1 | <?php
2 |
3 | include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/MimeTypes.php');
4 |
5 | class File extends Model
6 | {
7 | public string $FilesDir;
8 |
9 | function __construct(System $System)
10 | {
11 | parent::__construct($System);
12 | $this->FilesDir = '';
13 | }
14 |
15 | static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc
16 | {
17 | $Desc = new ModelDesc('File');
18 | $Desc->AddString('Name');
19 | $Desc->AddInteger('Size');
20 | $Desc->AddReference('Directory', FileDirectory::GetClassName(), true);
21 | $Desc->AddDateTime('Time');
22 | $Desc->AddString('Hash');
23 | $Desc->AddBoolean('Generate');
24 | return $Desc;
25 | }
26 |
27 | function Delete($Id): void
28 | {
29 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('File', 'Name', 'Id='.$Id);
30 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
31 | {
32 | $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
33 | $this->Database->delete('File', 'Id='.$Id);
34 | unlink($this->FilesDir.'/'.$Id.'_'.$DbRow['Name']);
35 | }
36 | }
37 |
38 | function CreateFromUpload(string $Name): string
39 | {
40 | // Submited form with file input have to be enctype="multipart/form-data"
41 | $Result = 0;
42 | if (array_key_exists($Name, $_FILES) and ($_FILES[$Name]['name'] != ''))
43 | {
44 | if (file_exists($_FILES[$Name]['tmp_name']))
45 | {
46 | $FileName = substr($_FILES[$Name]['name'], strrpos($_FILES[$Name]['name'], '/'));
47 | $this->Database->query('INSERT INTO File (`Name`, `Size`) VALUES ("'.$FileName.'", '.filesize($_FILES[$Name]['tmp_name']).')');
48 | $InsertId = $this->Database->insert_id;
49 | if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$Name]['tmp_name'], $this->FilesDir.'/'.$InsertId.'_'.$FileName)) $Result = $InsertId;
50 | }
51 | }
52 | return $Result;
53 | }
54 |
55 | function DetectMimeType(string $FileName): string
56 | {
57 | $MimeTypes = GetMimeTypes();
58 | $MimeType = pathinfo($FileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
59 | $Result = $MimeTypes[$MimeType][0];
60 | return $Result;
61 | }
62 |
63 | function DownloadHash(string $Hash): void
64 | {
65 | $this->Download('Hash="'.addslashes($Hash).'"');
66 | }
67 |
68 | function DownloadId(string $Id): void
69 | {
70 | if (!ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User->CheckPermission('File', 'DownloadById'))
71 | echo('Nemáte oprávnění');
72 | $this->Download('Id='.addslashes($Id));
73 | }
74 |
75 | function Download(string $Where): void
76 | {
77 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('File', '*', $Where);
78 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
79 | {
80 | $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
81 | if ($DbRow['Directory'] != '') $FileName = $this->GetDir($DbRow['Directory']);
82 | else $FileName = $this->FilesDir;
83 | $FileName .= $DbRow['Name'];
84 | if (file_exists($FileName))
85 | {
86 | Header('Content-Type: '.$this->DetectMimeType($FileName));
87 | Header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="'.$DbRow['Name'].'"');
88 | echo(file_get_contents($FileName));
89 | } else echo('Soubor nenalezen!');
90 | } else echo('Soubor nenalezen!');
91 | }
92 |
93 | function GetDir(string $Id): string
94 | {
95 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('FileDirectory', '*', 'Id='.$Id);
96 | $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
97 | if ($DbRow['Parent'] != '') $Result = $this->GetDir($DbRow['Parent']);
98 | else $Result = $this->FilesDir;
99 | $Result .= $DbRow['Name'].'/';
100 | return $Result;
101 | }
102 |
103 | function GetFullPath(string $Id): string
104 | {
105 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('File', '*', 'Id='.addslashes($Id));
106 | if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
107 | {
108 | $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
