source: trunk/Modules/Network/Network.php

Last change on this file was 962, checked in by chronos, 12 months ago
  • Added: Show network ports summary on IS dashboard.
File size: 53.0 KB
9class PageFrequencyPlan extends Page
11 function __construct(System $System)
12 {
13 parent::__construct($System);
14 $this->Title = 'Frekvenční plán';
15 $this->Description = 'Výpis obsazení frekvenčních kanálů';
16 $this->ParentClass = 'PageNetwork';
17 }
19 function Show(): string
20 {
21 //
22 //$ChannelList = array(2412 => 1, 2417 => 2, 2422 => 3, 2427 => 4, 2432 => 5, 2437 => 6, 2442 => 7, 2447 => 8, 2452 => 9, 2457 => 10, 2462 => 11, 2467 => 12, 2472 => 13, 5200 => 40, 5205 => 41, 5210 => 42, 5215 => 43, 5220 => 44, 5225 => 45, 5230 => 46, 5235 => 47, 5240 => 48, 5245 => 49, 5250 => 50, 5255 => 51, 5260 => 52, 5265 => 53, 5270 => 54, 5275 => 55, 5280 => 56, 5285 => 57, 5290 => 58, 5295 => 59, 5300 => 60, 5500 => 100, 5520 => 104, 5540 => 108, 5560 => 112, 5580 => 116, 5600 => 120, 5620 => 124, 5640 => 128, 5660 => 132, 5700 => 140, 5720 => 144);
23 $Output = '<div align="center">'.
24 '<a href="?section=obsazeni_wifi_kanalu&range=a">Pásmo 2,4 GHz (a)</a> '.
25 '<a href="?section=obsazeni_wifi_kanalu&amp;range=bc">Pásmo 5 GHz dolní (b, c)</a> '.
26 '<a href="?section=obsazeni_wifi_kanalu&amp;range=d">Pásmo 5 GHz horní (d)</a> '.
27 '<a href="">VO-R/12/03.2021-3</a><br/>'.
28 '<strong>Seznam známých AP a obsazení kmitočtových pásem:</strong></div>'.
29 '<table class="WideTable">'.
30 '<tr><th/><br/>SSID<br/><br/></th>';
31 $ChannelList = array();
32 if (!array_key_exists('range', $_GET)) $_GET['range'] = 'a';
33 if ($_GET['range'] == 'a')
34 {
35 $Where = '(Frequency < 5000)';
36 for ($Freq = 2402; $Freq <= 2482; $Freq = $Freq + 5) $ChannelList[] = $Freq;
37 }
38 if ($_GET['range'] == 'bc')
39 {
40 $Where = '(Frequency >= 5000) AND (Frequency <= 5350)';
41 for ($Freq = 5150; $Freq <= 5350; $Freq = $Freq + 5) $ChannelList[] = $Freq;
42 }
43 if ($_GET['range'] == 'd')
44 {
45 $Where = '(Frequency >= 5470)';
46 for ($Freq = 5470; $Freq <= 5725; $Freq = $Freq + 5) $ChannelList[] = $Freq;
47 }
49 foreach ($ChannelList as $Frequency)
50 {
51 $Output .= '<th><div class="RotatedHeader">'.$Frequency.'<div></th>';
52 }
53 $Output .= '</tr>';
54 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT `Frequency` FROM `NetworkInterfaceWireless` WHERE '.$Where.' AND (`Mode`=0) GROUP BY `Frequency`');
55 while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
56 {
57 $DbResult2 = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `NetworkInterfaceWireless` WHERE (`Frequency`='.$DbRow['Frequency'].') AND '.$Where);
58 while ($DbRow2 = $DbResult2->fetch_assoc())
59 {
60 $LowFrequency = $DbRow['Frequency'] - $DbRow2['ChannelWidth'] / 2 - $DbRow2['ChannelWidthLower'];
61 $HighFrequency = $DbRow['Frequency'] + $DbRow2['ChannelWidth'] / 2 + $DbRow2['ChannelWidthUpper'];
62 $Output .= '<tr><td>'.$DbRow2['SSID'].'</td>';
63 foreach ($ChannelList as $Frequency)
64 {
65 if (($DbRow2['Frequency'] == $Frequency)) $Color = '#408040';
66 else if (($LowFrequency <= ($Frequency - 2.5)) and ($HighFrequency >= ($Frequency + 2.5))) $Color = '#50d050';
67 else if (($LowFrequency == $Frequency) or ($HighFrequency == $Frequency)) $Color = '#a0d0a0';
68 else $Color = '#ffffff';
69 $Output .= '<td style="background-color: '.$Color.';">&nbsp;</td>';
70 }
72 $Output .= '</tr>';
73 }
74 }
75 $Output .= '</table>';
76 return $Output;
77 }
80class PageNetwork extends Page
82 function __construct(System $System)
83 {
84 parent::__construct($System);
85 $this->Title = 'Síť';
86 $this->Description = 'Technické informace o síti';
87 $this->ParentClass = 'PagePortal';
88 }
90 function Show(): string
91 {
92 if (!ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User->CheckPermission('Network', 'ShowInfo'))
93 return 'Nemáte oprávnění';
95 $Output = '<a href="'.$this->System->Link('/network/frequency-plan/').'">Frekvenční plán</a><br />';
96 $Output .= '<a href="'.$this->System->Link('/network/subnet/').'">Výpis registrovaných podsítí</a><br />';
97 $Output .= '<a href="'.$this->System->Link('/network/hosts/').'">Registrované zařízení</a><br />';
98 return $Output;
99 }
102class ModuleNetwork extends Module
104 public int $MinNotifyTime;
106 function __construct(System $System)
107 {
108 parent::__construct($System);
109 $this->Name = 'Network';
110 $this->Version = '1.0';
111 $this->Creator = 'Chronos';
112 $this->License = 'GNU/GPLv3';
113 $this->Description = 'Networking related tools';
114 $this->Dependencies = array(ModuleNotify::GetName(), ModuleIS::GetName());
115 $this->Models = array(NetworkDomainAlias::GetClassName(), NetworkDevice::GetClassName(), NetworkDeviceType::GetClassName(),
116 NetworkDeviceLog::GetClassName(), NetworkInterface::GetClassName(), NetworkInterfaceType::GetClassName(),
117 NetworkSubnet::GetClassName(), NetworkPort::GetClassName(), NetworkSpeedLimit::GetClassName(),
118 NetworkInterfaceLatency::GetClassName(), NetworkLink::GetClassName(), NetworkLinkType::GetClassName(),
119 NetworkSignal::GetClassName(), NetworkAddressCategory::GetClassName(), NetworkDeviceConfig::GetClassName(),
120 NetworkDomain::GetClassName(), NetworkDomainServer::GetClassName(), NetworkDomainView::GetClassName(),
121 NetworkDomainItemFilter::GetClassName(), DeviceAPIType::GetClassName(), NetworkInterfaceWireless::GetClassName(),
122 NetworkInterfaceUpDown::GetClassName(), NetworkPortUpDown::GetClassName(), NetworkMac::GetClassName());
124 // TODO: Make notify time configurable
125 $this->MinNotifyTime = 30; // seconds
126 }
128 function DoStart(): void
129 {
130 ModuleNotify::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Notify'))->RegisterCheck('NetworkReachability',
131 array($this, 'ReachabilityCheck'));
132 ModuleNotify::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Notify'))->RegisterCheck('NetworkPort',
133 array($this, 'PortCheck'));
135 $this->System->RegisterPage(['network'], 'PageNetwork');
136 $this->System->RegisterPage(['network', 'administration'], 'PageNetworkAdministration');
137 $this->System->RegisterPage(['network', 'subnet'], 'PageSubnet');
138 $this->System->RegisterPage(['network', 'user-hosts'], 'PageNetworkHostList');
139 $this->System->RegisterPage(['network', 'hosting'],'PageHosting');
140 $this->System->RegisterPage(['network', 'hosts'], 'PageHostList');
141 $this->System->RegisterPage(['network', 'frequency-plan'], 'PageFrequencyPlan');
143 $this->System->RegisterCommandLine('networklog_import', 'Imports network logs from remote server', array($this, 'ImportNetworkLog'));
145 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkDomainAlias', array(
146 'Title' => 'Alias domény',
147 'Table' => 'NetworkDomainAlias',
148 'Items' => array(
149 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''),
150 'Target' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Cíl', 'Default' => ''),
