source: trunk/Modules/Finance/Finance.php@ 722

Last change on this file since 722 was 722, checked in by chronos, 10 years ago
  • Modified: Count of customers per service removed as column from Service table. It is now calculated online as SQL subcommand.
  • Removed: Old tariffs recalculation for computation of dynamic aggregation according selected customer tariffs and maximum speed is not used further. Now static minimum and maximum speed is sufficient and it is enough general.
File size: 28.0 KB
9define('TARIFF_FREE', 7);
10define('INVOICE_DUE_DAYS', 15);
11define('DOC_LINE_TREASURY_IN', 1);
12define('DOC_LINE_TREASURY_OUT', 2);
13define('DOC_LINE_ACCOUNT_IN', 3);
14define('DOC_LINE_ACCOUNT_OUT', 4);
15define('DOC_LINE_INVOICE_IN', 5);
16define('DOC_LINE_INVOICE_OUT', 6);
17define('VAT_TYPE_BASE', 2);
20class Finance extends Model
22 var $kWh;
23 var $Internet;
24 var $Sprava;
25 var $DatumOdecteni;
26 var $InternetUsers;
27 var $SpravaUsers;
28 var $MaxSpeed;
29 var $RealMaxSpeed;
30 var $SpeedReserve;
31 var $BaseSpeedElement;
32 var $BaseTariffPrice;
33 var $TopTariffPrice;
34 var $TotalPaid;
35 var $TotalInternetPaid;
36 var $Tariffs;
37 var $MainSubject;
38 var $BillingPeriods;
39 var $DirectoryId;
41 function LoadTariffs()
42 {
43 $this->Tariffs = array();
44 $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Service', '*', '`ReplaceId` IS NULL ORDER BY `Name`, `InternetSpeedMax`');
45 while($Tariff = $DbResult->fetch_array())
46 {
47 $Tariff['InternetSpeedMin'] = $Tariff['InternetSpeedMin'] * 1000;
48 $Tariff['InternetSpeedMax'] = $Tariff['InternetSpeedMax'] * 1000;
49 $this->Tariffs[$Tariff['Id']] = $Tariff;
50 }
51 }
53 function LoadMonthParameters($Period = 1) // 0 - now, 1 - next month
54 {
55 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `FinanceBillingPeriod`');
56 while($BillingPeriod = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
57 $this->BillingPeriods[$BillingPeriod['Id']] = $BillingPeriod;
59 // Period parameter is not used as it have to be determined from item replacement
60 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `FinanceCharge` WHERE `ReplaceId` IS NULL LIMIT 1');
61 $Row = $DbResult->fetch_array();
62 $this->kWh = $Row['kWh'];
63 $this->Internet = $Row['Internet'];
64 $this->Sprava = $Row['AdministrationPerUser'];
65 $this->RealMaxSpeed = $Row['InternetSpeed'];
66 $this->SpeedReserve = $Row['InternetSpeedReserve'];
67 $this->BaseSpeedElement = $Row['BaseSpeedElement'];
68 $this->MaxSpeed = $this->RealMaxSpeed - $this->SpeedReserve;
69 $this->TopTariffPrice = $Row['TopTariffPrice'];
70 $this->BaseTariffPrice = $Row['BaseTariffPrice'];
72 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Member`');
73 $Row = $DbResult->fetch_row();
74 $this->InternetUsers = $Row[0];
75 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Member` WHERE (`Blocked`=0) AND (`BillingPeriod` > 1)');
76 $Row = $DbResult->fetch_row();
77 $this->PayingUsers = $Row[0];
79 $this->SpravaUsers = $this->PayingUsers;
81 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT SUM(`MemberPayment`.`MonthlyInternet`) AS `MonthlyInternet`, '.
82 'SUM(`MemberPayment`.`MonthlyTotal`) AS `MonthlyTotal` '.
