1 | <?php
2 |
3 | include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/FileImport.php');
4 | include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/ImportPS.php');
5 | include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/ImportFio.php');
6 | include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../Scheduler/Scheduler.php');
7 |
8 | class FinanceBankImport extends Model
9 | {
10 | static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc
11 | {
12 | $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
13 | $Desc->AddReference('BankAccount', FinanceBankAccount::GetClassName());
14 | $Desc->AddDate('Time');
15 | $Desc->AddString('Identification');
16 | $Desc->AddString('AccountNumber');
17 | $Desc->AddString('BankCode');
18 | $Desc->AddString('VariableSymbol');
19 | $Desc->AddString('ConstantSymbol');
20 | $Desc->AddString('SpecificSymbol');
21 | $Desc->AddFloat('Value');
22 | $Desc->AddReference('Currency', Currency::GetClassName());
23 | $Desc->AddString('OffsetAccountName');
24 | $Desc->AddReference('FinanceOperation', FinanceOperation::GetClassName());
25 | return $Desc;
26 | }
27 | }
28 |
29 | class ModuleFinanceBankAPI extends Module
30 | {
31 | function __construct(System $System)
32 | {
33 | parent::__construct($System);
34 | $this->Name = 'FinanceBankAPI';
35 | $this->Version = '1.0';
36 | $this->Creator = 'Chronos';
37 | $this->License = 'GNU/GPLv3';
38 | $this->Description = 'Communication through API to various banks, manual file import';
39 | $this->Dependencies = array(ModuleFinance::GetName(), ModuleScheduler::GetName(), ModuleIS::GetName(),
40 | ModuleDocument::GetName());
41 | $this->Models = array(FinanceBankImport::GetClassName());
42 | }
43 |
44 | function DoStart(): void
45 | {
46 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('ImportBankFile', array(
47 | 'Title' => 'Import souborů s platbami',
48 | 'Table' => 'FinanceBank',
49 | 'SubmitText' => 'Načíst',
50 | 'Items' => array(
51 | 'BankAccount' => array('Type' => 'TBankAccount', 'Caption' => 'Bankovní účet', 'Default' => ''),
52 | 'File' => array('Type' => 'File', 'Caption' => 'Soubor', 'Default' => ''),
53 | ),
54 | ));
55 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('FinanceBankImport', array(
56 | 'Title' => 'Import plateb z účtu',
57 | 'Table' => 'FinanceBankImport',
58 | 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Time',
59 | 'DefaultSortOrder' => 1,
60 | 'Items' => array(
61 | 'BankAccount' => array('Type' => 'TBankAccount', 'Caption' => 'Účet', 'Default' => ''),
62 | 'Time' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Čas', 'Default' => ''),
63 | 'Identification' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Kód operace', 'Default' => ''),
64 | 'AccountNumber' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Číslo účtu', 'Default' => ''),
65 | 'BankCode' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Kód banky', 'Default' => ''),
66 | 'VariableSymbol' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Variabilní symbol', 'Default' => ''),
67 | 'ConstantSymbol' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Konstantní symbol', 'Default' => ''),
68 | 'SpecificSymbol' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Specifický symbol', 'Default' => ''),
69 | 'Value' => array('Type' => 'Float', 'Caption' => 'Částka', 'Default' => '', 'Suffix' => 'Kč'),
70 | 'Currency' => array('Type' => 'TCurrency', 'Caption' => 'Měna', 'Default' => ''),
71 | 'Description' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Popis operace', 'Default' => ''),
72 | 'OffsetAccountName' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno protiúčtu', 'Default' => ''),
73 | 'FinanceOperation' => array('Type' => 'TFinanceOperation', 'Caption' => 'Přiřazená operace', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true, 'OnPreset' => array($this, 'PresetItem')),
74 | ),
75 | ));
76 |
77 | $this->System->RegisterPage(['finance', 'import-api'], 'PageImportAPI');
78 | $this->System->RegisterPage(['finance', 'import-soubor'], 'PageImportFile');
79 |
80 | ModuleIS::Cast($this->System->GetModule('IS'))->RegisterDashboardItem('FinanceBankAPI',
81 | array($this, 'ShowDashboardItem'));
82 | }
83 |
84 | function ShowDashboardItem(): string
85 | {
86 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('FinanceBankImport', 'COUNT(*)', '`FinanceOperation` IS NULL');
87 | $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_row();
88 | $Output = 'Nezpárovaných plateb: <a href="'.$this->System->Link('/is/?a=list&t=FinanceBankImport&filter=1&FilterFinanceOperation=1&FilterOpFinanceOperation=isnull').'">'.$DbRow['0'].'</a><br/>';
89 | return $Output;
90 | }
91 |
92 | function PresetItem(array $Item): array
93 | {
94 | $Preset = array();
95 | if ($Item['Value'] < 0) $OperationGroupId = OPERATION_GROUP_ACCOUNT_OUT;
96 | else $OperationGroupId = OPERATION_GROUP_ACCOUNT_IN;
97 | $FinanceGroup = ModuleFinance::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Finance'))->Finance->GetFinanceGroupById($OperationGroupId, 'FinanceOperationGroup');
98 |
99 | $Preset = array(
100 | 'presetTime' => $Item['Time'],
101 | 'presetValueUser' => abs($Item['Value']),
102 | 'presetTaxable' => 1,
103 | 'presetText' => $Item['Description'],
104 | 'presetNetwork' => 1,
105 | 'presetBankAccount' => $Item['BankAccount'],
106 | 'presetGroup' => $FinanceGroup['Id']);
107 | return $Preset;
108 | }
109 | }
110 |
111 | class ScheduleBankImport extends SchedulerTask
112 | {
113 | function Execute(): string
114 | {
115 | $Output = '';
116 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('FinanceBankAccount', '`Id`, `Comment`',
117 | '(`AutoImport`=1) AND (`TimeCreate` < NOW()) AND '.
118 | '((`TimeEnd` IS NULL) OR (`TimeEnd` > NOW()))');
119 | while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
120 | {
121 | echo($DbRow['Comment']."\n");
122 | $Page = new PageImportAPI($this->System);
123 | $Output .= $Page->Import($DbRow['Id']);
124 | }
125 | return $Output;
126 | }
127 | }