109 | if ($DbRow['Directory'] != '') $FileName = $this->GetDir($DbRow['Directory']);
110 | else $FileName = $this->FilesDir;
111 | $FileName .= $DbRow['Name'];
112 | return $FileName;
113 | } else echo('Soubor nenalezen!');
114 | }
115 | }
116 |
117 | class PageFile extends Page
118 | {
119 | function Show(): string
120 | {
121 | if (array_key_exists('h', $_GET))
122 | {
123 | $Hash = $_GET['h'];
124 | $this->RawPage = true;
125 | ModuleFile::Cast($this->System->GetModule('File'))->File->DownloadHash($Hash);
126 | return '';
127 | }
128 | else if (array_key_exists('i', $_GET) and is_numeric($_GET['i']))
129 | {
130 | $Id = $_GET['i'] * 1;
131 | $this->RawPage = true;
132 | ModuleFile::Cast($this->System->GetModule('File'))->File->DownloadId($Id);
133 | }
134 | else return $this->SystemMessage('Chyba', 'Nezadáno id souboru');
135 | return '';
136 | }
137 | }
138 |
139 | class FileDirectory extends Model
140 | {
141 | static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc
142 | {
143 | $Desc = new ModelDesc('FileDirectory');
144 | $Desc->AddString('Name');
145 | $Desc->AddReference('Parent', FileDirectory::GetClassName(), true);
146 | return $Desc;
147 | }
148 | }
149 |
150 | class PageFileCheck extends Page
151 | {
152 | function __construct(System $System)
153 | {
154 | parent::__construct($System);
155 | $this->Title = 'File check';
156 | $this->ParentClass = 'PagePortal';
157 | }
158 |
159 | function GetAbsolutePath(string $Path): string
160 | {
161 | $Path = trim($Path);
162 | $IsRoot = substr($Path, 0, 1) == '/';
163 | $Path = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $Path);
164 | $Parts = array_filter(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $Path), 'strlen');
165 | $Absolutes = array();
166 | foreach ($Parts as $Part)
167 | {
168 | if ('.' == $Part) continue;
169 | if ('..' == $Part)
170 | {
171 | array_pop($Absolutes);
172 | } else
173 | {
174 | $Absolutes[] = $Part;
175 | }
176 | }
177 | $Path = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $Absolutes);
178 | if ($IsRoot) $Path = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$Path;
179 | return $Path;
180 | }
181 |
182 | function Show(): string
183 | {
184 | $Output = '<strong>Missing files:</strong><br>';
185 | if (!ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User->CheckPermission('File', 'Check'))
186 | return 'Nemáte oprávnění';
187 | $DbResult = $this->Database->select('File', 'Id');
188 | while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
189 | {
190 | $Id = $DbRow['Id'];
191 | $FileName = $this->GetAbsolutePath(ModuleFile::Cast($this->System->GetModule('File'))->File->GetFullPath($Id));
192 | if (!file_exists($FileName))
193 | $Output .= '<a href="'.$this->System->Link('/is/?a=view&t=File&i='.$Id).'">'.$FileName.'</a><br>';
194 | }
195 | return $Output;
196 | }
197 | }
198 |
199 | class ModuleFile extends Module
200 | {
201 | public File $File;
202 |
203 | function __construct(System $System)
204 | {
205 | parent::__construct($System);
206 | $this->Name = 'File';
207 | $this->Version = '1.0';
208 | $this->Creator = 'Chronos';
209 | $this->License = 'GNU/GPLv3';
210 | $this->Description = 'Base module for file management';
211 | $this->Dependencies = array(ModuleUser::GetName());
212 | $this->Models = array(FileDirectory::GetClassName(), File::GetClassName());
213 |
214 | $this->File = new File($this->System);
215 | }
216 |
217 | function DoStart(): void
218 | {
219 | global $Config;
220 |
221 | $this->System->RegisterPage(['file'], 'PageFile');
222 | $this->System->RegisterPage(['file-check'], 'PageFileCheck');
223 | $this->File->FilesDir = dirname(__FILE__).'/../../'.$Config['Web']['UploadFileFolder'];
224 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('File', array(
225 | 'Title' => 'Soubor',
226 | 'Table' => 'File',
227 | 'Items' => array(