83 'FROM `MemberPayment` JOIN `Member` ON `Member`.`Id`=`MemberPayment`.`Member` WHERE `Member`.`Blocked`=0');
84 $Row = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
85 $this->TotalInternetPaid = $Row['MonthlyInternet'];
86 $this->TotalPaid = $Row['MonthlyTotal'];
88 $this->LoadTariffs($Period);
89 }
91 function W2Kc($Spotreba)
92 {
93 return(round($Spotreba * 0.72 * $this->kWh));
94 }
96 function GetNextDocumentLineNumber($Id, $FinanceYear = 0)
97 {
98 if($FinanceYear == 0)
99 {
100 // Get latest year
101 $DbResult = $this->Database->select('FinanceYear', '*', '1 ORDER BY `Year` DESC LIMIT 1');
102 } else $DbResult = $this->Database->select('FinanceYear', '*', '`Year`='.$FinanceYear);
103 if($DbResult->num_rows == 0) throw new Exception('Rok '.$FinanceYear.' nenalezen');
104 $FinanceYear = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
105 if($FinanceYear['Closed'] == 1) throw new Exception('Rok '.$FinanceYear['Year'].' je již uzavřen. Nelze do něj přidávat položky.');
107 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT `Shortcut`, `Id` FROM `DocumentLine` WHERE `Id`='.$Id);
108 $DocumentLine = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
110 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `DocumentLineSequence` WHERE '.
111 '`DocumentLine`='.$Id.' AND `FinanceYear`='.$FinanceYear['Id']);
112 $Sequence = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
114 if($Sequence['YearPrefix'] == 1)
115 {
116 $Result = $DocumentLine['Shortcut'].$Sequence['NextNumber'].'/'.$FinanceYear['Year'];
117 } else $Result = $DocumentLine['Shortcut'].$Sequence['NextNumber'];
119 $this->Database->query('UPDATE `DocumentLineSequence` SET `NextNumber` = `NextNumber` + 1 '.
120 'WHERE (`DocumentLine`='.$Id.') AND (`FinanceYear`='.$FinanceYear['Id'].')');
121 return($Result);
122 }
124 function RecalculateMemberPayment()
125 {
126 $Output = 'Aktualizuji finance členů...<br />';
127 $this->Database->query('TRUNCATE TABLE `MemberPayment`');
128 $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `Member`');
129 while($Member = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
130 {
131 $DbResult2 = $this->Database->query('SELECT ((SELECT COALESCE(-SUM(Value*Direction), 0) FROM FinanceOperation '.
132 'WHERE Subject='.$Member['Subject'].') + (SELECT COALESCE(-SUM(Value*Direction), 0) FROM FinanceInvoice '.
133 'WHERE Subject='.$Member['Subject'].')) AS Cash');
134 $Cash = $DbResult2->fetch_row();
135 $Cash = $Cash[0];
137 $DbResult2 = $this->Database->query('SELECT SUM(`Product`.`Consumption`) * `StockSerialNumber`.`Amount` '.
138 'FROM `StockSerialNumber` JOIN `Product` ON `Product`.`Id` = `StockSerialNumber`.`Product` '.
139 'WHERE (`StockSerialNumber`.`Location` = '.$Member['Id'].') AND (`StockSerialNumber`.`TimeElimination` IS NULL)');
140 $ConsumptionPlus = $DbResult2->fetch_row();
141 $ConsumptionPlus = $ConsumptionPlus[0];
143 $DbResult2 = $this->Database->query('SELECT SUM(`Service`.`Price`) AS `Price` '.
144 'FROM `ServiceCustomerRel` LEFT JOIN '.
145 '`Service` ON `Service`.`Id` = `ServiceCustomerRel`.`Service` WHERE `ServiceCustomerRel`.`Customer`='.