151 'Comment' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Komentář', 'Default' => ''),
152 'Domain' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkDomain', 'Caption' => 'Síťová doména', 'Default' => ''),
153 ),
154 ));
155 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkDomainAliasListDomain', array(
156 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
157 'Table' => 'NetworkDomainAlias',
158 'Id' => 'Id',
159 'Ref' => 'Domain',
160 'Filter' => '1',
161 ));
162 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkDevice', array(
163 'Title' => 'Síťové zařízení',
164 'Table' => 'NetworkDevice',
165 'Items' => array(
166 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''),
167 'Type' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkDeviceType', 'Caption' => 'Typ', 'Default' => '0'),
168 'Member' => array('Type' => 'TMember', 'Caption' => 'Zákazník', 'Default' => '0'),
169 'Location' => array('Type' => 'TMember', 'Caption' => 'Umístění', 'Default' => '0'),
170 'Service' => array('Type' => 'TServiceCustomerRel', 'Caption' => 'Služba', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
171 'Used' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'Použito', 'Default' => '1'),
172 'Online' => array('Type' => 'TOnlineState', 'Caption' => 'Běží', 'Default' => '0', 'ReadOnly' => true),
173 'LastOnline' => array('Type' => 'DateTime', 'Caption' => 'Naposledy běželo', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true),
174 'PermanentOnline' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'Běží stále', 'Default' => '0'),
175 'Interfaces' => array('Type' => 'TInterfaceList', 'Caption' => 'Rozhraní', 'Default' => ''),
176 'MapPosition' => array('Type' => 'TMapPosition', 'Caption' => 'Pozice na mapě', 'Default' => '0', 'Null' => true),
177 'Product' => array('Type' => 'TProduct', 'Caption' => 'Produkt', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
178 'LoginName' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Přihlašovací jméno', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true, 'NotInList' => true),
179 'LoginPassword' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Přihlašovací heslo', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true, 'NotInList' => true),
180 'API' => array('Type' => 'TDeviceAPIType', 'Caption' => 'API', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
181 'Logs' => array('Type' => 'TDeviceLogList', 'Caption' => 'Záznamy', 'Default' => ''),
182 'InboundNATPriority' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Priorita příchozího NATu', 'Default' => '1'),
183 ),
184 'AfterInsert' => array($this, 'AfterInsertNetworkDevice'),
185 'AfterModify' => array($this, 'AfterModifyNetworkDevice'),
186 'AfterDelete' => array($this, 'AfterModifyNetworkDevice'),
187 ));
188 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkDeviceType', array(
189 'Title' => 'Typ síťového zařízení',
190 'Table' => 'NetworkDeviceType',
191 'Items' => array(
192 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''),
193 'ShowOnline' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'Ukázat online', 'Default' => '0'),
194 'IconName' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno ikony', 'Default' => '0'),
195 'Devices' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkDeviceListType', 'Caption' => 'Síťová zařízení', 'Default' => ''),
196 ),
197 ));
198 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkDeviceListType', array(
199 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
200 'Table' => 'NetworkDevice',
201 'Id' => 'Id',
202 'Ref' => 'Type',
203 'Filter' => '1',
204 ));
205 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkDeviceLog', array(
206 'Title' => 'Zprávy zařízení',
207 'Table' => 'NetworkDeviceLog',
208 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Time',
209 'DefaultSortOrder' => 1,
210 'Items' => array(
211 'Time' => array('Type' => 'DateTime', 'Caption' => 'Čas', 'Default' => ''),
212 'Device' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkDevice', 'Caption' => 'Zařízení', 'Default' => ''),
213 'Message' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Zpáva', 'Default' => ''),
214 'Tags' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Značky', 'Default' => ''),
215 ),
216 ));
217 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkInterface', array(
218 'Title' => 'Síťové rozhraní',
219 'Table' => 'NetworkInterface',
220 'Items' => array(
221 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''),
222 'Type' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkInterfaceType', 'Caption' => 'Typ', 'Default' => '0'),
223 'MAC' => array('Type' => 'MacAddress', 'Caption' => 'Fyzická adresa (MAC)', 'Default' => ''),
224 'LocalIP' => array('Type' => 'IPv4Address', 'Caption' => 'IPv4', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
225 'IPv6' => array('Type' => 'IPv6Address', 'Caption' => 'IPv6', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
226 'ExternalIP' => array('Type' => 'IPv4Address', 'Caption' => 'Veřejná IPv4', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
227 'Device' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkDevice', 'Caption' => 'Zařízení', 'Default' => ''),
228 'Enabled' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'Povoleno', 'Default' => '1'),
229 'Online' => array('Type' => 'TOnlineState', 'Caption' => 'Běží', 'Default' => '0', 'ReadOnly' => true),
230 'LastOnline' => array('Type' => 'DateTime', 'Caption' => 'Naposledy běželo', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true),
231 'Links' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkLinkListInterface', 'Caption' => 'Propojení', 'Default' => ''),
232 'UpDown' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkInterfaceUpDown', 'Caption' => 'Změny stavu', 'Default' => ''),
233 'Signal' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkSignalListInterface', 'Caption' => 'Signál', 'Default' => ''),
234 'Wireless' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkInterfaceWirelessListInterface', 'Caption' => 'Bezdrátové spoje', 'Default' => ''),
235 'Ports' => array('Type' => 'TDevicePortListInterface', 'Caption' => 'Síťové porty', 'Default' => ''),
236 'Latency' => array('Type' => 'TDeviceInterfaceLatencyListInterface', 'Caption' => 'Síťová odezva', 'Default' => ''),
237 ),
238 'AfterInsert' => array($this, 'AfterInsertNetworkInterface'),
239 'AfterModify' => array($this, 'AfterModifyNetworkInterface'),
240 'BeforeDelete' => array($this, 'BeforeDeleteNetworkInterface'),
241 'AfterDelete' => array($this, 'AfterModifyNetworkInterface'),
242 ));
243 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkInterfaceType', array(
244 'Title' => 'Typ síťového rozhraní',
245 'Table' => 'NetworkInterfaceType',
246 'Items' => array(
247 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''),