228 | 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''),
229 | 'Directory' => array('Type' => 'TDirectory', 'Caption' => 'Adresář', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
230 | 'Size' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Velikost', 'Default' => ''),
231 | 'Time' => array('Type' => 'DateTime', 'Caption' => 'Čas vytvoření', 'Default' => ''),
232 | 'Hash' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Haš', 'Default' => ''),
233 | 'Invoices' => array('Type' => 'TFinanceInvoiceListFile', 'Caption' => 'Faktury', 'Default' => ''),
234 | 'Operations' => array('Type' => 'TFinanceOperationListFile', 'Caption' => 'Operace', 'Default' => ''),
235 | 'Contracts' => array('Type' => 'TContractListFile', 'Caption' => 'Smlouvy', 'Default' => ''),
236 | 'StockMoves' => array('Type' => 'TStockMoveListFile', 'Caption' => 'Skladové pohyby', 'Default' => ''),
237 | ),
238 | 'ItemActions' => array(
239 | array('Caption' => 'Stáhnout', 'URL' => '/file?i=#RowId'),
240 | ),
241 | 'Actions' => array(
242 | array('Caption' => 'Kontrola souborů', 'URL' => '/file-check'),
243 | ),
244 | ));
245 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('FileDirectory', array(
246 | 'Title' => 'Adresář souborů',
247 | 'Table' => 'FileDirectory',
248 | 'Items' => array(
249 | 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''),
250 | 'Parent' => array('Type' => 'TDirectory', 'Caption' => 'Nadřazený adresář', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
251 | 'Files' => array('Type' => 'TFileList', 'Caption' => 'Soubory', 'Default' => ''),
252 | 'Subdirectories' => array('Type' => 'TDirectoryList', 'Caption' => 'Podadresáře', 'Default' => ''),
253 | ),
254 | ));
255 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TDirectory', array(
256 | 'Type' => 'Reference',
257 | 'Table' => 'FileDirectory',
258 | 'Id' => 'Id',
259 | 'Name' => 'Name',
260 | 'Filter' => '1',
261 | ));
262 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TFile', array(
263 | 'Type' => 'Reference',
264 | 'Table' => 'File',
265 | 'Id' => 'Id',
266 | 'Name' => 'Name',
267 | 'Filter' => '1',
268 | ));
269 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TFileList', array(
270 | 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
271 | 'Table' => 'File',
272 | 'Id' => 'Id',
273 | 'Ref' => 'Directory',
274 | 'Filter' => '1',
275 | ));
276 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TDirectoryList', array(
277 | 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
278 | 'Table' => 'FileDirectory',
279 | 'Id' => 'Id',
280 | 'Ref' => 'Parent',
281 | 'Filter' => '1',
282 | ));
283 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TFinanceInvoiceListFile', array(
284 | 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
285 | 'Table' => 'FinanceInvoice',
286 | 'Id' => 'Id',
287 | 'Ref' => 'File',
288 | 'Filter' => '1',
289 | ));
290 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TFinanceOperationListFile', array(
291 | 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
292 | 'Table' => 'FinanceOperation',
293 | 'Id' => 'Id',
294 | 'Ref' => 'File',
295 | 'Filter' => '1',
296 | ));
297 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TContractListFile', array(
298 | 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
299 | 'Table' => 'Contract',
300 | 'Id' => 'Id',
301 | 'Ref' => 'File',
302 | 'Filter' => '1',
303 | ));
304 | $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TStockMoveListFile', array(
305 | 'Type' => 'ManyToOne',
306 | 'Table' => 'StockMove',
307 | 'Id' => 'Id',
308 | 'Ref' => 'File',
309 | 'Filter' => '1',
310 | ));
311 | }
312 |
313 | static function Cast(Module $Module): ModuleFile
314 | {
315 | if ($Module instanceof ModuleFile)
316 | {
317 | return $Module;
318 | }
319 | throw new Exception('Expected ModuleFile type but got '.gettype($Module));
320 | }
321 | }