146 $Member['Id'].' AND `ServiceCustomerRel`.`Action` IS NULL');
147 $DbRow = $DbResult2->fetch_assoc();
148 $Monthly = 0;
149 if($DbRow['Price'] != '') $MonthlyInet = $DbRow['Price'];
150 else $MonthlyInet = 0;
152 $Monthly += $MonthlyInet;
153 $Monthly -= $this->W2Kc($ConsumptionPlus);
154 $Monthly = round($Monthly);
156 if($Member['BillingPeriodNext'] == 1)
157 {
158 // Inactive payer
159 $MonthlyInet = 0;
160 $Monthly = 0;
161 $ConsumptionPlus = 0;
162 $Consumption = 0;
163 }
164 $this->Database->insert('MemberPayment', array('Member' => $Member['Id'],
165 'NetworkDevice' => $NetworkDevice, 'MonthlyInternet' => $MonthlyInet,
166 'MonthlyTotal' => $Monthly, 'MonthlyConsumption' => $this->W2Kc($Consumption),
167 'Cash' => $Cash, 'MonthlyPlus' => $this->W2Kc($ConsumptionPlus)));
168 }
169 $this->System->ModuleManager->Modules['Log']->NewRecord('Finance', 'RecalculateMemberPayment');
170 return($Output);
171 }
173 function GetVATByType($TypeId)
174 {
175 $Time = time();
176 $DbResult = $this->Database->select('FinanceVAT', 'Value', '(Type='.$TypeId.
177 ') AND (ValidFrom <= "'.TimeToMysqlDate($Time).'") AND ((ValidTo >= "'.
178 TimeToMysqlDate($Time).'") OR (ValidTo IS NULL)) LIMIT 1');
179 $Row = $DbResult->fetch_array();
180 return($Row[0]);
181 }
184class ModuleFinance extends AppModule
186 function __construct($System)
187 {
188 parent::__construct($System);
189 $this->Name = 'Finance';
190 $this->Version = '1.0';
191 $this->Creator = 'Chronos';
192 $this->License = 'GNU/GPLv3';
193 $this->Description = 'Base module for finance management';
194 $this->Dependencies = array('File', 'EmailQueue');
195 }
197 function DoInstall()
198 {
199 }
201 function DoUninstall()
202 {
203 }
205 function DoStart()
206 {
207 global $Config;
209 $this->System->RegisterPage(array('finance', 'sprava'), 'PageFinanceManage');
210 $this->System->RegisterPage(array('finance', 'platby'), 'PageFinanceUserState');
211 $this->System->RegisterPage(array('finance', 'import'), 'PageFinanceImportPayment');
212 $this->System->RegisterPage(array('finance', 'zivnost'), 'PageFinanceTaxFiling');
214 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('FinanceOperation', array(
215 'Title' => 'Finanční operace',
216 'Table' => 'FinanceOperation',
217 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Time',
218 'DefaultSortOrder' => 1,
219 'Items' => array(
220 'Direction' => array('Type' => 'TFinanceOperationDirection', 'Caption' => 'Směr', 'Default' => '1'),
221 'DocumentLine' => array('Type' => 'TDocumentLine', 'Caption' => 'Dokladová řada', 'Default' => ''),
222 'BillCode' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Označení', 'Default' => ''),
223 'Subject' => array('Type' => 'TSubject', 'Caption' => 'Subjekt', 'Default' => ''),
224 'Time' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Čas realizace', 'Default' => ''),
225 'Cash' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'Hotově', 'Default' => ''),
226 'Taxable' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'Zdanitelné', 'Default' => ''),
227 'Value' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Částka', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Kč'),
228 'File' => array('Type' => 'TFile', 'Caption' => 'Doklad', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
229 'Text' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Popis', 'Default' => ''),
230 'Network' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'Týkající sítě', 'Default' => ''),
231 'BankAccount' => array('Type' => 'TFinanceBankAccount', 'Caption' => 'Účet', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
232 'Treasury' => array('Type' => 'TFinanceTreasury', 'Caption' => 'Pokladna', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
233 'Generate' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'Generovat', 'Default' => ''),
234 'InvoiceRel' => array('Type' => 'TFinanceInvoiceOperationRelListOperation', 'Caption' => 'Zaplacené faktury', 'Default' => ''),
235 ),
236 'BeforeInsert' => array($this, 'BeforeInsertFinanceOperation'),
237 ));
239 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('FinanceTreasuryIn', $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceOperation']);
240 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceTreasuryIn']['Title'] = 'Pokladní příjmy';
241 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceTreasuryIn']['Items']['Direction']['Default'] = 1;
242 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceTreasuryIn']['Items']['Direction']['Hidden'] = true;
243 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceTreasuryIn']['Items']['Direction']['Filter'] = true;
244 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceTreasuryIn']['Items']['DocumentLine']['Default'] = DOC_LINE_TREASURY_IN;
245 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceTreasuryIn']['Items']['DocumentLine']['Hidden'] = true;
246 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceTreasuryIn']['Items']['DocumentLine']['Filter'] = true;
247 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceTreasuryIn']['Items']['BankAccount']['Hidden'] = true;
249 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('FinanceTreasuryOut', $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceOperation']);