248 'MaxSpeed' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Max. rychlost', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Mbit/s'),
249 'FullDuplex' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'Plně duplexní', 'Default' => '0'),
250 'Color' => array('Type' => 'Color', 'Caption' => 'Barva', 'Default' => '0'),
251 ),
252 ));
253 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkSubnet', array(
254 'Title' => 'Podsítě',
255 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Name',
256 'Table' => 'NetworkSubnet',
257 'Items' => array(
258 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''),
259 'AddressRange' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Rozsah adres', 'Default' => ''),
260 'Mask' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Prefix', 'Default' => ''),
261 'DHCP' => array('Type' => 'IPv4Address', 'Caption' => 'DHCP', 'Default' => ''),
262 'Gateway' => array('Type' => 'IPv4Address', 'Caption' => 'Brána', 'Default' => ''),
263 'WINS' => array('Type' => 'IPv4Address', 'Caption' => 'WINS', 'Default' => ''),
264 'DNS' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'DNS', 'Default' => ''),
265 'Domain' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Doména', 'Default' => ''),
266 'NTP' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'NTP', 'Default' => ''),
267 'Member' => array('Type' => 'TMember', 'Caption' => 'Zákazník', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
268 'Service' => array('Type' => 'TServiceCustomerRel', 'Caption' => 'Služba', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
269 'ExtAddressRange' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Vnější rozsah adres', 'Default' => ''),
270 'ExtMask' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Vnější prefix', 'Default' => ''),
271 'AddressRangeIPv6' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Rozsah adres IPv6', 'Default' => ''),
272 'MaskIPv6' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Prefix IPv6', 'Default' => ''),
273 'Configure' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'Nastavovat', 'Default' => ''),
274 'Interfaces' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkSubnetInterfaceList', 'Caption' => 'Rozhraní', 'Default' => ''),
275 ),
276 ));
277 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkSubnetInterfaceList', array(
278 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
279 'Table' => 'NetworkInterface',
280 'Id' => 'Id',
281 'Ref' => null,
282 'Filter' => '(`TX`.`LocalIP` != "") AND CompareNetworkPrefix(INET_ATON(`TX`.`LocalIP`), INET_ATON((SELECT `NetworkSubnet`.`AddressRange` FROM `NetworkSubnet` WHERE `NetworkSubnet`.`Id`=#Id)), '.
283 '(SELECT `NetworkSubnet`.`Mask` FROM `NetworkSubnet` WHERE `NetworkSubnet`.`Id`=#Id))',
284 ));
285 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkPort', array(
286 'Title' => 'Síťový port',
287 'Table' => 'NetworkPort',
288 'Items' => array(
289 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''),
290 'Protocol' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkProtocol', 'Caption' => 'Protokol', 'Default' => '0'),
291 'Number' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Číslo', 'Default' => ''),
292 'Interface' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkInterface', 'Caption' => 'Rozhraní', 'Default' => ''),
293 'Enabled' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'Povoleno', 'Default' => '1'),
294 'Online' => array('Type' => 'TOnlineState', 'Caption' => 'Běží', 'Default' => '0', 'ReadOnly' => true),
295 'LastOnline' => array('Type' => 'DateTime', 'Caption' => 'Naposledy běželo', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true),
296 'UpDown' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkPortUpDown', 'Caption' => 'Změny stavu', 'Default' => ''),
297 ),
298 ));
299 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkSpeedLimit', array(
300 'Title' => 'Omezení přenosové rychlosti',
301 'Table' => 'NetworkSpeedLimit',
302 'Items' => array(
303 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''),
304 'SpeedMaxOut' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Max. rychlost odesílání', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'bits/s'),
305 'SpeedMaxIn' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Max. rychlost přijímání', 'Default' => 0, 'Suffix' => 'bits/s'),
306 'Parent' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkSpeedLimit', 'Caption' => 'Rodič', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
307 'Items' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkSpeedLimitListParent', 'Caption' => 'Položky'),
308 'CustomerServices' => array('Type' => 'TServiceCustomerRelListSpeedLimit', 'Caption' => 'Služby zákazníka'),
309 ),
310 ));
311 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkSpeedLimit', array(
312 'Type' => 'Reference',
313 'Table' => 'NetworkSpeedLimit',
314 'Id' => 'Id',
315 'Name' => 'Name',
316 'Filter' => '1',
317 ));
318 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkSpeedLimitListParent', array(
319 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
320 'Table' => 'NetworkSpeedLimit',
321 'Id' => 'Id',
322 'Ref' => 'Parent',
323 'Filter' => '1',
324 ));
325 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TServiceCustomerRelListSpeedLimit', array(
326 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
327 'Table' => 'ServiceCustomerRel',
328 'Id' => 'Id',
329 'Ref' => 'SpeedLimit',
330 'Filter' => '1',
331 ));
332 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkInterfaceLatency', array(
333 'Title' => 'Síťová odezva',
334 'Table' => 'NetworkInterfaceLatency',
335 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Time',
336 'DefaultSortOrder' => 1,
337 'Items' => array(
338 'Time' => array('Type' => 'DateTime', 'Caption' => 'Čas', 'Default' => ''),
339 'Interface' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkInterface', 'Caption' => 'Rozhraní', 'Default' => ''),
340 'Value' => array('Type' => 'Float', 'Caption' => 'Hodnota', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'ms'),
341 ),
342 ));
343 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkLink', array(
344 'Title' => 'Síťové propojení',
345 'Table' => 'NetworkLink',
346 'Items' => array(
347 'Type' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkLinkType', 'Caption' => 'Typ', 'Default' => '1'),
348 'Interface1' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkInterface', 'Caption' => 'Rozhraní 1', 'Default' => ''),
349 'Interface2' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkInterface', 'Caption' => 'Rozhraní 2', 'Default' => ''),
350 ),
351 ));
352 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkLinkUnion', array(
353 'Title' => 'Síťové propojení',
354 'BaseTable' => 'NetworkLink',
355 'SQL' => '(SELECT `Id`, `Type`, `Interface1` AS `Interface`, `Interface2` AS `InterfaceOther` FROM `NetworkLink`) '.
