AddressTree);
238 |
239 | // Limit direct input/output traffic to gateway
240 | $PacketMark = GetMarkByComment('rt-gateway-3-out');
241 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'output', 'out-interface' => $InetInterface, 'action' => 'mark-packet', 'new-packet-mark' => $PacketMark, 'comment' => 'local-out',);
242 | $PacketMark = GetMarkByComment('rt-gateway-3-in');
243 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'input', 'in-interface' => $InetInterface, 'action' => 'mark-packet', 'new-packet-mark' => $PacketMark, 'comment' => 'local-in',);
244 |
245 | // Limited free internet
246 | $PacketMark = GetMarkByComment('free-out');
247 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'inet-1-out', 'out-interface' => $InetInterface,
248 | 'action' => 'mark-packet', 'new-packet-mark' => $PacketMark, 'comment' => 'free-out', 'passthrough' => 'yes');
249 | $PacketMark = GetMarkByComment('free-in');
250 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'inet-1-in', 'in-interface' => $InetInterface,
251 | 'action' => 'mark-packet', 'new-packet-mark' => $PacketMark, 'comment' => 'free-in', 'passthrough' => 'no');
252 | // Unregistred clients add to address list
253 | $ItemsFirewall[] = array('chain' => 'inet-1-out', 'out-interface' => $InetInterface, 'src-address' => '2a00:e580:244::/48',
254 | 'action' => 'add-src-to-address-list', 'address-list' => 'unregistred', 'address-list-timeout' => '1d',
255 | 'comment' => 'unregistred-clients');
256 |
257 | $Routerboard->ListUpdate($PathFirewall, array('chain', 'dst-address', 'in-interface', 'action', 'new-packet-mark',
258 | 'passthrough', 'comment', 'out-interface', 'src-address', 'jump-target'), $ItemsFirewall, array(), true);
259 | }
260 | }