250 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceTreasuryOut']['Title'] = 'Pokladní výdeje';
251 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceTreasuryOut']['Items']['Direction']['Default'] = -1;
252 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceTreasuryOut']['Items']['Direction']['Hidden'] = true;
253 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceTreasuryOut']['Items']['Direction']['Filter'] = true;
254 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceTreasuryOut']['Items']['DocumentLine']['Default'] = DOC_LINE_TREASURY_OUT;
255 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceTreasuryOut']['Items']['DocumentLine']['Hidden'] = true;
256 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceTreasuryOut']['Items']['DocumentLine']['Filter'] = true;
257 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceTreasuryOut']['Items']['BankAccount']['Hidden'] = true;
259 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('FinanceAccountIn', $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceOperation']);
260 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceAccountIn']['Title'] = 'Příjmy na účet';
261 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceAccountIn']['Items']['Direction']['Default'] = 1;
262 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceAccountIn']['Items']['Direction']['Hidden'] = true;
263 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceAccountIn']['Items']['Direction']['Filter'] = true;
264 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceAccountIn']['Items']['DocumentLine']['Default'] = DOC_LINE_ACCOUNT_IN;
265 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceAccountIn']['Items']['DocumentLine']['Hidden'] = true;
266 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceAccountIn']['Items']['DocumentLine']['Filter'] = true;
267 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceAccountIn']['Items']['Treasury']['Hidden'] = true;
270 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('FinanceAccountOut', $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceOperation']);
271 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceAccountOut']['Title'] = 'Výdeje z účtu';
272 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceAccountOut']['Items']['Direction']['Default'] = -1;
273 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceAccountOut']['Items']['Direction']['Hidden'] = true;
274 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceAccountOut']['Items']['Direction']['Filter'] = true;
275 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceAccountOut']['Items']['DocumentLine']['Default'] = DOC_LINE_ACCOUNT_OUT;
276 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceAccountOut']['Items']['DocumentLine']['Hidden'] = true;
277 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceAccountOut']['Items']['DocumentLine']['Filter'] = true;
278 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceAccountOut']['Items']['Treasury']['Hidden'] = true;
280 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TFinanceOperationDirection', array(
281 'Type' => 'Enumeration',
282 'States' => array(-1 => 'Výdej', 1 => 'Příjem'),
283 ));
284 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('FinanceInvoice', array(
285 'Title' => 'Faktury',
286 'Table' => 'FinanceInvoice',
287 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Time',
288 'DefaultSortOrder' => 1,
289 'Items' => array(
290 'Direction' => array('Type' => 'TFinanceInvoiceDirection', 'Caption' => 'Směr', 'Default' => '1'),
291 'DocumentLine' => array('Type' => 'TDocumentLine', 'Caption' => 'Dokladová řada', 'Default' => ''),
292 'BillCode' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Označení', 'Default' => ''),
293 'Subject' => array('Type' => 'TSubject', 'Caption' => 'Subjekt', 'Default' => ''),
294 'Time' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Čas vytvoření', 'Default' => ''),
295 'TimeDue' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Čas splatnosti', 'Default' => ''),
296 'TimePayment' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Čas zaplacení', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
297 'Value' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Částka', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Kč'),
298 'File' => array('Type' => 'TFile', 'Caption' => 'Doklad', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
299 'Generate' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'Generovat', 'Default' => ''),
300 'PeriodFrom' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Období od', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
301 'PeriodTo' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Období do', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
302 'Cash' => array('Type' => 'Boolean', 'Caption' => 'Platit hotově', 'Default' => ''),
303 'Items' => array('Type' => 'TFinanceInvoiceItemListInvoice', 'Caption' => 'Položky', 'Default' => ''),
304 'OperationRel' => array('Type' => 'TFinanceInvoiceOperationRelListInvoice', 'Caption' => 'Platba', 'Default' => ''),
305 'OperationRelCount' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Plateb',
306 'ReadOnly' => true, 'SQL' => '(SELECT COUNT(`FinanceInvoiceOperationRel`.`Id`) FROM `FinanceInvoiceOperationRel` '.