356 'UNION (SELECT `Id`, `Type`, `Interface2` AS `Interface`, `Interface1` AS `InterfaceOther` FROM `NetworkLink`)',
357 'Items' => array(
358 'Type' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkLinkType', 'Caption' => 'Typ', 'Default' => '1', 'ReadOnly' => true),
359 'Interface' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkInterface', 'Caption' => 'Rozhraní 1', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true),
360 'InterfaceOther' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkInterface', 'Caption' => 'Rozhraní 2', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true),
361 ),
362 ));
364 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkLinkType', array(
365 'Title' => 'Typ síťového propojení',
366 'Table' => 'NetworkLinkType',
367 'Items' => array(
368 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Název', 'Default' => ''),
369 'MaxLinkSpeed' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Maximální spojová rychlost', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'bits/s'),
370 'MaxRealSpeed' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Maximální reálná rychlost', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'bits/s'),
371 'FullDuplex' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'Plně duplexní', 'Default' => '0'),
372 'Color' => array('Type' => 'Color', 'Caption' => 'Barva', 'Default' => '0'),
373 ),
374 ));
375 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkSignal', array(
376 'Title' => 'Signál rozhraní',
377 'Table' => 'NetworkSignal',
378 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Time',
379 'DefaultSortOrder' => 1,
380 'Items' => array(
381 'Time' => array('Type' => 'DateTime', 'Caption' => 'Čas', 'Default' => ''),
382 'MAC' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkMac', 'Caption' => 'Fyzická adresa (MAC)', 'Default' => ''),
383 'Interface' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkInterface', 'Caption' => 'Rozhraní', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
384 'Value' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Signál', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'dBm'),
385 'Remote' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Vzdálený signál', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'dBm'),
386 'RateRx' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Rychlost Rx', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Mbps'),
387 'RateTx' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Rychlost Tx', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Mbps'),
388 'Device' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkDevice', 'Caption' => 'Měřeno z', 'Default' => '0'),
389 ),
390 ));
391 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkAddressCategory', array(
392 'Title' => 'Kategorie síťové adresy',
393 'Table' => 'NetworkAddressCategory',
394 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Name',
395 'DefaultSortOrder' => 1,
396 'Items' => array(
397 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''),
398 ),
399 ));
400 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkAddressCategory', array(
401 'Type' => 'Reference',
402 'Table' => 'NetworkAddressCategory',
403 'Id' => 'Id',
404 'Name' => 'Name',
405 'Filter' => '1',
406 ));
407 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkDeviceConfig', array(
408 'Title' => 'Nastavení zařízení',
409 'Table' => 'NetworkDeviceConfig',
410 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Time',
411 'DefaultSortOrder' => 1,
412 'Items' => array(
413 'Device' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkDevice', 'Caption' => 'Zařízení', 'Default' => ''),
414 'Time' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Čas vytvoření', 'Default' => ''),
415 'ConfigFull' => array('Type' => 'Text', 'Caption' => 'Kompletní nastavení', 'Default' => ''),
416 'ConfigCompact' => array('Type' => 'Text', 'Caption' => 'Rozdílové nastavení', 'Default' => ''),
417 ),
418 ));
419 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkDomain', array(
420 'Title' => 'Síťová doména',
421 'Table' => 'NetworkDomain',
422 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Name',
423 'DefaultSortOrder' => 1,
424 'Items' => array(
425 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''),
426 'Parent' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkDomain', 'Caption' => 'Nadřazená doména', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
427 'Description' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Popis', 'Default' => ''),
428 'Serial' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Sériové číslo', 'Default' => '1'),
429 'Minimum' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Minimum', 'Default' => '10800'),
430 'Retry' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Opakování', 'Default' => '7200'),
431 'Expire' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Čas vypršení', 'Default' => '2419200'),
432 'Refresh' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Obnovení', 'Default' => '28800'),
433 'TTL' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'TTL', 'Default' => '86400', 'Suffix' => 'sekund'),
434 'Servers' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkDomainServerList', 'Caption' => 'Servery', 'Default' => ''),
435 'Views' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkDomainViewListDomain', 'Caption' => 'Pohledy', 'Default' => ''),
436 'ItemFilters' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkDomainItemFilterListDomain', 'Caption' => 'Filtry položek', 'Default' => ''),
437 'Aliases' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkDomainAliasListDomain', 'Caption' => 'Aliasy', 'Default' => ''),
438 ),
439 ));
440 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkDomain', array(
441 'Type' => 'Reference',
442 'Table' => 'NetworkDomain',
443 'Id' => 'Id',
444 'Name' => 'Name',
445 'Filter' => '1',
446 ));
447 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkDomainServer', array(
448 'Title' => 'Doménový server',
449 'Table' => 'NetworkDomainServer',
450 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Address',
451 'DefaultSortOrder' => 1,
452 'Items' => array(
453 'Address' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Adresa', 'Default' => ''),
454 'Domain' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkDomain', 'Caption' => 'Doména', 'Default' => ''),
455 'Sequence' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Pořadí', 'Default' => '1'),
456 ),
457 ));
458 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkDomainServerList', array(
459 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
460 'Table' => 'NetworkDomainServer',
461 'Id' => 'Id',
462 'Ref' => 'Domain',
463 'Filter' => '1',
464 ));
465 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkDomainView', array(
466 'Title' => 'Pohled síťové domény',
467 'Table' => 'NetworkDomainView',
468 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Name',
469 'DefaultSortOrder' => 1,
470 'Items' => array(
471 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''),
472 'SysName' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Systémové jméno', 'Default' => ''),
473 'Domain' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkDomain', 'Caption' => 'Doména', 'Default' => ''),
474 'AddressRange' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Rozsah adres', 'Default' => ''),
475 'ItemFilters' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkDomainItemFilterListView', 'Caption' => 'Filtry položek', 'Default' => ''),
476 ),
477 ));
478 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkDomainView', array(
479 'Type' => 'Reference',
480 'Table' => 'NetworkDomainView',
481 'Id' => 'Id',
482 'Name' => 'Name',
483 'Filter' => '1',
484 ));
485 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkDomainViewListDomain', array(
486 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
487 'Table' => 'NetworkDomainView',
488 'Id' => 'Id',
489 'Ref' => 'Domain',
490 'Filter' => '1',
491 ));
492 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkDomainItemFilter', array(
493 'Title' => 'Filtr doménových položek',
494 'Table' => 'NetworkDomainItemFilter',
495 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Name',
496 'DefaultSortOrder' => 1,
497 'Items' => array(
498 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''),
499 'Domain' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkDomain', 'Caption' => 'Domén', 'Default' => ''),
500 'AddressCategory' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkAddressCategory', 'Caption' => 'Kategorie adresy', 'Default' => ''),
501 'Suffix' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Přípona jména položek', 'Default' => ''),
502 'View' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkDomainView', 'Caption' => 'Pohled', 'Default' => ''),
503 'AddressRange' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Rozsah adres', 'Default' => ''),
504 ),
505 ));
506 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkDomainItemFilterListDomain', array(
507 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
508 'Table' => 'NetworkDomainItemFilter',
509 'Id' => 'Id',
510 'Ref' => 'Domain',
511 'Filter' => '1',
512 ));
513 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkDomainItemFilterListView', array(
514 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