307 'WHERE `FinanceInvoiceOperationRel`.`Invoice`=#Id)'),
308 ),
309 'BeforeInsert' => array($this, 'BeforeInsertFinanceOperation'),
310 ));
311 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('FinanceInvoiceIn', $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceInvoice']);
312 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceInvoiceIn']['Title'] = 'Přijaté faktury';
313 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceInvoiceIn']['Items']['Direction']['Default'] = -1;
314 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceInvoiceIn']['Items']['Direction']['Hidden'] = true;
315 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceInvoiceIn']['Items']['Direction']['Filter'] = true;
316 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceInvoiceIn']['Items']['DocumentLine']['Default'] = DOC_LINE_INVOICE_IN;
317 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceInvoiceIn']['Items']['DocumentLine']['Hidden'] = true;
318 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceInvoiceIn']['Items']['DocumentLine']['Filter'] = true;
320 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('FinanceInvoiceOut', $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceInvoice']);
321 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceInvoiceOut']['Title'] = 'Vydané faktury';
322 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceInvoiceOut']['Items']['Direction']['Default'] = 1;
323 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceInvoiceOut']['Items']['Direction']['Hidden'] = true;
324 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceInvoiceOut']['Items']['Direction']['Filter'] = true;
325 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceInvoiceOut']['Items']['DocumentLine']['Default'] = DOC_LINE_INVOICE_OUT;
326 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceInvoiceOut']['Items']['DocumentLine']['Hidden'] = true;
327 $this->System->FormManager->Classes['FinanceInvoiceOut']['Items']['DocumentLine']['Filter'] = true;
329 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TFinanceInvoiceDirection', array(
330 'Type' => 'Enumeration',
331 'States' => array(-1 => 'Příjem', 1 => 'Výdej'),
332 ));
334 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('Company', array(
335 'Title' => 'Firma',
336 'Table' => 'Company',
337 'Items' => array(
338 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Název', 'Default' => '0'),
339 'Subject' => array('Type' => 'TSubject', 'Caption' => 'Subjekt', 'Default' => '0'),
340 ),
341 ));
342 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('FinanceInvoiceItem', array(
343 'Title' => 'Položka faktury',
344 'Table' => 'FinanceInvoiceItem',
345 'Items' => array(
346 'FinanceInvoice' => array('Type' => 'TFinanceInvoice', 'Caption' => 'Faktura', 'Default' => '0'),
347 'Description' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Popis', 'Default' => 'Položka'),
348 'Price' => array('Type' => 'Float', 'Caption' => 'Částka', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Kč'),
349 'Quantity' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Množství', 'Default' => '1'),
350 'VAT' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Daň', 'Default' => '21', 'Suffix' => '%'),
351 'Total' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Celkem', 'Default' => '', 'Suffix' => 'Kč',
352 'ReadOnly' => true, 'SQL' => 'CEIL(`Price` * `Quantity`)'),
353 ),
354 ));
355 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('FinanceTreasury', array(
356 'Title' => 'Pokladny',
357 'Table' => 'FinanceTreasury',
358 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Name',
359 'Items' => array(
360 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''),
361 'TimeCreate' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Čas vytvoření', 'Default' => ''),
362 'State' => array('Type' => 'Float', 'Caption' => 'Stav', 'Default' => '',
363 'ReadOnly' => true, 'Suffix' => 'Kč', 'SQL' => '(SELECT SUM(`FinanceOperation`.`Value` * `FinanceOperation`.`Direction`) FROM `FinanceOperation` '.