515 'Table' => 'NetworkDomainItemFilter',
516 'Id' => 'Id',
517 'Ref' => 'View',
518 'Filter' => '1',
519 ));
520 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('DeviceAPIType', array(
521 'Title' => 'Typ API zařízení',
522 'Table' => 'DeviceAPIType',
523 'Items' => array(
524 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''),
525 'Devices' => array('Type' => 'TDeviceListAPI', 'Caption' => 'Zařízení', 'Default' => ''),
526 ),
527 ));
528 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkInterfaceWireless', array(
529 'Title' => 'Bezdrátová rozhraní',
530 'Table' => 'NetworkInterfaceWireless',
531 'Items' => array(
532 'SSID' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'SSID', 'Default' => ''),
533 'MAC' => array('Type' => 'MacAddress', 'Caption' => 'MAC', 'Default' => ''),
534 'NetworkInterface' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkInterface', 'Caption' => 'Rozhraní', 'Default' => ''),
535 'TxPower' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Výstupní výkon', 'Default' => '18', 'Suffix' => 'dBm'),
536 'CableAttenuation' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Útlum vedení', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'dB'),
537 'Antenna' => array('Type' => 'TProduct', 'Caption' => 'Anténa', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
538 'AntenaGain' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Zisk antény', 'Default' => '', 'Suffix' => 'dBi'),
539 'AntennaPolarity' => array('Type' => 'TAntennaPolarity', 'Caption' => 'Polarizace antény', 'Default' => '0'),
540 'Frequency' => array('Type' => 'Float', 'Caption' => 'Frekvence', 'Default' => '5600', 'Suffix' => 'MHz'),
541 'ChannelWidthLower' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Šířka kanálu dolního', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'MHz'),
542 'ChannelWidth' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Šířka kanálu', 'Default' => '20', 'Suffix' => 'MHz'),
543 'ChannelWidthUpper' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Šířka kanálu horního', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'MHz'),
544 'Mode' => array('Type'
545 => 'TWirelessMode', 'Caption' => 'Režim', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => ''),
546 'TotalPower' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Celkový výkon', 'Default' => '20', 'Suffix' => 'dBm',
547 'SQL' => '(`TxPower` - `CableAttenuation` + `AntenaGain`)', 'ReadOnly' => true),
548 'LimitPower' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Max. limit', 'Default' => '', 'Suffix' => 'dBm',
549 'ReadOnly' => true, 'SQL' => '(CASE WHEN `Frequency` >= 5450 AND `Frequency` <= 5725 THEN 27 ELSE 20 END)'),
550 'UnderLimit' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'V limitu', 'Default' => '', 'Suffix' => '',
551 'ReadOnly' => true, 'SQL' => '((`TxPower` - `CableAttenuation` + `AntenaGain`) <= (CASE WHEN `Frequency` >= 5450 AND `Frequency` <= 5725 THEN 27 ELSE 20 END))'),
552 'Description' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Popis', 'Default' => ''),
553 ),
554 'Actions' => array(
555 array('Caption' => 'Frekvenční plán', 'URL' => '/network/frequency-plan/'),
556 ),
557 ));
558 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkInterfaceWirelessCTU', array(
559 'Title' => 'Bezdrátová rozhraní pro ČTÚ',
560 'Table' => 'NetworkInterfaceWireless',
561 'Items' => array(
562 'SSID' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'SSID', 'Default' => ''),
563 'MAC' => array('Type' => 'MacAddress', 'Caption' => 'MAC', 'Default' => ''),
564 'TxPower' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Výstupní výkon', 'Default' => '18', 'Suffix' => 'dBm'),
565 'CableAttenuation' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Útlum vedení', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'dB'),
566 'AntenaGain' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Zisk antény', 'Default' => '', 'Suffix' => 'dBi'),
567 'AntennaPolarity' => array('Type' => 'TAntennaPolarity', 'Caption' => 'Polarizace antény', 'Default' => '0'),
568 'Frequency' => array('Type' => 'Float', 'Caption' => 'Frekvence', 'Default' => '5600', 'Suffix' => 'MHz'),
569 'ChannelWidthLower' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Šířka kanálu dolního', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'MHz'),
570 'ChannelWidth' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Šířka kanálu', 'Default' => '20', 'Suffix' => 'MHz'),
571 'ChannelWidthUpper' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Šířka kanálu horního', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'MHz'),
572 'Mode' => array('Type' => 'TWirelessMode', 'Caption' => 'Režim', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => ''),
573 'TotalPower' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Celkový výkon', 'Default' => '20', 'Suffix' => 'dBm',
574 'SQL' => '(`TxPower` - `CableAttenuation` + `AntenaGain`)', 'ReadOnly' => true),
575 'LimitPower' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Max. limit', 'Default' => '', 'Suffix' => 'dBm',
576 'ReadOnly' => true, 'SQL' => '(CASE WHEN `Frequency` >= 5450 AND `Frequency` <= 5725 THEN 27 ELSE 20 END)'),
577 'UnderLimit' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'V limitu', 'Default' => '', 'Suffix' => '',
578 'ReadOnly' => true, 'SQL' => '((`TxPower` - `CableAttenuation` + `AntenaGain`) <= (CASE WHEN `Frequency` >= 5450 AND `Frequency` <= 5725 THEN 27 ELSE 20 END))'),
579 'Position' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'GPS poloha', 'Default' => '',
580 'SQL' => '(SELECT MapPosition.Pos FROM MapPosition WHERE MapPosition.Id=(SELECT MapPosition FROM NetworkDevice WHERE NetworkDevice.Id=(SELECT NetworkInterface.Device FROM NetworkInterface WHERE NetworkInterface.Id=NetworkInterface)))'),
581 'Description' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Popis', 'Default' => ''),
582 ),
583 'Actions' => array(
584 array('Caption' => 'Frekvenční plán', 'URL' => '/network/frequency-plan/'),
585 ),
586 ));
587 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkInterfaceUpDown', array(
588 'Title' => 'Změny stavu rozhraní',
589 'Table' => 'NetworkInterfaceUpDown',
590 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Time',
591 'DefaultSortOrder' => 1,
592 'Items' => array(
593 'Time' => array('Type' => 'DateTime', 'Caption' => 'Čas', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true),
594 'Interface' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkInterface', 'Caption' => 'Rozhraní', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true),
595 'State' => array('Type' => 'TOnlineState', 'Caption' => 'Stav', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true),
596 'Duration' => array('Type' => 'TimeDiff', 'Caption' => 'Trvání', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true),
597 ),
598 ));
599 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkPortUpDown', array(
600 'Title' => 'Změny stavu portů',
601 'Table' => 'NetworkPortUpDown',
602 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Time',
603 'DefaultSortOrder' => 1,
604 'Items' => array(
605 'Time' => array('Type' => 'DateTime', 'Caption' => 'Čas', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true),
606 'Port' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkPort', 'Caption' => 'Port', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true),
607 'State' => array('Type' => 'TOnlineState', 'Caption' => 'Stav', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true),
608 'Duration' => array('Type' => 'TimeDiff', 'Caption' => 'Trvání', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true),
609 ),
610 ));
611 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('NetworkMac', array(
612 'Title' => 'Fyzická síťová adresa',
613 'Table' => 'NetworkMac',
614 'Items' => array(
615 'MAC' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Fyzická adresa', 'Default' => ''),
616 'Signal' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkSignalListMac', 'Caption' => 'Signál rozhraní', 'Default' => ''),
617 ),
618 ));
619 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkMac', array(
620 'Type' => 'Reference',
621 'Table' => 'NetworkMac',
622 'Id' => 'Id',
623 'Name' => 'MAC',
624 'Filter' => '1',
625 ));
626 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkSignalListMac', array(
627 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
628 'Table' => 'NetworkSignal',
629 'Id' => 'Id',
630 'Ref' => 'Mac',
631 'Filter' => '1',
632 ));
633 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkProtocol', array(
634 'Type' => 'Enumeration',
635 'States' => array('TCP', 'UDP'),
636 ));
637 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkDevice', array(
638 'Type' => 'Reference',
639 'Table' => 'NetworkDevice',
640 'Id' => 'Id',
641 'Name' => 'Name',
642 'Filter' => '1',
643 ));
644 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkDeviceType', array(
645 'Type' => 'Reference',
646 'Table' => 'NetworkDeviceType',
647 'Id' => 'Id',
648 'Name' => 'Name',
649 'Filter' => '1',
650 ));
651 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkInterface', array(
652 'Type' => 'Reference',
653 'Table' => 'NetworkInterface',
654 'View' => '(SELECT NetworkInterface.*, CONCAT_WS("-", NetworkDevice.Name, NULLIF(NetworkInterface.Name, "")) AS DeviceName FROM NetworkInterface '.
655 'LEFT JOIN NetworkDevice ON NetworkDevice.Id = NetworkInterface.Device) AS T',
656 'Id' => 'Id',
657 'Name' => 'DeviceName',
658 'Filter' => '1',
659 ));
660 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkPort', array(
661 'Type' => 'Reference',
662 'Table' => 'NetworkPort',
663 'View' => '(SELECT `NetworkPort`.*, CONCAT(CONCAT_WS("-", `NetworkDevice`.`Name`, NULLIF(`NetworkInterface`.`Name`, "")), ":", `NetworkPort`.`Number`) AS `PortName` FROM `NetworkPort` '.
664 'LEFT JOIN `NetworkInterface` ON `NetworkInterface`.`Id` = `NetworkPort`.`Interface` '.
665 'LEFT JOIN `NetworkDevice` ON `NetworkDevice`.`Id` = `NetworkInterface`.`Device`) AS `T`',
666 'Id' => 'Id',
667 'Name' => 'PortName',
668 'Filter' => '1',
669 ));
670 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkInterfaceType', array(
671 'Type' => 'Reference',
672 'Table' => 'NetworkInterfaceType',
673 'Id' => 'Id',
674 'Name' => 'Name',
675 'Filter' => '1',
676 ));
677 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TDeviceList', array(
678 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
679 'Table' => 'NetworkDevice',
680 'Id' => 'Id',
681 'Ref' => 'Member',
682 'Filter' => '1',
683 ));
684 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TDeviceListAPI', array(
685 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
686 'Table' => 'NetworkDevice',
687 'Id' => 'Id',
688 'Ref' => 'API',
689 'Filter' => '1',
690 ));
691 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TDevicePortListInterface', array(
692 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
693 'Table' => 'NetworkPort',
694 'Id' => 'Id',
695 'Ref' => 'Interface',
696 'Filter' => '1',
697 ));
698 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TDeviceInterfaceLatencyListInterface', array(
699 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
700 'Table' => 'NetworkInterfaceLatency',
701 'Id' => 'Id',
702 'Ref' => 'Interface',
703 'Filter' => '1',
704 ));
705 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkLinkType', array(
706 'Type' => 'Reference',
707 'Table' => 'NetworkLinkType',
708 'Id' => 'Id',
709 'Name' => 'Name',
710 'Filter' => '1',
711 ));
712 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TDeviceAPIType', array(
713 'Type' => 'Reference',
714 'Table' => 'DeviceAPIType',
715 'Id' => 'Id',
716 'Name' => 'Name',
717 'Filter' => '1',
718 ));
719 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkInterfaceWirelessListInterface', array(
720 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
721 'Table' => 'NetworkInterfaceWireless',
722 'Id' => 'Id',
723 'Ref' => 'NetworkInterface',
724 'Filter' => '1',
725 ));
726 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TInterfaceList', array(
727 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
728 'Table' => 'NetworkInterface',
729 'Id' => 'Id',
730 'Ref' => 'Device',
731 'Filter' => '1',
732 ));
733 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TDeviceLogList', array(
734 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
735 'Table' => 'NetworkDeviceLog',
736 'Id' => 'Id',
737 'Ref' => 'Device',
738 'Filter' => '1',
739 ));
740 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkLinkListInterface', array(
741 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
742 'Table' => 'NetworkLinkUnion',
743 'Id' => 'Id',
744 'Ref' => 'Interface',
745 'Filter' => '1',
746 ));
747 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkLinkListInterface1', array(
748 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
749 'Table' => 'NetworkLink',
750 'Id' => 'Id',
751 'Ref' => 'Interface1',
752 'Filter' => '1',
753 ));
754 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkLinkListInterface2', array(
755 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
756 'Table' => 'NetworkLink',
757 'Id' => 'Id',
758 'Ref' => 'Interface2',
759 'Filter' => '1',
760 ));
761 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkInterfaceUpDown', array(
762 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
763 'Table' => 'NetworkInterfaceUpDown',
764 'Id' => 'Id',
765 'Ref' => 'Interface',
766 'Filter' => '1',
767 ));
768 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TNetworkPortUpDown', array(
769 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
770 'Table' => 'NetworkPortUpDown',
771 'Id' => 'Id',
772 'Ref' => 'Port',
773 'Filter' => '1',
774 ));
776 ModuleIS::Cast($this->System->GetModule('IS'))->RegisterDashboardItem('Network',
777 array($this, 'ShowDashboardItem'));
779 $this->System->RegisterModel('NetworkDevice', array(
780 'Title' => 'Síťové zařízení',
781 ));
782 $this->System->RegisterModel('NetworkInterface', array(
783 'Title' => 'Síťové rozhraní',
784 ));
785 }
787 function AfterInsertNetworkDevice(Form $Form, string $Id): array
788 {
789 $this->System->Models['NetworkDevice']->DoOnChange();
790 return $Form->Values;
791 }
793 function AfterModifyNetworkDevice(Form $Form, string $Id): array
794 {
795 $this->System->Models['NetworkDevice']->DoOnChange();
796 return $Form->Values;
797 }
799 function AfterInsertNetworkInterface(Form $Form, string $Id): array
800 {
801 $this->System->Models['NetworkInterface']->DoOnChange();
802 return $Form->Values;
803 }
805 function AfterModifyNetworkInterface(Form $Form, string $Id): array
806 {
807 $this->System->Models['NetworkInterface']->DoOnChange();
808 return $Form->Values;
809 }
811 function BeforeDeleteNetworkInterface(Form $Form, string $Id): void
812 {
813 $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM `NetworkInterfaceUpDown` WHERE `Interface`='.$Id);
814 $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM `NetworkLink` WHERE `Interface1`='.$Id.' OR `Interface2`='.$Id);
815 $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM `NetworkPort` WHERE `Interface`='.$Id);