364 'WHERE `FinanceOperation`.`Treasury`=#Id)'),
365 'Operations' => array('Type' => 'TFinanceOperationListTreasury', 'Caption' => 'Operace', 'Default' => ''),
366 ),
367 ));
368 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TFinanceTreasury', array(
369 'Type' => 'Reference',
370 'Table' => 'FinanceTreasury',
371 'Id' => 'Id',
372 'Name' => 'Name',
373 'Filter' => '1',
374 ));
375 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('FinanceBankAccount', array(
376 'Title' => 'Účty',
377 'Table' => 'FinanceBankAccount',
378 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Comment',
379 'Items' => array(
380 'Subject' => array('Type' => 'TSubject', 'Caption' => 'Vlastník', 'Default' => ''),
381 'Comment' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Komentář', 'Default' => ''),
382 'Number' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Číslo', 'Default' => ''),
383 'Bank' => array('Type' => 'TFinanceBank', 'Caption' => 'Banka', 'Default' => ''),
384 'TimeCreate' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Čas vytvoření', 'Default' => ''),
385 'TimeEnd' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Čas zrušení', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
386 'Currency' => array('Type' => 'TCurrency', 'Caption' => 'Měna', 'Default' => ''),
387 'LoginName' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Přihlašovací jméno / token', 'Default' => ''),
388 'LoginPassword' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Přihlašovací heslo', 'Default' => ''),
389 'Operations' => array('Type' => 'TFinanceOperationListAccount', 'Caption' => 'Operace', 'Default' => ''),
390 'LastImportDate' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Datum posledního importu', 'Default' => ''),
391 'LastImportId' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Id posledního importu', 'Default' => ''),
392 'State' => array('Type' => 'Float', 'Caption' => 'Stav', 'Default' => '',
393 'ReadOnly' => true, 'Suffix' => 'Kč', 'SQL' => '(SELECT SUM(`FinanceOperation`.`Value` * `FinanceOperation`.`Direction`) FROM `FinanceOperation` '.
394 'WHERE `FinanceOperation`.`BankAccount`=#Id)'),
395 ),
396 'ItemActions' => array(
397 array('Caption' => 'Import plateb z banky', 'URL' => '/finance/import-api/?i=#RowId'),
398 array('Caption' => 'Import plateb ze souboru', 'URL' => '/finance/import-soubor/?i=#RowId'),
399 ),
400 ));
401 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TFinanceBankAccount', array(
402 'Type' => 'Reference',
403 'Table' => 'FinanceBankAccount',
404 'Id' => 'Id',
405 'Name' => 'Comment',
406 'Filter' => '1',
407 ));
408 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('FinanceBank', array(
409 'Title' => 'Banky',
410 'Table' => 'FinanceBank',
411 'Items' => array(
412 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Název', 'Default' => ''),
413 'Code' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Český kód', 'Default' => ''),
414 'BIC' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Kód BIC', 'Default' => ''),
415 'Country' => array('Type' => 'TCountry', 'Caption' => 'Země', 'Default' => ''),
416 ),
417 ));
418 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TFinanceBank', array(
419 'Type' => 'Reference',
420 'Table' => 'FinanceBank',
421 'Id' => 'Id',
422 'Name' => 'CONCAT(Name, " (", Code, ")")',
423 'Filter' => '1',
424 ));
425 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('Currency', array(
426 'Title' => 'Měny',
427 'Table' => 'Currency',
428 'Items' => array(
429 'Code' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Kód', 'Default' => ''),
430 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''),
431 'Symbol' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Symbol', 'Default' => ''),
432 ),
433 ));
434 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('FinanceCharge', array(
435 'Title' => 'Parametry účtování',
436 'Table' => 'FinanceCharge',
437 'Items' => array(
438 'Internet' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Platba Internetu', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Kč'),
439 'InternetSpeed' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Rychlost Internetu', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Mbit/s'),
440 'InternetSpeedReserve' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Rezerva rychlosti', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Mbit/s'),
441 'AdministrationPerUser' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Správa za uživatele', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Kč'),
442 'kWh' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Cena kWh', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Kč'),
443 'BaseSpeedElement' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Základní díl rychlosti', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Mbit/s'),
444 'BaseTariffPrice' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Základní cena tarifu', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Kč'),
445 'TopTariffPrice' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Nejvyšší cena tarifu', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Kč'),
446 'Action' => array('Type' => 'TActionEnum', 'Caption' => 'Změna období', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
447 'ReplaceId' => array('Type' => 'TFinanceCharge', 'Caption' => 'Cílová položka', 'Default' => '0', 'Null' => true),
448 ),
449 ));
450 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('FinanceVAT', array(
451 'Title' => 'Sazby DPH',
452 'Table' => 'FinanceVAT',
453 'Items' => array(
454 'Type' => array('Type' => 'TFinanceVATType', 'Caption' => 'Typ', 'Default' => ''),
455 'ValidFrom' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Platnost od', 'Default' => ''),
456 'ValidTo' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Platnost do', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
457 'Value' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Hodnota', 'Default' => '', 'Suffix' => '%'),
458 ),
459 ));
460 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('FinanceVATType', array(
461 'Title' => 'Sazby DPH',
462 'Table' => 'FinanceVATType',
463 'Items' => array(
464 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Název', 'Default' => ''),
465 ),
466 ));
467 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('Contract', array(
468 'Title' => 'Smlouvy',
469 'Table' => 'Contract',
470 'Items' => array(
471 'DocumentLine' => array('Type' => 'TDocumentLine', 'Caption' => 'Dokladová řada', 'Default' => ''),
472 'BillCode' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Kód', 'Default' => ''),
473 'Subject' => array('Type' => 'TSubject', 'Caption' => 'Subjekt', 'Default' => ''),
474 'ValidFrom' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Platnost od', 'Default' => ''),
475 'ValidTo' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Platnost do', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
476 'File' => array('Type' => 'TFile', 'Caption' => 'Soubor', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
477 ),
478 'BeforeInsert' => array($this, 'BeforeInsertFinanceOperation'),
479 ));
480 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TContract', array(
481 'Type' => 'Reference',
482 'Table' => 'Contract',
483 'Id' => 'Id',
484 'Name' => 'BillCode',
485 'Filter' => '1',
486 ));
487 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TFinanceVAT', array(
488 'Type' => 'Reference',
489 'Table' => 'FinanceVAT',
490 'Id' => 'Id',
491 'Name' => 'Name',
492 'Filter' => '1',
493 ));
494 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TFinanceVATType', array(
495 'Type' => 'Reference',
496 'Table' => 'FinanceVATType',
497 'Id' => 'Id',
498 'Name' => 'Name',
499 'Filter' => '1',
500 ));
501 $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TBankAccount', array(
502 'Type' => 'Reference',
503 'Table' => 'FinanceBankAccount',
504 'Id' => 'Id',
505 'Name' => 'CONCAT(`Comment`, " (", `Number`, "/", '.
506 '(SELECT `FinanceBank`.`Code` FROM `FinanceBank` WHERE `FinanceBank`.`Id`=`FinanceBankAccount`.`Bank`), ")")',
507 'Filter' => '1',
508 ));
510 $this->System->AddModule(new Bill($this->System));
511 $this->System->AddModule(new Finance($this->System));
512 $this->System->Modules['Finance']->MainSubject = $Config['Finance']['MainSubjectId'];
513 $this->System->Modules['Finance']->DirectoryId = $Config['Finance']['DirectoryId'];
514 }
516 function DoStop()
517 {
518 }
520 function BeforeInsertFinanceOperation($Form)
521 {
522 if(array_key_exists('Time', $Form->Values)) $Year = date("Y", $Form->Values['Time']);
523 else $Year = date("Y", $Form->Values['ValidFrom']);
524 $DocumentLine = $Form->Values['DocumentLine'];
525 $Form->Values['BillCode'] = $this->System->Modules['Finance']->GetNextDocumentLineNumber($DocumentLine, $Year);
526 return($Form->Values);
527 }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.