816 $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM `NetworkSignal` WHERE `Interface`='.$Id);
817 $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM `NetworkInterfaceWireless` WHERE `NetworkInterface`='.$Id);
818 $this->Database->query('DELETE FROM `NetworkInterfaceLatency` WHERE `Interface`='.$Id);
819 }
821 function ImportNetworkLog(array $Parameters): void
822 {
823 global $Config;
825 $StartTime = time();
827 $DbResult = $this->System->Database->select('NetworkDeviceLog', 'Time',
828 '1 ORDER BY Time DESC LIMIT 1');
829 if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
830 {
831 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
832 $WhereTime = ' AND (`Time` > "'.$DbRow['Time'].'")';
833 } else $WhereTime = '';
835 $RemoteDb = new Database();
836 $RemoteDb->Connect($Config['NetworkLog']['Host'], $Config['NetworkLog']['User'],
837 $Config['NetworkLog']['Password'], $Config['NetworkLog']['Database']);
838 $DbResult = $RemoteDb->select('SystemEvents', '*', '`ReceivedAt`>"'. TimeToMysqlDate($StartTime).'"'.$WhereTime.' ORDER BY `Time` DESC');
839 while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_array())
840 {
841 $DbResult2 = $this->System->Database->select('NetworkInterface', 'Device, CONCAT(CONCAT_WS("-", `NetworkDevice`.`Name`, NULLIF(`NetworkInterface`.`Name`, "")), ".") AS `Name` ', '`Name` LIKE "'.$DbRow['FromHost'].'"');
842 if ($DbResult2->num_rows > 0)
843 {
844 $DbRow2 = $DbResult2->fetch_assoc();
845 $DeviceId = $DbRow2['Device'];
846 $this->System->Database->insert('NetworkDeviceLog', array('Time' => $DbRow['ReceivedAt'],
847 'Device' => $DeviceId, 'Message' => $DbRow['Message'], 'Tags' => $DbRow['SysLogTag']));
848 } else echo('Host '.$DbRow['Host'].' not paired with network device.'."\n");
849 }
850 }
852 function ShowDashboardItem(): string
853 {
854 $Output = '';
856 // Devices
857 $DbResult = $this->Database->select('NetworkDevice', 'COUNT(*)', '1');
858 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_row();
859 $Output .= 'Síťových zařízení: registrovaných: <a href="'.$this->System->Link('/is/?a=list&amp;t=NetworkDevice').'">'.$DbRow['0'].'</a>';
861 $DbResult = $this->Database->select('NetworkDevice', 'COUNT(*)', '`Used`=1');
862 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_row();
863 $Output .= ' použitých: <a href="'.$this->System->Link('/is/?a=list&amp;t=NetworkDevice&amp;filter=1&amp;FilterUsed=1').'">'.$DbRow['0'].'</a>';
865 $DbResult = $this->Database->select('NetworkDevice', 'COUNT(*)', '`Used`=1 AND `PermanentOnline`=1 AND `Online`=0');
866 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_row();
867 $Output .= ' nedostupných: <a href="'.$this->System->Link('/is/?a=list&amp;t=NetworkDevice&amp;filter=1&amp;FilterUsed=1&amp;FilterOnline=0&amp;FilterPermanentOnline=1').'">'.$DbRow['0'].'</a>';
869 $Output .= '<br/>';
871 // Interfaces
872 $DbResult = $this->Database->select('NetworkInterface', 'COUNT(*)', '1');
873 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_row();
874 $Output .= 'Síťových rozhraní: registrovaných: <a href="'.$this->System->Link('/is/?a=list&amp;t=NetworkDevice').'">'.$DbRow['0'].'</a>';
876 $DbResult = $this->Database->select('NetworkInterface', 'COUNT(*)', '`Enabled`=1');
877 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_row();
878 $Output .= ' použitých: <a href="'.$this->System->Link('/is/?a=list&amp;t=NetworkInterface&amp;filter=1&amp;FilterEnabled=1').'">'.$DbRow['0'].'</a>';
880 //$DbResult = $this->Database->select('NetworkInterface', 'COUNT(*)', '`Enabled`=1 AND `PermanentOnline`=1 AND `Online`=0');
881 //$DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_row();
882 //$Output .= ' nedostupných: <a href="'.$this->System->Link('/is/?a=list&amp;t=NetworkInterface&amp;filter=1&amp;FilterEnabled=1&amp;FilterOnline=0&amp;FilterPermanentOnline=1').'">'.$DbRow['0'].'</a>';
884 $Output .= '<br/>';
886 // Ports
887 $DbResult = $this->Database->select('NetworkPort', 'COUNT(*)', '1');
888 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_row();
889 $Output .= 'Síťových portů: <a href="'.$this->System->Link('/is/?a=list&amp;t=NetworkPort').'">'.$DbRow['0'].'</a>';
891 $DbResult = $this->Database->select('NetworkPort', 'COUNT(*)', '`Enabled`=1');
892 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_row();
893 $Output .= ' použitých: <a href="'.$this->System->Link('/is/?a=list&amp;t=NetworkPort&amp;filter=1&amp;FilterEnabled=1').'">'.$DbRow['0'].'</a>';
895 $DbResult = $this->Database->select('NetworkPort', 'COUNT(*)', '`Enabled`=1 AND `Online`=0');
896 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_row();
897 $Output .= ' nedostupných: <a href="'.$this->System->Link('/is/?a=list&amp;t=NetworkPort&amp;filter=1&amp;FilterEnabled=1&amp;FilterOnline=0').'">'.$DbRow['0'].'</a>';
899 $Output .= '<br/>';
901 // Subnets
902 $DbResult = $this->Database->select('NetworkSubnet', 'COUNT(*)', '1');
903 $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_row();
904 $Output .= 'Síťových podsítí: <a href="'.$this->System->Link('/is/?a=list&amp;t=NetworkSubnet').'">'.$DbRow['0'].'</a><br/>';
906 return $Output;
907 }
909 function OnlineList(string $Title, int $OnlineNow, int $OnlinePrevious, int $MinDuration): array
910 {
911 $Time = time();
912 $OnlineText = array('<span style="color:red;">Nedostupný</span>', '<span style="color:green;">Dostupný</span>');
913 $Output = '';
914 $Condition = 'WHERE (`NetworkInterface`.`LastOnline` <= "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($Time - $MinDuration).'")';
915 if ($OnlineNow >= 0) $Condition .= ' AND (`NetworkInterface`.`Online` = '.$OnlineNow.')';
916 if ($OnlinePrevious >= 0) $Condition .= ' AND (`NetworkInterface`.`OnlineNotify` = '.$OnlinePrevious.')';
917 $DbResult3 = $this->Database->query('SELECT CONCAT_WS("-", `NetworkDevice`.`Name`, NULLIF(`NetworkInterface`.`Name`, "")) AS `Name`, '.
918 '`NetworkInterface`.`Online`, `NetworkInterface`.`LastOnline` FROM `NetworkInterface` '.
919 'LEFT JOIN `NetworkDevice` ON `NetworkDevice`.`Id` = `NetworkInterface`.`Device` '.
920 $Condition.' AND (`NetworkDevice`.`PermanentOnline`=1) AND (`NetworkDevice`.`Used`=1) AND '.
921 '(`NetworkInterface`.`LocalIP` != "") AND (`NetworkInterface`.`Enabled`=1)'.
922 'ORDER BY `Name` ASC');
923 if ($DbResult3->num_rows > 0)
924 {
925 $Output .= $Title.'<br/>';
926 $Output .= '<table>'.
927 '<tr><th align="center">Jméno</th><th align="center">Stav</th><th align="center">Čas</th><th align="center">Trvání</th></tr>'."\n";
928 while ($Item = $DbResult3->fetch_assoc())
929 {
930 $Duration = $Time - MysqlDateTimeToTime($Item['LastOnline']);
931 $DurationText = sprintf('%02d', floor($Duration / 3600) % 24).':'.
932 sprintf('%02d', floor($Duration / 60) % 60).':'.
933 sprintf('%02d', floor($Duration) % 60);
934 $Days = floor($Duration / (60 * 60 * 24));
935 if ($Days > 0) $DurationText = $Days.' dnů '.$DurationText;
937 $Output .= '<tr><td>'.$Item['Name'].'</td><td>'.$OnlineText[$Item['Online']].
938 '</td><td>'.$Item['LastOnline'].'</td><td>'.$DurationText.'</td></tr>'."\n";
939 }
940 $Output .= '</table><br/>'."\n";
941 }
943 if (($OnlineNow >= 0) and ($OnlinePrevious >= 0))
944 {
945 $this->Database->query('UPDATE `NetworkInterface` SET `OnlineNotify` = `Online` '.$Condition);
946 }
947 return array('Report' => $Output, 'Count' => $DbResult3->num_rows);
948 }
950 function ReachabilityCheck(): array
951 {
952 $NewOnline = $this->OnlineList('Nově online', 1, 0, 0);
953 $Output = $NewOnline['Report'];
954 $NewOffline = $this->OnlineList('Nově offline', 0, 1, $this->MinNotifyTime);
955 $Output .= $NewOffline['Report'];
956 if ($Output != '')
957 {
958 $StillOffline = $this->OnlineList('Stále offline', 0, 0, 0);
959 $Output .= $StillOffline['Report'];
960 }
961 $Offline = $this->OnlineList('Offline', 0, -1, 0);
962 return array('Report' => $Output, 'Count' => $Offline['Count'], 'Title' => 'Odezva');
963 }
965 function PortCheckList(string $Title, int $OnlineNow, int $OnlinePrevious, int $MinDuration): array
966 {
967 $Time = time();
968 $OnlineText = array('<span style="color:red;">Nedostupný</span>', '<span style="color:green;">Dostupný</span>');
969 $Output = '';
970 $Condition = 'WHERE (`NetworkPort`.`LastOnline` <= "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($Time - $MinDuration).'")';
971 if ($OnlineNow >= null) $Condition .= ' AND (`NetworkPort`.`Online` = '.$OnlineNow.')';
972 if ($OnlinePrevious >= null) $Condition .= ' AND (`NetworkPort`.`OnlineNotify` = '.$OnlinePrevious.')';
973 $DbResult3 = $this->Database->query('SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT_WS("-", `NetworkDevice`.`Name`, NULLIF(`NetworkInterface`.`Name`, "")), ":", `NetworkPort`.`Number`, "(", `NetworkPort`.`Name`, ")") AS `Name`, '.
974 '`NetworkPort`.`Online`, `NetworkPort`.`LastOnline` FROM `NetworkPort` '.
975 'LEFT JOIN `NetworkInterface` ON `NetworkInterface`.`Id` = `NetworkPort`.`Interface` '.
976 'LEFT JOIN `NetworkDevice` ON `NetworkDevice`.`Id` = `NetworkInterface`.`Device` '.
977 $Condition.' AND (`NetworkDevice`.`PermanentOnline`=1) AND (`NetworkDevice`.`Used`=1) AND '.
978 '(`NetworkInterface`.`LocalIP` != "") AND (`NetworkPort`.`Enabled` = 1)'.
979 'ORDER BY `Name` ASC');
980 if ($DbResult3->num_rows > 0)
981 {
982 $Output .= $Title.'<br/>';
983 $Output .= '<table>'.
984 '<tr><th align="center">Jméno</th><th align="center">Stav</th><th align="center">Čas</th><th align="center">Trvání</th></tr>'."\n";
985 while ($Item = $DbResult3->fetch_assoc())
986 {
987 $Duration = $Time - MysqlDateTimeToTime($Item['LastOnline']);
988 $DurationText = sprintf('%02d', floor($Duration / 3600) % 24).':'.
989 sprintf('%02d', floor($Duration / 60) % 60).':'.
990 sprintf('%02d', floor($Duration) % 60);
991 $Days = floor($Duration / (60 * 60 * 24));
992 if ($Days > 0) $DurationText = $Days.' dnů '.$DurationText;
994 $Output .= '<tr><td>'.$Item['Name'].'</td><td>'.$OnlineText[$Item['Online']].
995 '</td><td>'.$Item['LastOnline'].'</td><td>'.$DurationText.'</td></tr>'."\n";
996 }
997 $Output .= '</table><br/>'."\n";
998 }
1000 if (($OnlineNow >= 0) and ($OnlinePrevious >= 0))
1001 {
1002 $this->Database->query('UPDATE `NetworkPort` SET `OnlineNotify` = `Online` '.$Condition);
1003 }
1004 return array('Report' => $Output, 'Count' => $DbResult3->num_rows);
1005 }
1007 function PortCheck(): array
1008 {
1009 $Output = '';
1010 $NewOnline = $this->PortCheckList('Nově online', 1, 0, 0);
1011 $Output .= $NewOnline['Report'];
1012 $NewOffline = $this->PortCheckList('Nově offline', 0, 1, $this->MinNotifyTime);
1013 $Output .= $NewOffline['Report'];
1014 if ($Output != '')
1015 {
1016 $StillOffline = $this->PortCheckList('Stále offline', 0, 0, 0);
1017 $Output .= $StillOffline['Report'];
1018 }
1019 $Offline = $this->PortCheckList('Offline', 0, -1, 0);
1020 return array('Report' => $Output, 'Count' => $Offline['Count'], 'Title' => 'Port');
1021 }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.